Content Posted in 2024
#01- Aragón, Nicanor (Algodones), 10/17/1979, part 1 of 2
#01- Aragón, Nicanor (Algodones), 10/17/1979, part 2 of 2
02/12/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
03-07-24 HSC Committee Agenda, HSC Committee
03.07.24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Helen Maestas
03/11/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
05-02-24 HSC Committee Meeting Agenda, HSC Committee
05/13/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
06/10/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
06.23.2020 Board of Medical Investigators State of New Mexico Meeting Minutes, Anthony Cervantes
07/08/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
08-08-24 HSC Committee Meeting Agenda, Helen Maestass
08-08-24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Helen Maestas
08/09/2023 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
08/19/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
09/11/2023 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
10-02-24 HSC Committee Meeting Agenda, Helen Maestas
10-02-24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Helen Maestas
10-03-24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Helen Maestas
10/09/2023 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
11/13/2023 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
12-05-24 HSC Committee Meeting Agenda, Patricia Serna
12-05-24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Patricia Serna
12/11/2024 Meeting, Varina A. Kosovich
12th edition ¡Cine Magnífico! Latino Film Festival, Instituto Cervantes Albuquerque and Latin American and Iberian Institute
150+1 PROBLEME (și soluțiile lor) 150+1 / PROBLEMS (and their solutions) - bilingual Romanian-English, Carina Maria Viespescu, Lucian Tutescu, and Florentin Smarandache
1909 Constitución de la Orden de Protección Mutua de Trabajadores Unidos, José Rivera
1910 Articles of Incorporation State of Colorado 26 September 1910, José Rivera
1911 Preamble and Other Documents, José Rivera
1922-1926 Código Ritualístico Booklet Cover, José Rivera
1960s Colombia: Cold War & Culture, Dave Corcoran and Latin American and Iberian Institute
1984 Ogden Utah Convention Photo, José Rivera
1 As Matriarcas e Dedeco, Latin American and Iberian Institute
2006 Ranchos de Taos, NM Convention, José Rivera
2008 Denver, CO Convention, José Rivera
2008 Denver, CO Convention, José Rivera
2010 Nambé, NM Convention, José Rivera
2012 Conejos, CO Convention, José Rivera
2018 Nambé, NM Convention, José Rivera
2021 Location Report, The Office of Program Evaluation, Education and Research at the University of New Mexico (UNM) School of Medicine
2022-2023 Annual Report: HSLIC Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
2022/2023 ASM BBA ACCT Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM BBA Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM CARC Form, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM EMBA Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM MACCT Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM Maturity Rubric, Cassie L. Rowe
2022/2023 ASM MBA Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM MSCBA Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 ASM MSPM Assessment Report, ASM Anderson School of Mgmt
2022/2023 BA Dance Assessment, CFA Department of Theatre and Dance
2022/2023 CAS Archaeology MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Archaeology PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Biochemistry BA/BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Biology MS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Biology MS II Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Biology PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Chemistry BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Chemistry BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS CLCS MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS CLST BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Communication MA Assessment Plan, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Criminology/Sociology BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS East Asian Studies BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS ECON BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS ENGL BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS ENVS BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EPS BA Assessment Plan, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EPS BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EPS MS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EPS PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EvAnth BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EvAnth BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS EvAnth PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Geography BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Geography BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Geography MS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Geography PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS HMHV BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Languages BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS LAS BA Assessment Report, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS LAS MA Assessment Report, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS LAS PhD Assessment Report, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Linguistics BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Linguistics MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Linguistics PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS NAS BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS NAS MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Philosophy MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Philosophy PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Physics BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Physics BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Psychology BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Psychology BS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Psychology PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Public Archaeology MA/MS Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Public Policy MPP Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Religious Studies BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Russia BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS SCALA MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS SCALA PhD Assessment Plan, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS SHS PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Sociology BA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Sociology MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Sociology PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Span/Port MA Assessment, OACAS
2022/2023 CAS Span/Port PhD Assessment, OACAS
2022_2023 CFA ALBS Grad Minor Assessment, Peter Lisignoli
2022_2023 CFA ALBS UG Minor Assessment, Peter Lisignoli
2022/2023 CFA BA Art History Assessment, CFA
2022/2023 CFA BA Art Studio Assessment, CFA
2022_2023 CFA BAIA Assessment, Peter Lisignoli
2022/2023 CFA BA Music Assessment.pdf, CFA Department of Art
2022/2023 CFA BFA Art Studio Assessment, CFA
2022/2023_CFA_BFA Design For Performance_Program Assessment, Peter Lisignoli
2022/2023_CFA BME Academic Assessment, Peter Lisignoli
2022/2023 CFA BM Music Assessment, CFA Department of Art
2022/2023 CFA CARC REPORT, Peter Lisignoli
2022/2023 CFA FDA BA Animation Assessment, CFA Department of Cinematic Arts
2022/2023 CFA FDA BACritical Studies Assessment, CFA Department of Cinematic Arts
2022/2023 CFA FDA BA FilmProduction Assessment, CFA Department of Cinematic Arts
2022/2023 CFA FDA BA Gaming Assessment, CFA Department of Cinematic Arts
2022/2023 CFA FDA BFA FilmProduction Assessment, CFA Department of Cinematic Arts
2022/2023 CFA MA Art History Assessment, CFA
2022/2023 CFA Master of Music, CFA Department of Art
2022/2023 CFA MFA Art Studio Assessment, CFA
2022/2023 COEHS Athletic Training MS Assessment Plan, COEHS Athletic Training
2022/2023 COEHS CARC Form, COEHS
2022/2023 COEHS Community Health Education BS Assessment, COEHS Community Health Education
2022/2023 COEHS Community Health Education MS Assessment, COEHS Community Health Education
2022/2023 COEHS Educational Leadership EdD Assessment, COEHS Educational Leadership
2022/2023 COEHS Educational Leadership MA Assessment, COEHS Educational Leadership
2022/2023 COEHS Educational Linguistics PhD Assessment, COEHS Educational Linguistics
2022/2023 COEHS Educational Psychology MA Assessment, COEHS Educational Psychology
2022/2023 COEHS Educational Psychology PhD Assessment, COEHS Educational Psychology
2022/2023 COEHS Education MA Assessment, COEHS Education
2022/2023 COEHS Elementary Education BSEd Assessment, COEHS Elementary Education
2022/2023 COEHS Exercise Science BS Assessment, COEHS Exercise Science
2022/2023 COEHS Family and Child Studies BS Assessment, COEHS Family and Child Studies
2022/2023 COEHS Family and Child Studies MA-PhD Assessment, COEHS Family and Child Studies
2022/2023 COEHS Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies MA Assessment, COEHS Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
2022/2023 COEHS Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies PhD Assessment, COEHS Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
2022/2023 COEHS Nutrition and Dietetics BS Assessment, COEHS Nutrition and Dietetics
2022/2023 COEHS Nutrition MS Assessment, COEHS Nutrition
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Curriculum & Instruction Concentration MS Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Curriculum & Instruction Concentration PhD Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Exercise Science Concentration MS Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Exercise Science Concentration PhD Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Sport Administration Concentration MS Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education, Sport Administration Concentration PhD Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2022/2023 COEHS Physical Education Teacher Education BSEd Assessment, COEHS Physical Education Teacher Education
2022/2023 COEHS Secondary Education BSEd/BAEd Assessment, COEHS Secondary Education
2022/2023 COEHS Special Education BSEd Assessment, COEHS Special Education
2022/2023 COEHS Special Education MA Assessment, COEHS Special Education
2022/2023 COEHS Special Education PhD Assessment, COEHS Special Education
2022-2023 COEHS State of Assessment Narrative and Rubric, COEHS
2022/2023 COEHS Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education PhD Assessment, COEHS Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education
2022/2023 COPH BSPH Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 COPH MPH Assessment and Plan, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 HC Honors College BA Assessment, HC Honors College
2022/2023 MA DanceHistoryCriticism Assessment, CFA Department of Theatre and Dance
2022/2023 MCRP SAP Academic Assessment, SAP Community & Regional Planning
2022/2023 MFA Dance Assessment, CFA Department of Theatre and Dance
2022_2023 SAP BAEPD academic assessment, SAP Community & Regional Planning
2022/2023 SoE Biomedical Engineering MS assessment, SoE Biomedical Engineering
2022/2023 SoE BioMedical Engineering PhD assessment, SoE BioMedical Engineering
2022/2023 SoE CARC form, SoE CARC form
2022/2023 SoE Civi Engineering BSCE assessment, SoE Civil Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Civil Engineering MEng assessment, SoE Civil Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Civil Engineering MS assessment, SoE Civil Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Computer Science BS assessment, SoE Computer Science
2022/2023 SoE Computer Science MS assessment, SoE Computer Science
2022/2023 SoE Computer Science PhD assessment, SoE Computer Science
2022/2023 SoE Construction Engineering BSCnE assessment, SoE Construction Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Construction Management BSCM assessment, SoE Construction Management
2022/2023 SoE Construction Management MS assessment, SoE Construction Management
2022/2023 SoE Maturity Rubric and Narrative, SoE Dean's Office
2022/2023 SoE Mechanical Engineering BS assessment, SoE Mechanical Engineering
2022/2023 SoE NSME MS assessment, SoE Nanoscience and Micro Systems Engineering
2022/2023 SoE NSME PhD assessment, SoE Nanosci and Microsystem Engineering
2022/2023 SoE NSME PhD assessment, SoE NanoScience and Microsyst Engr
2022/2023 SoE Nuclear Engineering BS assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Nuclear Engineering MS Assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Nuclear Engineering PhD Assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Optical Science and Engineering MS assessment, SoE Optical Science and Engineering
2022/2023 SoE Optical Science and Engineering PhD assessment, SoE Optical Sci and Engr
2022/2023 SOM and COPH State of Assessment Narrative and Rubric, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Certificate in Clinical and Translational Science Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Certificate University Science Teaching Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program MS PhD Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Dental Hygiene BS Entry Level Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Dental Hygiene BS Entry Level Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Plan, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Dental Hygiene MS Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Medical Doctor MD Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Medical Laboratory Sciences BS Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Occupational Therapy MOT Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Occupational Therapy OTD Plan, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Physical Therapy DPT Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Physician Assistant MS Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Radiologic Sciences BSRS Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Radiologic Sciences MRI Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 SOM Radiologic Sciences Nuclear Medicine Assessment, UNM-North Campus
2022/2023 UNMG Assessment Plan, UNMG
2022/2023 UNMV Art Studio AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Art Studio Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Automotive Tech Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Business Admin AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Business Admin Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV CARC Form, Laura Musselwhite
2022/2023 UNMV CNA Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Computational Math AAS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Criminal Justice AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Criminology AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Early Childhood Ed AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Early Childhood Ed Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Elementary Ed AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Elementary Ed Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV EMS AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV EMS Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV FDMA AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
2022/2023 UNMV FDMA Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Game Design AAS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Game Design Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV General Science AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Health Education AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Health IT Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Info Tech AAS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Info Tech Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Integrative Studies AIS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Liberal Arts AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Mathematics AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Medical Asst Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Networking Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Nursing AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV PCA Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV PC Operating Systems Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Phlebotomy Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Pre-Engineering AS Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Secondary Ed AA Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV State of Assessment Narrative and Rubric, Laura Musselwhite
2022/2023 UNMV VMWare Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022/2023 UNMV Welding Cert Assessment, UNMV Valencia
2022 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for Exercise, Rehabilitation, Diet, and Additional Integrative Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bryant R England, Benjamin J Smith, Nancy A Baker, Jennifer L Barton, Carol A Oatis, Gordon Guyatt, Allen Anandarajah, Kristine Carandang, Karmela Kim Chan, Deb Constien, Eileen Davidson, Carole V Dodge, Anita Bemis-Dougherty, Sotiria Everett, Nadine Fisher, Liana Fraenkel, Susan M Goodman, Janet Lewis, Victoria Menzies, Larry W Moreland, Iris Navarro-Millan, Sarah Patterson, Lawrence Rick Phillips, Neha Shah, Namrata Singh, Daniel White, Rawan AlHeresh, Kamil E Barbour, Thomas Bye, Dana Guglielmo, Rebecca Haberman, Tate Johnson, Anatole Kleiner, Chris Y Lane, Linda C Li, Hiral Master, Daniel Pinto, Janet L Poole, Kimberly Steinbarger, Daniel Sztubinski, Louise Thoma, Vlad Tsaltskan, Marat Turgunbaev, Courtney Wells, Amy S Turner, and Jonathan R Treadwell
2022 Location Report, The Office of Program Evaluation, Education and Research at the University of New Mexico (UNM) School of Medicine
20230707_A Warm Welcome to our Residents, Deborah J. Rhue
20230713_A Faculty Guide to Accessing eTextbooks at HSLIC, Kaylee Nauer
20230714_What Are Special Collections, Abbie Weiser
20230718_New Nap Pods Now Available, David Lucero
20230719_New Chair of the HSLIC JEI Committee, Varina Kosovich
20230721_Open Educational Resources- What are they and how can I use them, Robyn Gleasner
20230725_Staff Pick for Quick Nursing Evidence Summaries, Lisa M. Acuff
20230808_Archivist Office Hours, Abbie Weiser
20230817_GIDEON at HSLIC, Robyn Gleasner
20230823_Use Interlibrary Loan to Request Resources HSLIC Doesn't Own, Kristin R. Proctor
20230825_New Tech @ HSLIC, Tim Mey
20230830_Welcome Back Days, Amy Weig-Pickering
20230831_Database Search Strategies, Gale Hannigan PhD
20230901_HSLIC's Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series Presents- Sean Mooney, PhD, Brandon Carroll
20230907_How can I find research instruments, Lisa M. Acuff
20230914_HSLIC Welcomes NMSL Tribal Libraries Program, Deirdre Caparoso
20230915_Thinking about Thinking with AI, Laura J. Hall
20230921_Banned Books Week is Almost Here, Deirdre Caparoso
20230922_HSLIC Offers New Digital Content in Libby OverDrive, Robyn Gleasner
20230927_New Material at HSLIC, Moses L. Moya
20230928_HSLIC's Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series Presents- Jeremy J. Yang, Ph.D, Brandon Carroll
20230929_2022-2023 Seed Funding Grant Recipients Grow HSLIC’s Services and Resources, Sally Bowler-Hill
20231002_HSLIC Names New Student Success Coordinator, Tim Mey
20231006_October is American Archives Month, Abbie Weiser
20231009_HSLIC Welcomes a New Faculty Member, Ingrid Hendrix
20231011_Draft of HSLIC's Collection Development Manual, Robyn Gleasner
20231011_National Medical Librarian's Month and Health Literacy Month, Deborah J. Rhue
20231012_Native Health Database Community Engagement Studio - Addressing the Needs of our Users, Jonathan M. Pringle
20231013_Preserving Your Own Archives, Abbie Weiser
20231017_OT Students Explore VR Using the Library’s Oculus Quest 2 Headsets, Jonathan Seyfried
20231018_UNM Celebrates Open Access Week, Robyn Gleasner
20231020_Early History of HSLIC Special Collections, Abbie Weiser
20231023_Welcome to Open Access Week at UNM, Robyn Gleasner
20231027_Special Collections - Recent Highlights, Abbie Weiser
20231102_Draft of HSLIC's Collection Development Manual Open for Public Review, Robyn Gleasner
20231103_HSLIC Scholarship Day, Deborah J. Rhue
20231106_What Are You Grateful For, David Lucero
20231107_Librarian Research Team Embarks on Summative Content Analysis Project of Type 1 Diabetes Patient Education Materials, Sally Bowler-Hill
20231108_Introducing HSLIC’s New AI in Health Sciences Research Guide, Laura J. Hall
20231109_Historical Sources about Diabetes in HSLIC Special Collections, Abbie Weiser
20231110_HSLIC's Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series Presents- Tatsuya Norii, MD, Brandon Carroll
20231114_UNM Gains Access to NIH All of Us Research Program Workbench, Melissa L. Rethlefsen
20231117_HSLIC Scholarship Day, Amy Weig-Pickering
20231121_HSLIC's Student Computing Updated with Statistical Software, Tim Mey
20231127_Course Reserves have moved, Kaylee Nauer
20231127_HSLIC 2023-2024 Seed Funding Grant Recipients Expand Access and Conduct Research, Sally Bowler-Hill
20231128_Introducing UNM’s JoVE Subscription, Robyn Gleasner
20231130_HSLIC's Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series Presents- Leo S. Lo, EdD, MLIS, MFA, and Laura Hall, MFA, MBA, Brandon Carroll
20231201_On the Road with HSLIC Outreach, Deirdre Caparoso
20231204_Fuel for Finals December 4th-8th, Varina Kosovich
20231205_Library’s Entry-Level Floor Is Getting a Refresh!, Sally Bowler-Hill
20231206_Joseph V. Scaletti Papers Processed, Abbie Weiser
20231206_New Materials at HSLIC, Moses L. Moya
20231215_HSLIC's Collection Development Manual Approved, Robyn Gleasner
20231219_Library Renovation Project Begins, Sally Bowler-Hill
2023/2023 SoE Chemical Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Chemical Engineering
2023/2024 AASS Assessment (Reporting), Brandi Stone
2023/2024 Center for Teaching & Learning Assessment, Center for Teaching & Learning
2023/2024 OAAPR Assessment, Julie A. Sanchez
2023_2024 SAP rubric-academic-maturity, Jennifer Tucker
2023/2024 UC Academic Communities Assessment Plan, Caitlin Lippitt, David Weiss, Cash Clifton, and Christopher Lyons
2023/2024 UC LAIS BA Assessment Plan, University College, Caitlin Lippitt, and Christopher Lyons
2023 Learning & Outreach Services (UNM University Libraries) Assessment Framework, Holly M. Surbaugh and Olivia Baca
2024 Brain & Behavioral Health Poster, Faith Brandt
2024 Indigenous Child Language Research Center Handbook, Tamera C. Yazzie, Bethany G. Lycan, Ryan D. Smith, Cormac League, and Melvatha R. Chee
2024 LGBTQ Resource Center Assessment, Frankie Flores
2025 Child Language Acquisition Symposium for Indigenous Communities Program Booklet, Tamera C. Yazzie, Kayleigh L. Russell, and Melvatha R. Chee
2025 Special Collections Calendar, UNM HSLIC Special Collections
²⁰⁷Pb (n, n') ²⁰⁷Pbm And ²⁰⁸Pb (n, 2n) ²⁰⁷Pbm Cross Sections, Edward Raymond Shunk
2-Tuple Linguistic Neutrosophic Numbers and Variance Analysis to Examine Citizenship Formation in the General Studies Programs at the Universities of Lima, Marco Antonio Tarifeño Ramírez, Ada Lucía Gallegos Ruiz Conejo, Héctor Félix Cerna Maguiña, Nancy Elizabeth Alberca Pintado, Carlos Edwin Rojas Saldívar, and Secundino Marrero Ramírez
4 Fragmentos Plataforma Garimpar, Latin American and Iberian Institute
5.2.24 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, Helen Maestas
5 Equipe Plataforma Garimpar, Latin American and Iberian Institute
5 Senses Poetry, Latin American and Iberian Institute
5th Symposium on Amazonian Languages, Department of Linguistics, UNM and Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Bada** Retelling of the Mexican Revolution, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Bio-inspired Alternative Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Approach based on a Potential Game-theoretic Model, Md Sadman Siraj
A Biomechanical Comparison of Locking Plates Contrasted with Intramedullary Treatment of Distal Femur Fracture, Christina Salas
A Brief History Of The St. Louis, Rocky Mountain & Pacific Company., Craig Alan Ratchner
Academic Stress and Prosocial Outcomes: The Role of Maternal Support, Lynda J. Cruz
A Case Study For Rural Revitalization., Gerald Donald Percifield
Accelerated Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation Modulates Microglial Activation in the Thalamus: Preliminary Data, Karen Luo, Binh Nguyen, Sarah Ward, Tessa Olmstead, Hans Van der Horn, Christopher Abbott, Andrei Vakhtin, and Davin K. Quinn
Access And Other Arterial Road Characteristics Influencing Pedestrians And Bicyclists’ Crashes In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Yully Tatiana Chaves Lasso, Lisa Lorena Losada-Rojas PhD., Nick Ferenchak PhD., and Yan Lin PhD.
