Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Tissue accumulations of cesium-137 by the white laboratory rat, Rattus norvegicus, were studied by varying the length of time between isotope introduction and sacrifice, the temperature of the animal, and the route of administration of the radioisotope. Most tissues from animals in the normothermic and hypothermic condition accumulated their major 137Cs component within the first minute of isotope introduction. The temperature of the animal (18 C) was observed to influence tissue accumulation. Hypothermia limited uptake of radiocesium by peripheral tissues but enhanced uptake by internal tissues. Route of administration (i.a. and i.p.) differences were observed for only the heart and kidneys. This difference might be related to the large volume of blood delivered to these tissues.
Project Sponsors
Atomic Energy Commission Research Contract AT(29-2)-1629, a National Defense Fellowship (Title IV)
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
Marvin LeRoy Riedesel
Second Committee Member
James Samuel Booth
Third Committee Member
Martin William Fleck
Recommended Citation
Spaulding, Lyman B.. "Aortic Cannulation as an Experimental Tool in ¹³⁷Cs Metabolic Studies." (1968).