Optical Science and Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-30-2024


The focus of this work was to create a process to fabricate an InP-based Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC). The design of the PIC required the photonic components of this device to be created by deep etching of an epitaxially-grown multilayer structure. Therefore, a novel dry etching process was developed to produce very high aspect- ratio (HAR) features. This process not only involved the development of dry etch chemistry but also the engineering of a metal mask structure. The next step of the challenge was to use a polymer-based material that would have two functions: cladding for the etched photonic components and a stable mechanical structure that would support the electrical fanouts. A novel scheme was engineered to apply SU-8 as the polymer that fulfills both roles and helps to realize functioning devices. Characterization was performed on the device to verify the basic functionality.

Degree Name

Optical Science and Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Optical Science and Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Marek Osinski

Second Committee Member

Francesca Cavallo

Third Committee Member

Ganesh Balakrishnan

Fourth Committee Member

Nathan Jackson


photonic integrated circuits, PIC, monolithic integration, InP, InGaAs, MQW


Office of Naval Research

Document Type




Available for download on Thursday, July 30, 2026