Accessibility of public buildings in the United States: a cross-sectional survey, Suzanne Perea Burns, Rochelle J. Mendonca, and Roger O. Smith
Achieving Climate Justice Through Land Back: An Overview of Tribal Dispossession, Land Return Efforts, and Practical Mechanisms for #LandBack, Vanessa Racehorse
Acidities In Ethanol/Water Solvents;The Pka Of Hf., Raymond M. Merrill
A Civil War of Ideas: Progress and Reaction in American Public Perception of The Spanish Civil War, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Class that Does (not) Matter: Rethinking Cold War Latin America from the Middle, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Comparative Analysis Of The United States Air Force Officer Performance Evaluation System., Carol Adamiak Yarnall
A Comparative Investigation of the Reading Achievement of Non-English Speaking Children, Kathleen M. Timmins
A comparative study based on neutrosophic numbers and the Indeterminate VIKOR method for the selection of three types of vertical axis wind turbines adapted to the conditions of Peru, David Elvis Condezo Hurtado, Becquer Frauberth Camayo-Lapa, José Eduardo Galarza-Linares, Brecio Daniel Lazo-Baltazar, Armando Felipe Calcina Sotelo, Adrián Becquer Camayo-Vivas, Bartolomé Sáenz Loayza, and Miguel Ángel Quispe Solano
A Comparative Study of Individualized and Basal Reading Methods in First Grade, Zelda Maggart
A Comparative Study Of Individualized And Basal Reading Methods In Fourth Grade., Margaret A. Peke
A Comparative Study Of Preferences Of Anglo And American Indian Children For Particular Visual Qualities, Frank Anton Alhelm
A Comparative Study of Therapeutic Environments for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Children, Loretta Ann Serna
A Comparative Study Of The Relationship Of Self Concept To Achievement In Navajo And Anglo Children., Ronald L. Oldham
A Comparison of Aphasic and Non-Brain Injured Adults on a Dichotic CV-Syllable Listening Task, Janet E. Shanks
A Comparison of Cognitive Impairment in Health Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the Moderating Role of Social Connectedness, Kaitlyn B. Schodt
A Comparison of First Grade Children with Kindergarten and Non-Kindergarten Backgrounds, Robert Gregory Walsh
A Comparison of Language Delayed and Non-Language Delayed Children on a Dichotic CV Syllable Listening Task, Mary Sharon Nilson
A Comparison of Locus of Control in Children in the Resource Room, Itinerant Program, and the Regular Class, Mary A. Weidle
A Comparison of Raw Scored of Two Second Grade Groups on a Reading Test Based on the Phonology, Morphology and Syntax of the First Nine Levels of the Miami Linguisic Readers, Sally L. Pavletich
A Comparison of Reading Strategies Among Spanish Speaking University Students in Different Programs of English for Specific Purposes Based on An Indeterminate Likert Scale, Andrea Sofía Ribadeneira Vacacela
A Comparison Of Recreation Leader Inventory Scores And Recreation Administrator Input In The Selection Of Recreation Leaders., John D. Rivera
A Comparison of Retained and Special-Placed Children's Self-Concepts, Susan Theisen-Washburn
A Comparison of the Themes of Edward Albee and Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Thomas B. Stribling
A Comparison Of Two Methods Of Speech Reception Threshold Measurement, Richard Allen Oge
A Comprehensive Analysis of Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Operator, A. Kanchana, D. Nagarajan, S. Broumi, and Dedy Dwi Prastyo
A Comprehensive Decision Algorithm for the Analysis of Renewable Energy Source Selection Problem using Pythagorean Neutrosophic Fuzzy Sets, D. Sasirekha and P. Senthilkumar
A Comprehensive Study on Decision-Making Algorithms in Retail and Project Management using Double Framed Hypersoft Sets, Ajoy Kanti Das, Florentin Smarandache, Rakhal Das, and Suman Das
A Compressive Force Transducer For Use On Rocket Sleds., Robert Merrill Workhoven
A Consideration of the Aesthetic-Productive Process as Integration of Self and Environment, Thomas H. Watkins II
A Constructionist Approach to Verbal Borrowing: The Case of Paraguayan Guarani, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Criterial Attribute Interpretation of Categorization, Gale Sutton
A Criterion of Rationality in Performance Evaluation, Louis Herbert Pitts
A Critical Edition Of El Jardin De Falerina By Francisco De Rojas Zorilla, Antonio Coello Y Ochoa, And Pedro Calderon De La Barca, With Introduction And Notes., Robert Rudolf Bacalski
A Critical Evaluation Of The Sources Available For Dividends In New Mexico., D. Dennis Royer
A Critique Of Logical Atomism, Ramesh Nath Patel
Acrostic Poetry, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Act Chapter 29: Art and Science and Theology in dialogue, V. Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Active Brazing of Single Crystal Al2O3 to Kovar Alloy with AgCuZr Filler Metal, Anthony M. McMaster
Activity Art, Benson Kurt Shaw
A Curriculum Model For Teacher Art Education (P1-P3) In Nigeria, Olayinka Ajayi-Kardin
Acute Leukemias with Complex Karyotype Show a Similarly Poor Outcome Independent of Mixed, Myeloid or Lymphoblastic Immunophenotype: A Study from the Bone Marrow Pathology Group, Timothy Kirtek, Weina Chen, Dorottya Laczko, Adam Bagg, Prasad Koduru, Kathryn Foucar, Elise Venable, Meredith Nichols, Heesun J. Rogers, Wayne Tam, Attilio Orazi, Eric D. Hsi, Robert P. Hasserjian, Sa A. Wang, Daniel A. Arber, and Olga K. Weinberg
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Masquerading as Antiphospholipid Syndrome in a Woman with SLE, Krista Stephens and Nathan Nielsen
Aczel-Alsina power average aggregation operators of Singlevalued Neutrosophic under confdence levels and theirapplication in multiple attribute decision making, S Bharathi and S Mohanaselvi
Adaptive Screen Capture Video Analysis, Ugesh Egala
A Decision-Making Approach Incorporating TODIM Method and Sine Entropy in q-Rung Picture Fuzzy Set Setting, Büşra Aydoğan, Murat Olgun, Florentin Smarandache, and Mehmet Unver
A Demonstration Architectural Design Process (Design of a Solar Manzanita Center for the University of New Mexico), Richard Charles Willard
A Descriptive Analysis of Fatal Outcomes in Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in the USTMA TTP Registry, Mouhamed Yazan Abou-Ismail, Chong Zhang, Angela Presson, Shruti Chaturvedi, Ana G. Antun, Andrew Farland, Ryan Woods, Ara Metjian, Yara Park, Gustaaf de Ridder, Briana Gibson, Raj S. Kasthuri, Darla K. Liles, Frank Akwaa, Todd Clover, Lisa Baumann Kreuziger, Meera Sridharan, Ronald S. Go, Keith R. McCrae, Harsh Vardhan Upreti, Radhika Gangaraju, Nicole Katlyn Kocher, X Long Zheng, Jay S. Raval, Camila Masias, Spero R. Cataland, Andrew David Johnson, Elizabeth Davis, Michael D. Evans, Marshall Mazepa, and Ming Y. Lim
A Design For A Productivity Measurement System In Publicly-Owned Community Water Utilities, Paul D. Noland
A Design Study For A Wavy Hydrodynamic Mechanical Face Seal, Raymond Edward Pierce
A Digital Dynamic Data Compensation Technique, George Lee Schulz
A Discovery of Visual Poetry: Reading UNM's Collection of Mexican and Chilean Comics and Zines, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Discussion Illustrating Some Of The Advantages Of Mixed-Media Painting, Robert C. Morrison
A Discussion of My Work, Illona M. Petrovits
A Dissonance Approach To Persuasion., Robert Wayne Norton
A Dream Deferred: Communism, Secession, and the Decline of Hardrock Unionism, Dominic Alexander Treadwell
Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion. Collected Works, Volume 5, Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert, and Albena Tchamova
Advancing Influence in Social Networks Based on Game Theory, Adedamola Adesokan
Aerodynamic Dimpling for the Nose Cone of a High-Power Competition Rocket, Graham Geoffrey Monroe
Aero Space Management Concepts and the Environmental Crises, Robert J. Ward
A Few Lessons from Venezuela: Introducing a New Path of Appropriate Farming and Appropriate Renewable Energy, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A few little steps beyond Knuth’s Boolean Logic Table with Neutrosophic Logic: A Paradigm Shift in Uncertain Computation, Florentin Smarandache and Victor Christianto
A few surprises about Non-Locality Interactions, Precognitive Interdiction, and the Spirit from Physics Viewpoint, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Affective Liking Influences Reward Processing in Depression: A Computational EEG Approach, Garima Singh
Affordable Housing in Healthy Communities: Integrating Environmental Justice into the Application Criteria for Affordable Housing Tax Credits in New Mexico, Vanessa Springer
A Flora of the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, James Duwayne Von Loh
A Floristic Analysis of the Sevilleta Wildlife Refuge and the Ladron Mountains, G. Thomas Manthey
A Floristic Study of the San Pedro Parks Wild Area, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, Annehara K. Tatschl
A Flotation Process For The Concentration Of New Mexico Oolitic Iron Oxide Ores., William C. Rahmig
A Follow-Up Study of Educable Mentally Handicapped Work Study Graduates from North Area High Schools in Albuquerque, Paula Still
A Follow-Up Study of Junior High Students Who Participated in the Monterey Reading Program, Barbara P. Warren
A Follow-Up Study of Learning Disabled Work Study Graduates from North Area High Schools in Albuquerque, Jane Marie Otto Marianetti
A Framework for Managing System Resources and Pricing in Multi-Provider Edge Computing Environments, Matthew Paul Salcido
Afro-descendant women's poetry from Costa Rica: A reading and talk with Shirley Campbell Barr, Shirley Campbell Barr and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Cultural Traditions, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Mexico ("Así somos: Afro Identities in the Coast"), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Mexico (Así somos: Afro Identities in the Coast), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Mexico ("El Grito de Yanga: Una Pelicula de Veracruz"), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Mexico ("El Grito de Yanga: Una Pelicula de Veracruz"), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad: Mexico (Gaspar Yanga: An Afro-Mexican Hero), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinidad Workshop Series: Carnaval, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinx Workshop: Bomba 1, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinx Workshop: Bomba 2, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinx Workshop: La Guinea (Spanish), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinx Workshop: Puerto Rico (Pedro Albizu Campos), Latin American and Iberian Institute
Afro-Latinx Workshop: Son Jarocho, Latin American and Iberian Institute
AfroMundo Festival: Maroons, Rebels, Dreamers, and Visionaries, Latin American and Iberian Institute and AfroMundo
AfroMundo Festival Resistance & Creativity, AfroMundo and Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Gated Digital Integrator and Its Application to the Measurement of Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation Times, Jack Curtis Wilcott
Age, Cognitive Construction, and Attitudes on the Vietnam War, Robert Schuyler Vrooman
A Generalization of Neutrosophic Metric Space and Related Fixed Point Results, Fahim Ud Din, Umar Ishtiaq, Lakhdar Ragoub, Khalil Javed, and Muhammad Arshad
A Geochemical Study of Distribution of Elements in Ores and Limestones from New Jersey Zinc Mines, Hanover, New Mexico, Dasharatham Sayala
Agrarian Reform and the Modernization of Chile, Donald J. Planty
Agroecology and soil stewardship: values and techniques of smallholder farmers in Bernalillo County, Stephanie Olivas
A Half-Century of Pacific Salmon Saving Efforts: A Primer on Law, Policy, and Biology, Michael C. Blumm, Daniel J. Rohlf, and Adam Eno
A Hegelian Theory of Divine Revelation, Jason D. Barton
A High Current Density Pulse-Mode Proton Source: Preliminary Study, Warren D. Smith
A Historical Look at New Mexico’s Public Health, Laura J. Hall
A Historical-Rhetorical Analysis of Pamphlets on the Emancipation Proclamation, 1862-1864, Joseph Vinovich
A Historical Study Of The Armory Show Of 1913 As A Factor In The Development Of American Art, Jurdan G. Myers
A Hybrid Approach to Micro Vague Topological Space via Neutrosophic Topological Space, Vargees Vahini T and Trinita Pricilla
A hybrid of ARAS and neutrosophic 2-tuple linguistic model to evaluate gender equitable policies from the perspective of Latin American professor’s, Katia Ninozca Flores-Ledesma, María Eugenia Navas Rios, Carlos Oswaldo Venturo Orbegoso, Myriam Griselda Lora Loza, Claudia Milena Gómez-Zuluaga, Mónica Elisa Meneses-La Riva, Ana María Vallina-Hernández, and Willian Sebastián Flores-Sotelo
AI Assisted Workflows for Computational Electromagnetics and Antenna Design, Oameed Noakoasteen
A Kerr Cell System for Measuring the Amplitude of High-Voltage Nonrecurring Pulses, Donald C. Wunsch
Alamosa County Courthouse Public Dedication, José Rivera
A Landscape Study Of Computed Tomography Scanners For Postmortem Applications, Natalie Adolphi, Ponni Arunkumar, Andrew Baker, Barry Daly, Gregory Davis, Lauren Edelman, Natasha Grandhi, Christopher Liverman, Edward Mazuchowski, Odey Ukpo, and Shawn Wilson
Albert Camus's Requiem Pour Une Nonne Translated and Annotated, With Introductory Materials, Donald J. Pattow
Albino Garcia La Plazita Interview, Curanderismo Archive
Albuquerque'S Comprehensive Manpower Program;A Unique Local Approach To Comprehensive Manpower Planning., Thomas R. McQuillan
Aleukemic Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Without Neutrophilia and Thrombocytosis: a Report From the BCR::ABL1 Pathology Group, Daniel Rivera, Wei Cui, Juehua Gao, Deniz Peker, Qian-Yun Zhang, Rajan Dewar, Lianqun Qiu, Sergej Konoplev, Zhihong Hu, Koji Sasaki, Aileen Y. Hu, Shuyu E, Meng Liu, Hong Fang, Wei Wang, Guilin Tang, Jane F Apperley, Andreas Hochhaus, Jorge E. Cortes, Joseph D. Khoury, L Jeffrey Medeiros, Elias Jabbour, and Shimin Hu
Alex and the Hobo book cover, José Rivera
Alex Jackson Interview, Curanderismo Archive
Algebraic Properties of Quasigroup Under Q−neutrosophic Soft Set, Benard Osoba, Oyebo Tunde Yakub, and Abdulkareem Abdulafeez Olalekan
Alienation and Creativity: A Study in Twentieth Century American Art, Judi Church
Alimbics, Shirley G. Wade
Alina Le Oral History Interview NOV 2024, Angelita Ybarra
All Cases Great and Small: Fufilling the NMCRA's Promise of Attorney Fees, Isaac M. Green and Seth E. Montgomery
All Concilios Tri-State Region List, José Rivera
All of Us: Using Big Data to Study Factors Affecting Health and Health Impacts , Deborah Rhue, Todd Quinn, Lori D. Sloane, and Karl Benedict
Alpha Peaks and Learning Troughs: Examining Neural Networks of Attention in Children With and Without a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Theta), Donovan A. Roberts and Julia M. Stephen
Altered neuronal network connectivity in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Maryam H. Alsameen, L Flynn, C Cerros, M Williams, D E. Hill, and J M. Stephen
A Master Plan For The Thousand Islands Shipyard Museum, Daniel Eric Mossien
A Maximum Principle For An Optimal Control Problem With Integral Constraints., Vernon Bakke
Amazon Cosmopolitans, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A membership based neutrosophic approach for supervised fingerprint image classification, Vinoth D and Ezhilmaran Devarasan
American Values in Black and White; a Study of Conflicts in Cultural Values and Their Implications for the Public Administrator, George L. Williams
A Method Of Determining Employee Production Levels For Us As An Indicator Of Personnel Staffing Requirements At The New Mexico State Department Of Motor Vehicles, Robert Eugene Pierce Jr.
A Microbiological Evaluation of a Laminar Down-Flow Hood, Robert Henry Staat
A Model Of Strategy For Competitive Bidding In The Construction Industry., Thomas L. Morin
A Mountain Resort and Recreation Area for Leisure Living in New Mexico, Alan Eugene Tucker
A Moving Target Architecture as a Side-Channel Countermeasure, Rachel M. Cazzola
A Multi-Service Center For The Elderly, Simeon Hyde JR.
An adaptive neutrosophic large neighborhood search and its application, Jun Jiang, Fangwei Zhang, Yiying Pan, Rui Wang, and Zhu Han
Analisis De Los Libros De Texto De Historia Utilizados En El Curso Cuarto De Las Excuelas Secundarias De Colombia., Benjamin Alvarez H.
