English Language and Literature ETDs
Publication Date
Ernest Hemingway on occasion resorted to the language of the sports world to talk about literature. In Lillian Ross’s well known profile of Hemingway, he employed boxing terminoogy to describe his relationship to certain other writers. “I started out very quiet and I beat Mr. Turgenev. Then I trained hard and I beat Mr. de Maupassant. I’ve fought two draws with Mr. Stendhal, and I think I had an edge in the last one.” If the metaphor of Hemingway climbing into the ring to slug it out with “Mr.” Turgenev et al is a bit startling, it represents nevertheless a competitive attitude toward literature which Hemingway expressed a number of times over a period which covered almost all of his adult life.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Fred Warner
Second Committee Member
Mary Jane Power
Third Committee Member
Ivan Peter Melada
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Alderman, Taylor. "Ernest Hemingway:Four Studies In The Competitive Motif.." (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/engl_etds/387