Neutrosophic Sets and Systems
Ideal convergence of sequences in neutrosophic normed spaces is defined by ¨Omer Ki¸si [12]. This paper defines new sequence spaces using the Zweier matrix and neutrosophic norm. We explore (λ, μ)-Zweier convergence, (λ, μ) ideal convergence of double sequences in neutrosophic norm. We show that a double sequence that is (λ, μ)-Zweier convergent or ideal convergent has a unique limit with respect to neutrosophic norm. Additionally, we prove that (λ, μ)-Zweier ideal convergence is equivalent to (λ, μ)-Zweier ideal Cauchy for a double sequence in neutrosophic normed space.
Recommended Citation
Khan, Vakeel A. and Mohd Faisal. "A Study on (λ − μ) Zweier Sequences and Their Behaviour in Neutrosophic Normed Spaces." Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 73, 1 (2024).