Análisis Neutrosófico De Las Actitudes Hacia La Máquina De Experiencia De Nozick, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, Noel Batista Hernández, Ricardo Sánchez Casanova, and Florentin Smarandache
Analysis and Computation of Constrained Sparse Coding on Emerging non-von Neumann Devices, Kyle Henke
Analysis Of A Generalization Technique In Manual Training For Trainable Mentally Handicapped Children, Kathleen Doherty Puma
Analysis Of A Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger, Joseph Olorunfemi Amode
Analysis of drug diffusion in human connective tissue in neutrosophic environment, Supriya Mukherjee, Ashish Acharya, Animesh Mahata, Subrata Paul, Said Broumi, and Banamali Roy
Analysis of Genetic Components of Late Blight Resistance (Phytophthora infestans) in Potatoes (Solanum phureja) from Cutuglahua, Pichincha, Using Neutrosophic SuperHyperSoft Sets, Pablo Andrés Jaramillo Arias, Carlos Javier Torres Miño, Jorge Israel Rivadeneira Cepeda, and Hugo Xavier Cuesta Subia
Analysis of Internal Factors Related to Proposal Success at the University of New Mexico, Thomas E. Wilson
Analysis Of Neutrosophic Set, Julia Set In Aircraft Crash, M.N. Bharathi and G. Jayalalitha
Analysis of Scientific Production on Neutrosophy: A Latin American Perspective, Oscar E. Velázquez-Soto, Eduardo Enrique Chibas Muñoz, Maykel Leyva Vazquez, Lee Yang Díaz Chieng, and Jesús Estupiñan Ricardo
Analysis of the Evolution of Social Competence in Students Through Research Methods Based on Neutrosophic Sets, Huberto Tito Hinostroza Robles, María Teresa Cabanillas López, and Fidel Denis Huasco Espinoza
Analysis of the Image "Altar Parsioneros", Latin American and Iberian Institute
Analysis of the Image "El Cholito", Latin American and Iberian Institute
Analysis of the Impact of Soft Skills on Organizational Competitiveness in Cotopaxi through Modeling of the Plithogenic IADOV, Evelyn Alexandra Tovar Molina, Angelita Elizabeth Romero Poveda, Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño, and Kelly Nicole Punina Salazar
Analysis Using Treesoft Set of the Strategic Development Plan for Extreme Poverty Municipalities, Edwin Collazos Paucar, Jeri G. Ramón Ruffner de Vega, Efrén S. Michue Salguedo, Agustina C. Torres-Rodríguez, and Patricio A. Santiago-Saturnino
Analyzing Imprecise Data from Wireless Temperature Sensor, Usama Afzal, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Ahmed Shehzad, and Florentin Smarandache
Analyzing Interdisciplinary Education in General Medicine Using Smarandache's Multivalued Logic Hypothesis Theory and Plithogenic Probability, Dolores Hernandez De la Cantera, Rosangela Caicedo Quiroz, Mairim Lago Queija, Jeanntte Rodriguez Gonzalez, and Maikel Y. Leyva Vazquez
Analyzing Internal and External Factors for Ecological Preservation in San Juan de Pastocalle: A Combined SWOT and Neutrosophic AHP Approach, Magaly Lucia Benalcázar Luna, Ana Lucía Naranjo, and Luis Fernando Muisin Salazar
Analyzing the Income-Education Nexus in Ecuador: A Neutrosophic Statistical Approach, Guido Macas-Acosta, Juan-Antonio Jimber-del-Río, Fidel Márquez-Sánchez, and Arnaldo Vergara-Romero
An Analysis of Differences Among Cultural Groups in Readiness for the Social Studies Program in the Fourth Grade, Carmen Lobato Tapia
An Analysis of My Work, Michele Rockstroh
An Analysis Of Neutron Resonance Detectors In Critical Uranyl-Fluoride Heavy Water Systems., William H. Roach
An Analysis of Potential Feasible Effective Rates of Coal Taxation in the State of New Mexico, James Samuel Shortle
An Analysis of Private Pension Plans, Kenneth R. Smith
An Analysis of Study Skills Taught by Intermediate Basal Readers, Richard D. Van Dongen
An Analysis of the Creative Process: From Metal Imagery to Enigmatic Form, Virginia Mae Crompton
An Analysis of the Influence of Nuclear Reactor Safety Philosophy on the Growth of the Civilian Nuclear Power Industry in the United States, John E. Wimberg
An approach to Neutrosophic dialogue and a response to WEF's Great Reset: How dialogue is required in order to preserve social justice with anger management, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
An Approach to the Critically Ill Bleeding Patient, Nathan D. Nielsen
An Approadch For Suboptimal Feedback Control., Ronald D. Andreas
An Architectural Answer To A New Format For Education, Nicholas C. Markovich
An Architectural Reference for Zoological Parks, Kenneth Raymond Towery
A Narcotic Rehabilitation Program For Albuquerque., Everett I. Polanco
An Assessment Of Gestural And Pantomimic Deficit In Aphasic Patients, Len W. Pickett
An Attempt To Develop A Normative Decision Criterion., Frank E. Overbey Jr.
Andean Sounds: A Quechua Music Showcase, Luis (Lucho) A. Rodriguez
An Educator's Guide to Frida Kahlo's (Self) Representations, Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Educator's Guide to Latin American Film "Granito", Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Educator's Guide to Latin American Literature ("House Taken Over"/ "Casa Tomada", Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Educator’s Guide to Latin American Literature ("I, Rigoberta Menchú, an Indian Woman in Guatemala"), Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Educator’s Guide to Latin American Literature (“One of These Days” / “Un día de estos”), Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Efficient Approach for Solving Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem under Fermatean Neutrosophic Environment, Vidhya K, Saraswathi A, and Said Broumi
An Efficient Neutrosophic Type-2 Model for Selecting Optimal Internet of Things (IoT) Service Provider: Analysis and Applications, Ibrahim Alrashdi
An Efficient SuperHyperSoft Framework for Evaluating LLMs-based Secure Blockchain Platforms, Mona Mohamed, Alaa Elmor, Florentin Smarandache, and Ahmed A. Metwaly
An Empirical Study Of Superior-Subordinate Personal Values And Performances Evaluation., Robert T.G Lassiter
An Energy Expenditure Comparison Between Treadmill and Track Running, Peter John Maud
An Enhanced Generalized Neutrosophic Number and its role in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Challenges, Sumathi I. R, Augus Kurian, and Parvathy K
An Entropy Measure for n-Cylindrical Fuzzy Neutrosophic Sets, Sarannya Kumari R., Sunny Joseph Kalayathankal, Mathews M. George, and Florentin Smarandache
A Neutrosophic Approach for Breast Mass Detection in digital Mammogram Images, Sofia Jennifer J and Kalaivani C
A Neutrosophic Approach to Analyzing Determining Factors in RIMPE Tax Collection in Ecuador, Myrian del Rocío Hidalgo Achig, Mayra Alexandra Chicaiza Herrera, and Bryan Marcelo Barragán Pazmiño
A Neutrosophic Approach to Study Agnotology: A Case Study on Climate Change Beliefs, Florentin Smarandache and Maikel Leyva Vázquez
A Neutrosophic Bezier Curve Model using Control Points, Maziah Mahmud, Abd. Fatah Wahab, Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly, and Said Broumi
A Neutrosophic Framework for Artificial Immune Systems, Antonios Paraskevas and Florentin Smarandache
A neutrosophic SERVQUAL model approach to study the quality of teaching support services at a technological institute in Ecuador, Víctor Gustavo Gómez Rodríguez, Abel Stalin Flores Laaz, Noemí Barbara Delgado Álvarez, Alejandro Reigosa Lara, and Manuel Roberto Tolozano Benites
A Neutrosophic Solution of Heat Equation by Neutrosophic Laplace Transform, Gugu Narzary, Bhimraj Basumatary, and Giorgio Nordo
A Neutrosophic Study for the Transmission of Infection with Pathogenic Fungi from Males of Olive Fly Insects to Their Females, Amani Alhabib, Rafif Alhabib, Huda E. Khalid, and A. A. Salama
An Evaluation Of Four Data Reconstruction Techniques Applied To Seismometer Data., Stephen Frank Pickett
An Evaluation Of Special Education Majors' Attitudes Towards Exceptional Children And Knowledge Of Techniques And Services., Maria Elena Berghmans Pynn
An Evaluation of the Accounting Systems Presently Used by Certain Non-Profit Corporations Engaged in the Activities of Medical Education and Research, Harold E. Snider
An Evaluation of the Informal Reading Inventory in a Fifth Grade Classroom, Laura Lee Sharp
An Evaluation of Triangular Neutrosophic PERT Analysis for Real-Life Project Time and Cost Estimation, Priyadharsini. S, Kungumaraj E, and Santhi. R
An Evening for Educators Día de los Muertos, National Hispanic Cultural Center
An Evidence-Based Approach to Set Theory Paradoxism: From Set Boundary to Mixed-Fermion-Boson Condensate Hypothesis, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A new approach of tree soft set with MCDM technique for leadership in international climate policy: measuring renewable energy sources and policies, Nouran Ajabnoor
A New Approach to Neutrosophic Soft Sets and their Application in Decision Making, R. K. Mohanty and B. K. Tripathy
A New Approach to Planning an Urban Park System, Rosemary Margaret Thompson
A New Day for Environmental Justice at the U.S. EPA, Clifford Villa
A New Development of Entropy and Similarity Measures in Temporal Complex Neutrosophic Environments for Tourist Destination Selection, Luong Thi Hong Lan, Nguyen Tho Thong, Nguyen Long Giang, and Florentin Smarandache
A New Effective Gravitational Lensing Approach to Constrain Dark Matter, Birendra Dhanasingham
A New Framework of Interval-valued Neutrosophic in Z -algebra, Shanmugapriya K. P and Hemavathi P
A New Jurisprudence of Constitutional Duty: Moving Beyond DeShaney Through the NMCRA, Levi A. Monagle and Aaron E. Whiteley
A New Moment for Indian Water Rights Settlements, Max Clayton
A New Mood’s Median Test for Imprecise Data, Abdulrahman AlAita, Muhammad Aslam, and Florentin Smarandache
A New Notion of Neighbourhood and Continuity in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces, C. Reena and K. S. Yaamini
An Examination of Behavior of YouTube Commenters, John E. Leonard
An Examination Of Mud Brick Architectural Forms In Iran With Experimental Applications In The Southwestern United States., Paul Graham McHenry JR
An Example of a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Expansion of Consciousness, April Vihilidal
An Experimental Investigation of Highly Undercooled Magnesium Silicate Chondrule-Like Spherules, Harry Nicholas Planner
An Experimental Spelling Program In Third Grade., Elizabeth U. Mixon
An Experimental Study of Soil-Structure Interaction, Stephen Connally Mitchell
An Experimental Study Of The Back Scattering Of Coherent Light From Falling Water Drops., William Ogle
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Hearing Deficiencies on Reading Ability, Wayne Robert Weimer
An Experimental Study of the Impact of Typewriting on Language Arts Skills Among Students in Elementary School, Jeanne Popejoy Smith
An Experimental Study Of The Rate Of Evaporation Of Water Droplets., Pyung Syk Ro
An Exploration of Tissue Specific Impedance using Microneedle Based Wearable Sensors, Kaitlyn J.H. Read
An Exploratory Study of Naval Officer Counseling, Antone M. Weiler
Anglo Intrusion on the Old Sangre de Cristo Land Grant, José Rivera
Angular Distribution of Neutrons in Atmosphere Produced by Protons, Donald Stuart
An Improvement-Focused Assessment of Pressurized Metered-Dose Inhaler with Spacer (MDI-S) Technique Among Pediatric Providers, Soha Shah and Salimeh Khazaei Nejad
An Innovative Approach on Yao’s Three-Way Decision Model Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets for Medical Diagnosis, Wajid Ali, Tanzeela Shaheen, Iftikhar Ul Haq, Florentin Smarandache, Hamza Ghazanfar Toor, and Faiza Asif
An Inquiry into the Effects of Goals in the Motivation of Adult Students in the New Mexico Adult Basic Education Program, Thomas Manuel Trujillo
An Inquiry Into the Role of the Realization Concept in the Income Determination Process, Stephen E. Snyder
An Inquiry Into Urban Schooling and the Social Justice Nexus: An Agency Case Study for Transformative Change, Eduardo E. Peña Jr.
An Inquiry Into Value Differentials And Their Implications For Welfare Administration In The State Of New Mexico, Michael John
An integral triune model of human consciousness and its implications to cancer treatment, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
An Integrated CODAS Method and Novel Surface-based Weighted Distance Measures under Neutrosophic Environment, Madineh Farnam, Gholam Hassan Shirdel, and Majid Darehmiraki
An Integrated Maple Package for Algebraic Interval Neutrosophic Matrices, Said Broumi, Mohamed Bisher Zeina, and Mohammad Abobala
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Art Experience on an Urban University Central Campus, George Loring Sanders
An Interview with Jonatan Martinez Immigrant Rights Activist, Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Introduction to Nahuatl: The Language of the Aztecs, Latin American and Iberian Institute
An Introduction to Single-Valued Neutrosophic Primal Theory, Fahad Alsharari, Hanan Alohali, Yaser Saber, and Florentin Smarandache
An Introduction to some Methods for Solving A Large System Linear Neutrosophic Equations, Azzam Mustafa Nouri
An Introduction To The Fundamentals Of Radiation Transport Theory., William A. Proctor
An Investigation Into The Transport Properties And Kinetic Parameters Of Single Coal Particles During Devolatilization, Gregory Forrest Roach
An Investigation of Accounting Report Usage in New Mexico's Wholesale Alcoholic Beverage Industry, Robert B. Whitham
An Investigation Of Creativity In The Practicing Field Of Architecture:A Case Study Of Seven Albuquerque Architects., Robert Jenner Philips
An Investigation Of Neutron Collimators And Their Application In Neutron Radiography., Roger A. Morris
An Investigation of the Construct Validity of a Sensation Seeking Scale, Judith M. Niehaus
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Confidence and Learning, James M. Alarid
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Visual Perceptual Abilities and Reading Achievement, Dale L. Melada
An Investigation Of Three-Dimensional Modular Construction And Its Application To Housing, Brady William Roark
Annual IPE Day 2024 Conference Package, Health Sciences Office of Interprofessional Education
Annual Report - 1969, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1970, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1971, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1972, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1973, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1986, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1987, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1993, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1994, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1995, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1996, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
Annual Report - 1997, New Mexico Maternity & Infant Care Project
An Optimal Tracking System for Numerically Controlled Machine Tools, Stephen H. Neff
A Note on Generalized Heptagonal Neutrosophic Sets, Subasree R, BasariKodi K, Saeid Jafari, and G. Nordo
Another Way to Divide Two Complex Numbers: Identification Method, Florentin Smarandache
A Novel and an Efficient CODAS Technique to Solve Real-Life MAGDM Problems in Fermatean Neutrosophic Environment, S. Bhuvaneshwari, C. Antony Crispin Sweety, Akanksha Singh, Said Broumi, Mohamed Talea, and Prasanta Kumar Raut
A novel approach for solving neutrosophic fractional transportation problem with non- linear discounting cost, Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa, Said Broumi, S. A. Edalatpanah, and Alhanouf Alburaikan
A Novel Approach to Apple Leaf Disease Detection UsingNeutrosophic Logic-Integrated EfcientNetB0, Arpan Singh Rajput, Alpa Singh Rajput, and Samajh Singh Thakur
A Novel Approach to the Algebraic Structure of Neutrosophic SuperHyper Algebra, S Santhakumar, I R. Sumathi, and J Mahalakshmi
A Novel Classroom Teaching Evaluation Method for Assessing Learning Effectiveness Based on Machine Vision and Neutrosophic Sets, Yiying Pan, Fangwei Zhang, Zhaoxin Zhou, Junbo Li, and Jingyuan Li
A Novel Medical Image Segmentation Using Neutrosophic Sets With Slope Variation, Sangeeta K Siri, S Pramod Kumar, and Mrityunjaya V. Latte
A Novel Method for Solving the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem under Bipolar Neutrosophic Fuzzy Arc Values, Vidhya K, Saraswathi A, and Broumi Said
An Overview of Neutrosophic and Plithogenic Theories and Applications, Florentin Smarandache and Maissam Ahmad Jdid
An Overview of Neutrosophic Theory in Medicine and Healthcare, Ahmed K. Essa, Ramiz Sabbagh, A. A. Salama, Huda E. Khalid, Abdul-Aziz A. Aziz, and Ahmed A. Mohammed
An Overview:Personal Property Management In Federal Research And Development Programs., Frank J. Ortiz Jr.
