Nuclear Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-15-2024


The International Atomic Energy Agency has acknowledged the need to “efficiently verify and maintain knowledge of spent fuel in shielding/storage/transport containers at all points in their life cycle”. Cosmic-ray muon scattering tomography has shown potential to create reconstruction images of dry cask contents that would be useful for in-situ verification of spent fuel within dry casks.

In this document, several muon scattering tomography reconstruction techniques are explored using experimental track data through a partially filled dry cask container and steel drum test object. Two three-dimensional reconstruction techniques, a backprojection and newly developed combined depth of field algorithm, are evaluated. The combined depth of field approach exhibited higher contrast between lead and surrounding low atomic number materials, even with significant data restrictions. This is vital for spent fuel verification applications where there is a need to quickly differentiate spent fuel from surrounding shielding components with limited muon collection rates.


muon scatter tomography, spent fuel verification

Document Type




Degree Name

Nuclear Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Nuclear Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Adam Hecht

Second Committee Member

Christopher Morris

Third Committee Member

Matthew Durham

Fourth Committee Member

Andrew Osbourne

Fifth Committee Member

Hank Lee

Available for download on Friday, May 15, 2026
