Mechanical Engineering ETDs

Publication Date



1.1 General Problem

New technological developments in the areas of arc testing, hypersonic flow, rocket propulsion, and re-entry heat shield design require new thermophysical data on heat resistant materials. The present investigation is concerned with the development of a calorimeter which has the capabilities for obtaining specific and latent heat data on these materials in the temperature range of ambient to 1,000° C. The criteria for this development are

a. that operation be easy: the calorimeter should be operated by only one observer;

b. that data be rapidly determined: no more than two to eight hours should be required to obtain results from ambient to 1,000° C;

c. that results be reproducible: the experimental error should be less than ±5 percent.

Degree Name

Mechanical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Mechanical Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Arthur Vincent Houghton III

Second Committee Member

William Ernest Baker

Third Committee Member

Karl Thomas Feldman Jr.

Document Type



