Content Posted in 2022
01/25/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
02-08-2022 HSC Commitee, HSC Committee
02-08-2022 HSC Committee Agenda, HSC Committee
02-08-22 HSC Committee Meeting Notice, HSC Committee
02-09-2021 HSC Commmittee Meeting, HSC Committee
02/28/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
03-02-2020 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
03-08-2022 HSC Committee, HSC Committee
03-08-2022 HSC Committee Notice, HCS Committee
03/30/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
04-06-2021 HSC Committee, HSC Committee
04-06-21 HSC Committee Agenda, HSC Committee
04/18/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
05-04-2021 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
05-05-2020 HSC Committee Minutes, HSC Committee
05-09-2022 HSC Commitee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
05/18/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
05/25/2021 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
06/13/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
07-07-2020 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
07/11/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
09/12/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
09-23-2022 HSC Committee Special Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
09-23-22 HSC Committee Special Meeting Agenda, HSC Committee
10/11/2021 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
10-11-22 HSC Committee Agenda Revised, HSC Committee
10-11-22 HSC Committee Notice, HSC Committee
10-12-2021 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
10-13-2020 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
10/20/2022 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
11/08/2021 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
11-30-2021 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
12-01-2020 HSC Committee Meeting Minutes, HSC Committee
12-06-2022 HSC Commitee Agenda, HSC Commitee
12/09/2021 Meeting, Kelleen Maluski
1994 IEEE Computer Society Press Reprint, James W. Brunt
1995 LTER Network News and Mosaic Brochure Project, Maya Isabel Lazzaro and Long Term Ecological Research
1995 Proposed Program of Work for LTER, Long Term Ecological Network
2020/201 CAS Maturity Rubric and Narrative, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 ASM Maturity Rubric, ASM - Maturity Rubric
2020/2021 CAS Archaeology BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Archaeology MA Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Archaeology PhD Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Biochemistry Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Biology MSII Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Biology MSI Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Biology PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020-2021 CAS BS Evolutionary Anthropology Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Chemistry BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Chemistry BS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Classical Studies BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Classical Studies MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Communication BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Communication PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Criminology BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS East Asian Studies BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Economics BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Economics MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Economics MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Economics PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Economics PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS English BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Environmental & Planetary Sciences MS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Environmental & Planetary Sciences PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Ethnology BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Ethnology MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Evolutionary Anthropology PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS French BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS French MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS French PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Geography BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Geography BS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Geography MS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Health, Medicine, and Human Values BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Journalism and Mass Communication BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Languages BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Latin American Studies MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Linguistics BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Linguistics MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Linguistics PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Masters of Public Planning MPP Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Native American Studies BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Native American Studies MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Philosophy PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Physics BS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Portugese MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Public Archaeology MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Religious Studies BA, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Russian BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Sociology BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Sociology MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Sociology PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Spanish BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Spanish MA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Spanish & Portugese PhD Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Speech and Hearing Science BA Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CAS Speech Language Pathology MS Plan/Report, OACAS
2020/2021 CFA ALBS Grad Minor, CFA ALBS Gr
2020/2021 CFA ALBS UG Minor, CFA ALBS UG
2020/2021 CFA BA Art History, CFA BA ARTH
2020/2021 CFA BA Art Studio, CFA BA ARTS
2020/2021 CFA BAIA, CFA BAIA
2020/2021 CFA BFA Art Studio, CFA BFA ARTS
2020/2021 CFA Dance BA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Dance History and Criticism MA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Dance MFA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Film and Digital Arts BA Animation and Gaming Concentration Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Film and Digital Arts BA Production Concentration Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Film and Digital Arts BFA Film Production Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Film History and Critcism BA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA MA Art History, CFA MA ARTH
2020/2021 CFA Maturity Rubric and Narrative, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA MFA Art Studio, CFA MFA ARTS
2020/2021 CFA Music BA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Music BM Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA Music MM Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 CFA PhD Art History, CFA PhD ARTH
2020/2021 COEHS Athletic Training B.S. Assessment, COEHS Athletic Training
2020/2021 COEHS Community Health Education B.S. Assessment, COEHS Community Health Education
2020/2021 COEHS Community Health Education M.S. Assessment, COEHS Community Health Education
2020/2021 COEHS Counselor Education M.A. Assessment, COEHS Counselor Education
2020/2021 COEHS Counselor Education Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Counselor Education
2020/2021 COEHS Educational Leadership Ed.D Assessment, COEHS Educational Leadership
2020/2021 COEHS Educational Leadership Ed.S Assessment, COEHS Educational Leadership
2020/2021 COEHS Educational Leadership M.A. Assessment, COEHS Educational Leadership
2020/2021 COEHS Educational Psychology M.A. Assessment, COEHS Educational Psychology
2020/2021 COEHS Educational Psychology Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Educational Psychology
2020/2021 COEHS Elementary Education B.S.Ed. Assessment, COEHS Elementary Education
2020/2021 COEHS Elementary Education M.A. Assessment, COEHS Elementary Education
2020/2021 COEHS Exercise Science B.S. Assessment, COEHS Exercise Science
2020/2021 COEHS Family and Child Studies B.S. Assessment, COEHS Family and Child Studies
2020/2021 COEHS Family and Child Studies M.A. and Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Family and Child Studies
2020/2021 COEHS Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS American Indian Education Concentration M.A. Assessment, COEHS American Indian Education
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS; Bilingual Education Concentration M.A. Assessment, COEHS Bilingual Education
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS; Ed Thought & Sociocultural Studies Concentration M.A. Assessment, COEHS Ed Thought & Sociocultural Studies
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS Educational Linguistics Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Educational Linguistics
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS; Literacy/Language Arts Concentration M.A. Assessment, COEHS Literacy and Language Arts
2020/2021 COEHS LLSS; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Concentration M.A. Assessment, COEHS TESOL
2020/2021 COEHS Nutrition and Dietetics B.S. Assessment, COEHS Nutrition and Dietetics
2020/2021 COEHS Nutrition M.S. Assessment, COEHS Nutrition
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education B.S.Ed. Assessment, COEHS Physical Education Teacher Education
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education; Curriculum & Instruction Concentration M.S. Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education; Curriculum & Instruction Concentration Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education; Exercise Science Concentration M.S. Assessment, COEHS Exercise Science
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education; Exercise Science Concentration Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Exercise Science
2020/2021 COEHS Physical Education; Sport Administration Concentration M.S. and Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Physical Education
2020/2021 COEHS Secondary Education B.A.Ed./B.S.Ed. Assessment, COEHS Secondary Education
2020/2021 COEHS Secondary Education M.A. Assessment, COEHS Secondary Education
2020/2021 COEHS Special Education (Dual License Program) B.S.Ed. Assessment, COEHS Dual License
2020/2021 COEHS Special Education Ed.D. / Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Special Education
2020/2021 COEHS Special Education M.A. Assessment, COEHS Special Education
2020/2021 COEHS State of Assessment Narrative and Rubric, COEHS
2020/2021 COEHS Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Ed.D./Ph.D. Assessment, COEHS Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education
2020/2021 Computer Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Computer Engineering
2020/2021 COPH Population Health BS, UNM COPH
2020/2021 COPH Population Health MPH, UNM COPH
2020-2021 CRS Fellows' Snapshot Event, Lloyd L. Lee
2020/2021 CULLS Assessment Maturity Rubric, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 CULLS OILS BS Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 CULLS OILS MA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 CULLS OILS PhD Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 Electrical Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Electrical and Computer Engineering
2020/2021 GALLUP Dental Assisting Certificate Plan, UNM - Gallup
2020/2021 GALLUP Elementary Education Certificate Plan, UNM - Gallup
2020/2021 GALLUP Human Services AA & Certificate Plan/Report, UNM - Gallup
2020/2021 GALLUP Maturity Rubric and Narrative, University of New Mexico - Gallup Campus
2020/2021 GALLUP Medical Laboratory Technology AS Plan/Report, UNM - Gallup
2020/2021 GALLUP Nurse Assisting Certificate Assessment Plan/Report, UNM - Gallup
2020/2021 GALLUP Nursing AS Assessment Plan/Report, UNM - Gallup
2020-2021 HC Main BA Assessment, HC Honors College
2020/2021 HC Maturity Rubric and Narrative, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 SAP Comm Regional Planning MCRP Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 SAP Environmental Plan and Design BA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 SAP Historic Pres and Regionalism Grad Cert Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 SAP Landscape Architecture MLA Assessment Plan/Report, University of New Mexico
2020/2021 SAP Maturity Rubric and Narrative, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 SoE Assessment Maturity Rubric and Narrative, School of Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Biomedical Engineering MS Assessment, SoE Biomedical Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Biomedical Engineering PhD Assessment, SoE Biomedical Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Chemical and Biological Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Chemical and Biological Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Chemical Engineering MS Assessment, SoE Chemical and Biological Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Civil Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Civil Engineering MENG Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Civil Engineering MS Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Civil Engineering PhD Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Computer Science MS Assessment, SoE Computer Science
2020/2021 SoE Computer Science PhD Assessment, SoE Computer Science
2020/2021 SoE Construction Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Construction Management BS Assessment, SoE Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Construction Management MS Assessment, SoE Civl, Construction and Environmental Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Mechanical Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Mechanical Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Mechanical Engineering MS Assessment, UNM-Main
2020/2021 SoE Mechanical Engineering PhD Assessment, UNM-Main
2020/2021 SoE Nuclear Engineering BS Assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Nuclear Engineering MS Assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2020/2021 SoE Nuclear Engineering PhD Assessment, SoE Nuclear Engineering
2020/2021 SOM and COPH State of Assessment, UNM SOM COPH
2020/2021 SOM Biomedical Sciences MS PhD Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Biomedical Sciences; University Sciences Teaching Graduate Certificate Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Clinical Laboratory Sciences MS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Dental Hygiene BS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Dental Hygiene Degree Completion Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Dental Hygiene MS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Emergency Medical Services BS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Medical Doctor BA/MD Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Medical Laboratory Sciences BSML Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Occupational Therapy MS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Physical Therapy DPT Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Physician Assistant MS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Radiologic Sciences; Computed Tomography Certificate Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Radiologic Sciences; Concentration Nuclear Medicine BS Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Radiologic Sciences; Concentration Nuclear Medicine Certificate Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 SOM Radiologic Sciences; Magnetic Resonance Imaging Certificate Plan/Report, UNM SOM
2020/2021 UC Global and National Security Concentration Assessment Plan, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2020/2021 UC Liberal Arts BA Assessment Plan, University of New Mexico - Main Campus
2021-2022 Annual Report: HSLIC Justice, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
