Anderson School of Management Theses & Dissertations
Publication Date
The general subject of this thesis concerns applied decision theory identified by the decision matrix which combines the controllable alternative strategies and noncontrollable outcome states associated with a given problem environment. Particular emphasis is placed on various subjective decision criteria which can be employed under conditions of uncertainty, that is, when the likelihood of consequences resulting from strategies of action is unknows. At the outset it is considered expedient to develop conceptual foundations of reference. Hence the following sections are devoted to establishing terminological bases upon which the remainder of this thesis will depend. Having established the framework, the details of which will emerge from analysis.
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Level of Degree
Department Name
Anderson School of Management
First Committee Member
Frank Parker Fowler Jr.
Second Committee Member
Rudyard Byron Goode
Third Committee Member
Howard Vivian Finston
Recommended Citation
Overbey, Frank E. Jr.. "An Attempt To Develop A Normative Decision Criterion.." (1964). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/anderson_etds/65
Included in
Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods Commons, Organizational Behavior and Theory Commons