Antenatal Exposure to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Infant Outcomes in the ESC-NOW Randomized Controlled Trial, Sandra Beauman, Jessie R. Maxwell, Anne Hittson, Alberta S. Kong, Hengameh Raissy, NICHD Neonatal Research Network, and NIH ECHO Program IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network
Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties of Hedyosmum cuatrecazanum Occhioni Essential Oil: A Promising Natural Alternative Studied Using Neutrosophic SuperHyperSoft Sets, María Eugenia Lucena de Ustáriz, Francisco Javier Ustáriz-Fajardo, Adriana Monserrath Monge Moreno, Adriana Isabel Rodríguez Basantes, Lisbeth Josefina Reales Chacón, Rosa Elisa Cruz Tenempaguay, Verónica Paulina Cáceres Manzano, and Nathaly Kassandra Moscoso Moreno
Anti-Stereotype Curriculum: All Ages, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Antonia Carcelen's Greenleaf Presentation, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Antonito Concilio No. 1 Bylaws 01.27.1923, José Rivera
Antonito Concilio No. 1 devisa B&W, José Rivera
Antonito Concilio No. 1 devisa Color, José Rivera
A Numerical Solution of Ermakov Equation Corresponding to Diffusion Interpretation of Wave Mechanics, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Aortic Cannulation as an Experimental Tool in ¹³⁷Cs Metabolic Studies, Lyman B. Spaulding
A PAX-8-Positive Female Urethral Adenocarcinoma, Intestinal-Type: A Case Report with Diagnostic Challenges and a Review of the Literature, Mary M. Torrez, Frances M. Alba, and Jain Zhou
A Phenomenological Exploration of Language Shift of iKalanga in Botswana: Implications for Language Revitalization, Annah Sephene Macha
A Phenomenological Study of Cognitive Dissonance in Colllege Classroom Settings, Christopher Erik Gunnare
A Phenomenological Study of Successful Superintendent Retention in a North-Central New Mexico School District, Adán G. Delgado
A Philosophical Analysis Of Grimms' Marchen, James C. Moss
A Philosophical and Critical Analysis of My Work in Painting and Drawing, James Robert Bolton
A Plan Creating Career Patterns For Hospital Workers At The Las Vegas Medical Center., Donald vincent Roach
Aplicación para ser Miembro, José Rivera
A Poison Like No Other: How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies by Matt Simon, Heath Skroch
Apologia Photographica, Joseph William Marshall
Appendix: Search Strategies, Gena C. Dunivan, Jonathan D. Eldredge, Marlene P. Ballejos, Melissa Gonzales, and Valerie L. Romero-Leggott
Application of an Empirical Density Law via Python for Aqueous Plutonium Chloride Systems for MCNP6, Riley Bulso
Application of Biophysical Techniques to Cellular and Molecular Oncology, Diane S. Lidke, Jennifer M. Gillette, and Alessandra Cambi
Application of CTC Discoveries for Liquid Biopsy: The RPL/RPS Gene Signature of Melanoma CTCs is Linked to Brain Metastasis Onset, Tetiana Y. Bowley and Dario Marchetti
Application of NCMs and MultiAlism in Indigenous Art Analysis, Allison J. García-Guano, Victoria S. Ruiz-Pinto, Bertha A. Paredes-Calderón, and Manuel E. Lanas López
Application of neutrosophic cognitive maps in the jurisprudence of the National Court of Justice of Ecuador, Alipio Cadena Posso, Diana Carolina Quiroz Gordillo, Diego Xavier Chamorro Valencia, Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, and Vladimir Vega Falcón
Application of Neutrosophic Correlation in the Identification of Deficiencies in Animal Protection, Teresa De Jesús Molina Guitérrez, Mesías Elías Machado Maliza, Milena Álvarez Tapia, and Noel Moreno Lemus
Application of Neutrosophic Fourier Transform in solving Heat Equation and Integral Equation, Prasen Boro and Bhimraj Basumatary
Application of Neutrosophic Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Tech-niques for Assessing Violations of Child Support Rights, Vanessa Lisseth Montenegro Altamirano, Jaime Rodrigo Cadena Morillo, Carmen Marina Méndez Cabrita, and Ricardo Sánchez Casanova
Application of Neutrosophic Statistics in the Integrated Management of Ceratitis Capitata in Ecuador, Emerson J. Jácome-Mogro, Álvaro Alarcón Chuque, Cristian Jiménez Jácome, Pablo Carhuapoma, Heidi Gamarra, and Jan Kreuze
Application of the Plithogenic IADOV Approach to Evaluate Satisfaction with the Implementation of Indigenous Rights, Gıovanna Fernanda Vınueza Arroyo, Tanya Tupamara Camargo Martinez, Manuel Augusto Suarez Albıñol, and Joffre R. Paladines Rodriguez
Applications of sets and functions by using an open sets in Fuzzy neutrosophic topological spaces, Basker P, Broumi Said, and Vennila J
Applying Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Professions Education, Amy Bachyrycz, Seth Daly, Sharon Schaaf, Kendall Rogers, and John Williams
Applying Neutroalgebra and Neutrosophic Sentiment Analysis to Assess Last Mile Logistics Impact on Customer Experience, Rosa María Criollo Delgado, Julio Cesar Vidal Rischmoller, and Sergio Marcelo Palomino Criollo
Applying Neutrosophic Natural Language Processing to Analyze Complex Phenomena in Interdisciplinary Contexts, Diego Fernando Coka Flores, Ignacio Fernando Barcos Arias, María Elena Infante Miranda, and Omar Mar Cornelio
Apply Your Skills to a Career in Diplomacy: Meet UNM Diplomat in Residence Antoinette Hurtado, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Antoinette Hurtado
Appreciating Guaraní Words: New Directions in Guaraní Studies, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Approaches to Albuquerque's Frankitecture: A Mass Architecture for Seminars on the Urban Environment, John D. Smith
Approach to Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in a Neutrosophic Picture Hyper-Soft Set Environment using Generalized Neutrosophic TOPSIS, Manpreet Kaur and Akanksha Singh
Approach to the personnel selection process in a group decision-making environment based on the PSI method, Maja Stanujkic, Gabrijela Popovic, Dragisa Stanujkic, and Florentin Smarandache
A Precise Measurement of the Lifetime of B-mesons, Measurement of CP-violation Parameters of Bs-mesons, the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC, and Development of Silicon Detectors for Future Particle Physics Experiments, Easwar Anand Narayanan
A Primary Purpose Problem: State v. Tsosie, Lana Elledge
A Program for Housing for Low Income Elderly in North Barelas, Robert E. Strell
A Proposed Course Outline in Dance for Recreation Majors, Shelagh Nagira Swinson
A Python Framework for Neutrosophic Sets and Mappings, Giorgio Nordo, Saeid Jafari, Arif Mehmood, and Bhimraj Basumatary
A Queuing Theory Approach To Short-Haul Movements Under Constraints Of Time, Volume, And Unknown Behavioral Considerations., James Gerard Morris
Aragón, Celso from Ranchos de Taos, NM, Audio interview #35
Aragón, Florencio from La Liendre, NM, Audio interview #39
Aragón, Florencio from La Liendre, NM; Herman Serna, Jose and Sara Romero (Music & discussion), Audio interview #40
Archaeology and Indigenous Horse Use from the North American West to Argentina, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Reappraisal of the Expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez to Mexico in 1520, Ralph H. Vigil
A Recreational Sport to Promote Interprofessional Education Among Health Science Center Student-Learners, Isabella Bernino, Cameron Samrai, Dylan Werner, Alyssa West, and Vinh Tran
A Refined Neutrosophic Components into Subcomponents with Plausible Applications to Long Term Energy Planning Predominated by Renewable Energy, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Arellano, Deluvina Valdez from Springer, NM, Audio interview #51
Arellano, Luz Chávez from Springer, NM, Audio interview #55
A Remark on how a Consciousness Model and Entanglement can lead us to Quantum Communication, Victor Christianto, Robert N. Boyd, and Florentin Smarandache
A Report on a Thesis in Painting Entitled "Discussion on Recent Work", Jane Grace Cole
A Report on a Thesis in Sculpture Entitled "Experiments with Electro-Mechanical Light Switching as a Means of Visual Expression.", Richard Franco Baronio
A Report On The Image Construction And Presentation Processes And Their Implications Within My Work, Kent T. Rush
Are the Housing Staff Alright? A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Examination of the Experiences of On-Campus Student Housing Professionals Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Megan J. Chibanga
A Return to Rationality: Restoring the Rule of Law After Daubert's Disastrous U-Turn, Andrew Jurs and Scott DeVito
A Review of Two Derivations of Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism and a Few Plausible Extensions, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A Review on Entanglement and Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A review on possible physical meaning of elastic-electromagnetic mathematical equivalences, Florentin Smarandache and Victor Christianto
A Review on Recent Development of Neutro-Topology, Bhimraj Basumatary
A Review on the Diagnostic Utility of Artificial Intelligence in Psychology, Serena Smith and Eunice Kim
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Robert G. Ingersoll'S Lectures On Religion., Stanley E. Paregien
A Ringing in the Ears: The Martyrdom, Subsequent Death, and Reinscription of Fray Pedro de Ayala, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Arms and a Man I Sing: Luis Sedillo Martínez (1898–1986): A Literary Biography, Enrique R. Lamadrid, Demetria Martínez, and Teodoro F. Martínez
A robust framework for medical diagnostics based on interval-valued Q-neutrosophic soft sets with aggregation operators, Enad Ghazi and Sinan O. Al-Salihi
Arroyo Seco Concilio No. 42 Ledger Minutes, José Rivera
Arroyo Seco Juramento Reymundo García First Member 1927, José Rivera
Art and Community Activism Lesson Plan, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Art at the "Mexican Front": Robert Henri, George Wesley Bellows and Leon Kroll in New Mexico, 1916-1922, Denise Catherine Melnick
Art Ed Maturity Rubric 2022-23, Peter Lisignoli
Arte, Género y Migración: Regína José Galíndo, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Arthur Seligman and Bronson Cutting: Coalition Government in New Mexico, 1930-1933, Andrea Ammann Parker
Articulated Calaveras, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Articulation of the tongue back in American English and Seoul Korean, Daejin Kim
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Pathology: Clinical Promise and Deployment Considerations, Mark D. Zarella, David S. McClintock, Harsh Batra, Rama R. Gullapalli, Michael Valante, Vivian O. Tan, Shubham Dayal, Kei Shing Oh, Haydee Lara, Chris A. Garcia, and Esther Abels
Artist Spotlight: Claudia Martinez Vargas, Oaxaca: Textiles, Alebrijes, Barro, Mole, Chocolate, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Artist Spotlight: Gabriela Carrillo, Chiapas Mexico: Ropa Bordada a Mano y en Telar de Cintura, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Artist Spotlight: Juan Manuel Ortega Alvarez, Estado de Mexico: Trabajo con Materiales Organicos, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Artist Spotlight: Paula Domingo, Morero, Mexico: Arte Plumario, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Artist Spotlight: Pedro Mendoza Gutiérrez, Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca: Textil de Lana, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Artist Spotlight: Roberto Munoz and Martha Patricia Garcia, Estado de Mexico: Popopilla de Escoba, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Arturo Ornelas Lizardi Interview, Curanderismo Archive
Asarco El Paso: An International Pollution Problem, Gerald W. Phillips
ASCL1 regulates astrocyte and oligodendrocyte cell fate, proliferation, and migration in the dorsal cortex, Luis E. Paez-Beltran, Bianca L. Myers, Milindu Liyanapathirana, Haojie Chen, Estrella Villicana, and Tou Yia Vue
A Selective Study of the Music Education Curriculum of the North Central School Systems of Arkansas in Grades Seven Through Twelve, Roosevelt Martin Jr.
A Social History of Native Residents of Washington, D.C., 1835 to 1973, Rachael K. Cassidy and Rachael Cassidy
A Soil Stress Gage Evaluation., Caryl Martin Reiff
A Southwest Approach to Health Equity: Increasing Vaccine Confidence through a Holistic Lens, Theresa H. Cruz, Camille Velarde, and Cassandra Acosta
A Spanish Language Educator’s Guide to Radio Ambulante, "El Juez", Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Spanish Language Educator’s Guide to Radio Ambulante, Episode 27: Boom/Colapso, Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Spanish Language Educator’s Guide to Radio Ambulante, "Guerra en el Bío Bío", Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Spanish Language Educator’s Guide to Radio Ambulante Season 2, Episode 18: Fue el Estado, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Aspects Of Fit In A Formal Organization:Differential Attitudes Of Air Force Rotc Cadets., Helen Rose Potter
Aspects of Photography as a Means of Growth, Bruce H. Patterson
Aspects Of The Life History And Distribution Of The Jemez Mountains Salamander, Plethodon Neomexicanus, Douglas P. Reagan
Aspects of the Life History and Reproductive Biology of the Socorro Isopod, Thermosphaeroma Thermophilum (Crustacea: Peracarida), Stephen M. Shuster
Aspen Conversations, Richard Lee Van Der Voort
Assessing Consequences and Relevant Thresholds of Seismic Events in Puerto Rico to Aid the Future Creation of Consequence-Driven Scenarios, Yahaira D. Alvarez-Gandia
Assessing Dental Hygiene Students’ Perspectives: A Survey of Curriculum Adequacy for Interdisciplinary Settings in U.S. Dental Hygiene Programs, Brittany Elaine Tripp
Assessing Higher Education's Role in Personality Formation Using NeutroAlgebra, Jean Pierre Ramos-Carpio, Oscar José Alejo Machado, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, and Angel Braulio Martinez Vasquez
Assessing the need for a feminist foreign policy in Ecuador through a sentiment analysis based on neutroAlgebra, Daniela Cecilia Márquez Carriel, Luis Oña Garces, Arnaldo Vergara Romero, and Fidel Márquez Sanchez
Assessment of Academic Integrity in University Students Using a Hybrid Fuzzy-Neutrosophic Model under Uncertainty, Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres, Roger Martínez, Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz, Rosa Hernández-Magallanes, Douglas Iturburu-Salvador, Franklin Parrales-Bravo, and Maikel Leyva-Vázquez
Assessment of Conceptual Behavior in Children with Nonoutcome Trials, Mary L. S. Warner
Assessment of Corrosion and Scaling in a Low Temperature Geothermal System, David Bruce Orrell
Assessment of deep learning techniques for Bone Fracture Detection under neutrosophic domain, Doaa El-Shahat and Ahmed Tolba
Assessment of three strategies for teaching an AI literacy program, based on a neutrosophic 2-tuple linguistic mod-el hybridized with the ARAS method, Víctor Gustavo Gómez-Rodríguez, Raidell Avello-Martínez, Tomasz Gajderowicz, Noemí Bá-rbara Delgado Álvarez, Johanna Irene Escobar Jara, Noel Batista Hernández, Segress García Hevia, and Daniel D. Iturburu Salvador
Assignment PA-6-01, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-02, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-10, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-11, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-12, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-3, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-4, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-5, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-6, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-7, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-8, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignment PA-6-9, Jonathan Eldredge
Assignments, Jonathan Eldredge
Assimilation in Exile: A Study of Cuban Refugee University Students, Jo Ann Major
Associated A Nexus with A Treesoft Sets and Vice Versa, Akbar Rezae, Karim Ghadimi, and Florentin Smarandache
Associations Between Depression and Diabetes Among Latinx Patients from Low-Income Households in New Mexico, Erik Erhardt, Cristina Murray-Krezan, Lidia Regino, Daniel Perez, Elaine L. Bearer, and Janet Page-Reeves
Assuming Photon as Extended Point Particle in the HyperSoft Topological Space and other Hypotheses: Issues and Trend Analysis, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A Statement on Recent Work, Sharon Siskin
A Structural Approach to City-County Consolidation in Albuquerque-Bernalillo County, Christopher Wharton Moolenijzer
A Study for a Text in Spanish on Art Education for Elementary Classroom Teachers in Latin America, Amber Y. Wolcott
A Study of a Differential Equation Found in Wave Propagation and Scattering Theory, Larry W. Thacker
A Study of Art and Creativity Tests with Respect to Testing Art Students of the Sociometric Groups, Michael S. Youngblood
A Study of Bronchial Clearance in the Syrian Hamster Using Tantalum Bronchography, David Joseph Velasquez
A Study Of Delta Modulation And Its Application To Control Communication, Robert H. Maschhoff
A Study of Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation in Inhomogeneous Media, Thomas N. C. Wang
A Study of Junior High School Boys' Physical Fitness Scores as Related to the Families' Socioeconomic Status, Size, and Types of Occupation, John Lee Stockdill
A Study Of Long-Term Leases As A Method Of Financing And Their Disclosure In Corporate Financial Reports., Wendell A. Nelson
A Study of My Work and Its Influences, Vickie Kallies
A Study Of Personality Traits Of Men Varsity Athletes As Compared With Those Of Women Varsity Athletes Participating In Intercollegiate Team And Individual Sports, Frances Williams Anderson
A Study of Preservice Teachers' Preparedness to Teach Reading, Kelli Williams-Page
A Study Of Some Of Gil Vicente'S Aspects As A Didactic Moralist., William W. Megenney
A Study of Student Activities in Selected Intermediate Schools in Arizona, California, Colorado, and New Mexico, Luciano Ramon Baca
A Study of Systems of Neutrosophic Linear Equations, Maissam Ahmad Jdid and Florentin Smarandache
A Study of the Architecture For Multi-Unit Juvenile Detention Facilities, Barbara B. Evans
A Study Of The Deficiencies Of The Federal Budgetary System As It Applies To The United States Air Force., William J. Provance
A Study Of The Effectiveness Of Four Strategies For Teaching Conjunctive, Disjunctive, And Relational Concepts, George Beer Austin-Martin
A Study of the Effect of the Language of Administration and Monetary Contingency on PPVT Scores of Work-Study Special Education Students, Janice Pauline Miller Sleeper
A Study of the Effects of Social Stratification Upon Leisure Activities of Junior High School Students in a Selected Albuquerque Area, John Robert Schuster
A Study of the Enteric Bacterial Population of the Rio Grande Between Isleta Pueblo and Bernardo, New Mexico, Gary Lee Stetler
A Study of the Feasibility of Urban Decentralization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Daniel D. Weaks
A Study Of The Flora Of The Cochiti And Bland Canyons Of The Jemez Mountains., Chales W. Robertson
A Study of the Operating Characteristics of an Adiabatic Calorimeter, Carl L. Wheeler Jr.
A Study Of The Performance Of Sixth Grade Girls On The Vigotsky Block Test, R. Sherilyn Meece
A Study Of The Permanent Trust Fund Of The State Of New Mexico, Kathryn Kornegay Oschwald
A Study of the Relationship of Motor and Reading Ability, Mary H. True
A Study of the Topological Forms of Mitochondrial DNA in AKR Mice, Deborah Carol Newman
A Study on the Number of Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Spaces in a Finite Set, Jili Basumatary and Bhimraj Basumatary
A Study on (λ − μ) Zweier Sequences and Their Behaviour in Neutrosophic Normed Spaces, Vakeel A. Khan and Mohd Faisal
A Study to Determine the Management Characteristics of a Selected Federal Science Agency, Michael B. Peck
A Survey-Analysis Of Study-Skills Presented In The Teacher'S Manuals Of 3 Primary Basal Readers., Lois J. Pride
A Survey of Structural Identification Techniques, Doris Evelyn Miller
A Survey of the Airborne Fungi in the Albuquerque, New Mexico Area, Mark S. Sifuentes
A Survey of the Incidence of Salmonella Among Small Mammals in Central New Mexico, Robert S. Stinson
A Survey of the Systems Organization and Middle Managers in an Automated Management Information and Control System, Sherrill O. Woodall
A Survey on Neutrosophic Principles for Inventory Management Problem, Ankit Dubey, Arindam Dey, Said Broumi, and Ranjan Kumar
A Syllabus of Brush Ranch Camps for Boys and Girls, Gene A. Templeton
A Symbiotic Content Caching Approach in Next-Generation Information-Centric Networks based on Game Theory, Aisha B Rahman
A Synchronous Detection System for dc Resistivity Mapping at the Earth's Surface, Stewart Lee Olsen
A Systematic Study of the Genus Castilleja in New Mexico, Mary Carol Olsen
A System of Environmental Analysis and User-Input Studies for Medical Facilities, Gary Thomas Nash
A Teacher Opinion Study Of Grouping In Classroom Organization., Florian Perea
A Test of Acquired Distinctiveness and Equivalence of Cues, Thomas E. Malloy
A Test of Criteria for Federal Aviation Agency Control of High Density Terminal Area Air Traffic, Raymond Jui-Min Wan
A Thematic Analysis of the Contemporary Ecuadorian Novel, Wayne L. Allison
“A Thousand Words”: How Shannon Entropy perspective provides link among exponential data growth, average temperature of the Earth, declining Earth magnetic field, and global consciousness, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A TreeSoft Set with Interval Valued Neutrosophic Set in the era of Industry 4.0, Ali Alqazzaz and Karam M. Sallam
A TV-Calculator Teaching Aid System, Robert A. Pezzano
Atypical Squamous Verrucous Lesions of the Oral Cavity: Challenges in Interpretation of Small Incisional Biopsies, Ryland Richards and Shweta Agarwal
Aurelio M. Espinosa: an Ideological-Political Figure in the Emergence and Configuration of Hispanic Studies in the United States, Dr. Inés Vañó García and Latin American and Iberian Institute
A Usage-based Account of Ongoing Structural Changes in Sanapaná: Grammar Sketch and Case Studies, Jens E. L. Van Gysel
Automated Livestock Practices: Incorporation Emerging Contemporary Technologies Toward Sustainable Livestock in Era of Smart Cities, Asmaa Elsayed, Mona Mohamed, Florentin Smarandache, and Michael Gr. Voskoglou
Automated Stategraft: Electronic Enforcement Technology and the Economic Predation of Black Communities, Sonia Gipson Rankin, Melanie E. Moses, and Kathy Powers
Automation and Optimization of Industrial Scale Essential Oil Extraction from Citrus Peel Using a Neutrosophic Control System Model, Manuel Michael Beraún-Espíritu, Ketty Marilú Moscoso-Paucarchuco, Luis Enrique Espinoza-Quispe, Fabricio Miguel Moreno-Menéndez, Jesús César Sandoval-Trigos, Edson Hilmer Julca-Marcelo, Bheny Janett Tuya-Cerna, and Edgar Gutiérrez-Gómez
Auxciliar devisa AMB, José Rivera
Avian Community Structure In The Sangre De Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, Peter H. Pache
A Weather Radar Analysis of the Effects of the Albuquerque Urban Area on Thunderstorms from 2001 to 2020, Alexandra Jane Vivier
Ayuda Arroyo Seco, NM Concilio No. 42, José Rivera
Ayuda Rosa, NM Concilio No. 37, José Rivera
Ayuda Voluntaria Form to Request Assistance, José Rivera
Baca, Benino from Springer, NM, Audio interview #54
Baca, Benjamin from Santa Rosa, NM, Audio interview #28
Bacalski, Roberto - Presentation: "The Penitente Lyric and Spanish Religious Poetry", Audio interview #0
Back Matter, Arianna Medina
Bacteriological Studies Of The Albuquerque Sewage Treatment Plant Effluents, Francisco Medina
Bacteriophage virus-like particle-based vaccines against opioids, Isabella G. Romano, Brandi Johnson-Weaver, Herman Staats, William Wetstel, Yumei Huang, Bruce Blough, Susan B. Core, Bryce Chackerian, and Kathryn M. Frietze
Balancing Act: A Neutrosophic Approach to Human Rights and Values in Varied Societal Contexts, Fernando Castro Sánchez, Kleber Eduardo Carrión León, Paul Orlando Piray Rodríguez, and José Sergio Puig Espinosa
Banned in Arizona: Dark Gifts, Taboos, Secrets and Transformations in Chicana Literature, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Baracutanga : Latin-inspired group playing free concert at UNM, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Barriers to Infant Safe Sleep Practices in New Mexico, Yvonnie Vitanzos, Theresa H. Cruz, and Analissa Gutierrez
Bartalomé de las Casas, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Bate-Papo + Lunch, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Bate-Papo + Lunch, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Bate-Papo + Lunch, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Bate-Papo + Lunch, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Because I Must, Debra M. Sachs
Beginning In Photography, James Alinder
Behavioral Characteristics of the Ideal Student as Perceived by Engineered Class-Students, Regular Classroom Students, and Their Teachers, Michael Henry Stuart
Bekesy Audiometry in the Detection of Nonorganic Hearing Loss, Paula Elizabeth Rotondi
Below Sea Level: Writing the Truth Beneath Actuality, Danielle Mettler
Bend Down Select: Analysis of Secondhand Clothing Waste in Africa Under the Current Anti-Dumping Regime, Bisi Ogunmefun
Ben Milam In History And Legend, Joseph Patrick Sanchez
Bernadette Torres, Curandera, Curanderismo Archive
Bernadette Torres Interview, Curanderismo Archive
Bernal, Norberto from Chacon, NM, Audio interview #73
Beyond Cryptic Equations: Reimagining Concepts in Physics Through Metaheuristics and Fantasy Stories using Neutrosophic Venn Diagram, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Beyond Fascination, Robert C. Reck
Beyond Fordlandia: Film Screening and Conversation with Director Marcos Colón, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Beyond Negation and Excluded Middle: An exploration to Embrace the Otherness Beyond Classical Logic System and into Neutrosophic Logic, Florentin Smarandache and Victor Christianto
Beyond the Retomada: Contemporary Woman Filmmakers in Brazil, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Biases in Primary and Secondary Sources: Christopher Columbus, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Bibliography, José Rivera
Biennial Report, January 1, 1921 - December 31, 1922, New Mexico Bureau of Public Health
Biennial Report, January 1, 1923 - December 31, 1924, New Mexico Bureau of Public Health
Big Book: Columbus Mock Trial, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Big Lucas aka Tonina, Rafael C. Castillo
Biomass Smoke Inhalation Promotes Neuroinflammatory and Metabolomic Temporal Changes in the Hippocampus of Female Mice, David Scieszka, Yan Jin, Shahani Noor, Ed Barr, Marcus Garcia, Jessica Begay, Guy Herbert, Russell P. Hunter, Kiran Bhaskar, Rahul Kumar, Rama Gullapalli, Alicia Bolt, Mark A. McCormick, Barry Bleske, Haiwei Gu, and Matthew J. Campen
Biomedical Informatics Seminar Series (BioMISS) 2023, Jonathan Eldredge, Gale Hannigan, and Brandon Carroll
Bizindan Miinawa (Listen Again), Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Blea, Lucio M. from San Agustin, NM, Audio interview #47
Bloody Rationality: The Dialectic of Modern Reason and Sacrifice in Hegel, Adorno, and Horkheimer, Cara S. Greene
Boaz Walton Long: Our Latin American Connection, Jean Ridling Padilla
Bolivia’s “New” Resource & Role in the Creation of the Plurinational State/Revolutionary Politics, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Book Activity, "Encounter", Latin American and Iberian Institute
Book Reading and Discussion:"Joaquín Ortega, Forging Pan-Americanism at UNM" by Russ Davidson, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Book Talk | Borderland Brutalities: Violence and Resistance along the US-Mexico Borderlands in Literature, Film, and Culture, Dr. Laura Elena Belmonte and Latin American and Iberian Institute
BOOK TALK: Creating Third Spaces of Learning for Post-Capitalism: Lessons from Educators, Artists, and Activists in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Gary L. Anderson, and Ana Inés Heras
Borders & Other Imagined Spaces, Marcy Botwick, Katherine Massoth, Maria Lane, and Sierra Ramirez
Boren Awards and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships Info-Session, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Boren Awards and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships Info-Session, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Borges and the Subjective-Idealism in Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Boulwarism: A Study of a Collective Bargaining Technique, Candelario Trujillo Jr.
