
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems


This study presented a decision-making methodology to evaluate leadership management strategies in healthcare systems. This study used the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology to deal with conflicting criteria in the decision-making process. The MCDM methodology is integrated with neutrosophic sets to deal with uncertainty and vague information in decision-making. The neutrosophic set has three memberships: truth, indeterminacy, and falsity. The type-2 neutrosophic set is a subset of the neutrosophic set with nine membership degrees. The neutrosophic set integrated with the COPRAS method to rank the alternatives. fourteen criteria and eleven alternatives are used to evaluate leadership management in healthcare systems. The sensitivity analysis was conducted to show the stability of the rank. The sensitivity analysis was performed with 15 cases to change the criteria weights and rank the alternatives under different weights. The results show that the rank of other options is stable in various instances.



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