Music ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 3-21-2024


This thesis foregrounds traditional Irish music and the role it plays in building community. I demonstrate how the genre is defined and transmitted plays an important role in how inclusive the genre can be and where changes need to be made to be more welcoming to new individuals. Playing or singing in musical groups has been shown to combat loneliness but there has been little focus on specific music genres, especially those that are instrumental in nature. This thesis shows that instrumental music can be another tool to combat loneliness and promote overall health and wellbeing using the vehicle of traditional Irish music.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Music

First Committee Member (Chair)

Kristina Jacobsen

Second Committee Member

Dennis Davies Wilson

Third Committee Member

Caleb Richardson

Fourth Committee Member

Sarah Townsend


community, traditional, Irish, Ireland, Albuquerque, TRAD

Document Type


Included in

Music Commons