Braceros: An Educator's Guide, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Brazilian Rap and the Grammar of the Black Existence, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Brazilian Writers Speaker Series, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Cristiane Sobral
Brazilian Writers Speaker Series, Discussion 3, Natalia Polesso and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Breaking the Silence: Autoethnographic Account of Communication in the Aftermath of Parental Suicide, Marissa L. Lucero
Breeding Birds of the Sandia Mountains, John L. Tatschl
Breve Reseña de la Literatura de Nuevo Mexico y Colorado, José Rivera
Briones Cover Letter of Grant Application, José Rivera
Buena Vista Social Club Film Guide, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Building Community Through Learning Traditional Irish Music, Laura Olson
Building Failures: Case Studies, Tipton T. Omohundro
Building Materials Cut From the Earth: A Look at Sod Construction Around the World and in New Mexico, Giulia Caporuscio
Building Queer Families: Supports and Barriers, Annie Bright
Burn The Sympathy, Gabino Noriega III
Business Practices of the Cely Family, L. Stanley Tinder Jr.
Bustos, Luís from Rociada, NM, Audio interview #6
Bustos, Margarita, Audio interview #0
Buxo, Dr. María Jesus from Barcelona, Spain, Audio interview #43
BV2TrS Appraiser Model: Enforcing BHARAT Version2 in Tree Soft Modelling for Appraising E-Mobility Hurdles, Mona Mohamed, Florentin Smarandache, and Michael Gr. Voskoglou
Cabello, Sangre y La Cura, Lisa Mendoza Knecht
Café y Conversaciones - “Sold out”: Machado de Assis On Race, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Calafate Zoológicos Humanos, Hans Mülchi Bremer and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Calaveras, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Calaveras and Conjuring with Words, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Calaveras Literarias, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Called To Action: A Panel Discussion with The Founders of Artists Call, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Campero, Ramoncita from Las Vegas, NM, Audio interview #44
Can Computed Tomography Replace or Supplement Autopsy?, Sarah L. Lathrop, Philip W. Wiest, Sam W. Andrews, Jamie Elifritz, Janet P. Price, Gary W. Mlady, Ross E. Zumwalt, Chandra Y. Gerrard, Valerie L. Poland, and Kurt B. Nolte
Cannabis Use and Psychotic-Like Experiences, Ethan Campbell and Jeremy Hogeveen
Capacity and Communication: Addressing Barriers to Agricultural Innovations in the Middle Rio Grande Basin, Corina Michelle Gomez
Capoeira and the Nordeste, Jessica Carey-Webb
Cardiorespiratory Function During Two Methods of Lung Lavage and During Unilateral Hypoxia, Steven Allen Silbaugh
Career Event: How to Succeed at Internships and Other International Opportunities, Naserian Olemako, Madeline Griffin, Selene Diaz Martinez, and Teresa McGarity
Careers in Library Science and Museum Studies Panel, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Margie Montañez, Giselle Lydia Salgado, Luis Martínez, and Jonathan Wright
Careers Representing America: Life as a U.S. Diplomat, Antoinette Hurtado and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Carrier Dynamics in Green III-nitride LEDs Using Small-Signal Electroluminescence, Xuefeng Li
Carta Circular to Request Assistance from other Concilios, José Rivera
Catholic Church Mass- Mora Land Grant Anniversary, La Cueva, NM, Audio interview #53
Cavity Effect in a Pressure Bar, Kenneth B. Simmons
c-Continuity, c-Compact and c-Separation Axioms via Soft Sets, Hind Y. Saleh and Areen A. Salih
C de Baca, Celia, Audio interview #0
Celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day Every Day, Not Just Sept. 17th, Maryam Ahranjani
Celebrating 35 Years of the UNM Latin American & Iberian Institute, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Celedonio Mondragón, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón and Family in 1920 Census, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón and Mirror, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón and Wife Elena Portrait, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Caminado, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Color Portrait, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Gravesite Photos at Conejos Cemetery: 2012 Convention Day, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Pedigree Chart, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Portrait, José Rivera
Celedonio Mondragón Statue Photo at Concilio Superior, Antonito, CO, José Rivera
Celia M. Teyechea Interview, Jerry Sisneros
Cell and Molecular Mechanisms of Plasticity and Injury Associated with Spreading Depolarization, Jordan E. Weisend
Centennial Anniversary Celedonio Mondragón, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Celina Barela 1, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Celina Barela 2, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Dan Valdez, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Emanuel Martínez Artist, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Ezequiel Salazar, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Group Photo Year 2000, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Guardiantes de Cultura, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Músicos, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Rogelio Briones, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Sala Superior Year 2000, José Rivera
Centennial Anniversary Tomás Romero, José Rivera
Centered Spirit Curanderismo Classes 2021, Curanderismo Archive
Central American Women in The Work Force, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Associated with SRA-Negative Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia: Case Report, Floyd D. Silva, Allison E. Burnett, Anand Padmanabhan, Marian A. Rollins-Raval, Noah P. Splinter, and Masoom J. Desai
Certificado de Honor Concilio 19, Alamosa, CO, José Rivera
Certificado de Miembro Eliberto Sanchez, José Rivera
Cervantes Now, Instituto Cervantes Albuquerque and Latin American and Iberian Institute
César Chávez Day, Adams State University, José Rivera
Chair Care Pilot Project Final Evaluation Report, Prevention Research Center, University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Presbyterian Community Health, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Challenges to Building Black Generational Wellness to Foster Growth within Black Populations: A Research Proposal, Lillian Quinn Walker
Change in Posterior Tibial Slope and Patellar Height During Medial Opening Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Jessica A. Nelson, Brandon M. Painter, Dustin L. Richter, Jennifer S. Weaver, and Robert C. Schenck
Changes in My Images From 1977 to 1979, Sandra Rothfork
Changes in Self-Concept Resulting from Outward Bound Type Activities, Edward Rhudy
Chants, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Characterization of social skills and emotion management of students in a public Peruvian university based on Plithogenic Statistics and Indeterminate Likert Scale, Camayo-Lapa, Becquer Frauberth; Flores Ledesma Katia Ninozca; Liz Evelyn Landa-Guadalupe; Miguel Angel Quispe-Solano,; Porta Erika Amelia De La Cruz; Bulnes Jorge Luis López; Carlos Francisco Cabrera Carranza; and Agueda Saturnina Choque Mandamiento
Chávez, José E. from Las Vegas, NM; Cebolleta, NM, Audio interview #32
Chávez, Juanita Ulibarrí from Colonias, NM, Audio interview #45
Chemical and Morphological Characterization of Airborne Particulate Matter at the Jackpile-Paguate Mine, Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico: Implications for Potential Metals Exposure, Andreanna C. Roros
Chemical and Physical Properties of Fine Fractions from a Village Proximate to a Uranium Mine: Insights about Soil Health, Mary P. Haley
Chemiluminescence Studies Of Silicon Fluoride And Uranium Oxide, Russell A. Armstrong
Chicana & Chicano Studies Fall 2023 APR self-study & documents, UNM Academic Program Review
Child Labor, Informality, and Poverty: Leveraging Logistic Regression, Indeterminate Likert Scales, and Similarity Measures for Insightful Analysis in Ecuador, Arnaldo Vergara-Romero, Guido Macas-Acosta, Fidel Márquez-Sánchez, and Orlando Arencibia-Montero
Children of The Exodus Discussion, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Chile after Pinochet: The Limits of Post-Dictatorship Transition, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Pascale Bonnefoy
Chinese engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean, R.Evan Ellis and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Chi-square test for imprecise data in consistency table, Muhammad Aslam and Florentin Smarandache
Choclo virus (CHOV) recovered from deep metatranscriptomics of archived frozen tissues in natural history biorepositories, Paris S Salazar-Hamm, William L Johnson, Robert A Nofchissey, Jacqueline R Salazar, Publio Gonzalez, Samuel M Goodfellow, Jonathan L Dunnum, Steven B Bradfute, Blas Armién, Joseph A Cook, Daryl B Domman, and Darrell L Dinwiddie
Chondroblastoma of the Calcaneus Treated with Femoral Head Allograft Reconstruction for Subtalar Arthrodesis in a Skeletally Immature Patient: A Case Report, Benjamin B. Blanco, Ryan Dahlberg, and David H. Chafey
Christina A. Sue - Colorblindness, Anti-Racism, and Education: Lessons from Mexico, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Church, State, and the New Mexico Civil Rights Act: How Litigants and Courts Can Invoke the State Constitution to Protect Establishment Clause Rights, Melanie B. Stambaugh and Laura Creech
Cine Magnífico - Albuquerque, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Instituto Cervantes Albuquerque
, Circular Economy Strategies to Promote Sustainable Development using t-Neutrosophic Fuzzy graph, M. Kaviyarasu, Hossein Rashmanlou, Saeed Kosari, Said Broumi, R. Venitha, M. Rajeshwari, and Farshid Mofidnakhaei
CircVopp1: A Potentially New Regulator of Long-Term Immune Dysfunction in the Peripheral and Central Nervous System Arising from Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, Ariana N. Pritha, Andrea A. Pasmay, Michaela Dell'Orco, Joshua J. Sanchez, Jacob E. Sanchez, Suzy Davies, Daniel D. Savage, Nikolaos Mellios, Erin D. Milligan, and Shahani Noor
City of Santa Fe's Offset Program: A Comprehensive Demand Analysis and Program Review, Francesca Shirley
Class Distinctions Between Moche Warriors: An Illustration in Ceramic Vessels, Kaitlin M. Bone
Classical Modeling of a Phosphate Molecule (Including 3-D Computer Graphics Display), Ronald A. Tafoya
Cleave: A Memoir, Kyndall A. Benning
Climate Change Will Make the Final Call in New Mexico's Groundwater Appropriation, Lauren Hewitt
Climate Friendly Agriculture in The Face of Water Scarcity, Gary P. Nabhan and Latin American and Iberian Institute
CNM - Catron Allred, Latin American and Iberian Institute
CNM -- Erica Volkers, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Cobos, Ruben - Lecture/discussion on NM dialect, Audio interview #0
Cognitive Mapping in the Study of Agricultural Orality in the Apagua Community, María Florinda Ushco Ayala, Alisson Abigail Criollo Quiroga, and Ricardo Francisco Ureña López
Cognitive Style, Individual Differences And Educational Practice, Karen L. Van Til-Sanchez
Cold War and Genocide in Guatemala, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Collaborating for Strength and Knowledge: A Tribal Libraries Program Field Trip to an Academic Health Sciences Library, Deirdre Caparoso, Cassandra Osterloh, Tracy Garcia, and Deborah Rhue
Collage Masks, Latin American and Iberian Institute
College of Nursing and Dietetic Intern NG Tube Placement Training and Nutrition Assessment/Formula Selection Interprofessional Education Activity - A Student Perspective, Kimberly Jaramillo, Josephine Titus, Amanda Dunn, and Diana Gonzales-Pacheco
Collingwood's Idea of Re-Enactment: The Possibility of a Differentiation Between History and Philosophy, Glenn William Malone
Colloid Fabrication for Biomedical Engineering Applications through Droplet Microfluidics, Lewis I. Larsen
Colombia's Cold War: The Pursuit of Economic Development and the Emergence of Drug Trafficking, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Columbus and a Taíno Person, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Columbus' Diary: A Primary Source, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Combined TOPSIS Technique for MAGDM Based on the Distance Measures and CRITIC under Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Applications to Quality Evaluation of Whole Process Engineering Consulting Service Modes, Xia Wang, Yingxia Hou, Jing Peng, Jiekun Hu, Yue Li, Qiang Cai, and Guiwu Wei
Committee Charge- Updated, Varina A. Kosovich
Communication Techniques In Architectural Programming:A Game Process As Information Transfer., Patricia F. Richards
Community & Regional Planning APR Fall 2023 self-study & documents, UNM Academic Program Review
Community Structure Of Ten Southwestern Rodent Faunas, Terrence Morgan May
Comparative Analysis of Neutrosophic, Pythagorean neutrosophic, and Fermatean neutrosophic Soft Matrices in the context of Industrial Accidents: A Case Study, Smruthi P., Abinaya S., Dharunya S., R. Sundareswaran, Shanmugapriya M., and Said Broumi
Comparative Analysis of Sexual Harassment Policy and Implementation, Melanie Sayuri Dominguez
Comparative Foraging Behavior of the Olive Warbler and its Possible Competitors, Robert J. Secatore
Comparative Functional Analysis Of The Masticatory Apparatus In Two Species Of Myotis, David Wesley Reduker
Comparative Ratings Of Therapist Effectiveness Across Divergent Groups, Mahmoud Hasan Abdul-Rahman Adas
Comparative Renal Efficiencies In Five Species Of Peromyscus., Kenneth W. Andersen
Comparing Herstories: Quilts and Arpilleras, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Comparing the Performance of 2 Human Papillomavirus Assays for a New Use Indication: a Real-World Evidence-Based Evaluation in the United States, Cosette M. Wheeler, Norah E. Torrez-Martinez, Edith Torres-Chavolla, Valentin Parvu, Jeffrey C. Andrews, Ruofei Du, Michael Robertson, Nancy E. Joste, and Jack Cuzick
Comparison Of A Rapid Fluorescent Antibody Procedure With Bacitracin Disc Method For Identification Of Group A Streptococci, Hector C. Sanchez
Comparison Of Electron Microscopy And Immunoelectron Microscopy With The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay For The Detection Of Rotavirus And Antibody To The Virus, Maria del Carmen Monedero
Comparison of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and SEM in Estimating the Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility, Roberto Arias Figueroa, Evelyn Tovar Molina, Angelita Romero Poveda, and Darío Díaz Muñoz
Comparison of Helicopter and Ground Interfacility Transport on Time-to-Treatment of Isolated Open Fractures, Jerry Speight Grimes and Duke Appiah
Comparison of Vipassana Meditation with Other Mindfulness Traditions in the Response to Experimentally Induced Pain, Timothy Ian Vandiver
Comparisons Of The Antigenic Relationships Of Pollen Extracts From Ambrosia Artemisaefolia, Ambrosia Elatior, Ambrosia Psilostachya And Ambrosia Trifida, James W. Meares
Complex Analysis of Family and Social Problems in the Context of Parenting Competencies: Implementation of Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCM) for the Evaluation and Resolution of Conflicts, Yoya B. Flores-Pérez, José M. Vázquez Antonio, Rigoberto Navarrete Flores, and Luz H. Cruzado Saucedo
Composite Sustainability Indicator for the Conservation of Ashigua Páramo: Integration of Neutrosophic Logic and the PROMETHEE TODIM Method, Patricio Clavijo Cevallos
Composition portfolio, Axel Norman Velazquez Retif Altmann
Comprehensive Review MEREC weighting method for Smart Building Selection for New Capital using neutrosophic theory, Asmaa Elsayed
Computational Study of the Effect of Geometry on Molecular Interactions, Sarika Kumar
Computation of Neutrosophic Soft Topology using Python, J J Mershia Rabuni and N. Balaman
Computation of Separate Ratio and Regression Estimator Under Neutrosophic Stratified Sampling: An Application to Climate Data, Abhishek Singh, Hemant Kulkarni, Florentin Smarandache, and Gajendra K. Vishwakarma
Concentrated Employment Program Dropouts:The Conflict Of Personal Expectations And Institutionalized Values., Margaret Haar Norris
Concentrated Organic Separations by the Cyclic Indirect Freezing Process, Jeffrey Carl Miles
Concilio Costilla, NM Front View, José Rivera
Concilio Costilla, NM Full View, José Rivera
Concilio Local 13, Ojo Caliente, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Local 13, Ojo Caliente, NM, Ben Gallegos, José Rivera
Concilio Local 14, El Rito, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Local 15, Placitas, NM, Fathers and Sons, José Rivera
Concilio Local 16, La Garita, CO Front View, José Rivera
Concilio Local 16, La Garita, CO Interior, José Rivera
Concilio Local 18, Ranchos de Taos, NM Sala, José Rivera
Concilio Local 31, Chama, CO, Juan Olivas, José Rivera
Concilio Local 57, Nambé, NM Sala, José Rivera
Concilio Local No. 18, Ranchos de Taos, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Local No. 18, Ranchos de Taos, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Local No. 20: Mujeres at Ranchos de Taos 1984-1987, José Rivera
Concilio Local No. 57, Nambé, NM, José Rivera
Concilio No. 10 San Miguel, NM Petition for Indigent Fund Aid, José Rivera
Concilio No. 12 Costilla, NM Original Sala and New Owner Sept 2012, José Rivera
Concilio No. 16 La Garita Daniel Salazar Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 18 Ranchos de Taos, NM 1960s Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 18 Ranchos de Taos, NM: Hermanas y Hermanos Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 19 Alamosa, CO Journal Selected Minutes, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Capulín, CO Day Book Journal, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Capulín, CO Estatutos, 1953, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Capulín, CO Estatutos, 1957, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Capulín, CO Journal Minutes 1913, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Capulín, CO Journal Minutes 1915, José Rivera
Concilio No. 2 Sala Meeting Hall Capulín, CO, José Rivera
Concilio No. 31 Chama, CO: Precinct Voting Site Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 31 Chama, CO: Surrounding Landscape Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO 1933 Photo, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Audit Report 1944, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Audit Report 1946, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Commission to Visit Hmo 1914, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Commission to Visit Hmo 1929, Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Debate For and Against the Railroad, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Journal 1908-1915, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Journal 1915-1921, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Journal 1924-1928, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Journal 1941-1948, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Letter from Capulín re Ayuda, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Lista de Miembros, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Minutes, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Minutes 1904-1908, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Minutes 1934-1937, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Minutes 1937, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Minutes Cuerpo Judicial, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Multas y Préstamos, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Oración por La Paz, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO Palabra de Paso, José Rivera
Concilio No. 3 Mogote, CO. Photo of Meeting Hall & Members, José Rivera
Concilio No. 42 Arroyo Seco, NM Ledger Minutes, 1930-1932, José Rivera
Concilio No. 42 Arroyo Seco, NM Ledger Minutes, 1932-1935, José Rivera
Concilio No. 42 Arroyo Seco, NM Treasurer's Ledger, 1931-1932, José Rivera
Concilio No. 42 Arroyo Seco, NM Treasurer's Ledger, 1962-1970, José Rivera
Concilio No. 45 McPhee, CO Journal Selected Minutes, José Rivera
Concilio No. 57 Nambé, NM 1993, José Rivera
Concilio No. 57 Nambé, NM: 75th Anniversary, José Rivera
Concilio No. 57 Nambé, NM: Esequiel Salazar with First Women Members in 1984, José Rivera
Concilio No. 57 Newsletter and Activities 2011, José Rivera
Concilio No. 62 Walsenburg, CO José Santistevan President, José Rivera
Concilio No. 62 Walsenburg, CO, José Santistevan, President, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Aniversario Program, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Architecture by Arnold Valdez, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Architecture by Arnold Valdez, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Certificado de Estipulaciones, José Rivera
Concilio Superior February 2004 Meeting, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Installation of Officers 2011, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Loft, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Meeting and Tour of Building, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Meeting Hall Origins Story, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Minutes 1914-1915 and Registro de Atendencia de Oficiales, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Minutes 1919, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Minutes 1925, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Minutes 1928-1929, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Minutes 2010-2014, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Miscellaneous, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Officers 1919, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Photo, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Project Scope of Work, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Receipt Book, Concilio No. 12 Costilla, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Receipt Book, Concilio No. 14 El Rito, NM, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Receipt Book, Concilio No. 19 Alamosa, CO, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Receipt Book, Concilio No. 49 San Luis, CO, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Receipt Book, Concilio No. 7 Denver, CO, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Records, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Structure Assessment, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Structure Assessment and Preservation Plan, José Rivera
Concilio Superior Structure High Priority Repairs, José Rivera
Conditioned Response Sub-Class Variability., David Perkins
Conflitos Culturais e Religiosos nas Obras de Vianna Moog, Marie F. Sovereign
Conjectures on Partitions of Integers As Summations of Primes, Florentin Smarandache
Conquistadors and Historical Bias Lesson, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Conservation Genomic Investigation of a Threatened Trout Species Endemic to the Gila River, David Camak
Constitutional Recalibration: Lessons from New Mexico, Joanna C. Schwartz
Construction Of An Instrument For Recording Individual Attention In Physical Education., Jeanette J. Marsh
Consumer Attitude Analysis for Three Albuquerque Mortuaries, Paul A. Smyer Jr.
