
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems


The project was conducted in the Ashigua páramo, Mulaló, Latacunga, Cotopaxi province. Its objective was to develop a composite environmental sustainability indicator for the conservation of the páramo. Neutrosophic logic and the PRO-METHEE TODIM method were used to select and evaluate sub-indicators in a context of uncertain and complex envi-ronmental data. Neutrosophic logic facilitated the management of ambiguities and contradictions in the data. The find-ings highlighted the relevance of sub-indicators linked to carbon storage and ecological productivity. Indicators of regu-latory compliance and sustainable management were evaluated, emphasizing the importance of adjusting environmental policies to regulations and social expectations. This study introduced a novel methodological approach to environmental assessment, providing valuable insights for policy development and effective management of natural resources and eco-systems.



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