Nuclear Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-15-2023
A predictive density law has been implemented and developed into a Python tool to reduce bias and the high degree of conservatism in criticality safety calculations for aqueous plutonium chloride systems. Based upon available data and parameters, an empirical method was used to create this law. This method was used in the development of a Python tool to predict the density and composition of such a solution, which may then populate material data in an MCNP6 input file.
This tool and the density law equation have been verified against experimental data points for accuracy. Density is predicted with a maximum error of 1.88% when compared to experimental data. Alongside nuclear data validation, this density prediction may lead to an approximately 12% decrease in keff of such a solution system near peak reactivity when considering minimal amounts of HC1 (0.5 M); this may correspond to up a 24% decrease for a larger acid content (2 M). Thus, this work will allow for a more accurate modeling method to be utilized in criticality safety applications, as well as provide a better characterization of these systems.
solutions, density law, plutonium chloride, MCNP6, MR&R
Los Alamos National Laboratory and DOE NCSP
Document Type
Degree Name
Nuclear Engineering
Level of Degree
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Christopher Perfetti
Second Committee Member
Dr. Forrest Brown
Third Committee Member
Norann Calhoun
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Kelly Aldrich
Recommended Citation
Bulso, Riley. "Application of an Empirical Density Law via Python for Aqueous Plutonium Chloride Systems for MCNP6." (2023).