Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
An investigation is made of the classical force terms necessary to model adequately the structure and interatomic forces of the phosphate molecule. The two principal considerations chosen for use in judging the performance of models were:
1. Agreement with empirical spectral data on normal mode vibrational frequencies
2. Agreement with other known physical characteristics of the phosphate molecule
The performance of all models was good. Agreement with normal mode frequencies and phosphorus-oxygen bond lengths ranged from an RMS error of 5.4% in Model one to an RMS error of 1.5% in Model Five. An examination was made of six different models utilizing the following force terms:
1. Model One; Hooke's Law and Coulomb potential
2. Model Two; Hooke’s Law, Coulomb potential and angular valence
3. Model Three; Hooke's Law, Coulomb potential, angular valence and permanent dipole
4. Model Four; Hooke's Law, Coulomb potential and permanent dipole
5. Model Five; Hooke's Law, Coulomb potential, angular valence and induced dipole
6. Model Six; Hooke's Law, Coulomb potential and induced dipole
Although most complex, the model with the best overall performance was Model Five.
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Charles Leroy Beckel
Second Committee Member
Joseph Thomas Cordaro Jr
Third Committee Member
William Jackson Byatt
Fourth Committee Member
Merle John Benson
Recommended Citation
Tafoya, Ronald A.. "Classical Modeling of a Phosphate Molecule (Including 3-D Computer Graphics Display)." (1979). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/642