Theatre & Dance ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-15-2024


Engaging with theoretical texts and dramaturgical tools this essay follows my journey through The Dramatic Writing MFA program at the University of New Mexico, focusing on the production of my thesis play, Below Sea Level. In Part I, I discuss practical and theoretical tools that furthered my development as a writer and specifically inspired my process in creating Below Sea Level as an independent piece of literature and a script intended for production. These tools include concepts of Poetry, Genre, and Entropy. In Part II, I illustrate how these theories were employed in production as a way to offer opportunities to the production team and deepen my understanding of the text. Through both sections, I will illustrate how the knowledge I gained in the program has built my critical thinking skills and strengthened my development process through the lens of Below Sea Level.

Degree Name

Dramatic Writing

Level of Degree


Department Name

Theatre & Dance

First Committee Member (Chair)

Gregory Moss

Second Committee Member

Donna Jewell

Third Committee Member

Erik Ehn

Fourth Committee Member

Lisa Chavez




Theatre, Language, Verbatim

Document Type


Available for download on Thursday, April 15, 2123
