Special Education ETDs

Publication Date



The purpose of this study was to determine how well diagnostic procedures in a public school system of New Mexico conformed to two major definitions of Educable Mentally Handicapped and to determine which components of the diagnostic process were regarded by the evaluators as most critical in labeling children as Educable Mentally Handicapped. The subjects for the study consisted of fifteen professional evaluators and twenty-nine recently placed Educable Mentally Handicapped students of a New Mexico public school system. The instruments used were a diagnostic rating scale and a questionnaire check list. The diagnostic rating scale was designed to determine which instruments the evaluators considered essential for placement. The questionnaire check list was designed to determine which instruments the evaluators had used in placements and to determine the personal information relevant to placement according to the New Mexico State Standards For Special Education 1972. The results of the study indicated that the national definition and the state definition have similar criteria not met by the schools studied. Achievement tests were not administered in all instances as required, and a number of deficiencies in record keeping were noted. The State Standards recommended test list and assessment procedures were not all regarded by the evaluators as critical in the labeling of children as Educable Mentally Handicapped. These findings seem to indicate research is needed to determine more effective evaluation for those entering Educable Mentally Handicapped classes.

Document Type




Degree Name

Special Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Special Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Billy Leslie Watson

Second Committee Member

Gary Wayne Adamson

Third Committee Member

Marian Newman Works