2021/2022 ASM Assessment MS-CBA Program, ASM MSCBA
2021/2022 ASM MSCBA Assessment Plan, ASM - MSCBA
2021-2022 Career Services Administrative/Co-Curricular Report, Student Affairs
2021-2022 UNM Anderson BBA and BBA Accounting Assessment Plan, Reilly White
2021-2022 UNM Anderson BBA and BBA Accounting Assessment Report, Reilly White
2021-2022 UNM Anderson MACCT Assessment Report, Reilly White
2021-2022 UNMLA Branch Maturity Narrative and Rubric, Peninah Wolpo
2021/2022 UNMLA Business AAS Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Computer Science AS Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Liberal Arts AA Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Pre-Professional Health Science AS Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Robotics AAS Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Science AS Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021/2022 UNMLA Studio Art AA Assessment Plan, UNMLA
2021-22 Co Curriculum Assessment Results African American Student Services, Brandi Stone
2021 Anderson MBA (OMBA and PMBA) Programs, Reilly White
20/21 Valencia 3D Printing Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Art Studio AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Art Studio Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Automotive Technology Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Business Administration AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Business Administration Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia CNA Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Criminology AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Early Childhood Education AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Elementary Education AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia EMS AS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia EMS Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Film and Digital Arts AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Film and Digital Arts Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Film Technician Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Game Design AAS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Game Design Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Health Education AS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Health IT Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Information Technology AAS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Information Technology Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Integrative Studies AIS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Liberal Arts AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Manufacturing AAS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Mathematics AS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Medical Assistant Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Networking and Linux Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Nursing AS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia PCA Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia PC Operating Systems Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Phlebotomy Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Pre-Engineering AS Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Secondary Education AA Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia State of Assessment Narrative and Rubric, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia VMware Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
20/21 Valencia Welding Cert Assessment, Laura Musselwhite
2022 CSWR/CRS Graduate Fellows Colloquium, Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections
24/7 Library - Investing for a Sustainable Future, Sally Bowler-Hill, George E. Hernandez, and Tim J. Mey
3-8-22 HSC Committee Meeting Agenda, HSC Committee
3D Library from Body Size from Unconventional Specimens: A 3D Geometric Morphometrics Approach to Fishes from Ancestral Pueblo Contexts, Jonathan Dombrosky, Thomas F. Turner, Alexandra Harris, and Emily Lena Jones
50th Annual Research Lecture, Presented by V.M. (Nitant) Kenkre. "Movers and Shakers in Physics and Biology", V.M. Kenkre
5-9-22 HSC Committee Agenda, HSC Committee
5th Annual Public Health Day at the Legislature, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
7 Trails of Gold Outdoor Festival, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
9-23-22 REVISED v3 Notice HSC Committee Special Meeting, HSC Committee
Abnormal Pap Smears - What Every Woman Needs to Know (Revised and Updated), Lynda Rushing and Nancy Joste
#AbolishICE: An Anti-Capitalist And Anti-Colonial Approach To Black, Indigenous, And Migrant Solidarity Building, Cecilia Frescas-Ortiz
Academic health center management of chronic diseases through knowledge networks: Project ECHO, Sanjeev Arora, Cynthia M A Geppert, Summers Kalishman, Denise Dion, Frank Pullara, Barbara Bjeletich, Gary Simpson, Dale C. Alverson, Lori B. Moore, Dave Kuhl, and Joseph V. Scaletti
Academic Health Sciences Libraries' Outreach and Engagement with Native American Communities: A Scoping Review, Allison B. Cruise, A Nydia Villezcas, Jonathan D. Eldredge, Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski, and Melissa L. Rethlefsen
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: A Home Garden Intervention Improves Child Length-for-Age Z-Score and Household-Level Crop Count and Nutritional Functional Diversity in Rural Guatemala, Andrea Guzmán-Abril, Stephen Alajajian, Peter Rohloff, Gabriela V. Proaño, Jennifer Brewer, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: Rationale and Protocol for a Study to Validate the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Consensus-Derived Diagnostic Indicators For Adult And Pediatric Malnutrition and to Determine Optimal Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Staffing in Acute Care Hospital Settings, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Julie M. Long, Erin Lamers-Johnson, Lindsay Woodcock, Courtney Bliss, James Lee, J Scott Parrott, Rosa K. Hand, Kathryn Kelley, Jenica K. Abram, and Alison Steiber
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: The Saqmolo' Project Rationale and Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Daily Complementary Feeding of Eggs on Infant Development and Growth in Guatemala, Taylor C. Wallace, Peter Rohloff, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Gabriela V. Proaño, Gabriela Montenegro-Bethancourt, George P. McCabe, and Alison Steiber
A case of Negative Externality: Use of pesticide and its impact on health among farmers in Salumbhu village, Nepal, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman, Soumi Roy Choudhury, and Alok Bohara
Accelerating Care Through ECHO: Case Examples from the Field., Mirna Becevic, Emmanuelle Wallach, Lincoln R. Sheets, Hope Misterovich, Susan Norris, Evelyn Aboagye, Jonathan A Dyer, Bruce R Bacon, Karen Edison, and Kristin Sohl
Access to direct-acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C in a country with limited resources, S Marciano, L Haddad, S M. Borzi, C D'Amico, L A. Gaite, M V. Aubone, M E. Sirotinsky, N Ratusnu, M S. Frola, M C. Aparicio, B Ríos, M N. Anselmo, R Hansen, S De Filippi, C Garcia Dans, L de Labra, M A. Peche, T M. Strella, M Ibáñez Duran, M B. García Rosales, M Dirchwolf, O A. Galdame, and A C. Gadano
Access to outpatient specialty care: solutions from an integrated health care system, Susan Kirsh, Grace L. Su, Anne Sales, and Rajiv Jain
Accuracy of Spanish Translation of Alcohol Screening Questionnaires for use In Brain and Behavioral Health Research, D E. Rodriguez, L Enriquez, L Stacy, R Rai, L N. Bakhireva, and J Lowe
Achieving a balanced maternal quality of care ecosystem across India. Macarthur Foundation and Mathematica Policy Research, So O'Neil, Divya Vohra, and Emma Pottinger
A Cinematographical Analysis Of The Mechanical Differences Between Running On A Motor-Driven Threadmill And A Stationary Surface., Joseph C. Bowman
A Collaborative Model to Expand Medicaid Treatment Coverage for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus, David R. Scrase, Karla Thornton, Martha L. Carvour, Kimberly Page, Wei-Ann Bay, Joseph Buffaloe, Wanicha Burapa, Erica Archuleta, Imaneh Fallahi, and Sanjeev Arora
A Combined Library Science-Audiovisual Education Training Program for the University of New Mexico, Lawrence Raymond Reck
A Community Engagement Toolkit for NLM and NNLM, Allison B. Cruise
A Comparative Analysis Of Position Classification Practices In Public Personnel Management And Application To The City Of Albuquerque Plan., Arthur Robert Cannady
A Comparative Study Of The Graded And Ungraded Elementary Schools., Sondra L. Cohn
A Comparative Study Of The Scholastic Achievements Of Athletes And Non-Athletes And Athletic Teams At The University Of New Mexico, Andrew Glen Conly
A Comparative Study of the Skull and Long Bones of the More Common Small Mammals of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, Robert Theodore Fincke
A Comparison Of The Results Of The Informal Reading Inventory With The Teacher Assigned Reading Level, The Cloze Procedure Level And The Rate Of Reading., Diane Bluestein Brown
A Comparison Of Two Methods Of Typewriting Numbers And Symbols, Veronica E. Bender
A Comprehensive COVID-19 Daily News and Medical Literature Briefing to Inform Healthcare and Policy in New Mexico: Implementation Research, LynnMarie Jarratt, Jenny Situ, Rachel D. King, Estefania Montanez, Hannah Groves, Ryen Ormesher, Melissa Cossé, Alyse Raboff, Avanika Mahajan, Jennifer Thompson, Randy F. Ko, Samantha Paltrow-Krulwich, Allison M. Price, Ariel May-Ling Hurwitz, Timothy Campbell, Lauren T. Epler, Fiona Nguyen, Emma Wolinsky, Morgan Edwards-Fligner, Jolene Lobo, Danielle Rivera, Jens Langsjoen, Lori D. Sloane, Ingrid C. Hendrix, Elly O. Munde, Clinton O. Onyango, Perez K. Olewe, Samuel B. Anyona, Alexandra V. Yingling, Nicolas R. Lauve, Praveen Kumar, Shawn P. Stoicu, Anastasiya Nestsiarovich, Cristian G. Bologa, Tudor I. Oprea, Kristine Tollestrup, Orrin B. Myers, Mari Anixter, Douglas J. Perkins, and Christophe G. Lambert
A comprehensive framework for navigating patient care in systemic sclerosis: A global response to the need for improving the practice of diagnostic and preventive strategies in SSc, Lesley Ann Saketkoo, Tracy Frech, Cecília Varjú, Robyn Domsic, Jessica Farrell, Jessica K. Gordon, Carina Mihai, Nora Sandorfi, Lee Shapiro, Janet L. Poole, Elizabeth R. Volkmann, Monika Lammi, Kendra McAnally, Helene Alexanderson, Henrik Pettersson, Faye Hant, Masataka Kuwana, Ami A. Shah, Vanessa Smith, Vivien Hsu, Otylia Kowal-Bielecka, Shervin Assassi, Maurizio Cutolo, Cristiane Kayser, Victoria K. Shanmugam, Madelon C. Vonk, Kim Fligelstone, Nancy Baldwin, Kerri Connolly, Anneliese Ronnow, Beata Toth, Maureen Suave, Sue Farrington, Elana J. Bernstein, Leslie J. Crofford, László Czirják, Kelly Jensen, Monique Hinchclif, Marie Hudson, Matthew R Lammi, Jennifer Mansour, Nadia D. Morgan, Fabian Mendoza, Mandana Nikpour, John Pauling, Gabriela Riemekasten, Anne-Marie Russell, Mary Beth Scholand, Elise Seigart, Tatiana Sofia Rodriguez-Reyna, Laura Hummers, Ulrich Walker, and Virginia Steen
A Comprehensive Study Of Excimer Laser Systems, Robert Ray Butcher
A Comprehensive Study Of First Graders With Kindergarten Experience And With No Prior Formal School Experience., Reeta Cockrell Brummer
A Consideration Of Some Archetypes In Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur, Philip Lawrence Mead
A Contentious Mission: Water Supply and Corps of Engineers Reservoirs, Reed D. Benson
A Cross-disciplinary Study of the European Immigrants of 1870 to 1925., Loretta Matulich
A Cross-Sectional Geographic Information Systems Study of a Pediatric Emergency Department Child Restraint System Distribution Program, Scott J. Oglesbee, Katherine R. Schafer, Matthew P. Kadish, Ronald Orozco, Zefr Chao, and Robert E. Sapién
A Cross-Sectional Study of Women and Girls with Congenital Bleeding Disorders: The American Thrombosis and Hemostasis Network Cohort, Kristina M. Haley, Robert F. Sidonio, Shirley M. Abraham, Dunlei Cheng, Michael Recht, and Roshni Kulkarni
Adapting the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Create Organizational Readiness and Implementation Tools for Project ECHO, Eva Serhal, Amanda Arena, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Linda Mohri, and Allison Crawford
Adapting To a 4°C World, Clifford Villa
Adaptive Process on The Late Prehistoric Shortgrass Plains: Archaeological Study of The Vore Site, A Buffalo Jump in The Black Hills of Northeast Wyoming, Charles A. Reher
Addressing Pediatric Developmental and Mental Health in Primary Care Using Tele-Education, Joyce N. Harrison, Janna Steinberg, Anna Maria Louise Wilms Floet, Nancy Grace, Deepa Menon, Rebecca German, Belinda Chen, Gayane Yenokyan, and Mary L. O'Connor Leppert
Addressing the high cervical cancer rates along the Texas-Mexico border through community outreach, patient navigation, and provider training/telementoring, M P. Salcedo, R Gowen, M Lopez, M Fernandez, E Hawk, K M. Schmeler, S Fisher-Hoch, T Ogburn, M Daheri, L B. Guerra, P Toscano, M Gasca, J Morales, L Valdez, V LJ Nagle, B Cavazos, E L. Marin, E Robles, N Burkhalter, B Reininger, S G. Parra, A M. Rodriguez, E Baker, and A Milbourne
Addressing the opioid crisis in the workplace: Evidence , case studies, and what’s working to help employers become part of the solution, Olivia Bundschuh and Ilene Harris
A Decade Long Maoist Insurgency and the Loss of Child Health in Nepal, Khusiman Pun and Kira M. Villa
A Decision-Making Approach Based on Correlation Coefficient For Generalized multi-Polar Neutrosophic Soft Set, Aiyared Iampan, Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain, Imran Siddique, and Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa
A Deliberate Difference?: The Rights of Incarcerated Individuals Under the New Mexico State Constitution, Carson Thornton González
Adenoviral Respiratory Infection-Associated Mortality in Children: A Retrospective Case Series, Michael C Spaeder, Claire Stewart, Matthew P Sharron, Julia R Noether, Natalia Martinez-Schlurman, Robert P Kavanagh, Jessica K Signoff, Michael C McCrory, Daniel B Eidman, Anjali V Subbaswamy, Paul L Shea, Ilana Harwayne-Gidansky, Emily K Ninmer, Mary Lynn Sheram, and Christopher M Watson
A Discovery of Visual Poetry: Reading UNM's Collection of Mexican and Chilean Comics and Zines, Elizabeth Gackstetter Nichols
A Distinctive Approach to Venous Thromboembolism Treatment in a Pediatric, Hemodialysis Patient: A Case Report, Jason Koury, Cintia Schnakenberg, Charlotte Villasenor, and Shirley M. Abraham
Adopting SCAN-ECHO: The providers' experiences, George G. Sayre, Leah M. Haverhals, Sherry Ball, Lauren Stevenson, Catherine Battaglia, David C. Aron, Susan Kirsh, Christian D. Helfrich, and David Au
Adult Children Private Facebook Group, Andrea Merriam
Adult Prevotella denticola Digital Abscess with Citrobacter freundii and Enterococcus faecalis Superinfection: A Case Report, Austin Fagerberg and Dean W. Smith
Adult Prevotella denticola Digital Abscess with Citrobacter freundii and Enterococcus faecalis Superinfection: A Case Report, Austin Fagerberg and Dean W. Smith
Advanced Avoiding Plagiarism, Kelleen Maluski
Advancing Compact Pulsed Power, Jon C. Pouncey
Advancing Elastic Solid Dynamics in Computer Graphics, Ran Luo
Advancing gynecologic oncology in Latin America through Project ECHO, Melissa Lopez Varon, Ellen Baker, Erick Estuardo Estrada, Kathleen M. Schmeler, and Rene Pareja
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency in Adolescent Population, Vanessa Tahe
Adverse experiences and positive and negative responses among Appalachian young people, Nicole P. Yuan, Nidal Azreg Zakaria Kran-Brooks, Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski, and Sherry Hamby
A Factor Analysis Of The Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test Across Four Ethnic Groups, William Robert Merz
A field guide to good decisions : values in action, Mark D. Bennett and Joan McIver Gibson
A Framework for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Genetics and Genomics Research, Timothy R. Rebbeck, John F P Bridges, Jennifer W. Mack, Stacy W. Gray, Jeffrey M. Trent, Suzanne George, Norah L. Crossnohere, Electra D. Paskett, Corrie A. Painter, Nikhil Wagle, Miria Kano, Patricia Nez Henderson, Jeffrey A. Henderson, Shiraz I. Mishra, Cheryl L. Willman, and Andrew L. Sussman
