Public Administration ETDs

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This study examines the relationship between Mexico's economic posture and her science policy. Mexico is making considerable progress on her drive to economic maturity. The desire to gain knowledge concerning Mexico's plan for economic growth and how the country's scientific community has participated in the plan is what motivated this study. The research methodology used in the study has combined the descriptive, historical, comparative and analytical approaches. Several Mexican scientists were interviewed in an effort to obtain first hand information concerning the subject of the study. Two models for economic development are presented as a background for the study. The first model emphasizes the importance of technology and investment capital to economic growth. The second model emphasizes the need for a viable infrastructure in the economic development and growth of a country. These two models are relevant to this study; Mexico's plan for economic development is based in part on them. An eminent Mexican economist's plan for the economic growth of the country is presented in considerable detail. The plan constitutes an implementation of significant parts of the models for economic development. The Mexican scientific community is structured quite differently than that of the United States. This is perhaps attributable, in part, to the interpretation of the word “science" in Mexico. The scientific community in Mexico embraces many more disciplines than that in the United States. The scientists who play the leading role in Mexico are the economists and the lawyers. Only recently have the natural scientists begun to exert any influence in the decision making process; however, they are few in number. The environment for interaction between the scientific community and the Mexican government is discussed in considerable detail. It is interesting to note that in the United States the scientific community and the government have had difficulties in establishing channels for interaction. In Mexico the situation is quite different; many scientists hold influential positions as administrators in government departments and agencies. In conclusion the thinking of Mexico's and Latin America's leading scientists is presented as it concerns the role that science and technology must play in contributing to Mexico's drive to economic maturity. These men place considerable emphasis on the restructuring of Mexico's educational system as a prerequisite to any further economic growth. They point out the need for the universities becoming active in research as a way of developing the types of disciplines which are present in very short supply in Mexico's scientific community - the natural scientists. Recommendations are made for bringing these changes about. Finally it is suggested that these changes be incorporated into a new science policy for Mexico where modern science and technology will be effectively and efficiently employed in contributing to Mexico's economic growth.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Albert H. Rosenthal

Second Committee Member

Lloyd Wilber Wooruff

Third Committee Member

John Mace Hunger


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Document Type

