Dental Hygiene ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-11-2024


This descriptive study evaluated both cognitive (academic) and non-cognitive (personal) factors considered in the admission process and their correlation with student retention rates in dental hygiene programs. The research examined admission criteria and student retention rates for students who matriculated in 2021 and 2022, aiming to develop more effective admission criteria that predict student success and retention. A survey consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions was distributed to 327 accredited dental hygiene program directors in order to gather data. The survey achieved a 16% response rate. The results of this study provide insights into how to develop more effective admission criteria that can better predict student success and retention in the program. Correlation analysis indicated that higher standardized test scores are linked to lower attrition. These findings provide preliminary insights that can influence future admission policies and practices in dental hygiene programs, ultimately leading to better outcomes for students and institutions.

Degree Name

Dental Hygiene

Level of Degree


First Committee Member (Chair)

Robin Gatlin RDH, MS

Second Committee Member

Christine Nathe RDH, MS

Third Committee Member

Christina Calleros, RDH, MS




Admission Criteria, Dental Hygiene Education, Student Retention, Cognitive Factors, Non-Cognitive Factors

Document Type