Consumer Bankruptcies In Bernalillo County, New Mexico, William C. Madden Jr.
Contact, Change and Social Networks: A Study of Yakama and Mexican Sociolects in Washington State, Alicia Beckford Wassink
Contribution of Reactive Oxygen Species to the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Nikki L. Jernigan
Contributors, Gustavo Garcia
Control of Fully-Actuated Aerial Manipulators and Omni-Directional Multirotors, Riley M. McCarthy
Convention of Aguascalientes, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Conversations about Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Latin America, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Conversion of Parahydrogen to Orthohydrogen, George A. Winkler
Converting Some Zero-One Neutrosophic Nonlinear Programming Problems into Zero-One Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems, Maissam Jdid and Florentin Smarandache
Convexity for Interval Valued Neutrosophic Setsand its Application in Decision Making, Suthi Keerthana Kumar, Vigneshwaran Mandarasalam, Saied Jafari, Rose Venish Ayyakanupillai Gnanaudhayam, and Vidyarani Lakshmanadas
Cooking in Nahuatl, Latin American and Iberian Institute, Sabina Cruz de la Cruz, and Guadalupe Avilés
Cooking Up Something Special: Celebrating 25 Years of the Maternity and Infant Care Program, Maternity and Infant Care Program
Cooperacion Agraria Y El Mejoramiento Del Sector Campesino Venezolano, Augusto S. Moreno Reyes
Cooperative Sentence Strip Paragraph, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Cooperative Sentence Strip Paragraph: Columbus and Taíno, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Coordinated Water Resource Planning for the Sandia Basin - A Perspective into Regional Water Planning Needs, Jeffrey L. Peterson
COPH Feb 2024 Epidemiology Curriculum Showcase, Kimberly Wu
COPH March 2024 Community Health Curriculum Showcase, Kimberly Wu
Cost Effectiveness Of Technological Advances In A Science Facility., Raymond R. Scheen
Costilla Concilio No. 12 Plaza Photos, José Rivera
Country or Continent Studies, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Coupled Monte Carlo and Adjoint Depletion Sensitivity Coefficient Methods, Benjamin R. Murphy
COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Report at the University of New Mexico, Lisa A. Marchiondo, Shannon Sanchez-Youngman, Teagan Mullins, Naila V. deCruz-Dixon, Melanie E. Moses, and Julia Fulghum
Creating an Arpillera, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Creation of a Novel Near-Peer Mentorship Program For and By Combined BA-MD Program Students, Corrina Klein, Alexus Trujillo, Samantha DeWees, and Marlene Ballejos
Creative Exploration of Yagé in Intrapersonal Discovery through the Plithogenic IADOV Method, Marcela Ximena Parra Pérez and Arleth M. Márquez Bermeo
Credible Commitments, Adaptability, and Conservation Easements, Andrew P. Morriss
Creole Politics and Visual Culture in Baroque Mexico: Francisco López Capillas and a Transatlantic Music Manuscript, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Javier Marín López
Criteria For Effective Appraisal Of Junior Executives, Albert I. Pierce
Criteria for the Design of Research and Development Organizations, Robert Lee White Jr.
Criteria for the Determination of Flow Direction in Volcanic Rocks, Eugene Irwin Smith
Critical geospatial data science: Principles for curating, analyzing, and sharing geospatial data, Daniel Beene
Critical Path Method & Project Evaluation and Review Technique: A Neutrosophic Review, Navya Pratyusha M, Arindam Dey, Said Broumi, and Ranjan Kumar
Croce's Criticism of Hegel, Giulio Tambalo
Crossing the ocean: the importance of gene flow in island evolution, Ethan F. Gyllenhaal
Cross-Tasking in Surgery: An Efficient Method to Perform Multiple Tasks in Parallel, Jacob Sanchez, Robert C. Schenck Jr., Lillian J. Schenck, Urvij Modhia, Gehron Treme, Samer Kakish, Deana Mercer, Daniel C. Wascher, and Dustin L. Richter
CRS Fellows Snapshot Event 2024, Lloyd L. Lee
Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Queen Charlotte Plate Boundary, Collin C. Brandl
CSsEv: Modelling QoS Metrics in Tree Soft Toward Cloud Services Evaluator based on Uncertainty Environment, Mona Gharib, Florentin Smarandache, and Mona Mohamed
CTSC Clinical and Translational Research Experience (CT-REx) Program, Regis Lacher and Annette Crisanti
Cuba’s Potential Contribution to the Success of Chicano Students in the U.S.: Directions to Decolonize the Raza Community, Patrick M. Velásquez
Cubic Spherical Neutrosophic Sets and Selection of Electric Truck Using Cosine Similarity Measure, S. Krishnaprakash, R. Mariappan, and Said Broumi
Cubic Spherical Neutrosophic Sets for Advanced Decision-Making, S Gomathi, M. Karpagadevi, S. Krishnaprakash, A. Revathy, and Said Broumi
Cuerpo Legislativo Members Photo Along Wall, José Rivera
Curanderismo, Gabino Noriega III
Curanderismo Archive Photo 01, Curanderismo Archive
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Curanderismo Herb Stores: Yerberías, Curanderismo Archive
Curanderismo Student Interview, Curanderismo Archive
Curated Exhibit 100 Years: Celebrating New Mexico's Health, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit: Absolute Poison, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit Art in Medicine: On the Fabric of the Human Body, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit: Artistry of Bookplates, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit: Civil War Medicine, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit: Histological Colorations: Explorations into the Human Form, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit Practice of Compassion: Celebrating UNM School of Medicine’s Fifty Years of Excellence, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit Price of War: Advances in Military Medicine, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit Roadside Crosses and Memorials: Photo Essay by Gerald Moore, Laura J. Hall
Curated Exhibit: The Untangling of Diabetes Mellitus: Portraits Through Time, Laura J. Hall
Current Advances in 2022: A Critical Review of Selected Topics by the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee, Ryan A. Metcalf, Claudia S. Cohn, Sara Bakhtary, Thomas Gniadek, Gaurav Gupta, Sarah Harm, Richard L. Haspel, Aaron S. Hess, Jessica Jacobson, Parvez M. Lokhandwala, Colin Murphy, Jacqueline N. Poston, Micah T. Prochaska, Jay S. Raval, Nabiha H. Saifee, Eric Salazar, Hua Shan, Nicole D. Zantek, and Monica B. Pagano
Current Events, Historical Events, and Artistic Representations, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Cytotoxic Effects Of Vanadium On Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophages, Crystal Joy Sheridan
Dance Contest Ticket, José Rivera
Dance Hall Proposal, José Rivera
Data from: Interweaving Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars: Do They Support a Wet Hypothesis?, Daniel P. Mason and Louis A. Scuderi
David Alfaro Siquieros: Collective Suicide, Latin American and Iberian Institute
David C'de Baca Interview by Teresa Rodriguez Sotelo for UNM Oral History Class, Fall 2024., Teresa Rodriguez Sotelo
Dead Reckoning and Sufficient Means, Kendra MacKenzie
Death on the Other Side: The Mexican Revolution through the Lens of US Postcards Companies, Latin American and Iberian Institute and Juan Leal Ugalde
Debate: Should we celebrate Columbus Day?, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Debbie Martinez - CSWR video compilation of Debbie Martinez's appearances in nine Val De La O shows in honor of the 2024 Debbie Martinez, "La Chicanita" (1959-2007) historic marker installation at the Villa Hispana in Albuquerque State Fairgrounds by the New Mexico Historic Women Marker Program., Val De La O collection (MSS 1134)
Decarbonization Transportation: Evaluating Role of Cyber Security in Transportation sector based on Neutrosophic Techniques in a Climate of Uncertainty, Nissreen El Saber, Mona Mohamed, and Nabil M. AbdelAziz
Decision Making Based on Valued Fuzzy Superhypergraphs, Mohammad Hamidi, Florentin Smarandache, and Mohadeseh Taghinezhad
Decision Making By Neutrosophic Over Soft Topological Space, R.Narmada Devi and Yamini Parthiban
Decolonizing digital accessibility within land/water realities using minimal computing, Mary Rice
Decoration and Pattern as Picture, Nancy Norman
Dectin-1 Multimerization and Signaling Depends on Fungal β-Glucan Structure and Exposure, Eduardo U. Anaya, Akram Etemadi Amin, Michael J. Wester, Michael E. Danielson, Kyle S. Michel, and Aaron K. Neumann
Deed Exhibits at Conejo County Clerk, José Rivera
Deed of Conservation Easement to CHF, José Rivera
Deep Learning for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Coordination in Air Corridors, Liangkun Yu
Deep Learning Framework for Graph-Based Molecular Drug Discovery, Daniel Manu
Deep Neural Network Based Tissue Deconvolution of Circulating Tumor Cell RNA, Fengyao Yan, Limin Jiang, Fei Ye, Jie Ping, Tetiana Y. Bowley, Scott A. Ness, Chung-I Li, Dario Marchetti, Jijun Tang, and Yan Guo
Deep Sequence-Coupled Biopanning and Vaccine Development, Julianne Peabody
Demographic, Personality and Nonverbal Perception Correlates of Communication Sensitivity, William Patrick Neal
Deneutrosophication of Neutrosophic Bézier Surface Approximation Model, Siti Nur Idara Rosli and Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly
Dental informatics over time: A 20-year longitudinal bibliometric analysis, Ana Cleveland
Denver Museo de las Américas, José Rivera
Department of Family & Community Medicine Transdisciplinary Evaluation and Support Clinic (TEASC), Martin Gonzales, Toni Benton, John Phillips, Gail Thaler, Helene Silverblatt, May Goldenberg, Clark Hardgrave, Amber Seik, Pat Beery, Shelly Marek, Liz Donsbach, and Rae Romero
Derivation Of Transfer Functions From Time Delay Specifications And Their Approximations., Nasir Ahmed
Descriptive Writing: A Letter Home, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Design and Analysis of Free Piston Stirling Engines for Microreactor Applications, Phat D. Doan
Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Electro-Optic Radio-Frequency Probes For High Field Environments, Michael D. Sherburne
Designing Curriculum with the Affective Context Learning Theory: Using Stories to Explore Fact and Feeling in Geriatric Psychiatry, Wayles Haynes, Jeremy Miller, and Christopher Abbott
Design, Optimization, and Hardware Deployment of a Deep Learning Model for GPS Spoofing Detection using GNSS Satellite Receiver Protocol Data, Clarizza Morales Chacon
Design Recommendations for Environmental Control in Greenhouses, George E. Montgomery Jr.
