Anderson School of Management Theses & Dissertations

Publication Date



Study of the Federal Budget is a never-ending process because its influence touches every citizen, significantly affects the national economy and generally extends throughout the free world. Although great strides have been made in improving the budget document during recent years, many believe that further improvement is not only possible but essential. Many change proposals have been submitted over the past two decades. Some have been impractical or impossible to inaugurate. However, other proposals, though difficult to apply to existing budget procedures, seem to offer great promise. This thesis is a study of the deficiencies of the federal budgetary system as it applies to the United States Air Force, with appropriate recommendations concerning future changes to the system. To this end, proposals of several leaders in the budgeting field will be examined and evaluated. Finally, a model will be proposed for more responsive governmental budgeting.



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Anderson School of Management

First Committee Member

John Wood McMahan

Second Committee Member

Howard Vivian Finston

Third Committee Member

Rudyard Byron Goode