Agenda LTER/Coordinating Committee Meeting, April 22-24, 1994, Long Term Ecological Research
Aging and Learning: Community Engagement and Self-efficacy in L2 Teaching to Elderly Students, Leticia Rinaldi
Aging and Learning: Community Engagement and Self-efficacy in L2 Teaching to Elderly Students, Leticia Rinaldi
Aging-Specific Survival and Molecular Signatures of Glioblastoma Multiforme: Analysis of Clinical and Large-Scale Transcriptomic Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), Syed Faraz Kazim, Devan W. Vidrine, Meic H. Schmidt, Chad D. Cole, Sara G M Picirillo, and Christian A. Bowers
Agonistic Behaviour In Gila Woodpeckers., Gene L. Brenowitz
A Good Day to Live for One Million Indians, Task Panel on American Indians and Alaska Natives President's Commission on Mental Health
A Guide to Incorporating environmental education into Indian Schools, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
A History Of Physical Education At Northwestern (Oklahoma) State College, 1897-1965., Herbert G. Bridgewater
A History Of Population In The El Paso-Ciudad Juarez Area, J. Lawrence McConville
'Ahora estamos más unidos': Claiming Resilience in the Musical and Visual Aftermath of the El Paso Mass Shooting, Eduardo Garcia
AHRQ telehealth project helps address mental health needs among rural elderly in New York state, AHRQ, University of Rochester Medical Center
A Humorist in Hollywood: Robert Benchley and His Comedy Films, Robert William Redding
Air force diabetes center of excellence Project ECHO: Successful telemedicine with a global reach, Richard M. Davis, T Sauerwein, C Marrow, N Watson, and M True
A Just-in-Time Implementation of an Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program for Support of Primary Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kyle Leggott, Leah Willis, Joseph Saseen, Alexis Burakoff, Douglas Fish, Linda Oberst-Walsh, Kurt Cook, and John "Fred" Thomas
A LANDSCAPE ON THE THRESHOLD OF CHANGE: PATTERNS OF SOIL MICROBIAL ECOLOGY ALONG DYNAMIC GEOMORPHIC AND HYDROLOGIC FEATURES IN A POLAR DESERT, Kelli L. Feeser, David J. Van Horn, Heather N. Buelow, Daniel R. Colman, Theresa A. McHugh, Jordan G. Okie, Egbert Schwartz, Cristina D. Takacs-Vesbach, Becky A. Ball, Andrew G. Fountain, Michael N. Gooseff, Joseph S. Levy, and Maciej K. Obryk
Albuquerque Police Department Uses AHRQ Resources for Crisis Intervention Team Training, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Albuquerque Public School’s Vision Zero for Youth Initiative: Engaging student youth in designing a school district transportation safety program, Cordell S. Bock
Alcohol use, Psychological Stress, and Mental Health in U.S. Spanish - and English-Speaking Pregnant Women, L Enriquez-Marquez, D Rodriguez, X Ma, M H. Roberts, S Ruyak, S W. Jacobson, and L N. Bakhireva
Algebraic Generalization of Venn Diagram, Florentin Smarandache
Algebraic Properties of Finite Neutrosophic Fields, Chalapathi T, Kumaraswamy Naidu K, and Harish Babu D
Algunos Valores En El Teatro De Nelson Rodrigues., Enrique Cortés
Alkali Basalt-Trachyte Suite And Volcanism, Northern Part Of The Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico, L. S. Crumpler
Alternative Chicanx Educational Activism in the U.S. Southwest, 1935–1975, Moises Santos
Alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing, Md Sadman Siraj
Altitudinal Variation Of Chlorophyll Concentration And Reflectance Of The Bark Of Populus Tremuloides., William W. Covington
A Maple Code to Perform Operations on Single Valued Neutrosophic Matrices, Said Broumi, Mohamed Bisher Zeina, M. Lathamaheswari, Assia Bakali, and Mohamed Talea
A Marriage Story: Dowry, Hypergamy, and Human Capital, Soumyajit Chakraborty and Alok K. Bohara
A Marriage Story: Dowry, Hypergamy, and Human Capital, Soumyajit Chakraborty and Alok K. Bohara
Amazonian Cosmopolitans, Suzanne Oakdale
American and German research universities between the beginning and end of the German Reich, McClelland and Charles E. McClelland
American Women and Swedish Women: Changes Since World War II, Kay Frances Reinartz
America's Public Lands: A Sketch of Their Political History and Future Challenges, John Leshy
A Method Of System Identification With Experimental Investigations Of Real Systems, Paul H. Merritt
A Metric Graph Structure For Information Retrieval, Karl Jerry Melendez
A mixed methods evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and impact of a pilot project ECHO for community health workers (CHWs), April Joy Damian, Sarafina Robinson, Faaiza Manzoor, Mandy Lamb, Adriana Rojas, Ariel Porto, and Daren Anderson
A Mixed Method Study of the Effects of Post-Migration Economic Stressors on the Mental Health of Recently Resettled Refugees, Jessica Goodkind, Julieta Ferrera, David Lardier, Julia Meredith Hess, and R Neil Greene
A Model of Collegial Judicial Decision-Making: The Ransom-Montgomery Years on the New Mexico Supreme Court, Michael B. Browde and Mario E. Occhialino
Amplification of school-based strategies resulting from the application of the dynamic adaptation process to reduce sexual and gender minority youth suicide, Lara M Gunderson, Daniel G Shattuck, Amy E Green, C Ann Vitous, Mary M Ramos, and Cathleen E Willging
Amplifying Expertise in Rural West Virginia through Project ECHO: Impactful Partnerships and Community-Engagement, Jay D. Mason, Geri Dino, Jennifer Boyd, Amber Crist, Stacey L. Whanger, Kayetlyn Edinger, and Sally Hodder
A Multicultural Study of the Experience of Grief Following Involuntary Job Loss, Diane Lacen
A multimodal mentorship intervention to improve surgical quality in Tanzania’s Lake Zone: a convergent, mixed methods assessment, Shehnaz Alidina, Leopold Tibyehabwa, Sakshie Sanjay Alreja, David Barash, Danta Bien-Aime, Monica Cainer, Kevin Charles, Edwin Ernest, Joachim Eyembe, Laura Fitzgerald, Geofrey C. Giiti, Augustino Hellar, Yahay Hussein, Furaha Kahindo, Benard Kenemo, Albert Kihunrwa, Steve Kisakye, Innocent Kissima, John G. Meara, Cheri Reynolds, Steven J. Staffa, Meaghan Sydlowski, John Varallo, Noor Zanial, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, and Caroline Damian Mayengo
A multi-objective Shortage Follow Inventory (SFI) Model Involving Ramp-Type Demand, Time Varying Holding Cost and a Marketing Cost Under Neutrosophic Programming Approach, Kausik Das and Sahidul Islam
A Multipronged Digital Response to Increased Demand for Telehealth Support and Training During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Shawna Wright, Ryan Spaulding, and Whitney Henley
An Abstract Approach to W-Structures Based on Hypersoft Set with Properties, Muhammad Saeed, Atiqe Ur Rahman, and Muhammad Imran Harl
An Adverse Path to Home: Challenges for Low-Income Workers in Access Housing in Some Mexican Cities, Aurora Melisa Munoz Casarrubias
Analyses of Admission Procedures for Waiting List Applicants and Retardates Admitted to New Mexico Institutions in Fiscal Years 66-67 To 70-71, Edward Eloy Martinez
Analysis of the Causes of Bank Failures in New Mexico, 1920 to 1925, Tom L. Popejoy
Analytical, Simulation, and Experimental Study of the Generation of Multiple Beams for Application to a Traveling Wave Tube(TWT), Khandakar Nusrat Islam
Analyzing Student Credits, Don R. Hush, Elias S. Lopez, Wisam Al-Doroubi, Tushar Ojha, Brianne Santos, and Kevin Warne
An Analysis Of Administrator And Student Leader Views Of Student Discontent And Solutions On One University Campus., Harold Peter Menninger
An Analysis Of The Impedance Of Two Types Of Electric Antennas Designed For Undersea Applications., Vincent R. Chavez
An Analysis Of The Use Of Parody In Hervé's Le Petit Faust, Sally J. Bissell
An Analysis Of Transmitted Signal Distortion Resulting From Antenna To Reflecting Surface Velocity., J. Philip Castillo
An Anatomy of Nepal's Remarkable Export Decline, Rishi Sharma
An Annotated Critical Edition of También tiene el sol menguante, by Luis Velez de Guevara and Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, James Stone Rambo
An Annotated Critical Edition of También tiene el sol menguante by Luis Vélez de Guevara and Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, James Stone Rambo
An Application of Pentagonal Neutrosophic Linear Programming for Stock Portfolio Optimization, Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa, Muhammad Saeed, Atiqe Ur Rahman, and Salwa El-Morsy
An Application Of The Factor Analytic Approach To The Construction Of An Overall Business Activity Index., Jay Quigley Butler
An assessed framework for manufacturing sustainability based on Industry 4.0 under uncertainty, Khalid A. Eldrandaly, Mona Mohamed, Nissreen El-Saber, and Mohamed Abdel-Basset
An Assessment of Oral Health Discussion between Primary Care Providers and Their Patients with Diabetes, Rocio Huizar
An Assessment of Pregnant Women's Value and Utilization of Oral Health Care During Pregnancy, Angelica M. Sanchez
A National Survey of Social Workers Focusing on Attitudes, Knowledge, and Practice Behaviors for Educating Patients About Advance Directives: Implication During COVID19, Frances R Nedjat-Haiem, Tamara J Cadet, Humberto Parada, Shiraz I Mishra, and Karen Bullock
A Need Assessment And Proposed Curriculum For Low Socio-Economic Elementary School Children., Mary Ann Jenkins Brewster
An effective container inventory model under bipolar neutrosophic environment, C. Sugapriya, S. Rajeswari, D. Nagarajan, Zarife Zararsız, and Zakiya Said Mahad Al Amri
An Efficient Enumeration Technique for a Transportation Problem in Neutrosophic Environment, Ashok Kumar, Ritika Chopra, and Ratnesh Rajan Saxena
An Eight-Year Analysis of Child Labor Trafficking Cases in the United States: Exploring Characteristics, and Patterns of Child Labor Trafficking, Letsie Nthabiseng Claudia, Bandak Lul, and Dominique Roe-Sepowitz
An Enumeration Technique for Transshipment Problem in Neutrosophic Environment, Ashok Kumar, Ritika Chopra, and Ratnesh Rajan Saxena
An Ethnolinguistic Study Of West African Influences On Bahain Portuguese, William W. Megenney
A Neutrosophic Compromise Programming Technique to Solve Multi-Objective Assignment Problem with T2TpFNs, Murshid Kamal, Prabhjot Kaur, Irfan Ali, and Aquil Ahmed
An Evaluation of Dental Hygiene Education of Chemotherapeutic Rinses: A survey, Marissa Terese Aragoon
An Evaluation Of Financial Management Controls In Erda, Janell Green Crego
A New Approach for Solving Bi-Level Multi-Objective NonLinear Programming Model under Neutrosophic Environment, Azza H. Amer and Mahmoud A. Abo-Sinna
A new Cramèr–von Mises Goodness-of-fit test under Uncertainty, Muhammad Ahsan-ul-Haq
A New Exhibit Deconstructs the Myth of Malinche, Alana Coates
A New Perspective of Neutrosophic Hyperconnected Spaces, D Sasikala and Deepa M
A new servicizing business model of transportation: Comparing the new and existing alternatives via neutrosophic Analytic Hierarchy Process, Saliha Karadayi-Usta
An examination of InGaN micro-LED carrier dynamics through small signal RF analysis, Elizabeth DeJong
An Examination of Leadership Needs, Preparation, and Expectations in Rural Indigenous Communities, Roselyn Carroll-Trujillo
An exchange-gas vibration Isolation system for a general-purpose 4K research cryostat, F. T. Jaeckel, A. V. Pregenzer-Wenzler, and S. T. P. Boyd
An Experimental Application Of The Small World Problem To An Urban Community, Paige Birdsall
An Experimental Investigation Of The Continuous Penetration Of A Blunt Body Into A Simulated Cohesionless Soil., John Lewis Colp
An Experimental Study On The Effect Of Highly-Directed Versus Non-Directed Homework Assignments On Student Achievement, John Robert Micklich
An Initial Evaluation Of A Sixth Grade Group'S Attitude Toward Art Using A Semantic Differential Instrument., Nancy Carnohan
An Innovative Neutrosophic Combinatorial Approach Towards the Fusion and Edge Detection of MR Brain Medical Images, Premalatha Rathnasabapathy and Dhanalakshmi Palanisam
An Intelligent Model to Rank Risks of Cloud Computing based on Firm’s Ambidexterity Performance under Neutrosophic Environment, Mahmoud Ismail, Nayef Alrashidi, and Nabil Moustafa
An Intelligent Traffic Control System Using Neutrosophic Sets, Rough sets, Graph Theory, Fuzzy sets and its Extended Approach: A Literature Review, Broumi Said, Malayalan Lathamaheswari, Prem Kumar Singh, A. Ait Ouallane, Abdellah Bakhouyi, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea, Alok Dhital, and Nagarajan Deivanayagampillai
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding Volcanoes and Their Processes, Katherine Cosburn
An interdisciplinary approach to understanding water resources in the Jhikhu Khola catchment, Nepal, Ben Wilkins and Doug Hill Hill
An Interdisciplinary Conversation about Hepatitis C in the North CountryCVPH Project ECHO, Ashley Doelger, Keith Collins, Jenniger Beveridge NP, and Jill Tarabula
An Introduction to Neutrosophic Vague Refined set, A.Angel Marina and A. Francina Shalin
An Introduction to the Collection [Get in Good Trouble: A Collection of Essays by Millennial Law Scholars], Verónica Gonzales-Zamora
An Investigation in the Initial Solution for Neutrosophic Transportation Problems (NTP), Maissam Jdid and Huda E. Khalid
An Investigation Of The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Method Of Data Validation To Reduce Buyer Inspection Costs., John R. Costello
An MCDM Technique Using Cosine and Set-Theoretic Similarity Measures for Neutrosophic hypersoft set, Aiyared Iampan, Hamiden Abd El-Wahed Khalifa, Imran Siddique, and Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain
Annual Family Health and Safety Fair, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
A Nonlinear Programming Model to Solve Matrix Games with Pay-offs of Single-valued Neutrosophic Numbers, Mijanur Rahaman Seikh and Shibaji Dutta
A note on AntiGeometry and NeutroGeometry and their application to real life, Carlos Granados
A Note on μN P Space, N. Raksha Ben and G.Hari Siva Annam
A Novel Approach by using Interval-Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Numbers in Transportation Problem, Rajesh Kumar Saini Atul Sangal and Ashik Ahirwar
A Novel Imaging Methodology to Estimate Advective Losses from a Concentrating Solar Power Particle Receiver, Jesus Daniel Ortega
A Novel Intelligent Multi-Attributes Decision-Making Approach Based on Generalized Neutrosophic Vague Hybrid Computing, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Saeed, and Atiqe Ur Rahman
Antimicrobial stewardship on the frontier: a pilot study of training using an electronic learning network, Susan M. Kellie
Anti Neutrosophic multi fuzzy ideals of near ring, K. Hemabala and B. Srinivasa Kumar
A Numerical Investigation Of Nonlinear Resistance In Second-Order Autonomous Dynamic Networks, John Jerome Bornholdt
A Numerical Study Of The Coanda Effect., Soloman P. Chavez
APA; Área de Proteção Ambiental, Unknown
A Pedagogic Analysis of Linear Algebra Courses, Andrew Taylor
A Pilot Educational Intervention to Support Primary Care Provider Performance of Skin Cancer Examinations, Kelly C. Nelson, Elizabeth V. Seiverling, Nadeeb Gonna, Elizabeth Berry, Elizabeth Stoos, Chloe N. Dorsey, Sarah Sepulveda, Gerardo Vasquez, Hung Q. Doan, and Lauren E. Haydu
A pilot study using telehealth to implement antimicrobial stewardship at two rural Veterans Affairs medical centers, Lauren D Stevenson, Richard E Banks, Krysttel C Stryczek, Christopher J Crnich, Emma M Ide, Brigid M Wilson, Roberto A Viau, Sherry L Ball, and Robin L P Jump
A Political Biography Of Frank A. Hubbell, 1862-1929., Carol N. Callary
A Population-Based Intervention to Improve Care Cascades of Patients With Hepatitis C Virus Infection, John Scott, Meaghan Fagalde, Atar Baer, Sara Glick, Elizabeth Barash, Hilary Armstrong, Kris V. Knowdley, Matthew R. Golden, Alexander J. Millman, Noele P. Nelson, Lauren Canary, Matthew Messerschmidt, Pallavi Patel, Michael Ninburg, and Jeff Duchin
A Potpourri of Ingested Foreign Bodies at UNM from January to March 2022, Rasha A. Elmaoued, Razan Alkhouri, Richardo Castillo, Rajmohan Dharmarai, and Pankaj Vohra
Appellate Court Forum, Verónica Gonzales-Zamora
Application of Bismuth Oxychloride as a Colorimetric UV Sensor Material, Kyle James Troche
Application of ECHO telemedicine to nursing homes to help staff address problematic behaviors, B Humel, M Hasselberg, E Engield, and J Karuza
Application of neuropsychology and imaging to brain injury and use of the integrative cognitive rehabilitation psychotherapy model, Mark Pedrotty, Tiffanie S Wong, Elisabeth A Wilde, Erin D Bigler, and Linda K Laatsch