Despedidas con Mariachi: Examining COVID-19’s Impact on Mexican Americans in Southern California, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Despedidas con Mariachis: Examining COVID-19's Impact on Mexican Americans in Southern California, Jessie M. Vallejo and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Desublimation of Water Vapor at Low Pressure and Evaporative Freezing of Seawater, Sun Sea Pao
Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases Using Predictive Models Based on Deep Learning Techniques: A Hybrid Neutrosophic AHP-TOPSIS Approach for Model Selection, Julio Barzola-Monteses, Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz, Franklin Parrales-Bravo, Cristhian Medina-Suarez, Wendy Yanez-Pazmino, David Zabala-Blanco, and Maikel Y. Leyva-Vazquez
Determinants Of Population Migration For The State Of New Mexico., William H. Perry
Determination of the degree of relationship between Activity Cost and Financial Management in beef cattle production in a region of Peru, based on Indeterminate Likert Scale and Neutrosophic Similarity, Michael Raiser Vásquez-Ramírez and Ketty Marilú Moscoso-Paucarchuco
Determination of the Orientation of Air-Borne Instrumentation, David G. Miller
Determining the Cerebellum’s Functional Role in Adolescent Reward Processing, Teagan Mullins
Determining the existence and regulation of microlipophagy in primary brown and white adipocytes, Sara C. Arenas De Leon
Determining the Relationship between Interculturality and Bilingualism in Bilingual Teaching in Peru Based on Plithogenic Statistics, Rafael Pinedo Coral, Aniceto Elías Aguilar Polo, Juan Ernesto Ríos Ángeles, Edgar Ricardo Yauri Rivera, Janett Karina Vásquez Pérez, Liliana Huaranga Rivera, Roberth Lozano Tacuri Toribio, and Miriam Esther Campos Llana
De Usted Y Su Embarazo Guía Prenatal, University of New Mexico Maternity and Infant Care Project
Developing Neutrosophic Cubic Spherical Fuzzy Sets along with their Exponential Aggregation Operators for Decision-Making Problems, Monika Yadav, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, and Aman Sharma
Developing Use of Student's Imagination in High School Art Classes, Lawrence Henry Sinnott
Developing Visual Creative Traits Through a Three Week Course of Instruction and the Relationship of Spontaneous and Deliberate Art Expression to Creative Achievement, Walter E. Rutkowski
Developing your Collection Development Policy, Robyn Gleasner, Deirdre Caparoso, Rachel Altobelli, and Julia Kelso
Development and Characterization of Automated Screen Mesh-Based Microfluidic Device to Perform Continuous Countercurrent Liquid-liquid Extraction, Quinn McCulloch
Development of an Empowering Language Assessment Tool for Type 1 Diabetes, Gwen Geiger Wolfe, Sally Bowler-Hill, and Lisa Acuff
Development of Some New Hybrid Structures of Hypersoft Set with Possibility-degree Settings, Atiqe Ur Ur Rahman, Florentin Smarandache, Muhammad Saeed, and Khuram Ali Khan
Developments in Postmortem Imaging, Jamie Elifritz and Heather S. Jarrell
Día de los muertos, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Día de los Muertos, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Día de los muertos at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Día de los Muertos: Guía para Educadores K-12, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Diagnostic Evaluation of Dizziness in Obstetric Triage, Annslee J. Lowe and Anna Shields
Diagnostic Evaluation of Palpitations in Obstetric Triage, Annslee J. Lowe and Anna Shields
Diagnostic Pathology: Blood and Bone Marrow, 3rd Edition, Kathryn Foucar, Devon Chabot-Richards, Qian-Yun Zhang, Jay S. Raval, and Marian Rollins-Raval
Diálogos con Elena Garro: Entrevistas y otros textos, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Dialogue Journals in Assessment of Student Writing, Brigid Elise Ovitt
Dialogue Poem, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Dielectric Strength of SiO₂ in a CMOS Transistor Structure, Jerry Malin Soden
Differences in Anglo-American Policy on the Strategic Bombardment of Germany During World War II, 1943-1944, Eugene G. Venable
Differential Effects of Instructions to Role-Play Mental Illness on the Performance of Chicanos and Anglos on Two Subtests of the Wais, Teresa Y. Makowski
Differential River Incision due to Quaternary Faulting on the Río Jemez-Salado System at the Million-Year Timescale, Cameron Reed
Dinner and Reception Alamosa Armory, José Rivera
Direct Costing, Gordon J. Paul
Direct Detection of Relic Neutrino Background remains impossible: A review of more recent arguments, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Direct Hyperbilirubinemia and Infant Characteristics in a Newborn Intensive Care Population, Maritza Chavez, Holly Kastendieck, Jessie R. Maxwell, and Dawn Novak
"Discovery" Activity, Latin American and Iberian Institute
"Discovery" Vocabulary Instruction, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Discussing Arpilleras, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Discussion with Dr. Shannon Speed, Shannon Speed
Discussion with fronteristxs collective: Ongoing collaborative work in the abolition movement, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Display of Plenty: Addressing Food Insecurity on Campus, Adrienne Warner, Sarita Cargas, and Sarah Johnson
Dissecting the functional impairment of wild-type p53 in human glioblastoma, Leopoldo A. García-Montaño, Yamhilette Licon Munoz, Frank Martinez, Kandee Gallegos, Huining Kang, and Sara G.M Piccirillo
Dissenting Opinion?, Richard Collins
Distinct Interactions Stabilize EGFR Dimers and Higher-Order Oligomers in Cell Membranes, Krishna C. Mudumbi, Eric A. Burns, David J. Schodt, Zaritza O. Petrova, Anatoly Kiyatkin, Lucy W. Kim, Emma M. Mangiacapre, Irais Ortiz-Caraveo, Hector Rivera Ortiz, Chun Hu, Kumar D. Ashtekar, Keith A. Lidke, Diane S. Lidke, and Mark A. Lemmon
Distinctions between Various Types of Fuzzy-Extension HyperSoft Sets, Florentin Smarandache
Distributed Energy Trading Models Utilizing Reinforcement Learning and Game-Theoretic Based Approaches in Smart Grids, Nicholas Kemp
Distringuished Feminist Research Award, Lecture & Reception, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Documenting Local Issues and Activism with Speedy Mini-Documentaries, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Does Matching Humeral Version in Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty Affect Postoperative Range of Motion? A Pilot Study, Shane Johns, William Curtis, Nicholas Newcomb, Ryan Dahlberg, and Christopher Shultz
Do I Listen to You, or Do I Listen to Me? An Individual Difference Investigation into Advice Utilization, Danielle Nicole Sanchez-Combs
Domain Specific Feature Representation Learning for Diverse Temporal Data, Farhan Asif Chowdhury
Dona Marina/Malinche: Victim, Traitor, or Survivor?, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Don Juan de Onate and Monuments of Bias: Ethnological Love and Hate, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Don't Swab Me!: Limitations of the Genetic Information Privacy Act in the Modern Genetic Testing Landscape, Ibrahim Al-Gahmi
Dose and Depth Dose Measurements on the Sixth Gemini Flight, a Comparison with the Gemini-4 Radiation Measurements, Marion F. Schneider
Dose Patterns for ¹⁰⁶Ruo₄ Inhaled by Fischer-344 Rats, Gene E. Runkle
Dosimetry For High Intensity, 2 Mev Radiation., Clifford Ledth Schroeder
Double Indeterminacy - Neutrosophic Study of an Approximation Techniques Used to Find Random Variables, Maissam Ahmad Jdid and Florentin Smarandache
Dream Confirmation: Present Thoughts on My Work Completed Between the Summer and Autumn of 1977, Philip J. Calabria
Dr. Rachael Cassidy Interview with Oral History Class 2024 about the New Mexico Historical Review, Holly Guise
Dr. Tomas Enos Summer 2021, Curanderismo Archive
Durán, Alberto from Desmontes, NM, Audio interview #58
Durán, Isidro, Audio interview #33
Dynamic Fallowing in the Middle Rio Grande: A Look at The Environmental Water Leasing Program, Jared Wood
Dynamic Spectrum Management in 3D Networks Inspired by Biological Systems, Jordan Anthony Patrizi
Dysregulation of the PRUNE2/PCA3 Genetic Axis in Human Prostate Cancer: From Experimental Discovery to Validation in Two Independent Patient Cohorts, Richard C. Lauer, Marc Barry, Tracey L. Smith, Andrew Maltez Thomas, Jin Wu, Ruofei Du, Ji-Hyun Lee, Arpit Rao, Andrey S. Dobroff, Marco A. Arap, Diana N. Nunes, Israel T. Silva, Emmanuel Dias-Neto, Isan Chen, Dennis J. McCance, Webster K. Cavenee, Renata Pasqualini, and Wadih Arap
Ear Lateralization For Time Compressed Rhymed Word Sequences: Primacy And Recency Effects, Janet Lee Patterson
Early-Age Strength and Failure Characteristics of 3D Printable Polymer Concrete: Numerical Modelling and Experimental Testing, Mohammad Amin Dehghani Najvani
Early Antibody Treatment, Inflammation, and Risk of Post-COVID Conditions, Kelly A. Gebo, Sonya L. Heath, Yuriko Fukuta, Xianming Zhu, Sheriza Baksh, Allison G. Abraham, Feben Habtehyimer, David Shade, Jessica Ruff, Malathi Ram, Oliver Laeyendecker, Reinaldo E. Fernandez, Eshan U. Patel, Owen R. Baker, Shmuel Shoham, Edward R. Cachay, Judith S. Currier, Jonathan M. Gerber, Barry Meisenberg, Donald N. Forthal, Laura L. Hammitt, Moises A. Huaman, Adam Levine, Giselle S. Mosnaim, Bela Patel, James H. Paxton, Jay S. Raval, Catherine G. Sutcliffe, Shweta Anjan, Thomas Gniadek, Seble Kassaye, Janis E. Blair, Karen Lane, Nichol A. McBee, Amy L. Gawad, Piyali Das, Sabra L. Klein, Andrew Pekosz, Evan M. Bloch, Daniel Hanley, Arturo Casadevall, Aaron A R Tobian, and David J. Sullivan
Early New Mexico Fur Trade, 1821-28, David Weber
Early Social Isolation and Subsequent Self-Punitive Behavior, Timothy Scott Strongin
EAT, SLEEP, CONSOLE Versus Usual Care for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal, Sandra Beauman, Jessie R. Maxwell, Sarah Sanders, Elizabeth Kuan, Jennifer Montoya, Conra Lacy, Alberta S. Kong, Anne Hittson, Hengameh Raissy, and ISPCTN Clinical Sites
Ecological Comparison Of Sigmodon Hispidus And Sigmodon Fulviventer In The Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, Karen Petersen
Ecological Distribution of the Genus Peromyscus in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico, Don E. Wilson
Economic Considerations of Science Policy in Mexico, Baltazar Estrada Martinez
Economic Integration As A Tool Of Development In Central America., Walter John Phair
Ecopedagogy: Teaching Language and Culture in the Time of Ecological Breakdown, Luis Iñaki Prádanos and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Eddie Sisneros Interview, Jerry Sisneros
EdgeRegularComplexNeutrosophicGraphStructureandit is Application, S.Angelin Kavitha Raj, S.N.Suber Bathusha, S.Satham Hussain, and R.Jahir Hussain
ed Point Results in Neutrosophic b- Metric Like Spaces, Pandiselvi M. and Jeyaraman. M.
Education Quality, Support, and Community Leadership in Two New Mexico Communities, Kenneth Wesley
Educators' Attitudes Toward Bilingual-Bicultural Education, E. David Atencio
EEG Acquisition Methods During the First Year of Life: UNM Pilot of HEALthy Brain and Child Development Study (HBCD), Alexandria Wiesel, Lidia Enriquez Marquez, Lawrence Leeman, Ludmila N. Bakhireva, and James F. Cavanagh
EEVMC: An Energy Efficient Virtual Machine Consolidation Approach for Cloud Data Centers, Attique Ur Rehman, Songfeng Lu, Mubashir Ali, Florentin Smarandache, Sultan S. Alshamrani, Abdullah Alshehri, and Farrukh Arslan
Effective Rates Of Evaporation And Chemical Properties Of The Precipitates., John Lincoln Rasho
Effect of a Feedback System on Word Recognition of Primary Children in a Tutorial Project, Verlinda Parnell Townsend
Effect of Air Filtration on Water Quality During Atmospheric Water Harvest in the Southwest United States, A.J. Barney
Effect of Alkaline Water in Controlling Oral pH, Duc M. Nguyen
Effect of Fiber Proximity on the Pullout Response: A Finite Element Study, Tyler Mitchell
Effect Of Relative Humidity At 23 C On Egg Eclosion In Two Species Of Pyralid Moths., William P. Morrison
Effect of the 7P's of the Marketing Mix on the Sales Strategies of a Private University: a comprehensive analysis using the neutrosoph-ic PEST-SWOT approach, Danny Joseph Anthony Flores Villarruel and Rosa María Criollo Delgado
Effects of a Creativity Program on the Creative Thinking Abilities of Elementary Emotionally Disturbed Children, Carol S. Pitts
Effects of Acute Dehydration, Heat Acclimatization and Physical Condition on Fluid Shifts Induced by Lower Body Negative Pressure, Michael Dyar Venters
Effects of aging on Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption: A Preliminary Study, Steven Klepacz
Effects of a psychological stressor on methamphetamine seeking in rats., Kayla B. Cox
Effects of Cognitive Complexity, Stress, and Cognitive Style on Pauses in Spontaneous Speech, Daniel B. Matthews
Effects of dysbiosis and gut-derived hydrogen sulfide on cognitive performance, Kimberly Barnhart, Haley Prather, Stephanie Nitschke, Kayla Julio, Nicolas Shaff, Alexander Birg, Henry Lin, Sephira Ryman, and Andrei Vakhtin
Effects of Hydrocarbon Chain Length on the Thermodynamics of Formation of Bis(n-Alkylamino)-Silver (I) Complex Ions, Don J. Temer
Effects Of Introducing A Unit On Consumer Mathematics Into A Seventh Grade Mathematics Class., Joann Mazzio
Effects of Land-Use Practices Upon Surface Water Quality, Carleton S. White
Effects of Third Trimester Alcohol Exposure (TTAE) on oligodendrocyte development in the mouse brain, Estrella Villicana, Luis E. Paez-Beltran, Bianca L. Myers, C Fernando Valenzuela, and Tou Yia Vue
Egypt and Indonesia: A Structural Analysis, Lawrence D. Weiss
El cine mexicano se impone: Foreigners, Gender, Social Hierarchies in Mexican Golden Age Cinema, Latin American and Iberian Institute
El Corrido del Concilio de Nambé, José Rivera
Electoral Trends and Partisan Patterns, Lea County, New Mexico, Stuart W. Spillar
Electrical Parameter Correlations For Radiation Hardness Assurance Of Operational Amplifiers, John L. Mullis
Electrochemical Investigations Of The Mechanisms Of Reduction Of Benzaldehyde Compounds In Sulfolane, Neal Russell Armstrong
Electrodeposition of Gadolinium Metal Thin Films for Neutron Phase Contrast Imaging, Mary Louise Gucik
El Estado De Abandono De Los Menores Venezolanos: Un Estado Predilectual En El Presente, Dora R. Zerpa Bravo
Elevation of miR-150-5p in Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells as a result of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure is Mediated by Transcriptional Mechanisms, Marissa Westenskow, Christina Wong, and Amy S. Gardiner
El Humo y el salon: Narratives within Academia, Hausammann Brewhaus and Latin American and Iberian Institute
El Llano: The Making and Remaking of a Mexican Homeland on the Southwest-Great Plains Borderlands, Joel Zapata and Latin American and Iberian Institute
El Mes de la Cultura Hispana, Latin American and Iberian Institute
El mutualisme com a narració de la identitat: La Societat de Protecció Mútua de Treballadors Units a Nou Méxic (EUA)., José Rivera
El mutualismo como narración de la identidad. La Sociedad de Protección Mútua de Trabajadores Unidos en Nuevo México, José Rivera
El Once: Enseñando historias difíciles en la primaria, Marisol Benavides Parra
El Pequeño Riego de México: Puebla, Morelos, y Baja California Sur, José A. Rivera Ph.D.
El Periodismo Paraguayo Y Su Actitud Frente A La Guerra De La Triple Alianza Y Francisco Solano LóPez., Gladis Fois Maresma
El Rito Community Library, José Rivera
El Sur de Jalisco y Su Importancia en la Historia de Mexico, J. de Jesús Toscano Moreno
El único pecado de Chepita Rodriguez, Maria G. Vielma
Embedding Direction of Arrival and Antenna Beamforming Algorithms on Automated Software Defined Radio Platforms, Adrian J. Lewis
Embedding Norms into Neutrosophic Multi Fuzzy Subrings, B. Anitha and P. Tharini
Emily Snyder, Greenleaf Scholar Archival Report, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Emotion And Cognitive Perceptions In Response To Cinematographic And Non-Cinematographic Media, Stefani Nervig
Empowering Artificial Intelligence Techniques with Soft Computing of Neutrosophic Theory in Mystery Circumstances for Plant Diseases, Ahmed El-Massry, Florentin Smarandache, and Mona Mohamed
Empowering Clinical Practice HSLIC's Literature Search Resources and Service, Evelyn Wang
Empowering Student Wellness: Our Approach at the Health Sciences Library, Varina Kosovich
Empowering Student Wellness: Our Approach at the Health Sciences Library, Varina Kosovich and Kristin Proctor
Enabling Intelligent Network Management through Multi-Agent Systems: An Implementation of Autonomous Network System, Petro Mushidi Tshakwanda
Encinias, Frank, Santa Rosa, NM (part 1), Audio interview #0
Encinias, Frank, Santa Rosa, NM (part 2), Audio interview #0
Encinias, Teodoro from Tecolote, NM; Santa Rosa, NM (part 1), Audio interview #59
Encinias, Teodoro from Tecolote, NM; Santa Rosa, NM (part 2), Audio interview #59
Endangered Language Pedagogy & Teaching Methodology, Brandon J. Martínez
Ending Violence Against Indigenous Women: Rethinking Human Rights and Tribal Sovereignty, Shannon Speed
Energetics of Formate, Lactate, and Pyruvate Metabolism by an Obligate Anaerobic Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium, Desulfovibrio Vulgaris, Edward L. Magee Jr.
Engineered Cementitious Composites: The Good, The Bad, and The Possibilities, Michele M. Anderson and Michele M. Anderson
Engineering Composite Gridlines for Improved Solar Module Reliability, Andre Chavez
English for specific purposes in the medical sciences to strengthen the professional profile of the higher education medicine student: a knowledge representation using SuperHyperSoft Sets, Oswaldo Edison García Brito, Andrea Sofía Ribadeneira Vacacela, Carmen Hortensia Sánchez Burneo, and Mónica Cecilia Jimbo Galarza
English Syntax and Observed Oral Reading Miscues of Selected Children from a Spanish-Speaking Background, Martha Winn
Enhanced Neutrosophic Set and Machine Learning Approach for Breast Cancer Prediction, Ashika T, Hannah Grace, Nivetha Martin, and Florentin Smarandache
Enhancing Failure Mode and Effect Analysis with Neutrosophic Inverse Soft Expert Sets, Vijayabalaji S, Thillaigovindan N, Sathiyaseelan N, and Said Broumi
Enhancing Judicial Impartiality in Ecuador: A Fuzzy Cognitive Map Approach Using Neutrosophic Logic and Fuzzification, Robert Alcides Falconi Herrera
Enhancing Medical Image Quality using Neutrosophic Fuzzy Domain and Multi-Level Enhancement Transforms: A Comparative Study for Leukemia Detection and Classification, A. A. Salama, Mahmoud Y. Shams, Huda E. Khalid, and Doaa E. Mousa
Enhancing Set-Theoretic Research Methods with Neutrosophic Sets, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, and Florentin Smarandache
Enhancing the Career Exploration of Undergraduate Students at a Public, Hispanic-Serving Institution: The ÉLITE Career Mentoring Program, Laura de Lorenzo Barrios
Enhancing the Codification of Crimes Against Humanity: A Neutrosophic and Analytical Approach to International Legal Frameworks, Marcia Esther España Heredia, Jorge Washigton Soxo Andachi, Nemis García Arias, and Karina Pérez Teruel
Enhancing the Teaching-Learning Process through Neutrosophic Statistical Analysis of Professional Competencies and Metacognitive Strategies, Dante Manuel Macazana Fernandez; Wilder Fabio Ramos Palacios; Daniel Amílcar Pinto Pagaza,; Mary Liz Mendoza Hidalgo; Tula Margarita Espinoza Moreno; and Mayra Susan Albán Taipe
Entanglement with neutral atoms in the simulation of nonequilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional spin models, Anupam Mitra
Entre la realidad y la ficción: una charla con Irene Vasco, Irene Vasco
Environmental Fate of Sulfur in Sulphur Creek, Valles Caldera, NM: Implications for Metal Transport and Water Quality, Daniel Lavery
Environmental Justice Beyond 2°C, Clifford Villa
Environmental Justice is a Civil Rights Issue, Secretary Deb Haaland
Environmental Justice is a Civil Rights Issue, Secretary Deb Haaland
Environmental Justice is a Civil Rights Issue, Dennis Chavez Memorial Lecture (Sept. 22, 2022), Secretary Deb Haaland
e-Open Maps, e-Closed Maps and e-Homeomorphisms in N-Neutrosophic Crisp Topological Spaces, P. Thangaraja, A. Vadivel, and C. John Sundar
Equitable Care During Incarceration, Lisa M. Taylor and Clarissa Spiro
Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders: An Evaluation of Self-Assessment using Surveys, Shannon L. Sherman
Ermakov Equations can be Derived from Zel’dovich Pancake, and they are Cold and Nonlocal through using Neutrosophic Venn Diagram, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Ernest Hemingway:Four Studies In The Competitive Motif., Taylor Alderman
Error and Bias in Race and Ethnicity Descriptions in Medical Examiner Records in New Mexico: Consequences for Understanding Mortality Among Hispanic/Latinos, Nicollette S. Appel, Heather JH Edgar, Shamsi Daneshvari Berry, and Keith Hunley
Erythrocyte Transketolase Activity Measurements: Assessment of Thiamine Status in Rat and Man, Marilyn Thomas Milchanowski
