Special Education ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this study was to answer the following question: How many 1972-1976 educable mentally handicapped special education work study graduates of North Area high schools within the Albuquerque Public Schools have been employed since graduation? The sample population consisted of 32 educable mentally handicapped special education or study graduates, 16 male and 16 female. This study investigated only those graduates who had a full scale IQ scar of less than 75 and who attended the work study program for at least two years. Two phases were used to secure data. Phase one consisted of examining student records at each high school and at the North Area Office for necessary information. Phase two consisted of locating and interviewing each subject. A special education graduate student completed the Employment Status Questionnaire by interviewing the individuals after written permission was obtained. The Employment Status Questionnaire secured information pertinent to past as well as present employment status. All responses from the questionnaires were descriptive in nature and presented in tabular form. In comparison to other studies investigating educable mentally handicapped graduates, the subjects' employment statistics appeared to be higher than previously reported. The employment status of males (100%) was far above that of females (43.75%). The following recommendations were based on the studied sample population: (1) further study and investigation into employment problems of females; (2) emphasis needs to be placed on exploring vocational interests of students; (3) the Albuquerque Public Schools should provide a vocational training center for special education work study students; (4) those who were in a work study program but, for some reason never completed it, should be included in a follow-up study; and (5) research needs to be conducted comparing these subjects with those of similar IQ's who have never been in a work study program.
Document Type
Degree Name
Special Education
Level of Degree
Department Name
Special Education
First Committee Member (Chair)
Eloy R. Gonzales
Second Committee Member
Henry James Pepe
Third Committee Member
Roger Lee Kroth
Recommended Citation
Still, Paula. "A Follow-Up Study of Educable Mentally Handicapped Work Study Graduates from North Area High Schools in Albuquerque." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_spcd_etds/97