Applications of Evidence Theory to High-Consequence Systems Safety, Christina Marie Deffenbaugh
Applications of the Negatively-Charged Silicon Vacancy Color Center in Diamond, Forrest A. Hubert
Applying the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) Framework to Safe Surgery 2020 Implementation in Tanzania's Lake Zone, Shehnaz Alidina, Noor Zanial, John G. Meara, David Barash, Ladislaus Buberwa, Bwire Chirangi, Augustino Hellar, Steve Kisakye, Adelina Mazhiqi, William Mnyonyela, Meck P. Nyanda, Cheri Reynolds, Florian Tinuga, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, and Sara Maongezi
Approaches in Molecular Engineering to Optimize the Desired Properties of Photoactive Molecules, Douglas Joseph Breen
A project to establish linkages between the Department of Defense, Tribes, and Industry Defense Contractors to further Tribal development, LaDonna Harris
A Prospective Study of the Causes of Bruises in Premobile Infants, Kenneth W Feldman, Tricia M Tayama, Leslie E Strickler, Lee A Johnson, Gauri Kolhatkar, Catherine A DeRidder, Dana C Matthews, Robert Sidbury, and James A Taylor
A Protocol for a Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation Framework With a Compendium of Tools to Assess Quality of Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Implementation Using Mixed Methods, Developmental Evaluation Design, Smita Ghosh, Brenna M. Roth, Irene Massawe, Emmanuel Mtete, Jacob Lusekelo, Eve Pinsker, Steven Seweryn, Patrick K. Moonan, and Bruce B. Struminger
A Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Safety Events Among Adolescents Hospitalized After a Suicide Attempt, Michelle Noelck, Maria Velazquez-Campbell, and Jared P Austin
A Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination., Kristin Oliver, Kera Beskin, Laura Noonan, Amy Shah, Rebecca Perkins, and Sharon Humiston
A Question of Power: Indian Control of Indian Resource Development, LaDonna Harris
A Randomized Trial of Erythropoietin for Neuroprotection in Preterm Infants, Sandra E Juul, Bryan A Comstock, Rajan Wadhawan, Dennis E Mayock, Sherry E Courtney, Tonya Robinson, Kaashif A Ahmad, Ellen Bendel-Stenzel, Mariana Baserga, Edmund F LaGamma, L Corbin Downey, Raghavendra Rao, Nancy Fahim, Andrea Lampland, Ivan D Frantz Iii, Janine Y Khan, Michael Weiss, Maureen M Gilmore, Robin K Ohls, Nishant Srinivasan, Jorge E Perez, Victor McKay, Phuong T Vu, Jean Lowe, Karl Kuban, T Michael O'Shea, Adam L Hartman, Patrick J Heagerty, and PENUT Trial Consortium
A Rare Presentation of Pediatric ALK-positive Histiocytosis as Palatal Mass with Response to ALK Inhibitor Crizotinib Treatment: Case report, Ella Dolan and Katie Harmoney
A Reconfigurable Stretchable Liquid Metal Antenna, Phase Shifter, and Array for Wideband Applications, David M. Hensley
Are remittances a source of finance for private adaptation strategy? Evidence from the Cyclone Sidr hit regions in southern Bangladesh, Sakib Mahmud and Gazi Hassan
A Review of Nepali Diaspora and their Role in Nepal’s Development and Lessons for Developing Countries, Ambika P. Adhikari
A Review of Telehealth Innovations for HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Rebecca Touger and Brian R Wood
A Review on Superluminal Physics and Superluminal Communication in light of the Neutrosophic Logic perspective, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Selected Senate Speeches On The 1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty., Timothy A. Browning
A Rigid, Thermally-Isolating Suspension for an ADR, Ruslan Hummatov, Linh N. Le, Felix T. Jaeckel, and S. T. P. Boyd
A Ringing in the Ears: The Martyrdom, Subsequent Death, and Reinscription of Fray Pedro de Ayala, Klinton Burgio-Ericson
Army and Navy ECHO Pain Telementoring Improves Clinician Opioid Prescribing for Military Patients: an Observational Cohort Study., Joanna G. Katzman, Clifford R. Qualls, William A. Satterfield, Martin Kistin, Keith Hofmann, Nina Greenberg, Robin Swift, George D. Comerci, Rebecca Fowler, and Sanjeev Arora
Art as Experience: A Case for Art Museum Field Trips in New Mexico’s Public School Art Education, Zoila A. Caamaño-Pumarol
Arthur Shilling: Anishinaabemowin-Mazinibiiʼigewinini, Suzanne Rita McLeod
Artificial intelligence, controls, and sensor fusion for optimization and modeling of space missions and particle accelerators, Reza Pirayeshshirazinezhad
Artificial Intelligent Risk-aware Autonomous Decision-Making in Resource-Constrained Computing Systems, Pavlos Athanasios Apostolopoulos
Artist Spotlight, Ranran Fan and Eleanor Kane
Ashamed, Judged, and Unsafe: A Qualitative Study of Tenant Justice Perceptions to Inform the Redesign of Housing Court, Daniel W. Bernal
A Shock Tube Study Of Recombination In The Lean Hydrogen-Oxygen Reaction Based On The Infrared Emission From Water Vapor, Larry S. Blair
A Shortage of Neurologists – We Must Act Now: A Report From the AAN 2019 Transforming Leaders Program, Jennifer J. Majersik, Aiesha Ahmed, I-Hweii A. Chen, Holly Shill, Gregory P. Hanes, Victoria S. Pelak, Jennifer L. Hopp, Antonio Omuro, Benzi Kluger, and Thabele Leslie-Mazwi
A short remark on Bong Han duct system (PVS) as a Neutrosophic bridge between Eastern and Western Medicine paradigms, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
A Short Remark on Vortex as Fluid Particle from Neutrosophic Logic perspective, Victor Christianto and Florentin Smarandache
Asian Americans, Racial Stereotypes, and Elite University Admissions, Vinay Harpalani
Asin Yahola's Wife, Colin M. Rankine
As long as the water flows: Indian Irrigation Projects, Gail Offen
A smartphone based e-Consult in addiction medicine: An initiative in COVID lockdown., Aurobind Ganesh, Prashant Sahu, Shruti Nair, and Prabhat Chand
A Sociolinguistic Study of Crow Language Maintenance, John Arthur Stanley Read
A Spectrographic Analysis Of Pinon Jay Vocalizations, Lyle Rae Berger
A Spectroscopic Investigation Of Electron Transfer Transitions In Osmium (Ii) Complexes., Brian J. Pankuch
Assessing and Expanding the Evidence Base for Project ECHO and ECHO-Like Models: Findings of a Technical Expert Panel., Laura J Faherty, Adam J Rose, Andre Chappel, Caroline Taplin, Monique Martineau, and Shira H Fischer
Assessing food insecurity when caring for children with BMI ≥85th percentile, Kathryne (Kitty) Foos, Janet Page-Reeves, Sylvia Negrete, Alberta Kong, and Monique Vallabhan
Assessing Knowledge and Perceptions About Cancer Among American Indians of the Zuni Pueblo, NM, Safia Safi, Donica Ghahate, Jeanette Bobelu, Andrew L Sussman, Joseph Rodman, Angela Wandinger-Ness, Shiraz I Mishra, Thomas Faber, Cheryl Willman, and Vallabh Shah
Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Piñon Pine and Its Associated Fungi, Matthew Taylor
Assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of an established telehealth model to train primary care providers on hypertension management in free and charitable clinics, Julie Darnell, Tamara Hamlish, Christina Newport, Heather Pauls, Lindsay O'Brien, Daniel Johnson, George Bakris, and Stephanie Zaas
Assessing the Validity of Sentiment Analysis Measures through Polychoric Correlation, Kelli N. Kasper
Assessment of preference, health issues, and spatial dependence in a solid waste management system, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman
Assessment of Public Health and School Based Health Rotations in Academic Dental Hygiene Programs, Ashley Marie Zuni
Assessment of synovial fluid and serum cytokine levels in children with septic arthritis, Walter N. Dehority, Scott Plaster, Kathryn C. Helmig, Nathan Huff, Andrew Parsons, Susan L. Tigert, and Selina Silva
Assessment of the Feasibility and Cost of Hepatitis C Elimination in Pakistan, Jagpreet Chhatwal, Qiushi Chen, Xiaojie Wang, Turgay Ayer, Yueran Zhuo, Naveed Z. Janjua, and Fasiha Kanwal
Assistive technology: Outcomes. Report: Implementing AT in Practice: New Technologies and Techniques, Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)
Association Between Increased Seizures During Rewarming After Hypothermia for Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy and Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study, Lina F. Chalak, Athina Pappas, Sylvia Tan, Abhik Das, Pablo J. Sánchez, Abbot R. Laptook, Krisa P. Van Meurs, Seetha Shankaran, Edward F. Bell, Alexis S. Davis, Roy J. Heyne, Claudia Pedroza, Brenda B. Poindexter, Kurt Schibler, Jon E. Tyson, M Bethany Ball, Rebecca Bara, Cathy Grisby, Gregory M. Sokol, Carl T. D'Angio, Shannon E G Hamrick, Kevin C. Dysart, C Michael Cotten, William E. Truog, Kristi L. Watterberg, Christopher J. Timan, Meena Garg, Waldemar A. Carlo, Rosemary D. Higgins, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Association of Increased Seizures During Rewarming With Abnormal Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2-Year Follow-up: A Nested Multisite Cohort Study, Lina F. Chalak, Athina Pappas, Sylvia Tan, Abhik Das, Pablo J. Sánchez, Abbot R. Laptook, Krisa P. Van Meurs, Seetha Shankaran, Edward F. Bell, Alexis S. Davis, Roy J. Heyne, Claudia Pedroza, Brenda B Poindexter, Kurt Schibler, Jon E. Tyson, M Bethany Ball, Rebecca Bara, Cathy Grisby, Gregory M. Sokol, Carl T. D'Angio, Shannon E G Hamrick, Kevin C. Dysart, C Michael Cotten, William E. Truog, Kristi L. Watterberg, Christopher J. Timan, Meena Garg, Waldemar A. Carlo, Rosemary D. Higgins, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Association of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes Project With Use of Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among US Adults With Hepatitis C, Linh Tran, Roger Feldman, Thomas Riley III, and Jeah Jung
A standardized protocol for the comprehensive assessment of dental hygiene work, Shawn C Roll, Mark E Hardison, Jane L Forrest, Nikki L Colclazier, Joyce Y Sumi, and Nancy A Baker
A Study for a Lexicon of Laguna Keresan, Hilaire Paul Valiquette
A Study Of Differences In Measures Of Over-Protective Attitude Between Mothers Of High And Low Functioning Mongoloid Children, Richard Strong Mechem
A Study of Neutrosophic Cubic Hesitant Fuzzy Hybrid Geometric Aggregation Operators and its Application to Multi Expert Decision Making System, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Muhammad Gulistan, Zahid Khan, and Fuad S. Al-Duais
A Study Of Selling Competencies And Their Priorities For Inclusion In The Distributive Education Curriculum., Teddy B. Palmore
A Study Of The Factors Which Affect The Job Satisfactions And The Job Dissatisfactions Of School Superintendents, James Paul Miller
A Study Of The Genus Phacelia In New Mexico, Helen M. Bobisud
A Study Of The Mary Lester Field Collection Of Spanish Colonial Silver, Leona Mae Boylan
A Study Of The Relationship Between Intelligence Quotients And Physical Fitness Scores., Lewis Dale Caton
A Study Of The Relative Contributions Of Orally And Nasally Emitted Signals To Hyper-Nasal Speech., Milo Ellis Bishop
A Study Of Thermoacoustic Oscillations At Elevated Static Pressures, Michael Einar Berger
A Study Of The Role Of The United Nations And The United States In The Lebanon Crisis Of 1958., Lawerence Brisker
A Study Of The Sidereal Diurnal Variations Of Cosmic Rays Underground., Albert Brunsting
A Study on Neutrosophic Algebra, T. Nagaiah, L. Bhaskar, P. Narasimha Swamy, and Said Broumi
A Study to Develop Alternative Statewide Higher Education Funding Formula Models for Possible Use in New Mexico, Thomas M. Rawson
A Summary Of The Engineering Properties Of Subsurface Soils In The Albuquerque Area., Edmond Pierce Ryan
A Survey Of Audio-Visual Practices In The Large Schools In New Hampshire, W. M. Cleveland
A Survey Of Health Care Facilities And Personnel In Bernalillo County, New Mexico., Clarence David Brown
A Survey Of Pueblo II Archaeology, Stanley Dowlen Bussey
A Survey Of The Extent Of The Use Of Private Sector Assistance Techniques And Resources By Municipal Park And Recreation Departments Within The South Central United States, Charles Larry Miller
A Systems Analysis Of Albuquerque's Rescue Service, Leslie Paul Page III
A telementoring intervention leads to improvements in self-reported measures of health care access and quality among patients with complex diabetes, Margaret M. Paul, Andrea Davila Saad, John Billings, Saul Blecker, Matthew F. Bouchonville, Cindy Chavez, Brant W. Hager, Sanjeev Arora, and Carolyn A. Berry
A Telementoring Program and Hepatitis C Virus Care in Rural Patients, Ping Du, Xin Yin, Lan Kong, and Jeah Jung
A tele-mentoring tobacco cessation case consultation and education model for healthcare providers in community mental health centers, Ludmila Cofta-Woerpel, Cho Lam, Lorraine R Reitzel, William Wilson, Maher Karam-Hage, Diane Beneventi, Jennifer Cofer, Ellen Baker, David W Wetter, Paul M Cinciripini, and Janice Blalock
A Theoretical Study Of Light Scattering From Water Droplets., Aaron J. Cox
Atlas of Nontumor Pathology: Non-Neoplastic Disorders of Bone Marrow, Kathryn Foucar, David S. Viswanatha, and Carla S. Wilson
At the Fringes of the West: Identity and Belonging in the Rodeo: A Review Essay, Mitchel P. Roth
At the hub of things, M Watson
Attitudes Towards Treating Injured Patients in Urgent Care, Erin Beverly
Attribute based Double Bounded Rough Neutrosophic Sets in Facial Expression Detection, Praba B, Pooja S S, and Nethraa Sivakumar
A Unifying Doctrine of Subsurface Property Rights, Joseph A. Schremmer
Autism Edu-ECHO -Supporting educators, students and families, Vicky Booth, Perrin Moss, Honey Heussler, and Dana Newcomb
Autoimmune Cytopenia(s) might be initial presentation of Primary Immunodeficiency and Immune Dysregulation Disorders, Shirley Abraham and Elif Dokmeci
Autonomous Space: Incorporating Concepts of Questioning into a Wellness Room, Varina A. Kosovich and Kelleen Maluski
A Validity Study Of The Creative Imagination Scale And Comparison Of Induction Techniques Under Plateau Conditions, Vernis Lloyd Crawford
A Violation of Trust: Federal Management of Indian Forest Lands, Rich Nafziger
A virtual community-of-practice approach by rural stakeholders in managing pneumoconiosis in the USA: a cross-sectional analysis., Akshay Sood, Nour Assad, William Jarrell, Summers Kalishman, Kyla Le Suer, Stephen Murillo, Orrin Myers, Rachelle Rochelle, Sarah Salveson, Brian Soller, Jolene Walker, Bruce Wissore, and Charles Pollard
A virtual course in perinatal mental health for healthcare professionals., Lakshmi Shiva, Geetha Desai, Prabhat Chand, Sundarnag Ganjekar, Kimneihat Vaiphei, Veena A. Satyanarayana, M Thomas Kishore, Harish Thippeswamy, and Prabha S. Chandra
Ayres Sensory Integration Meets Criteria for an Evidence-Based Practice: A Response to Stevenson [2019], Sarah A Schoen, Shelly J Lane, Roseann C Schaaf, Zoe Mailloux, L Diane Parham, Susanne S Roley, and Teresa May-Benson
Back Matter, Arianna Medina
Back Matter, Arianna Medina
Bacteriophage virus-like particle based vaccines targeting opioids, Isabella Murphy, Susan Core, Andzoa Jamus, Bryce Chackerian, and Kathryn M. Frietze
Baire Spaces on Fuzzy Neutrosophic Topological Spaces, E. Poongothai and E. Padmavathi
Bajo condiciones impuestas: Los indios guaymíes y las multinacionales mineras en Panamá, Chris N. Gjording and Milton Machuca-Galvez
Balanced Neutrosophic Graphs, S Sivasankar and Said Broum
Balduin Möllhausen, A Prussian's Image Of The American West, David H. Miller
BA/MD 2022 APR Self-Study & Documents, UNM
Barriers and perceived usefulness of an ECHO intervention for office-based buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder in North Carolina: A qualitative study, Christopher M. Shea, Alex K. Gertner, and Sherri L. Green
Barriers and solutions to working with patients as research partners, Sarah Goff, Lisa Marr, and Lewis Cohen
Barriers and Strategies for Specialty Care Access through Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Scoping Review, Yumiko Nakamura, Maude Laberge, Andrew Davis, and Agatha Formoso
Barriers to the full participation of tribal governments in the U.S. Federal System: A Capitol Hill Symposium report, LaDonna Harris
BBC World News interviews Sonia Gipson Rankin: Daunte Wright police shooting trial verdict, Kimberly Potter fatally shot Mr. Wright mistaking her handgun for Taser, Sonia M. Gipson Rankin
Beacon eNewsletter Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), Beacon Health Options
Beacon Health Options - Project ECHO: Opioid Use Disorders, Beacon Health Options
Behavioral Changes In Ants During Radiation Exposure., Niel Henry Milton Berg
Between History and Remembering the Bomb: A Review Essay, Ryan Edgington
Beyond Bake Sales: Environmental Justice Through Superfund Removal Actions, Clifford Villa