Escalating Costs of Self-Injury Mortality in the 21st Century United States: An Interstate Observational Study., Ian RH Rockett, Bina Ali, Eric D. Caine, Donald S. Shepard, Aniruddha Banerjee, Kurt B. Nolte, Hilary S. Connery, G Luke Larkin, Steven Stack, Franklin M M White, Haomiao Jia, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Judith Feinberg, Amanda N. Stover, and Ted R. Miller
Esquibel, Alfonso from Sabinoso, NM, Audio interview #60
Essays Analyzing Economic Consequences of Caste Dynamics in India, Nikhil Ganvir
Essays on the Societal Impacts of Housing Programs and Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Rex W. Sitti
Esteva, Dr. Claudio from Barcelona, Spain, Audio interview #43
Estimates of Radionuclide Loading to Cochiti Lake from Los Alamos Canyon Using Manual and Automated Sampling, Christopher T. McLean
Estimating Potential Exposure from Abandoned Uranium Mine Sites through Machine Learning Classification of Animal Behavior: A Case Study in the Navajo Nation, Christopher Girlamo
Estimation of the Energy Cost of the Roving Player Position in Women's Basketball, Gladys L. Ziemer
Ethics in Medical Research and Experimentation, Carlos Castañeda Guillot, Icler Sisalema Aguilar, Alex Valencia Herrera, and Wilder Fabio Ramos Palacios
Eureka moment as divine spark in the light of direct experience with the Spirit and nature, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Evaluating AI Literacy in Academic Libraries: A Survey Study with a Focus on U.S. Employees, Leo S. Lo
Evaluating a Web-based Training Curriculum for Disseminating Best Practices for the Care of Newborns with Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome in a Rural Hospital, the NOWS-NM Program, Heather Pratt-Chavez, Heidi Rishel Brakey, Sarah G. Sanders, Juhee Patel, Tim Ozechowski, Chloe Stoffel, Andrew L. Sussman, Jessie Marquez, David R. Smith, and Alberta S. Kong
Evaluating Blockchain Cybersecurity Based on Tree Soft and Opinion Weight Criteria Method under Uncertainty Climate, Florentin Smarandache, Mona Mohamed, and Michael Gr. Voskoglou
Evaluating the direct effect of an increase in the Value Added Tax on business sales using the Delphi and NAHP+NSC methods, Guido Macas-Acosta, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, Arnaldo Vergara-Romero, and Fidel Márquez Sanchez
Evaluating the impacts of climate change on the City of Santa Fe’s municipal water supply using system dynamics modeling, Atlin Johnson
Evaluating the nuclear power plant safety system under neutrosophic environment, Debapriya Mondal, Totan Garai, Gopal Chandra Roy, and Shariful Alam
Evaluation and Selection of Strategies for the Collection of Real Estate Taxes through Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCM), Lizbeth M. Clemente-Mercado, Luis F. Blanco Ayala, Jesús M. Orna-Barillas, Richard Torvisco-Type, and Edwin Antonio Condori-Nina
Evaluation of Agronomic Performance of two Varieties of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.), INIAP 440 - Quitumbe and INIAP 442 - Sultana, using Neutrosophic Superhypersoft sets, Karina Paola Marín Quevedo, Cristian Santiago Jiménez Jacome, Ángel Rubén Murillo Ilbay, and Isabel Chávez
Evaluation of anxiety-producing factors in the context of dental care using Delphi-AHP neutrosophic methods, Christian Esteban Gómez Carrión, Ruth Asela Saravia Alviar, Jessica Haydée Saravia Alviar, Brenda Roxana Vergara Pinto, Elca Rocío del Águila Gastelu, and Secundino Marrero Ramírez
Evaluation of a Process of Expanding the Palpi of Male Spiders for Taxonomic Purposes, William A. Shear
Evaluation of Distributed Leadership in Education Using Neutrosophic HyperSoft Set, Nouran Ajabnoor
Evaluation of E-Commerce Sites using Novel Similarity Measure of Neutrosophic Hypersoft Sets, Rashmi. S. Chaudhry and Anil Chandhok
Evaluation of Error Sources in Dynamic Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Tests, Odey Yousef
Evaluation of Placement Procedures for the Educable Mentally Handicapped in a Public School System, Eugene Delbert Valencia
Evaluation of Public Policy Management in Strengthening Citizen Se-curity through the Plithogenic Hypothesis Approach, Julio Cesar Vidal Rischmoller, Rosa Maria Criollo Delgado, and Eluar Alexander Mendoza Zenozain
Evaluation of Sessions One & Two (*by Students), Jonathan Eldredge
Evaluation of Sessions Three & Four, Jonathan Eldredge
Evaluation of Shortest path on multi stage graph problem using Dynamic approach under neutrosophic environment, Prasanta Kumar Raut, Siva Prasad Behera, Said Broumi, and Amarendra Baral
Evaluation of Sustainable Agricultural Practices Using Organic Fertilizers for Soil Recovery in Salache: A Neutrosophic Superhypersoft Set Approach, Jorge Fabián Troya Sarzosa and Julio Cesar Alegre Orihuela
Evaluation of Sustainable Waste Valorization using TreeSoft Set with Neutrosophic Sets, Ali Alqazzaz and Karam M. Sallam
Evaluation of the Adjustment to Separation and Divorce: For Individauls Participating in a Psychodramatic or an Educational Divorce Adjustment Group, Harvey Michael Barker
Evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence applied in current Latin American Education with the help of Neutrosophic SWOT and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps, Katia N. Flores Ledesma, Rafael W. Cánez Palomino, César R. Vilcapoma Pérez, Pedro B. Gutiérrez, Ana M. Vallina Hernández, Elier A. Nieto Rivas, Abrahán C. Neri Ayala, and Santos L. Guanilo Gómez
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Preventive Dental Education in Primary Schools, Marianela Buitrón Recalde, Sandra Rojas Rojas, Marco Zúñiga Llerena, and Anthony Rafael Sotolongo León
Evaluation of the Impact of Government Audit on Quality Management, Based on Neutroalgebra Generated by the PROSPECTOR Function, Alexander Santos Silva Bernardo, Jeri Gloria Ramón Ruffner, David Sánchez Cruz, and Patricia Padilla-Vento
Evaluation of the Impact of the Use of Digital Skills on the Substantial Increase in Learning through the Neutrosophic PEST-SWOT approach, Luis Fernando Blanco Ayala, Ricardo Edilberto Palacios Pérez, Jean Pierre Wong Silva, Bertha Silva Narvaste, Josué Joel Ríos Herrera, and Viviana Pastora Panchi Mayo
Evaluation of the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes, Mónica Bustos Villarreal, Nairovys Gómez Martínez, and Roberto Enrique Alvarado Chacón
Evaluation of the shortest path based on the Traveling Salesman problem with a genetic algorithm in a neutrosophic environment, Prasanta Kumar Raut, Siva Prasad Behera, Said Broumi, Arindam Dey, Mohamed Talea, and Amarendra Baral
Evaluation Strategies of International Business Administration in the E-Commerce Sector Using Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets, Ather Abdulrahman Ageeli
Evaluation Strategies of Leadership Management in Healthcare Systems: An Integrated Type-II Neutrosophic Optimization Approach, Areej Hamoud Alharbi, Hayam M. Jabali, and Preethi Rajan
Evaluative Analysis of the Incorporation of ICT in the Solving of Mathematical Problems in Primary Education Students with the Help of Neutrosophic Statistics on Fuzzy Data, Gladys Martha Flores-Choque, Beker Maraza-Vilcanqui, Nain Maraza-Vilcanqui, Queke Maraza-Vilcanqui, Jesús Ttito-Quispe, Elizabeth Norma Calixto-Arias, Liliana Huaranga-Rivera, and Aniceto Elías Aguilar-Polo
Event Posters Concilio Superior in Photos, José Rivera
Event recap: Identifying the dead along our southern border, Latin American and Iberian Institute
"Everyone Got to Eat My Tears": Racialized Emotions, Mentoring Practices, and the Political and Ethical Commitments of Women of Color Graduate Students in STEM, Machienvee V. Lammey
Evidence Based Practice: A Decision-Making Guide for Health Information Professionals, Jonathan Eldredge
Evidence-Based Public Health Practice: A Toolkit for Evaluating Evidence & A Toolkit for Applying Evidence, Lisa M. Acuff, Deirdre Caparoso, Jonathan Eldredge, Gale G. Hannigan, and Ingrid Hendrix
Evolution And The Ultimate Concern., Lowell Randall Rogers
Evolutionary Process In Complex Societies And The Late Period-Cara Occupation Of Northern Highland Ecuador, John Stephen Athens II.
Evolution of a Theme: From Simplicity to Complexity, Bruce M. Meisner
Examining Substance Use and Mental Health Patterns Among Hispanic Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis and its Associations with Risk and Protective Factors, Carolina Verdezoto, David Lardier, Pauline Garcia-Reed, and Robert J. Reid
Examining the Human Rights Legacy in Chile, Pascale Bonnefoy and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Examples of NeutroHyperstructures on Biological Inheritance, Fakhry Asad Agusfrianto, Madeleine Al-Tahan, Mariam Hariri, and Yudi Mahatma
Exercise PA-1, Jonathan Eldredge
Exercise PA-2, Jonathan Eldredge
Exercise PA-3, Jonathan Eldredge
Exercises, Jonathan Eldredge
Exercises One through Three, Jonathan Eldredge
Expanded Video Environments, Glade Frank Sperry Jr.
Expanding the Dimensionality of Team Deviance: An Organizing Framework and Review, Trevor Spoelma and Tamanna Chauhan
Experiences of Allied Health Clinicians Accessing a Pilot Project ECHO® Program to Support Learning in Pediatric Feeding, Jeanne Marshall, Perrin Moss, Madeline Raatz, Elizabeth C Ward, Nadine Frederiksen, Claire Reilly, Corrine Dickinson, Sally Clarke, and Kelly Beak
Experimental, Analytical, And Numerical Studies On Multiconductor Transmission Lines, Ashok Kumar Agrawal
Experimental Investigation of Free Field Conditions in Tanks to be Used in Interaction Studies, Clark P. Sanger
Experimental Permeability Studies At Elevated Temperature And Pressure Of Granitic Rocks, Jared Michael Potter
Expert Recommendations for a Clinical Guide Supporting the Use of Electrical Stimulation in Occupational Therapy Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury, Timothy P. Dionne and James A. Lenker
Exploration and Conquest in the Americas: A Thematic Guide, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Exploration of Semiconductor Gain Medium, Resonator, Pump, and Frequency Stabilization for Laser Guide Star Applications, Mingyang Zhang
Exploring Monitoring Strategies for Population Surveillance of HPV Vaccine Impact Using Primary HPV Screening, Louiza S. Velentzis, David Hawkes, Michael Caruana, Julia MI Brotherton, Megan A. Smith, Lara Roeske, Khurram A. Karim, Suzanne M. Garland, C David Wrede, Jeffery Tan, Cosette Wheeler, Philip E. Castle, Marion Saville, and Karen Canfell
Exploring Negative-Valued N eutrosophic Structures in the Context of Subalgebras and Ideals in BF-algebras, B. Satyanarayana, P. Rajani, and D. Ramesh
Exploring Neutrosophic Linear Programming in Advanced Fuzzy Contexts, Shubham Kumar Tripathi, Arindam Dey, Said Broumi, and Ranjan Kumar
Exploring Neutrosophic Numeral System Algorithms for Handling Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Numerical Data: An Overview and Future Directions, A. A. Salama, Mahmoud Y. Shams, Sherif Elseuofi, and Huda E. Khalid
Exploring Neutrosophic Over Supra Exterior Modal Topological Structure: Theory and Application in Healthcare Decision-Making, R.Narmada Devi and Yamini Parthibanm
Exploring Non-Orientable Topology: Deriving the Poincaré Conjecture and possibility of experimental vindication with liquid crystal, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Exploring the Impact of Educational Reforms and Their Dimensions on Teacher Performance Through the Analysis of Plithogenic Statistics, Tula Carola Sánchez García, Lizbeth Ethel Estrada Álvarez, and Manuel Augusto Inga Arias
Exploring the Impact of Performance Audits on the Management of Public Organizations Through the Analysis of Plithogenic Statistics, César U. Marín-Eléspuru, David M. Melgarejo-Mariño, Edgar A. Solsol-Hidalgo, Domingo Chiroque-Sernaqué, and José Ricardo Balbuena Hernández
Exploring the occupational socialization of ethnically diverse physical education teachers, Martin Vasquez
Exploring Topological characteristics of Neutrosophic Banach Spaces, Pandiselvi. M and Jeyaraman. M
Expository Writing: The Compare and Contrast Essay, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Extension for neutrosophic vague subbisemirings of bisemirings, G. Manikandan, M. Palanikumar, and P. Vijayalakshmi
Extracellular Production Of Coagulase, Deoxyribonuclease Acid Phosphatase, Alkaline Phosphatase, And Lipase By Staphylococcus Aureus., Robert Lee Nelson
Extraction of Knowledge from Uncertain Data Employing Weighted Bipolar and Neutrosophic Soft Sets, Sonali Priyadarsini, Ajay Vikram Singh, and Said Broumi
Extremum Seeking Control Algorithms for Extremely High Frequency Antenna System Pointing, Scott Shore
Eyes on Amazonia: Transnational Perspectives on the Rubber Boom Frontier, Dr. Jessica Carey-Webb and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Fabrication of the Pewee Nozzle; Brazing Nozzles for Rockets Powered by Nuclear Reactors, William C. Turner
Facilitating Architectural Design: An Analysis of Selected Approaches to Architectural Programming, John Peter Petronis
Facilities For Permanent Manned Extra-Terrestrial Habitation., Richard Bruce Moeller
Factors Affecting Educational Quality: A Study Using Neutrosophic Likert Scales and Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Carlos Jacinto La Rosa Longobardi, Livia Cristina Piñas Rivera, Lida Violeta Asencios Trujillo, Djamila Gallegos Espinoza, Juan Víctor Soras Valdivia, Felipe Aguirre Chávez, and Elizabeth Gladys Garro Palomino
Factors Affecting Mating Duration in the Walkingstick Diapheromera Velii (Walsh) (Phasmatodea: Heteronemiidae), John M. Sivinski
Faculty Receptivity to Radical Academic Ideology: An Empirical Test of a Causal Model, Suzanne Vaughan
Faculty Spotlight - Alejandro Tomás Rodriguez, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Faculty Spotlight Dr. Andreas Hernandez, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Rosa Vallejos-Yopán, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Faith in Curanderismo Fidencista Movement, Curanderismo Archive
Family Made Strange: The Impact of Social Media on Family Dynamics:, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Fast Neutron Effects On Time Delay Occuring In Gallium Arsenide Laser Diodes., James Owen Schroeder
Fatigue as an Understudied Barrier to Participation in Life Roles, Janet L Poole, Susan L Murphy, Erin R Foster, Alix G Sleight, Toni Van Denend, Arash Asher, Kristine Carandang, Marcia Finlayson, Donald Fogelberg, Heather S L Jim, Aileen Ledingham, Tanya Packer, Matthew Plow, Katherine Preissner, Stephen Wechsler, and Daniel Whibley
Fault Location in DC Microgrids using Traveling Waves, SAJAY KRISHNAN PARUTHIYIL
Feasibility of a self-paced educational intervention protocol on standardized assessment of public buildings accessibility, Suzanne Burns, Jaclyn K. Schwartz, Rochelle J. Mendonca, Qussai M. Obiedat, and Roger O. Smith
Feasibility Study of the Application of Proposals for the Implementation of Compliance in the Low-Quantity Process in Public Procurement in Ecuador Using Plithogenic SWOT Analysis, Víctor Gustavo Gómez-Rodríguez, Noel Batista-Hernández, Willian Paul Avilés-Quiñonez, Johanna Irene Escobar-Jara, Roberto Eduardo Vargas-Zambrano, Ronald Marcelo Sánchez-Rovalino, Alejandro Reigosa-Lara, and Duniesky Alfonso-Caveda
Federal Personnel Reduction-In-Force Procedures:An Algorithm For Use By Science Administrators., James S. Patterson
Federal, State, And Local Tax Burdens And Expenditure Benefits By Income Class, New Mexico, 1967., James Robert Nunns
Female Crossing and Urban Mobility in Latin American Literature, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Fermatean Fuzzy α-Homeomorphism in Fermatean Fuzzy Topological Spaces, Revathy Aruchsamy and Inthumathi Velusamy
Fernández, Emilio from Arroyo Seco, NM, Audio interview #62
Festa de Carnaval, Paulo Dutra, Pilar Leto, Frank Leto, and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Feudalism On New Spain'S Northern Frontier: Valle De San Bartolom'E, A Case Study., Keith Wayne Algier
Field Research Grant Colloquium, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Field Research Grant Info Session, Lenny Ureña Valerio
Film Guide: La Vocera, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Filming the Invisible: The Hidden Stories of Indigenous Cultures, Hans Mülchi Bremer and Latin American and Iberian Institute
Film Screening & Discussion: Soil, Struggle and Justice: Agroecology in Brazilian Landless Movement, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Final Assessment PA-7, Jonathan Eldredge
Final Assessment PA-B03, Jonathan Eldredge
Final Assessment PA-C03, Jonathan Eldredge
Finding a Basic Feasible Solution for Neutrosophic Linear Programming Models: Case Studies, Analysis, and Improvements, Maissam Ahmad Jdid and Florentin Smarandache
Finding Minimal Units In Several Two-Fold Fuzzy Finite Neutrosophic Rings, Raed Hatamleh and Ayman Hazaymeh
First Amendment Fetishism, John M. Kang
First, do no harm: One medical school’s approach to designing and implementing a socially accountable global track of distinction, Natalie Reid, Amy Clithero-Eridon, and Cameron S. Crandall
First Symphony for Band, C. William Wach
Floodplains of the Undercommons: A Pressing Paradox, Marya Errin Jones
Flores, Florencio from Puerto de Luna, NM, Audio interview #63
Flow Direction Of Volcanic Rocks In The Northern Part Of The Mogollon-Datil Province, New Mexico, Glenn Alan Krimsky
Fluid Friction, Heat Transfer, Turbulence, And Interchannel Flow Stability In The Transition Form Turbulent To Laminar Flow In Tubes., Charles A. Bankson
Folded Plates As A Building System., Lyman Frank Richey
Fondling the Brave Hello: Selected Poems of William Pearlman, William Pearlman
Food for Thought, Faye Ellen Passow
Food History With Laila Halloul, Amelie Helene Noelle Palmer
Food, Security, and Sustainability: "Soil, Struggle and Justice: Agroecology In The Brazilian Landless Movement", Latin American and Iberian Institute
For All, Para Todos Educator Guide, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Forecasting Areas for Productive Collaboration between Informatics and Health Sciences Librarian Colleagues, Robyn Reed and Natya Hans
Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions in Latin America, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Info-Session, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Q&A Session, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Foreign Language and Area Studies Info Session, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Foreign Language and Study Abroad Funding Opportunities, Todd Karr and Lenny Ureña Valerio
Foreign Language and Study Abroad Funding Opportunities, Dr. Todd Karr and Dr. Lenny Ureña Valerio
Foreperiod Effects in Simple Reaction Time: A Variable Criterion Theory Analysis, John Mark Schnizlein
Forest Survey of Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, James L. Robinson
Foreword to La Sociedad by Lucas O. Trujillo Sr., José Rivera
Formal And Informal Public Relations Structures For Governmental Agencies., Berylene Blakeley Rogers
Formative Stages of Administering a Comprehensive Neurodevelopmental Battery at UNM for a Large Multi-site National Study, Lidia Enriquez Marquez, Jillian Kotulski, Alexandria Wiesel, Lawrence Leeman, and Ludmila Bakhireva
Forming La Opinión in Los Angeles: Ignacio Lozano, Mexicanidad, and Diasporic Nationalism, 1926-1940, Latin American and Iberian Institute
Formulation, Characterization, and in vivo Immunogenicity Evaluation of Heat-Stabilized Dissolvable Polymeric Microneedles, Aidan Lane Leyba
Foundation of Appurtenance and Inclusion Equations for Constructing the Operations of Neutrosophic Numbers Needed in Neutrosophic Statistics (revised), Florentin Smarandache
Foundation of SuperHyperStructure & Neutrosophic SuperHyperStructure (review paper), Florentin Smarandache
Four Possible Ways to Model Rotating Universe, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
FOXL2: a Gene Central to Ovarian Function, Aysha Mubeen and Carlos Parra-Herran
Francesca C'de Baca Academic History, David L. C'de Baca
Francisco Antonio Luján Family Group Record, José Rivera
Frank Espinosa Obituary, José Rivera
Free Vibration Of Plates Stiffened By Parallel Ribs., Charles Edward Bacchus
French Expeditions to the Northwest Coast of America, 1786-1820, Katherine Rotherham Polich
Frequency of HER2 Protein Overexpression and HER2 Gene Amplification in Endometrial Clear Cell Carcinoma, William R. Sukov, Jain Zhou, Katherine B. Geiersbach, Gary L. Keeney, Jodi M. Carter, and J Kenneth Schoolmeester
From Acoustic Analog of Space, Cancer Therapy, to Acoustic Sachs-Wolfe Theorem: A Model of the Universe as a Guitar, Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache, and Yunita Umniyati
From cymatics to sound therapy: their role in spirituality and consciousness research, Victor Christianto, Kasan Susilo, and Florentin Smarandache
From Obsession to Oxymoron: Sonic Cartoons, Steven Ralph Fitch
From Sacred Songs to Reggaeton: An Unexpected Journey that Encompasses Theatre and Urban Music., Latin American and Iberian Institute
From Zeldovich Approximation to Burgers’ equation: A Plausible Route to Cellular Automata Adhesion Universe, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Front Matter, Natural Resources Journal
Front Matter, New Mexico Law Review
Front Matter, New Mexico Law Review
Front Matter, Arianna Medina