Biology ETDs
Publication Date
The foraging activities of the Olive Warbler (Peucedramus taeniatus) and three other foliage-gleaning species were studied in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona during the summer of 1973. Grace's Warblers (Dendroica graciae), the most specialized of the four species, foraged most similarly to Peucedramus and is probably the latter is strongest potential competitor during the breeding season. The small size of D. graciae appeared to facilitate foraging in pine foliage and may be an important factor in promoting ecological segregation from the Olive Warbler. Audubon's Warblers (D. coronata) and Pygmy Nuthatches (Sitta pygmaea) were more generalized in their feeding activities and, in this regard, are probably less important than Grace's Warblers as potential competitors of Olive Warblers. Foraging similarity was greater between the sexes in the Olive Warbler than between any two species. Nonetheless, male and female Olive Warblers exhibited statistically significant differences in several aspects of their foraging.
Project Sponsors
Student Research Allocations Committee of the University of New Mexico
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
J. David Ligon
Second Committee Member
Joe Scott Altenbach
Third Committee Member
James Smith Findley
Recommended Citation
Secatore, Robert J.. "Comparative Foraging Behavior of the Olive Warbler and its Possible Competitors." (1974).