Beyond crisis intervention team (CIT) classroom training: Videoconference continuing education for law enforcement., Annette S. Crisanti, Jennifer A. Earheart, Nils A. Rosenbaum, Matthew Tinney, and Daniel J. Duhigg
Beyond Fordlandia: Film Screening and Conversation with Director Marcos Colón, Marcos Colon
Bicycle Safety Class, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Biogas adoption in Nepal: drivers and challenges, Hari Katuwal
Biopsychosocial Multidisciplinary Treatment Impact on Risk of Opioid Misuse, Michael A. Palacio
Bipolar Neutrosophic Frank Aggregation Operator and its application in Multi Criteria Decision Making, M. Lathamaheswari, S. Sudha, Said Broumi, and Florentin Smarandache
Bipolar neutrosophic graded soft sets and their topological spaces, P Arulpandy and M Trinita Pricilla
Bipolar neutrosophic soft generalized pre-closed sets and pre-open sets in topological space, Arulpandy P and Trinita Pricilla M
Blockchain Based Communication Architectures with Applications to Private Security Networks, Ashley N. Mayle
Blood myo-inositol concentrations in preterm and term infants, Luc P Brion, Dale L Phelps, Robert M Ward, Tracy L Nolen, N Mikko K Hallman, Abhik Das, Daniel J Zaccaro, M Bethany Ball, Kristi L Watterberg, Ivan D Frantz, C Michael Cotten, Brenda B Poindexter, William Oh, Ralph A Lugo, Krisa P Van Meurs, T Michael O'Shea, Kristin M Zaterka-Baxter, and Rosemary D Higgins
Bone Health ECHO: An innovative strategy of telementoring to improve osteoporosis care in underserved communities, E Michael Lewiecki, Matthew F. Bouchonville, David H. Chafey, and Sanjeev Arora
Bone Health ECHO: telementoring to improve osteoporosis care, E Michael Lewiecki, Matthew F. Bouchonville, David H. Chafey, Arthur Bankhurst, and Sanjeev Arora
Bone Health TeleECHO: a Force Multiplier to Improve the Care of Skeletal Diseases in Underserved Communities, E Michael Lewiecki, Avery Jackson, Anne F. Lake, John J. Carey, Zhanna Belaya, Galina A Melnichenko, and Rachelle Rochelle
Bone Health TeleECHO for orthopedists and rheumatologists, E Michael Lewiecki
Bone health teleECHO to address disparities in osteoporosis care and reduce the treatment gap: 18 month progress report, E Michael Lewiecki, N Weiss, M Bouchonville, D Chafey, and Sanjeev Arora
Bone Marrow Pathology, Kathryn Foucar
Bone Marrow Pathology. 1st ed., Kathryn Foucar
Bone Marrow Pathology. 3rd ed., Kathryn Foucar, Kaaren Reichard, and David Czuchlewski
Bone Marrow Pathology, 4th ed., Kathryn Foucar, Kaaren Reichard, and David Czuchlewski
Book Review: The Development of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Role of International Courts and Tribunals, Kalista Wilson
Book Review: Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future, J. Spenser Lotz
Borders and Water Conflicts: Mitigating Conflicts with Love and Cooperation, Peter J. Longo, Anthony B. Schutz, and James M. Scott
Boron Adsorption In Clay Minerals: Implications for Martian Groundwater Chemistry And Prebiotic Processes, Matthew A. Nellessen, Laura Crossey, Patrick J. Gasda, Horton Newsom, Abdulmehdi Ali, Eric J. Peterson, Nina Lanza, Adriana Reyes-Newell, Dorothea Delapp, Chris Yeager, Andrea Labouriau, Roger C. Wiens, Samuel Clegg, Shelbie Legett, and Debarati Das
Boston Globe interviews Vinay Harpalani: Supreme Court agrees to hear Harvard affirmative action case, could cause ‘huge ripple effect’ in college admissions, Vinay Harpalani, Laura Krantz, and Deirdre Fernandes
Boston Hill Signage Improvement Report, Jason Shaub
Brave new brain : conquering mental illness in the era of the genome, Nancy C. Andreasen
Breaking the barriers to specialty care: Practical ideas to improve health equity and reduce cost, Neeraja Bhavaraju, Jennifer "Evvie" Nanni, Chris Carlson, Jared Sholk, Kyle Peterson, and Lauren A. Smith
Breast Cancer Screening Among Medically Underserved Women in New Mexico: Potential for Lower Recall Rates with Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, Martha T Manda-Mapalo, Stephanie G Fine, Sarah Safadi, Ji-Hyun Lee, Ruofei Du, Andrew L Sussman, Shiraz Mishra, Reed G Selwyn, Jennifer L Saline, Wendy L Hine, and Ursa A Brown-Glaberman
Breathing can be dangerous: Coccidioides and the diverse community of the lung mycobiome, Paris Salazar-Hamm
Bringing Technological Transparency to Tenebrous Markets: The Case for Using Blockchain to Validate Carbon Credit Trading Markets, Gary E. Marchant, Zachary Cooper, and Philip Gough-Stone
British Public Opinion Of The Greek War Of Independence, 1821-1829., Jean Collins Craven
British Travelers Among the Southern Indians, 1660-1763, J. Ralph Randolph
Bubonic Plague: Public Health Warnings from an Ancient Disease, Mikenzie E. Chessman
Budget Control In A Public Engineering Organization, Paul E. Brandenberger
Building a comprehensive cancer education program to increase clinical capacity in Mozambique, Melissa S. Lopez, Ellen S. Baker, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Elvira Xavier Luis, Flora Mabota, Pedro Rafael Machava, Jose Humberto Tavares, Donato Callegaro Filho, Thiago Chulam, and Kathleen M. Schmeler
Building a Virtual Global Knowledge Network During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: The Infection Prevention and Control Global Webinar Series, Kathryn Wilson, Cori Dennison, Bruce Struminger, Amy Armistad, Hanako Osuka, Eva Montoya, Maria Clara Padoveze, Sanjeev Arora, Benjamin Park, and Fernanda C. Lessa
Building capacity for collaborative research on opioid and other substance use disorders through the Clinical and Translational Science Award Program, Linda B. Cottler, Alan I. Green, Harold Alan Pincus, Scott McIntosh, Jennifer L. Humensky, and Kathleen Brady
Building Capacity for Productive Indigenous Community-University Partnerships, Joel Gittelsohn, Annie Belcourt, Maya Magarati, Cathryn Booth-LaForce, Bonnie Duran, Shiraz I Mishra, Lorenda Belone, and Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan
Building capacity to reduce disparities in diabetes: training community health workers using an integrated distance learning model, Kathleen Colleran, Erika Harding, Billie Jo Kipp, Andrea Zurawski, Barbara MacMillan, Lucie Jelinkova, Summers Kalishman, Denise Dion, Dara Som, and Sanjeev Arora
Building community and resilience in Massachusetts nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Amy W. Baughman, Marina Renton, Nizar K. Wehbi, Eric J. Sheehan, Tara M. Gregorio, Mark Yurkofsky, Sharon Levine, Vicki Jackson, Chuck T. Pu, and Lewis A. Lipsitz
BUILDING COMMUNITY RESILIENCE: From an Environmental Justice Lens, Asa B. Stone
Building Consensus Around the Future Remote Work: One Library’s Study, Sally Bowler-Hill
Building eHealth and Telepsychiatry Capabilities: Three Educational Reports Across the Learning Continuum, Allison Crawford, David Gratzer, Marijana Jovanovic, David Rodie, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Nadiya Sunderji, John Teshima, and Zoe Thomas
Building HIV healthcare worker capacity through telehealth in Vietnam, Todd M. Pollack, Vo Thi Tuyet Nhung, Dang Thi Nhat Vinh, Duong Thi Hao, Le Thi Thu Trang, Pham Anh Duc, Nguyen Van Kinh, Nguyen Thi Hoai Dung, Duong Lan Dung, Nguyen Thi Ninh, Ho Thi Thanh Huyen, Vo Xuan Huy, Duong Minh Hai, Truong Huu Khanh, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Pham Tram An Khuong, Nguyen The Trong, Nguyen Van Lam, Vu Ngoc Phinh, Do Thi Phuong, Nguyen Duc Duat, Nguyen Thanh Liem, Nguyen Thanh Binh, Nguyen K. Binh, Le Ngoc Yen, and Lisa Cosimi
Building local capacity for cervical cancer prevention in low resource settings: Changing strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic., Mila P Salcedo, Melissa L Varon, Natacha Phoolcharoen, Nafissa Osman, Ernestina David, Ricardina Rangeiro, Dercia Changule, Viviane Andrade, Andrea Neves, Kathleen M Doughtie, Jennifer Carns, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Ellen Baker, and Kathleen M Schmeler
Building long-term care staff capacity during COVID-19 through just-in-time learning: evaluation of a modified ECHO model, Navena R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, Raquel M. Meyer, Shaen Gingrich, Devin J. Sodums, Anna Theresa Santiago, Sid Feldman, Stacey Guy, Andrea Moser, Salma Shaikh, Cindy J. Grief, and David K. Conn
Building mental health capacity: exploring the role of adaptive expertise in the ECHO virtual learning model, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Thiyake Rajaratnam, Carrol Zhao, Eva Serhal, Allison Crawford, and Maria Mylopoulos
Building Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico, Lloyd L. Lee
Building on Historical Chicana and Chicano Movement Pedagogies to Teach New Mexican Manita and Manito Epistemologies to Knowledge and Power Curators, Keith E. Sanchez
Building Physician Networks as Part of the Zika Response, Nia Heard-Garris, Sanjeev Arora, and Nicole Lurie
Building Provincial Mental Health Capacity in Primary Care: An Evaluation of a Project ECHO Mental Health Program, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Amanda Arena, Eva Serhal, Linda Mohri, Javed Alloo, and Allison Crawford
Building Regional Expertise: Perspectives from Show-Me ECHO Participants., Melissa Warne-Griggs, Lea Brandt, Kimberly Hoffman, Tracy Greever-Rice, and E Rachel Mutrux
Building Unproblematic searches for Indian/Alaska Native Topics, Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski
Building virtual communities of practice for health, Bruce Struminger, Sanjeev Arora, Sarah Zalud-Cerrato, David Lowrance, and Tedd Ellerbrock
Built Envrionment Approaches Flyer, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Built Envrionment Approaches Video, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Buying Goodwill: Local and Regional Consumer Relationships in Nineteenth Century New Mexico, Erin N. Hegberg
Bye Bye Brasil and A febre: Race, Change, and National Belonging in Brazil, Laura Cruz
CA1 Catecholamine Response to Contextual Novelty Persists After Weeks of Related Exposure, Tia N. Donaldson
Calculation Of The Singularity Expanision Method Parameters From The Transient Response Of A Thin Wire, Kah-song Cho
Call to action: gender equity in neonatology, Kerri Z Machut, Shazia Bhombal, Marilyn Escobedo, Jasmeet Kataria-Hale, Alla Kushnir, Krithika Lingappan, Christiana N. Oji-Mmuo, Lisa Owens, Renate Savich, Clara Song, Rachel Wright, and Christiane E L Dammann
Campaign Decision-Making In New Mexico, Sam A. Carnes Jr.
Can access to natural capital, public programs, and remittances influence private defensive strategies of vulnerable coastal communities against natural disaster? Evidence from the coastal areas of Bangladesh, Sakib Mahmud, A.K. Enamul Haque, Kolpona E. Costa, and Zahir H. Khan
Canalization Of Scutellar Bristles In Pyd And Pyd H Populations Of Drosophila Melanogaster., Rita Kathleen Bryson
Can “Asians” Truly Be Americans?, Vinay Harpalani
Cancelation: May 3 2022 HSC Committee Meeting, HSC Committee
Cancer Clinical Trial Recruitment: The Role of Family Members in Cancer Clinical Trial Decision-Making among Minority Groups, Tomide Oloruntobi
Cancer control in small island nations: from local challenges to global action., Diana Sarfati, Rachel Dyer, Paula Vivili, Josephine Herman, Dingle Spence, Richard Sullivan, David Weller, Freddie Bray, Sarah Hill, Christopher Bates, Sunia Foliaki, Neal Palafox, Silvana Luciani, Alec Ekeroma, and James Hospedales
Cancer prevention, screening, and survivorship ECHO: A pilot experience with an educational telehealth program, Tyler S. Severance, Zheng Milgrom, Anyé Carson, Caitlin M. Scanlon, Rishika Chauhan O'Brien, Brent Anderson, Mary Robertson, Andrea Janota, Scott L. Coven, Eneida A. Mendonca, Joan Duwve, and Terry A. Vik
Cancer screening program using technology assisted learning, Roopa Hariprasad and Ravi Mehritra
Can Remittances Finance Clean Energy in Developing Countries? Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Gazi Hassan and Sakib Mahmud
Capacity Building for a New Multicenter Network Within the ECHO IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network, Robert D. Annett, Scott Bickel, John C. Carlson, Kelly Cowan, Sara Cox, Mark J. Fisher, J Dean Jarvis, Alberta S. Kong, Jessica S. Kosut, Kurtis R. Kulbeth, Abbot Laptook, Pearl A. McElfish, Mary M. McNally, Lee M. Pachter, Barbara A. Pahud, Lee A. Pyles, Jennifer Shaw, Kari Simonsen, Jessica Snowden, Christine B. Turley, and Andrew M. Atz
Capacity Building in Cancer Screening Using ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes): Innovative and Cost-Effective Model, R Hariprasad, R Babu, Sanjeev Arora, and R Mehrotra
Capacity Building in Mental Health for Bihar: Overview of the 1-Year Blended Training Program for Nonspecialist Medical Officers, Bhavya K. Bairy, Aurobind Ganesh, Sandeepa Kaur, Prabhat Kumar Chand, Channaveerachari Naveen Kumar, Narayana Manjunatha, Suresh Bada Math, Narebdra Kumar Sinha, and Sanjeev Arora
Capacity Building of Gynecologists in Cancer Screening Through Hybrid Training Approach, Kavitha Dhanasekaran, Roshni Babu, Vipin Kumar, Ravi Mehrotra, and Roopa Hariprasad
Capitalizing on Language: The Political and Economic (Re)Circulation of a National Imaginary, Joseph L. Flores
Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Responses to Hexagonal Barbell Deadlift Task Performed at an Intensity Corresponding to the Anaerobic Threshold, Christopher C. Frankel Dr.
Cardiorespiratory Responses To Submaximal Exercise In Water, Karen Ann Carlberg
Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Analysis using Distance-Based Similarity Measure of Neutrosophic Sets, Norzieha Mustapha, Suriana Alias, Roliza Md Yasin, Ilyani Abdullah, and Said Broumi
Career Patterns Of Civilian Executives In Military Research And Development Testing Installations--An Evaluation Based On A Comparative Analysis Of Federal Executives., Juanito V. Carrillo
Caregivers' Perceptions towards Medical Nutritional Supplements, Nancy Perez, Kathryn E Coakley, Diana Gonzales-Pacheco, Deborah Luffey, and Deborah Cohen
Case Report: Amyloid Deposits in the Flexor Tenosynovium Found During Primary Carpal Tunnel ReleaseTunnel Release, John B. Fuller, Kelly L. Scott, Moheb S. Moneim, and Vann E. Schaffner
Case Report: Amyloid Deposits in the Flexor Tenosynovium Found During Primary Carpal Tunnel ReleaseTunnel Release, John B. Fuller, Kelly L. Scott, Moheb S. Moneim, and Vann E. Schaffner
Case studies in funding innovation: Reverberating impact – How the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s pioneer portfolio helped seed and scale Project ECHO, Gabriel Kasper and Justin Marcoux
Case Study: Project ECHO Expands Access to Specialty Care for Rural Patients, Martha Hostetter
Cauchy Single-Valued Neutrosophic Numbers and Their Applications in MAGDM, Faruk Karaaslan and Fatih Karamaz
Causes of socioeconomic inequality in Nepal: evidence from a panel study, Rajendra Dulal, Shankar Ghimire, and Kul Kapri
CDT Trail Days, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Celiac Disease : A Comprehensive Guide Paperback, Pankaj Vohra
Cellular Absorbed Dose Spectrometer (Cads) Data Reduction And Analysis., John T. Cervini
Center for Brain Recovery and Repair-Clinical Core, Rick Campbell, Michel Torbey, Darbi Gill, Davin Quinn, Jessica Richardson, Jeremy Hogeveen, Cndrew Carlson, Kevin Wilson, Nick Mertens, Marcus Sterling, and Saul Fernandez
Cervical Cancer: Formulation and Implementation of Govt of India Guidelines for Screening and Management, Ravi Mehrotra and Kavita Yadav
C.G. Jung And The Renaissance Of The Mysteries., John Thomas Brady
Chad: Human Fertility, Crop Production and Changing Weather Patterns, Jake Organ
Challenges to stakeholder engagement in population headache care in an academic health system, Susan Baggaley, K C. Brennan, Kathleen Digre, Lynne Kerr, Lisa Gren, Gregory Keough, Rachel Jaggi, Scott Junkins, and Karly Pippitt
Changes in EEG, Temperature, and Behavior as a Function of Prolonged Sleep Deprivation, G. Vernon Pegram Jr
Changing Innovation? Welcome to the slow movement, Christian Seelos
Characteristics of Hispanics Referred to Coordinated Specialty Care for First-Episode Psychosis and Factors Associated With Enrollment, Bess Rose Friedman, Danielle K. Durán, Anastasiya Nestsiarovich, Mauricio Tohen, Rhoshel K. Lenroot, Juan R. Bustillo, and Annette S. Crisanti
Characteristics of paediatric weight management in the United States: Associations with program retention and BMI outcomes in the paediatric obesity weight evaluation registry (POWER), Jared M Tucker, William Stratbucker, Eileen C King, Suzanne Cuda, Sylvia Negrete, Brooke Sweeney, Seema Kumar, Claudia Borzutzky, Helen J Binns, Shelley Kirk, and POWER Work Group
