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Chile after Pinochet: The Limits of Post-Dictatorship Transition



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Professor Bonnefoy’s talk/conversation will focus on the nature of Chile's transition to democracy and how it has shaped and limited the search for truth and justice for human rights victims. Constitutional restraints, lack of cooperation from the army and the fact that Gen. Augusto Pinochet remained in command of the army for another eight years after the return to democracy hampered human rights investigations for at least a decade. Now, fifty years after the 1973 military coup that toppled socialist president Salvador Allende, nearly 1,500 human rights cases are still tied up in court.

Pascale Bonnefoy is a Chilean journalist with a B.A. in International Aairs from George Washington University and a Master’s, also in International Aairs, from the University of Chile. Much of her professional career has been as a free-lance reporter for Chilean media, producer and researcher for documentary films in Chile and abroad and correspondent for news outlets such as Global Post, Catholic News Service and Latin America Press. She was a stringer in Chile for the South American bureau of The Washington Post from 1997 to 2004 and has been a stringer in Chile for the Rio de Janeiro bureau of The New York Times for the past 18 years. She is professor of journalism at the University of Chile and author of three books dealing with Chile and the dictatorship, one of which was translated to English and published last year by the University of North Carolina Press, titled The Investigative Brigade: Hunting Human Rights Criminals in Post-Pinochet Chile. She is currently working on a fourth book.


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Chile after Pinochet: The Limits of Post-Dictatorship Transition
