Chemistry and Chemical Biology ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-12-2024


Human disease is often thought of as an all or nothing prospect, either one has the disease or one does not. This does not bear out in clinical or personal experiences, instead demonstrating that disease occurs within a spectrum ranging from presumed unaffected to demonstrably and detrimentally affected.Neimann-Pick disease is one example of this spectrum look into diseased states, with multiple named versions of a phenotypically similar disease. We focus on Neimann-Picktype C (NPC), which is the result of a disruption in the efflux of cholesterol and sphingolipids from the endocytic pathway. NPC demonstrates this concept of a spectrum of disease quite well, with varying degrees of phenotypic expression ranging from dyslipidemia to neurological disorders. Our studies here look into biological differences occurring at the cellular level between presumed unaffected cells and several variations of disease affected cells,including those of a presumed interacting protein, caveolin-1 (CAV1).

Project Sponsors

William Sherman Garver




cholesterol, sphingolipid, NPC1, caveolin, disease, metabolism

Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

First Committee Member (Chair)

William Sherman Garver

Second Committee Member

Jeremy Edwards

Third Committee Member

Yi He

Fourth Committee Member

Michael Garvin

Available for download on Thursday, July 30, 2026
