

The lateral column of the midfoot is crucial for midfoot mobility and foot stability. Although there are several nonoperative treatment options for arthritis that is isolated to the lateral column cuboid-metatarsal joints, there is a lack of consensus on the best operative intervention, given the rare nature of the disease. The patient in this case initially presented to clinic in 2007 with a significant history of lateral midfoot pain in the fourth and fifth metatarsal cuboid region. Despite nonoperative interventions, her symptoms progressed, and in January of 2009, she elected to undergo interpositional arthroplasty of left fourth and fifth metatarsal cuboid joints using Orthosphere® (Wright Medical) ceramic implants. The patient returned to clinic in 2023 denying any pain with full stability on physical exam and no signs of hardware failure on imaging. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the longest follow-up for ceramic interposition arthroplasty of the lateral midfoot.

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Orthopedics Commons



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