
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems


Exploring the impact of performance audits on public company management becomes a crucial field of study, highlighting how these critical assessments not only reveal operational effectiveness but also shape strategic and policy decisions. Plithogenic statistics analysis, in particular, emerges as an innovative approach that goes beyond traditional methods, introducing the inherent complexity of multiple interdependent variables and their dynamic effects on organizational outcomes. This statistical framework not only captures the inherent fluctuations in the data, but also unravels the root causes of varying performances, providing deep insights that challenge static perceptions of public administration. From a practical perspective, plithogenic analysis not only quantifies current performance, but also anticipates future trends, equipping managers with powerful tools to adjust strategies and policies more precisely. By considering the complex interaction between multiple factors, from resource management to operational efficiency, this statistical approach allows for a more holistic and nuanced assessment of the impacts of performance audits. Thus, a dynamic landscape is revealed where each piece of data reflects not only super-ficial results, but also the hidden connections that define the effectiveness and long-term sustainability of modern public companies.



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