Civil Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-14-2024


The Los Lagos region in southern Chile, located in northwest Patagonia, features rain-fed agricultural lands, glacial lakes, forests, farmlands, and volcanic soils. This study investigates water movement within a micro-basin using stable isotope analysis and hydrological modeling over eight weeks. It aims to develop a conceptual model of water movement by elucidating interactions between precipitation, soil water, and streamflow. Findings highlight the critical role of deeper soil layers in sustaining streamflow during dry spells and indicate that soil acts as a buffer, maintaining hydrological continuity despite variable precipitation. Improved understanding of these dynamics can inform watershed management and water resource development, integrating social, ecological, and technical perspectives. This research supports regional decision-making on water policy and the reassessment of the market-oriented framework in use by Chile and is part of an ongoing effort in the ecological study of this framework providing a basis for analyzing larger basins in the future.


Hydrology, Chile, Lysimeters, Stable Isotope Analysis, Water Movement, Stream Contributions


University of New Mexico School of Engineering, Gerald May Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, National Science Foundation: Center for Water and the Environment (CWE), Washington State University's Partnerships Along the Headwaters of the Americas for Young Scientists (Pathways), University of Chile, Faculty of Agronomy Sciences, Department of Engineering and Soils

Document Type




Degree Name

Civil Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Civil Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Jose Cerrato

Second Committee Member

Cristián Kremer

Third Committee Member

Zachary Sharp

Fourth Committee Member

Asa Stone

Fifth Committee Member

John Stormont


Please include Sixth Committee Member: Mark Stone