Characterization of and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Spinal Non-viral Interleukin-10 Gene Therapy Formulated with D-mannose for Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain, Arden G. Vanderwall
Characterization of Uranium Foil Irradiations at the WSU TRIGA Reactor Using a New Reactor Model in SCALE, Kimberly A. Hinrichs
Characterization of γ-Single Valued Neutrosophic Rings and Ideals, Muhammad Shazib Hameed, Zaheer Ahmad, and Shahbaz Ali
Characterizing Risk Factors and Investigating Testing at Birth for Congenital Hepatitis C Virus Infection, Helen Ko, Monique Dodd, Teofilo Borunda, Kimberly Page, Isabella Cervantes, Jessie R. Maxwell, and Ricardo O. Castillo
Charge Transfer and Plasmon-Pumped Molecular Excitation Mechanisms in Surface Enhanced Photochemistry, Tefera Entele Tesema
Chemotherapy Instruction Improvement Project, Lori A. Lelii
Chicago's Stay-at-Home Mandate-The Need to Improve on Domestic Violence Prevention and Response, Amy Bonomi, Rashmi Gangamma, and Theresa H Cruz
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Extension for Community Health Care Options [CAMHS ECHO], L Rooney, A Harold, F McNicholas, B Gavin, W Cullen, and E Quigley
Childhood Interview with Sierra Trabosci, Dominic J. Garcia
Childhood Memories and Experiences Interview, Jacquelyn T. Beckett
Childhood Memories Oral History Interview, Esme Heller
Childhood Stories of Dominic Garcia, Sierra Love Trabosci
Chippewa Townsmen: A Study In Small-Scale Urban Adaptation., J. Anthony Paredes
Chronic pain in Canada: laying a foundation for action: A report by the Canadian Pain Task Force, Canadian Pain Task Force
Chronopotentiometric And Chronoamperometric Investigations Of Uranium (VI) In Molten Condensed Phosphates., John J. Miglio
Cibola Trail Alliance End-of-Year Extravaganza, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Ciência Hoje; Agro-Tóxicos, Unknown
Citizen Participation In Natural Resource Decisions, Berwyn LaDon Brown
Civil Procedure Update 2021: New Mexico Annual Judicial Conclave, Verónica Gonzales-Zamora
Civil Procedure Update 2022 (Handout and Slide Deck), Verónica C. Gonzales-Zamora and Julio C. Romero
Civil Wars and the Precarity of Conquest in Megan Kate Nelson’s The Three-Cornered War: A Review Essay, Jason Pierce
ClassicalBalanced, AntiBalanced and NeutroBalanced functions, Vadiraja Bhatta G. R., Shashi Kant Pandey, P. R. Mishra, and Prasanna Poojary
Classifiation of Ordered Semigroups Through Neutrosophic Generalized bi-ideals with Applications, Faiz Muhammad Khan, Madad Khan, and . Ihsanullah
Climate Change and Community Health: Heat Waves, Yhari Martinez
Climate Change and Human Health ECHO: global telementoring for health professionals, Joanna G. Katzman, David Herring, Paul Schramm, Laura Tomedi, John-Michael Maury, Summers Kalishman, Briana Kazhe-Dominguez, Jinang Liu, Chamron Martin, and Sanjeev Arora
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Navajo Nation Water Resources in the San Juan River Basin, NM: Utilizing Traditional Navajo Ecological Knowledge, Kirena Elana Yanibaa Tsosie
Climate Photo Project Website Archives, Heidi Rogers
"Climatic Controls of Plant Productivity, Phenology, and Physiology in Drylands, Alesia Hallmark, Scott L. Collins, Marcy E. Litvak, Christopher D. Lippitt, and Andrew D. Richardson
Clinical manual of eating disorders, Joel Yager and Pauline S. Powers
Clinical Studies in Medical Biochemistry, Robert H. Glew and Yoshifumi Ninomiya
Clinical studies in medical biochemistry, Robert H. Glew and Miriam D. Rosenthal
Closing the chart : a dying physician examines family, faith, and medicine, Steven D. Hsi, Jim Belshaw, and Beth Corbin-Hsi
Clustering Algorithm Based on Data indeterminacy in Neutrosophic Set, Dan Zhang, Yingcang Ma, Florentin Smarandache, Xuezhen Dai, and Yaqin Qiao
Coal: Black death for Red Culture, David Logsdon
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 27, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 27, No. 11, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 27, No. 6, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 29, No. 3, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 29, No. 5, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 33, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 33, No. 7, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 35-b, No. 12, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 36-c, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 38-x, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 39-jj, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 45-B, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 45-B, No. 10, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 45-B, No. 11, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 45-B, No. 12, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 10, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 11, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 12, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 2, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 3, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 4, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 5, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 6, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 7, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 8, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 46-C, No. 9, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 1, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoner's Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 10, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 2, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol 47-D, No. 3, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol 47-D, No. 4, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol 47-D, No. 5, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D No. 5 [6], Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 7, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition For Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 8, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Coalition for Prisoners' Rights Newsletter, Vol. 47-D, No. 9, Coalition for Prisoners' Rights
Cognitive impairment after intracerebral hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Syed Faraz Kazim, Jonathan V. Ogulnick, Myranda B. Robinson, Javed Khader Eliyas, Benjamin Q. Spangler, Tyler J. Hough, Erick Martinez, Zafar Karimov, Devan W. Vidrine, Meic H. Schmidt, and Christian A. Bowers
Collective Neutrino Flavor Oscillations in Multiple Dimensions and Scales, Joshua D. Martin
Colonial Institutions and Civil War Indirect Rule and Maoist Insurgency in India, Shivaji Mukherjee
Coloniality and Paradoxes of Migrancy: Experiences of Nicaraguan Migrants in Costa Rica, Darcey Rydl
Colonization of Indian Economy, LaDonna Harris
Come Walk with Us…Walk with a Doc!, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Come Walk with Us…Walk with an Old Geezer, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Come Walk With Us…Walk With a Ranger!, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
"Coming out the kitchen with our aprons on": Intersectionality of African American Athletic Administrators at Division I HBCUs, Margaret Wilkins
Community Performing Arts Centres For Small Cities In New Mexico., Timothy C. Christensen
Community School Implementation, Melanie Blea
Community-Wide Campaigns Flyer, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Community-Wide Campaigns Video, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Comparative Phylogeography Across Multiple Scales: Small Mammals, Their Ecology, Pathogens, and Drivers of Diversification, Schuyler W. Liphardt
Comparative Retirement Systems In Federal Science Agencies And Contracting Companies, James S. Cooper
Comparing an Evidence-Based Screening Tool to Standard Substance Abuse Screening Questions in Identifying Pregnant Women at Risk for Substance Abuse, Nicole Y. Romero
Complete Streets for Small Towns & Rural Communities presentation at UNM PRC, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Completion and Compactification Functors for Cauchy Spaces, James Francis Ramaley
Complex Bipolar- Valued Neutrosophic S, Ashraf Al-Quran, Shawkat Alkhazaleh, and Lazim Abdullah
Complex Neutrosophic Matrix with Some Algebraic Operations and Matrix Norm Convergence, Mahima Poonia and Rakesh Kumar Bajaj
Composition And Structure Of A Stress Relieving Removable Epoxy Resin, Cecelia Victoria Krapcha Carter
Composition Portfolio, Levi Raleigh Brown
Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Emergency Medicine, Christopher Strother, Yasuharu Okuda, Nelson Wong, and Steven McLaughlin
Computational Methods, Investigations, and Codes to Support Corrosion Experiments in Molten Lead and Transfer to Reactor Conditions, Khaled A. Talaat
Computer Models of Genetic Drift in Small Populations with Three Different Structures, Beverly Jane Berger
Conference Summary Report, International Conference Role of Nepali Diaspora in Higher Education in Nepal, Ambika P. Adhikari, Govinda P. Dahal, Basu Sharma, and Dinesh Gajurel
Conjunto plitogénico, una extensión de los conjuntos crisp, difusos, conjuntos difusos intuicionistas y neutrosóficos revisitado, Florentin Smarandache
Connectedness on Hypersoft Topological Spaces, Sagvan Y. Musa and Baravan A. Asaad
Connecting frontline providers in Africa with distant experts to improve patients' outcomes through Project ECHO: a successful experience in Cameroon, Joel Fokom Domgue, Ellen Baker, Florence Manjuh, Melissa Lopez, Thomas Welty, Kathleen M. Schmeler, and Cameroon Cervical Cancer Prevention ECHO collaborative group
CONSIDER New Mexico: Effects of naloxone training among pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, Theresa H. Cruz; Amy Bachyrycz,; Dominique E. Rodriguez; Xingya Ma; Melissa H. Roberts; Stephanie Chambers; John Rafi; Arianna Sanchez; and Ludmila Bakhireva
Constantino Escalante's Lithographs in La Orquesta and the National Legacy of the Mexican Constitution of 1857, Steven V. Cary
Construction of New Similarity Measures and Entropy for Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Sets with Applications, Zarife Zararsiz
Contemporary Alaska Native Identities: Creation and Curation by Sonya Kelliher-Combs, Tess McCoy
Contingent engagement: What we learn from patients with complex health problems and low socioeconomic status, Miriam Komaromy, Erin Fanning Madden, Andrea Zurawski, Summers Kalishman, Kristin Barker, Patricia O'Sullivan, Martin Jurado, and Sanjeev Arora
Continuing New Mexican agricultural customs: A proposal to combat the drought of accessibility in the Middle Rio Grande region, Corina Gomez
Continuing to Build Consensus Around the Future of Remote Work: One Library’s Study, Sally Bowler-Hill
Continuity and coordination of care: a practice brief to support implementation of the WHO Framework on integrated people-centered health services, Geneva: World Health Organization
Continuous Wave Co2 Laser Degradation And Mass Spectrometric Analysis Of Organic Polymers., Stanley G. Coloff
Contract-theoretic Demand Response Management in Smart Grid Systems, Nafis Irtija
Controlling the emission of volatile Platinum oxides to the vapor phase in Diesel oxidation catalysts, Arnab Ghosh
Controlling the Swing of the Opioid Pendulum, George Comerci, Joanna Katzman, and Daniel Duhigg
Conversations about Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Latin America: Co-Authored Writing, Felix Manuel Burgos, Les W. Field, and Lara Gunderson
Co-occurrence of microplastics, uranium and arsenic in heavy metal-contaminated freshwaters and their potential interaction, Jasmine Anne Quiambao
Copy Number Variant Analysis and Genome-wide Association Study Identify Loci with Large Effect for Vesicoureteral Reflux, Miguel Verbitsky, Priya Krithivasan, Ekaterina Batourina, Atlas Khan, Sarah E Graham, Maddalena Marasà, Hyunwoo Kim, Tze Y Lim, Patricia L Weng, Elena Sánchez-Rodríguez, Adele Mitrotti, Dina F Ahram, Francesca Zanoni, David A Fasel, Rik Westland, Matthew G Sampson, Jun Y Zhang, Monica Bodria, Byum Hee Kil, Shirlee Shril, Loreto Gesualdo, Fabio Torri, Francesco Scolari, Claudia Izzi, Joanna A E van Wijk, Marijan Saraga, Domenico Santoro, Giovanni Conti, David E Barton, Mark G Dobson, Prem Puri, Susan L Furth, Bradley A Warady, Isabella Pisani, Enrico Fiaccadori, Landino Allegri, Maria Ludovica Degl'Innocenti, Giorgio Piaggio, Shumyle Alam, Maddalena Gigante, Gianluigi Zaza, Pasquale Esposito, Fangming Lin, Ana Cristina Simões-E-Silva, Andrzej Brodkiewicz, Dorota Drozdz, Katarzyna Zachwieja, Monika Miklaszewska, Maria Szczepanska, Piotr Adamczyk, Marcin Tkaczyk, Daria Tomczyk, Przemyslaw Sikora, Malgorzata Mizerska-Wasiak, Grazyna Krzemien, Agnieszka Szmigielska, Marcin Zaniew, Vladimir J Lozanovski, Zoran Gucev, Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Ian B Stanaway, David R Crosslin, Craig S Wong, Friedhelm Hildebrandt, Jonathan Barasch, Eimear E Kenny, Ruth J F Loos, Brynn Levy, Gian Marco Ghiggeri, Hakon Hakonarson, Anna Latos-Bieleńska, Anna Materna-Kiryluk, John M Darlow, Velibor Tasic, Cristen Willer, Krzysztof Kiryluk, Simone Sanna-Cherchi, Cathy L Mendelsohn, and Ali G Gharavi
Coral Pitkin Oral History Video Interview, Diane Pinkey and Coral Pitkin
Correction to: Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Cures Adenosine Deaminase 2 Deficiency: Report on 30 Patients, Hasan Hashem, Giorgia Bucciol, Seza Ozen, Sule Unal, Ikbal Ok Bozkaya, Nurten Akarsu, Mervi Taskinen, Minna Koskenvuo, Janna Saarela, Dimana Dimitrova, Dennis D. Hickstein, Amy P. Hsu, Steven M. Holland, Robert Krance, Ghadir Sasa, Ashish R. Kumar, Ingo Müller, Monica Abreu de Sousa, Selket Delafontaine, Leen Moens, Florian Babor, Federica Barzaghi, Maria Pia Cicalese, Robbert Bredius, Joris van Montfrans, Valentina Baretta, Simone Cesaro, Polina Stepensky, Neven Benedicte, Despina Moshous, Guillaume Le Guenno, David Boutboul, Jignesh Dalal, Joel P. Brooks, Elif Dokmeci, Jasmeen Dara, Carrie L. Lucas, Sophie Hambleton, Keith Wilson, Stephen Jolles, Yener Koc, Tayfun Güngör, Caroline Schnider, Fabio Candotti, Sandra Steinmann, Ansgar Schulz, Chip Chambers, Michael Hershfield, Amanda Ombrello, Jennifer A. Kanakry, and Isabelle Meyts
Cortisol awakening response and developmental outcomes at 6-7 years in children born extremely preterm, Jean Lowe, Janell F. Fuller, Allison G. Dempsey, Barbara Do, Carla M. Bann, Abhik Das, Kathryn E. Gustafson, Betty R. Vohr, Susan R. Hintz, Kristi L. Watterberg, and SUPPORT NEURO School-Age Study Subcommittee of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Cosine and Set-Theoretic Similarity Measures for Generalized Multi-Polar Neutrosophic Soft Set with Their Application in Decision Making, Rana Muhammad Zulqarnain, Aiyared Iampan, Imran Siddique, and Hamiden Abd ElWahed Khalifa
Cost-Effectiveness of Access Expansion to Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Through Primary Care Providers, Thilo Rattay, Ian P. Dumont, Hauke S. Heinzow, and David W. Hutton
Cost-effectiveness of Hepatitis C treatment by primary care providers supports by the extension for community healthcare outcomes (ECHO) model, John B. Wong, Karla A. Thornton, Christie Carroll, and Sanjeev Arora
Coulomb Excitation Of The Ytterbium Isotopes., John M. Palms
Covering properties in neutrosophic topological spaces, Sudeep Dey and Gautam Chandra Ray
COVID-19 and opioid use disorder Expanding treatment access in rural settings, Mercy Ngosa Mumba, Jessica Langer-Smith, George T. Mugoya, Whitnee Brown, and Lori Davis
COVID-19 and Project ECHO Driving Innovations in Rural Pain Care and Education, Seddon R. Savage, Kimberly Youngren, John Kravic, Collen Olson, Dana Pilchik, Kathleen Brojlio, and Charles Brackett
COVID-19 and telehealth, education, and research adaptations., N Romesh Wijesooriya, Vimal Mishra, Paul L P Brand, and Bruce K Rubin
COVID-19 Collaborative Model for an Academic Hospital and Long-Term Care Facilities, Laurie R. Archbald-Pannone, Drew A. Harris, Kimberly Albero, Rebecca L. Steele, Aaron F. Pannone, and Justin B. Mutter
COVID-19, Medical Education, and Bone Health: Insights From Project ECHO, E Michael Lewiecki and Micol S. Rothman
Covid-19 Pandemic and Nepal: Issues and Perspectives, Basu Sharma and Ambika P. Adhikari
Covid-19 Pandemic life in NM (2022), Daniel Lawrence Gavin and Isaac Reichsfeld
