Biology ETDs

Publication Date



A floristic study was conducted in the San Pedro Parks Wild Area located in the San Pedro Mountain. The core of this mountain is granitic and of Precambrian origin. Average annual precipitation varies from 17 to 30 inches. In the San Pedro Parks perennial water flow exists, and the soils absorb and store a high percentage of precipitation. As a result, mesic species of plants predominate over xeric species. Nine collection sites were selected to represent the three life zones present in the San Pedro Parks and to represent the various habitats within the life zones. Each collection site was sampled in June, July, and August of 1964 and 1965. A total of 1,140 specimens, representing 57 families, 181 genera, and 288 species was collected in the San Pedro Parks. A comparison of the flora of Redondo Peak with the flora of the San Pedro Parks indicated close botanical affinities between the two areas.



Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

William Clarence Martin

Second Committee Member

Loren David Potter

Third Committee Member

Howard J. Dittmer

Included in

Biology Commons
