Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



The contemporary notion of property management is going through a period of revolutionary change. This change represents massive rearrangements in the industrial, technological, Federal, and economic complex from which the concept of property management originated. The radically changing nature of personal property management in the Federal R&D environment involves a number of problem areas. One of the most pressing problems in this regard is the fact that many of those involved with property management in Federal R&D efforts are not aware of the revolutionary change their field is presently going through. In this work the problem will be put in historical perspective in an attempt to come to grips with this aspect of the current situation.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Albert H. Rosenthal

Second Committee Member

Gerald Joseph Boyle

Third Committee Member

Donald Winston Smithburg



Document Type