Cow's Milk Is Not Ideal for Children at Any Age-Reply, Lisa M. Bodnar, Elizabeth Y. Jimenez, and Susan S. Baker
Creando la confianza: Narratives on Mentorship of Latina Professors at the University of New Mexico, Maria Vielma
Creando la confianza: Narratives on Mentorship of Latina Professors at the University of New Mexico, Maria Vielma
Creating a cancer genomics curriculum for pediatric hematology-oncology fellows: A national needs assessment, Alise K Murray, Rose B McGee, Roya M Mostafavi, Xiaoqing Wang, Zhaohua Lu, Jessica M Valdez, Michael A Terao, and Kim E Nichols
Creating a Public Health Community of Practice to Support American Indian and Alaska Native Communities in Addressing Chronic Disease, Shawna L Williams, Alexis Kaigler, Amy Armistad, David K Espey, and Bruce B Struminger
Creating a virtual community of practice: an evaluation of ophthalmology-optometry Project ECHO, Michael Williams, Augusto Azuara Blanco, Ruth Hogg, Gerry Mahon, Margaret McMullan, Raymond Curran, and Max Watson
Creating a Web Archive of the HSC Newsroom, Jonathan M. Pringle and Lori D. Sloane
Creating Lightbulb Moments: Developing Higher-Order Thinking in Family Law Classrooms Through Court Observations, Sonia Gipson Rankin
Creating or Improving Places for Physical Activity Flyer, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Creating or Improving Places for Physical Activity Video, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Critical Discourse Analysis of Human Rights Education: Defensoría del Pueblo Program in Ecuador, Monserrat Fernandez-Vela
Cross-Language Morphological Activation: The Case of Arabic-English Bilinguals, Anas Alkhofi
CRS Fellows Snapshot Event 2022, Lloyd L. Lee
Cuba is now home to an official Continental Divide National Scenic Trail stamp, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Cultural Adaptation of the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) for Spanish-Speaking Populations, Berta Gándara-Gafo, Isabelle Beaudry-Bellefeuille, Zoe Mailloux, Tania Moriyón, L Diane Parham, Sergio Santos-Del Riego, Sergio Serrada-Tejeda, Susanne Smith Roley, Pilar Toledo, and Roseann C Schaaf
Cultural attachment and pro-environmental behavior, Hari Katuwal
Cultural attachment and pro-environmental behavior, Hari Katuwal
Cultural Factors and Alcohol Use in American Indian Adults: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Contingency Management, Jalene L. Herron
Cultural Melting Pots: Strategies to Mitigate Culture Shock for Immigrant Students, Luis A. Sanchez Martinez
Curing hepatitis C virus infection: Best practices from theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Pamela S. Belperio, Maggie Chartier, David B. Ross, Poonam Alaigh, and David Shulkin
Current and Future Applications of Telemedicine to Optimize the Delivery of Care in Chronic Liver Disease, Marina Serper and Michael L Volk
Current scenario of teledentistry in public healthcare in India, O P. Kharbanda, Harsh Priya, Rajiv Blachandran, and Charu Khurana
Darbepoetin as a neuroprotective agent in mild neonatal encephalopathy: a randomized, placebo-controlled, feasibility trial, Tara L DuPont, Mariana Baserga, Jean Lowe, Tara Zamora, Sandra Beauman, and Robin K Ohls
Data and how to manage it, Lori Sloane
Data Collection Considerations Using Ecological Momentary Assessment: Novel Approaches To Assess Psychosomatic Health, Laura Stacy, Stephanie Chambers, Sharon Ruyak, Dominique Rodriguez, Xingya Ma, Melissa Roberts, Richard De La Garza, and Ludmila Bakhireva
Data Mining of Chinese Social Networks: Factors That Indicate Post Deletion, Meisam Navaki Arefi
Data Sharing Workshop, Lori D. Sloane
DC Microgrid Fault Detection Using Multiresolution Analysis of Traveling Waves, Rudy Montoya
Dealing with developers, Charles Lipton
Dealing with doctors, denial, and death : a guide to living well with serious illness, Aroop Mangalik
Decentralized care with generic direct-acting antivirals in the management of chronic hepatitis C in a public health care setting, Radha K. Dhiman, Gagandeep S. Grover, Madhumita Premkumar, Sunil Taneja, Ajay Duseja, Sanjeev Arora, Sahaj Rathi, Sandeep Satsangi, Akash Roy, and MMPHCF Investigators
Decentralized Intelligent Decision Making in Cyber Physical Social Systems, Nathan Patrizi
Deciphering Lessons from the Ashes: Saving the Amazon, Shannon K. Woulfe
Decision Order Technique (Dot);The Integration Of Decision Concepts Into System Analysis., Dale P. Brautigam
Decisions, decisions: Indian Control of Indian resources, Maggie Grover
Decreasing Water Supply and Community Health in New Mexico: A Reason for Change, Chelsea Whitney
Dedications to Dean Frederick M. Hart, New Mexico Law Review
Dedication to Professor Christine Zuni Cruz, Tribal Law Journal
Defending Polyandry and An Exploratory Note from Lachung Valley of Sikkim, India, Chakrabarti Anjan, Rimu Chaudhuri, and Arindam Chatterjee
Deformation of Antigorite + Olivine Aggregates: Implications for Mantle Wedge Dynamics, Roselyn K. Hurlow
Degradation of Vitamin E Acetate Through Vaping Produces Byproducts Cytotoxic To THP-1 Monocytic Cells, Joshua Alcon
Delivery of cancer survivorship education to community health care professionals, Ashley Pariser, Javin Brita, Maura Harrigan, Scott Capozza, Angela Khairallah, and Tara B. Sanft
Dementia care training for primary care providers: Project ECHO, Janice Knoefel and Carla Herman
Democratizing Access to Best Practice Cancer Care in Low-Resource Settings: Project ECHO, Matthew F. Bouchonville and Lucca Cirolia
Democratizing knowledge to improve care for the underserved: Project ECHO, Sanjeev Arora, Kumud Rai, and Sunil Anand
Democratizing type 1 diabetes specialty care in the primary care setting to reduce health disparities: project extension for community healthcare outcomes (ECHO) T1D, Ashby F. Walker, Nicolas Cuttriss, Michael J. Haller, Korey K. Hood, Matthew J. Gurka, Stephanie L. Filipp, Claudia Anez-Zabala, Katarina Yabut, Xanadu Roque, Jessie J. Wong, Linda Baer, Lauren Figg, Angelina Bernier, Sarah Westen, Eugene Lewit, Eleni Sheehan, Marina Basina, Rayhan Lal, Jennifer Maizel, and David M. Maahs
Demolishing Systemic Ableism: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults, Jessica L. Belisle
Demonopolizing medical knowledge, Sanjeev Arora, Karla Thornton, Miriam Komaromy, Summers Kalishman, Joanna Katzman, and Daniel Duhigg
Dental Therapists Providing Access to Oral Health Care to Children in Florida, Shankisha D. Sizemore
Dermatology ECHO - an innovative solution to address limited access to dermatology expertise, Hal Lewis, Mirna Becevic, Danny Myers, Dyann Helming, Rachel Mutrux, David Fleming, and Karen Edison
Dermoscopic lotus of learning: implementation and dissemination of a multimodal dermoscopy curriculum for primary care, Elizabeth Seiverling, Hadjh Ahrns, Kathryn Stevens, Lindsay Ayers, Tyler Nussinow, Gregory Dorr, and Peggy Cyr
Describing the "Learning Loop": An overall structural organization of SCAN-ECHO video consultations between specialist and generalist providers for specialty care liver problems, Christopoher J. Koenig, Matthew Wenger, Glenn D. Graham, Steven Asch, and Catherine Rongey
Design Analysis Of The Rio Grande Glaze Pottery Of Pottery Mound, New Mexico, J. J. Brody
Design and Characterization of Frequency Tripling Mirrors, Amir Khabbazi Oskouei
Design and Construction of a Biosafety Level 3 Autopsy Laboratory, Kurt B. Nolte, Timothy B. Muller, Adam M. Denmark, Ron Burstein, and Yvonne A. Villalobos
Design And Operation Of A Microprogrammed Branch Driver For A Pdp-11 Computer., Lavon R. Biswell
Design Of A Device Independent Computer Graphic Software Package, An-Shyang Chu
Design of an Enhanced Public Health Surveillance System for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination in King County, Washington, Atar Baer, Meaghan S. Fagalde, Curtis D. Drake, Elisabeth H. Sohlberg, Elizabeth Barash, Sara Glick, Alexander J. Millman, and Jeffrey S. Duchin
Developing a Faculty Roles Crosswalk for Health Sciences Librarians., Laura J Hall and Jonathan D Eldredge
Developing epilepsy training capacity for primary care providers using the project ECHO telementoring model, Susan Blocksom McDonald, Michael Privitera, Jody Kakacek, Steve Owens, Patty Shafer, and Rosemarie Kobau
Developing searchRxiv: An international transdisciplinary repository for search strategies, Neal R. Haddaway, Melissa L. Rethlefsen, and Cristina A. Ashby
Developmental Aspects of Nonsolution in Adults, Elliot Jay Rapoport
Development and Implementation of a Pediatric Critical CareTransport Education Curriculum, Cassondra Burton Greenbaum and Verena Weissenborn
Development and implementation of a telehealth-enhanced intervention for pain and symptom management, Linda H. Eaton, Debra B. Gordon, Sheryl Wyant, Brian R. Theodore, Alexa R. Meins, Tessa Rue, Cara Towle, David Tauben, and Ardith Z. Doorenbos
Development of a mobile responsive online learning module on psychosocial and mental health issues related to COVID 19, Shabinabegam Sheth, Aurobind Ganesh, Srilakshmi Nagendra, Kiran Kumar, R Tejdeepika, C Likhitha, Pratima Murphy, and Prabhat Chand
Development Of An Attitude And Opinion Questionnaire For Use In A Research And Development Laboratory., Darrel R. Brown
Development of a Programmable, Open-Source, and Cost-Effective Fluidic System for Cell Culture Applications, Charles Montoya
Development of a Sleep Telementorship Program for Rural Department of Veterans Affairs Primary Care Providers: Sleep Veterans Affairs Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes, Elizabeth C. Parsons, Elizabeth A. Mattox, Lauren A. Beste, David H. Au, Bessie A. Young, Michael F. Chang, and Brian N. Palen
Development priorities, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
Developments in Mormon Economic and Environmental History: A Review Essay, Brent M. Rogers
Diagnostic Pathology: Blood and Bone Marrow. 1st ed., Kathryn Foucar, Kaaren K. Reichard, David Czuchlewski, Qian-Yun Zhang, Carla S. Wilson, and Mohammad A. Vasef
Diagnostic Pathology: Blood and Bone Marrow. 2nd ed., Kathryn Foucar, Devon Chabot-Richards, David R. Czuchlewski, Kristin Hunt Karner, Kaaren K. Reichard, Mohammad A. Vasef, Carla S. Wilson, Qian-yun Zhang, and Karissa Culbreath
Diagnostic Pathology, Molecular Oncology, Mohammad A. Vasef, Aaron Auerbach, David R. Czuchlewski, Therese Bocklage, Devon Chabot-Richards, Nadine Aguilera, and Kristin Hunt Karner
Diagnostic Pathology: Molecular Oncology. 2nd ed., Mohammad A. Vasef, Aaron Auerbach, Therese J. Bocklage, Devon Chabot-Richards, Nadine Aguilera, Kristin Hunt Karner, and Eric Y. Loo
Diaspora’s Role in Nepal’s Development: Potential in the 2020’s, Ambika P. Adhikari and Keshav Bhattarai
Diaspora’s Role in Nepal’s Development: Summary of the Forum held at the Nepali National Convention. Baltimore, MD, USA. July 5-7, 2019, Ambika P. Adhikari, Diwakar Dahal, and Rajendra Khatiwada
Diatom Response to Different Hydrologic Sources in Alpine Streams: A Teton Range Case Study, Shannon Weld
Diffusion of mHealth Innovations for Nepali Adolescents: A Pilot Study on Indirect Mental Costs and Cultural Context Considerations, Siobhan Yilmaz and Alok K. Bohara
Digital Health Solutions for Indigenous Mental Well-Being, Jennifer M. Hensel, Katherine Ellard, Mark Koltek, Gabrielle Wilson, and Jitender Sareen
Digital Humanities, Women Artists, and Chicanx Graphics: An Interview with Claudia Zapata, Ph.D., Eleanor Kane
Digitally Driven Integrated Primary Care and Behavioral Health: How Technology Can Expand Access to Effective Treatment, Lori Raney, David Bergman, John Torous, and Michael Hasselberg
Dineh Cooperatives Incorporated: Investigating the Navajo Nation, LaDonna Harris
Direct Acting Antivirals and Hepatitis C Clearance: The Role of Telemedicine Programs in Rural Primary Care, Emily Nadolny, Vincent Roche, and Kylie J. Mansfield
Direct-acting antiviral Therapy Is Safe and Effective in Pediatric Chronic Hepatitis C: The Public Health Perspective, Radha K. Dhiman, Gagandeep S. Grover, Madhumita Premkumar, Sunil Taneja, Ajay Duseja, Sahaj Rathi, and Sandeep Satsangi
Disability and Belonging in One Intentionally Inclusive Christian Faith Community, Deborah Winn Huggins
Discrimination Reversal Learning As An Index Of Memory In Spermophilus Tridecemlineatus., Waneta Kay Coester
Disparities in Sleep Health and Potential Intervention Models: A Focused Review., Martha E. Billings, Robyn T. Cohen, Carol M. Baldwin, Dayna A. Johnson, Brian N. Palen, Sairam Parthasarathy, Sanjay R. Patel, Maureen Russell, Ignacio E. Tapia, Ariel A. Williamson, and Sunil Sharma
Disputed Territories between Nepal and India: The Cases of Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh and Susta, Keshav Bhattarai
Disputed Territories between Nepal and India: The Cases of Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh and Susta, Keshav Bhattarai
Disseminating Knowledge in Intestinal Failure: Initial Report of the Learn Intestinal Failure Tele-ECHO (LIFT-ECHO) Project, Kishore Iyer, Marjorie Nisenholtz, David Gutierrez, Marion Winkler, Kelly Tappenden, Douglas Seidner, Donald F. Kirby, Michelle Spangeburg, Ronald Potts, Anthony Bonagura, Joan Bishop, Lisa Metzger, and Sanjeev Arora
Distance Delivery of Function-Based Skill Training for Providers in Rural Settings, Abby Hodges, Jaclyn D. Joseph, and Phillip S. Strain
Distance Education to Improve the Quality of Asthma Treatment in Primary Health Care, Rudi Roman, Karine Margarites Lima, Maria Angela Fontoura Moreira, Roberto Umpierre, Lisiane Hauser, Dimitris V. Rados, Alvaro Vigo, Marcelo Goncalves, and Sotero Serrate Mengue
Distance learning: the “Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes: ECHO” project: a case study, Jularat Panyayen, Teerapat Nantsupawat, Wittawat Tangwijitsakul, and Nopakoon Nantsupawat
Distribution of irrigation water creates barriers to more efficient water use on Middle Rio Grande farms, Eleanor Hasenbeck
DMT : the spirit molecule : a doctor's revolutionary research into the biology of near-death and mystical experiences, Rick Strassman
DNA methylation in former extremely low birth weight newborns: association with cardiovascular and endocrine function, James F Padbury, Barbara T Do, Carla M Bann, Carmen Marsit, Susan R Hintz, Betty R Vohr, Jean Lowe, Jamie E Newman, Douglas A Granger, Allison Payne, Kristi Watterberg, and SUPPORT Study Group of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
DNA Methylation Signature for EZH2 Functionally Classifies Sequence Variants in Three PRC2 Complex Genes, Sanaa Choufani, William T. Gibson, Andrei L. Turinsky, Brian H Y Chung, Tianren Wang, Kopal Garg, Alessandro Vitriolo, Ana S A Cohen, Sharri Cyrus, Sarah Goodman, Eric Chater-Diehl, Jack Brzezinski, Michael Brudno, Luk Ho Ming, Susan M. White, Sally Ann Lynch, Carol Clericuzio, I Karen Temple, Frances Flinter, Vivienne McConnell, Tom Cushing, Lynne M. Bird, Miranda Splitt, Bronwyn Kerr, Stephen W. Scherer, Jerry Machado, Eri Imagawa, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Naomichi Matsumoto, Guiseppe Testa, Maria Iascone, Romano Tenconi, Oana Caluseriu, Roberto Mendoza-Londono, David Chitayat, Cheryl Cytrynbaum, Katrina Tatton-Brown, and Rosanna Weksberg
Does an Interactive, Teleconference-Delivered, Palliative Care Lecture Series Improve Nursing Home Staff Confidence?, Michael J. Dowling, Cathy Payne, Philip Larkin, and Daniel J. Ryan
Does Nurses Confidence Improve After Attending a Training for Teaching Home Infusion Patients?, Carol Menorah Young DNP
Does Postoperative Antibiotic Administration Affffect the Infection Rate for Outpatient Orthopaedic Sports Procedures?, Ian E. Fletcher, Allicia O. Imada, Nathan Huff, and Travis Hughes
Does Postoperative Antibiotic Administration Affffect the Infection Rate for Outpatient Orthopaedic Sports Procedures?, Ian E. Fletcher, Allicia O. Imada, Nathan Huff, and Travis Hughes
Does rural out-migration influence forest product use and household participation in community forest management?, Rajesh Bista and Conghe Song
Do it or Pay it: Behavioral and Economic Indicators for HPV Vaccination— Evidence from Nepal, Mengqi (Mandy) Liu and Alok K. Bohara
Do it or Pay it: Behavioral and Economic Indicators for HPV Vaccination— Evidence from Nepal, Mengqi (Mandy) Liu and Alok K. Bohara
Dombi Aggregation Operators of Linguistic Neutrosophic Numbers for Multiple Attribute Group Decision-Making Problems in Landslide Treatment Schemes, Yingying Zhang, Rui Yong, Jun Ye, Zhen Zhong, and Shuang Zheng
Don Francisco Cuerbo Y Valdes, Governor Of New Mexico, 1705-1707; His Career And Personality., Rev. Ovidio Casado S.T.D.
