Pharmaceutical Sciences ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 3-29-2024


Adults with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) are a unique and expanding patient population in the context of massive progress in disease screening and treatment. However, exacerbations remain a significant complication of the disease associated with its decline. CF pathophysiology promotes chronic respiratory bacterial infections, which are implicated in exacerbations. An important finding in research surrounding the respiratory microbiome has correlated the loss of diversity being with a worse prognosis in chronic lung diseases. We developed an aerosol formulation towards supporting the existing, diverse respiratory microbiome. Our formulation of prebiotics with and without antibiotics was designed to fit within the complex, multistep, inhaled therapy used by CF patients. The excipients used were safe and cost-effective, offering an optimal SD process. The formulation was seen to be of the appropriate size characteristics for pulmonary delivery. Further, in-vitro data highlights preclinical safety and efficacy in bacterial and human cell models.

First Committee Member (Chair)

Pavan Muttil

Degree Name

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Second Committee Member

Patricia Marshik

Level of Degree


Third Committee Member

Patricia Marshik

Department Name

College of Pharmacy



Document Type



Cystic fibrosis, Spray Drying, Preboitics, Respiratory Microbiome, Inhaled Pharmacology
