Speech and Hearing Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Primacy and recency effects for lateralized time compressed rhyme sequences were investigated. Subjects were forty normal hearing, right handed, young adult listeners. Stimuli were 0% and 60% time compressed five word rhyme sequences presented with no masking and contralateral multitalker masking. Item errors and order errors were counted for each position in the rhyme word sequences. A series of analyses of variance were computed for paired differences of positions in the sequences for each ear and error type to assess differential primacy and recency effects.
Degree Name
Speech-Language Pathology
Level of Degree
Department Name
Speech and Hearing Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Linda Lee Riensche
Second Committee Member
Curtis E. Weiss
Third Committee Member
Lloyd Edmond Lamb
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Patterson, Janet Lee. "Ear Lateralization For Time Compressed Rhymed Word Sequences: Primacy And Recency Effects." (1979). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/shs_etds/54