Public Administration ETDs

Publication Date



The thesis deals with the subject of organizing for research and development. A model has been presented for designing a research and development organization. The proposal is based on the assumption that an organization which satisfies the scientific worker‘s needs will best satisfy the organization’s needs. Furthermore, it has been proposed that an organization run by the scientists and engineers will best satisfy the workers' needs. A structural model is used to guide the study through the literature pertinent to research and development organizations. The areas reviewed include: the nature of the scientific workers, the nature of the organization, the role of the managers, and the nature of the communication system. These areas give an insight into the problems which cause conflicts between the workers and the organization. These conflicts stem from the difference in values and assumptions underlying their basic philosophies. The scientists seek independence and freedom in their work climate while the organization relies upon control, hierarchy, and authority for its operation. The results of such conflicts within an organization are that the workers’ goals diverge from the intended organizational goals. The scientists lose their motivation for creating and producing, and the entire organization suffers. The roles of the managers and the communication system are to provide conditions which reduce or eliminate conflict in the organization. The organizational model presented in the thesis is analyzed on the basis of the findings from the literature. In particular it is evaluated for its potential ability in resolving the inherent conflict existing in research and development organizations. Finally, the thesis offers some conclusions based on the findings from the literature review and the subsequent analysis of the proposed model. With the addition of one alteration, the model is found to be a practical design for operating a research and development organization and reducing the dysfunctional conflict within it. It is concluded that a research and development organization which is run by scientists and engineers can operate to satisfy the needs of the workers and thereby better satisfy the organization's needs. In addition, the research technique is submitted as an effective procedure for investigating research and development organization.

Degree Name

Public Administration

Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Public Administration

First Committee Member (Chair)

Albert H. Rosenthal

Second Committee Member

John Mace Hunger

Third Committee Member

Nicholas Llewellyn Henry


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Document Type

