Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
This dissertation presents an approach for achieving suboptimal feedback control of a class of time-invariant systems, with primary emphasis on linear, time-optimal regulator systems. The approach involves the specification of a family of suboptimal feedback control policies that has the unique feature that each policy in the family will produce a stable system and a suboptimal performance that can be measured against optimal performance. In particular, the performance deviation from optimal afforded by any of these policies is parametrically bounded, and by varying the parameter a hierarchy of policies can be determined. For bang-bang systems, the resulting suboptimal controller design problem can be regarded as a pattern classification problem.
A major portion of the dissertation is directed to an investigation of the patterns that characterize the controller design problem for linear time-optimal regulator systems. The investigation involves the study of certain mappings that arise in the optimal solution of these systems and the subsequent use of these mappings in determining the topological and smoothness characteristics of the patterns. The pattern characteristics established through this analysis are essential to the future research problem of developing practical pattern classification algorithms. A method is established for computing the patterns, and a set of FORTRAN subroutines for this purpose is provided.
The final topic considered is the control of linear systems where fuel consumption, in addition to speed of response, is important. A time-invariant feedback policy based on the patterns for the time-optimal problems is suggested.
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Harold Knud Knudsen
Second Committee Member
Bernard Epstein
Third Committee Member
Arnold Herman Koschmann
Recommended Citation
Andreas, Ronald D.. "An Approadch For Suboptimal Feedback Control.." (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/670