Nanoscience and Microsystems ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-21-2024


High energy density, low-cost chemical conversion batteries are widely studied for their potential application to applications in which current battery technologies are unsuitable replacements for fossil fuel-powered systems. The demonstration of rechargeable chemical conversion batteries, and particularly batteries without the fatal flaw of high overpotential due to the difficulties inherent to chemical conversion reactions, is of great interest to further both this aim. In this work, a secondary Al-CO2 battery was demonstrated using a homogeneous aluminum iodide redox mediator to enable the battery’s discharge and charge at a high energy density and a low overpotential of 0.05 Volts. The operation of the battery and the necessary redox mediator was investigated, identifying the reaction mechanism to be the interconversion between aluminum and carbon dioxide to aluminum oxalate. Several avenues of optimization of the battery were explored, with particular emphasis on reducing the expense of the battery’s electrolyte.


Chemical conversion batteries, ionic liquids, next-generation batteries

Document Type




Degree Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

Level of Degree


Department Name

Nanoscience and Microsystems

First Committee Member (Chair)

Shuya Wei

Second Committee Member

Fernando Garzon

Third Committee Member

Lok-kun Tsui

Fourth Committee Member

Dongchang Chen
