Individual, Family, and Community Education ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-15-2024


The goal of this intervention of self-compassion, mindfulness, and self-kindness focuses on training Nigerian mothers raising autistic children to enhance their psychological well-being. The intervention will assist Nigeran mothers living in Nigeria with developing their self- compassion. Building resilience for Nigerian mothers' self-compassion will help them to improve their physical and psychological health by becoming more mindful of their own pains and suffering when raising their child with Autism. Also, the proposed intervention will help Nigerian mothers to focus their attention and energy on how ways that might reduce the trauma and challenges experienced in parenting children with autism.

This thesis also presents an examination of factors in Nigeria that needed to be addressed to successfully support services and interventions like the proposed intervention that seeks to enhance and support the psychological well-being, vitality, and efficacy of mothers raising autistic children in Nigeria. A discussion is provided focusing on the need to employ parents with real-life experiences with Autism as well as employing professionals who possess deep knowledge of Autism in programs serving families. It is assumed that such initiatives are needed to cultivate and enhance Nigerian mothers’ self-compassion, parental self-efficacy, and overall well-being. The major support mothers with autistic children can receive from such knowledgeable individuals, can provide authentic and helpful advice that will transform parents’ well-being and release significant burdens associated with raising a child with Autism. The paucity of such qualified individuals in Nigeria is why many Nigerian parents raising autistic children find it challenging to receive significant support and services for their family. Advice from experienced parents makes a critical difference in the feelings of mothers who may have limited formal or informal support and resources. Without such support mothers are more likely to struggle as they raise their child with Autism.


Autism, self-compassion, mindfulness, self-kindness, psychological well-being, mothers



Document Type




Degree Name

Family Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Individual, Family, and Community Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. David Atencio

Second Committee Member

Dr. Cara Streit

Third Committee Member

Dr. Ashley Martin-Cuellar

Included in

Education Commons