Don't Blame the Flint River, Clifford Villa
Do we need expert hepatitis C virus treaters or are amateur treaters good enough?, Shyamasundaran Kottilil and Poonam Mathur
"Do You Know the Way to San Jose?" Ethnic Mexicans, Urbanism, Culture, and Politics in Emerging Silicon Valley, 1940-1980, Alexandro J. Jara
Dr. Holly Guise's Making History Spring 2022 Class: Oral History Montage, John FreelyKirk and Holly Guise
Driver of avian haemosporidian diversity and host specificity in the Solomon Islands, Xena Marie Mapel
Drug repurposing for targeting cyclic nucleotide transporters in acute leukemias - A missed opportunity, Dominique R. Perez, Larry A. Sklar, Alexandre Chigaev, and Ksenia Matlawska-Wasowska
Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy & Occupational Therapy, Vanessa Sagredo and Meagan C. Romero
Dwight Morrow's Role In The Mexican Revolution: Good Neighbor Or Meddling Yankee?, Richard Melzer
Dynamic And Thermal Studies Of Micron Size Metallic Particles In A Nonequilibrium Low Pressure Argon Plasma Jet, Barry R. Maxwell
Dynamic Response of Predictions of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Lawrence D. Reaveley
Early Curricular Support, Jonathan Eldredge
Early lessons learned in implementing a women's health educational and virtual consultation program in VA, Kristina M. Cordasco, Jessica L. Zuchowski, Alison B. Hamilton, Susan Kirsh, Laure Veet, Joann O. Saavedra, Lisa Altman, Herschel Knapp, Mark Canning, and Donna L. Washington
Early Psychosis Intervention-Spreading Evidence-based Treatment (EPI-SET): protocol for an effectiveness-implementation study of a structured model of care for psychosis in youth and emerging adults, Nicole Kozloff, George Foussias, Janet Durbin, Sanjeev Sockalingam, Jean Addington, Donald Addington, Augustina Ampofo, Kelly K. Anderson, Melanie Barwick, Sarah Bromley, Jasmyn E A Cunningham, Simone Dahrouge, Lillian Duda, Catherine Ford, Sheila Gallagher, John D. Haltigan, Joanna Henderson, Alexia Jaouich, Dielle Miranda, Patrick Mitchell, Josette Morin, Claire de Oliveira, Valeria Primeau, Eva Serhal, Sophie Soklaridis, Diana Urajnik, Krista Whittard, Juveria Zaheer, Paul Kurdyak, and Aristotle N. Voineskos
Early working memory is a significant predictor of verbal and processing skills at 6-7 years in children born extremely preterm, Jean Lowe, Carla M Bann, Janell Fuller, Betty R Vohr, Susan R Hintz, Abhik Das, Rosemary D Higgins, Kristi L Watterberg, and SUPPORT Study Group of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Earthquake Impact on the Nutritional Status of the Rural Children: Case from Nepal, Khusiman Pun, Matias Fontenla, and Kira Villa
Earthquake Impact on the Nutritional Status of the Rural Children: Case from Nepal, Khusiman Pun, Matias Fontenla, and Kira Villa
EASI Praxis Tests: Age Trends and Internal Consistency, Liron Lamash, Patricia Grady-Dominguez, Zoe Mailloux, L Diane Parham, Roseann C Schaaf, Susanne Smith Roley, and Eynat Gal
Eastern Mysticism And The Sociology Of Knowledge: An Application Of Empirical Methodologies Of Mind To The Problem Of Ideology, Jeremy M. Brown
Eccentric: Writing Through the Lens of Empathy, Steven M. Blacksmith
ECHO-AGE: an innovative model of geriatric care for long-term care residents with dementia and behavioral issues, Angela G. Catic, Melissa L P Mattison, Innokentiy Bakaev, Marisa Morgan, Sara M. Monti, and Lewis Lipsitz
ECHO-AGE: A video-consultation program to bring geriatric expertise to long-term care, A G. Catic, M Mattison, and L Lipsitz
ECHO: A Model for Professional Development in Nursing Through Learning Networks, Mary E. Burman, Nancy McGee, J'Laube Proctor, Ann Marie Hart, Eric J. Moody, and Canyon Hardesty
ECHO Autism, Micah O. Mazurek, Rachel Brown, Alicia Curran, and Kristin Sohl
ECHO Autism: integrating maintenance of certification with Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes improves developmental screening, Katherine R. Bellesheim, Richard L. Kizzee, Alicia Curran, and Kristin Sohl
ECHO Autism STAT: Accelerating Early Access to Autism Diagnosis, Micah O. Mazurek, Alicia Curran, Courtney Burnette, and Kristin Sohl
ECHO Autism Transition: Enhancing healthcare for adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder, Micah O. Mazurek, Gary Stobbe, Rachel Loftin, Beth A. Malow, Mavara M. Agrawal, Mark Tapia, Amy Hess, Justin Farmer, Nancy Cheak-Zamora, Karen Kuhlthau, and Kristin Sohl
ECHO Autism: Using Technology and Mentorship to Bridge Gaps, Increase Access to Care, and Bring Best Practice Autism Care to Primary Care, Kristin Sohl, Micah O. Mazurek, and Rachel Brown
ECHO Care of the Elderly: Innovative Learning to Build Capacity in Long-term Care, Navena R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, James Chau, Sid Feldman, Shaen Gingrich, Cindy J. Grief, Raquel M. Meyer, Andreaa L. Moser, Salma Shaikh, Anna Theresa Santiago, Rosalind Sham, Devin J. Sodums, and David K. Conn
ECHO Care of the Elderly: Innovative Learning to Build Capacity in Long-term Care, Navina R. Lingum, Lisa Guttman Sokoloff, James Chau, Sid Feldman, Shaen Gingrich, Cindy J. Grief, Raquel M. Meyer, Andrea L. Moser, Salma Shaikh, Anna Theresa Santiago, Rosalind Sham, Devin J. Sodums, and David K. Conn
ECHO Care of the Elderly – Using Technology to Build Capacity to Primary Care Providers in Long-Term Care, Sid Feldman, L Sokoloff, A Moser, and D Conn
ECHO Care: Providing Multidisciplinary Specialty Expertise to Support the Care of Complex Patients, Miriam Komaromy, Judy Bartlett, Andrea Zurawski, Sarah R. Gonzales-van Horn, Summers G. Kalishman, Venice Ceballos, Xi Sun, Martin Jurado, and Sanjeev Arora
ECHO-Chicago asthma education project pre-intervention provider self-efficacy, Satyanarayan Hegde, Anna Volerman, Jeannine Cheatham, Tamara Hamlish, Stephanie Zaas, and Daniel Johnson
ECHO-CT: An Interdisciplinary Videoconference Model for Identifying Potential Postdischarge Transition-of-Care Events., Mariana R Gonzalez, Lauren Junge-Maughan, Lewis A Lipsitz, and Amber Moore
ECHO Education: A Multisectoral Effort Ensuring Educational Success During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Edward L. Harris, Kathrine A. Curry, and Jentre J. Olsen
ECHO HIP: Phase 1: A needs assessment for continuing professional education for health information professionals, T Tripp, S Bailey, and J Babineau
ECHO+: Improving access to hepatitis C care within Indigenous communities in Alberta, Canada, Kate PR Dunn, Kienan P. Williams, Cari E. Egan, Melissa L. Potestio, and Samuel S. Lee
ECHO Latin America ELA Project: Second session – 26 June2020, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
ECHO model for type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Latin America: An Ecuadorian experience during COVID-19, N Cuttriss, D Naranjo, M Goldring, K Yabut, L Figg, L Baer, P Mantilla, and N Flores
ECHO ONTARIO Annual Report 2017/18, Allison Crawford, John Flannery, Eva Serhal, and Rhonda Mostyn
ECHO Ontario Chronic Pain & Opioid Stewardship: Providing Access and Building Capacity for Primary Care Providers in Underserviced, Rural, and Remote Communities, Ruth E. Dubin, John Flannery, Paul Taenzer, Andrew Smith, Karen Smith, Ralph Fabico, Jane Zhao, Lindsay Cameron, Dana Chmelnitsky, Rob Williams, Leslie Carlin, Hannah Sidrak, Sanjeev Arora, and Andrea D. Furlan
ECHO Ontario: Impact on Health Care Providers, Andrea Furlan, Jane Zhao, Samah Hassan, Jennifer Voth, Ruth Dubin, Jennifer Stinson, Susan jaglal, Ralph Fabico, Paul Taenzer, Andrew Smith, and John Flannery
ECHO Pain Curriculum: Balancing Mandated Continuing Education With the Needs of Rural Health Care Practitioners, Brian M. Shelley, Joanna G. Katzman, George D. Comerci, Daniel J. Duhigg, Cynthia Olivas, Summers Kalishman, Rebecca Monette, Melissa Britt, Lainey Flatow-Trujillo, and Sanjeev Arora
ECHO palliative care in Africa (ECHO-PACA): Improving access to quality palliative care, Sriram Yennu, Charles E. Amos Jr., John Weru, Edwina Beryl Victoria Naa Deedei Addo, Joseph Anthony Arthur, Olaitan Soyannwo, Runcie C.W Chidebe, Eduardo Bruera, and Suresh Reddy
ECHO Telementoring for Pain, Palliative Care, and Opioid Management: Progress, Challenges, and Future Goals, Joanna G. Katzman
ecofeminism(s): A Closer Look at Ana Mendieta’s Bacayu (Light of Day), Catriona Reid
Ecological Distribution Of Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus) In Big Bend National Park, Texas., Teddy L. Brown
Ecological Disturbance and Response: Central Role of Biological Legacies, Jerry F. Franklin, David Lidenmayer, James A. MacMahon, John Magnuson, Arthur McKnee, David Perry, Robert Waide, David Foster, and Frederick Swanson
Economic Development in Nepal: Issues and Strategies, Ambika P. Adhikari and Kunjar M. Sharma
Edgewood, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Edgewood Section 34 Open Space Cleanup Day, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Edgewood Trails Day, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Editorial: The power of pain education: A call for robust research, Antje M. Barreveld
Educating health professionals about COVID-19 with ECHO telementoring., Joanna G Katzman, Karla Thornton, Nestor Sosa, Laura Tomedi, Leslie Hayes, Marla Sievers, Karissa Culbreath, Kent Norsworthy, Chamron Martin, Alaina Martinez, Jinyang Liu, and Sanjeev Arora
Education and Labor market outcomes of Teen Mothers and Teen Fathers: Evidence from Cebu, the Philippines, Kritika Sen and Kira M. Villa
Education and Labor market outcomes of Teen Mothers and Teen Fathers: Evidence from Cebu, the Philippines, Kritika Sen and Kira M. Villa
Education and Space in the Museum: A Structural Model, Margaret Ann Ramsey
Edward W. Wynkoop, Frontiersman, William Charles Bennett Jr.
Effective Collaborative Project to Reduce Disparities and Inequities in Cancer Care and for Cancer Control in Low-Resource Setting Countries: South African Experience, Daniel Osei-Fofie
Effective Equation of State Measurements on Uranium Dioxide, Kenneth Orvis Reil
Effectiveness and experiences of the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Model in developing competencies among healthcare professionals: a mixed methods systematic review protocol, Gabrielle Chicoine, José Côté, Jacinthe Pepin, Guillaume Fontaine, Marc‑André Maheu‑Cadotte, Quan Nha Hong, Geneviève Rouleau, Daniela Ziegler, and Didier Jutras‑Aswad
Effectiveness of a Decentralized Hub and Spoke Model for the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus in a Federally Qualified Health Center, Sarah A. Rojas, Job G. Godino, Adam Northrup, Maureen Khasira, Aaron Tam, Lisa Asmus, Catherine Frenette, and Christian B. Ramers
Effectiveness of NIMHANS ECHO blended tele-mentoring model on Integrated Mental Health and Addiction for counsellors in rural and underserved districts of Chhattisgarh, India, Kanika Mehrotra, Prabhat Chand, Mrunal Bandawar, Mallikarjun Rao Sagi, Sandeepa Kaur, Aurobind G, Aravind Raj, Sumi Jain, Miriam Komaromy, Pratima Murthy, and Sanjeev Arora
Effectiveness of the Extension for Community Health Outcomes Model as Applied to Primary Care for Autism A Partial Stepped-Wedge Randomized Clinical Trial, Micah O. Mazurek, Robert A. Paarker, James Chan, Karen Kuhlthau, Kristin Sohl, and ECHO Autism Collaborative
Effect of blood transfusions on cognitive development in very low birth weight infants, Priya Shah, Daniel C Cannon, Jean R Lowe, John Phillips, Robert D Christensen, Beena Kamath-Rayne, Adam Rosenberg, Susan Wiedmeier, Shrena Patel, Sarah Winter, Shawna Baker, and Robin K Ohls
Effect of COVID 19 pandemic on Pharmaceutical Industry in terms of Inventory and Logistics Management, Shubhabrata Basu and Rimu Chaudhuri
Effect of COVID 19 pandemic on Pharmaceutical Industry in terms of Inventory and Logistics Management, Basu Shubhabrata and Rimu Chaudhuri
Effect of dexpramipexole in Neuropathic pain in prenatal alcohol exposed female subjects, Andrea A. Pasmay, Justine R. Zimmerly, Shahani Noor, Annette K. Fernandez, Melody S. Sun, Suzy Davies, Daniel D. Savage, C Fernando Valenzuela, Nikolaos Mellios, Rodrigo Escalona, and Erin D. Milligan
Effect of dexpramipexole on neuropathic pain in prenatal alcohol exposed male and female subjects, Justine Zimmerly, Andrea Pasmay, Shahani Noor, Annette Fernandez, Melody Sun, Suzy Davies, Daniel Savage, Nikolaos Mellios, and Erin Milligan
Effect of Membrane Aging and Operating Conditions on the Rejection of Trace Organics for Potable Reuse, Jose Pedro Hernandez
Effect of phylogeny misestimation on estimating trait evolution parameters, Tabytha Ariel Perez
Effect of Social Networks on The Emotional Health of Cancer Patients in Nepal, Disha Shende and Alok K. Bohara
Effect Of Supersaturation On The Kinetics Of The Gypsum-Anhydrite Transition., Pao-Chin Chao
Effect of Vaccination on the Case Fatality Rate for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Injections, Glen H. Murata, Allison E. Murata, Douglas J. Perkins, Heather M. Campbell, Jenny T. Mao, Brent Wagner, Benjamin H. Mcmahon, and Curt H. Hagedorn
Effect of Vancomycin Loading Doses on the Attainment of Target Trough Concentrations in Hospitalized Children, Ella Dolan, Robert Hellinga, Matthew London, Keenan Ryan, and Walter N. Dehority
Effects of Anodal tDCS on Neural Correlates of Cognitive Control in Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury, Nickolas A. Mertens
Effects Of Constant And Varied Input Orders On Transfer Of Recall And Output Consistency, Gerald A. Clausen
Effects Of Dictation And Transcription Instruction On Transcription Errors In Beginning Shorthand, Jean A. Berch
Effects of ECHO MTSS Teleconsultation Model on Self-Efficacy of Data-Based Individualization of Academic Interventions, Katya Sussman, Matthew K. Burns, and Erica S. Lembke
Effects Of Individual Differences In Cognitive Flexibility And Motor Variability On Learning Processes, Merith Anne Cosden
Effects of neuronal activation and psychiatric treatment on circHomer1 Biogenesis, Grigorios Papageorgiou and Nikolaos Mellios
Effects of Pokémon GO on Physical Activity and Psychological and Social Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Jung Eun Lee, Nan Zeng, Yoonsin Oh, Daehyoung Lee, and Zan Gao
Effects of Pre-Exposure on Perceptual Curiosity for Stimulus Similarity and Novelty., Mohammed Mujeeb-ur-Rahman
Effects of Selective Pretraining on the Acquisition of Matching-to-sample Behavior in Pigeons, Richard G. Marriott
Efficacy and Safety of Carbon Dioxide Versus Air Insufflation for Colonoscopy in Deeply Sedated Pediatric Patients, Rajmohan Dharmaraj, Rachel Dunn, Julia Fritz, Mahua Dasgupta, Pippa Simpson, Jose Cabrera, Adrian Miranda, and Diana G. Lerner
Efficacy and safety of low-dose versus high-dose hydrocortisone to treat hypotension in neonates: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis, Katelyn Sushko, Nada Al-Rawahi, Kristi L. Watterberg, John Van Den Anker, Catherine Litalien, Jacques Lacroix, Abdul Razak, and Samira Samiee-Zafarghandy
Efficacy of pediatric dermatology Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) sessions on augmenting primary care providers' confidence and abilities, Haorui Sun, Brian Green, Andrea Zaenglein, Melissa Butt, Joslyn S. Kirby, and Alexandra Flamm
Eigenspace of a Circulant Fuzzy Neutrosophic Soft Matrix, M Kavitha and P Murugadass
Einstein Aggregation Operators of Simplified Neutrosophic Indeterminate Elements and Their Decision-Making Method, Xueping Lu, Tong Zhang, Yiming Fang, and Jun Ye
Electronic Computer Program For The Solution Of Slope Stability By The Wedge Method Of Analysis., James O. Boardman
Electronic Technique For Resolving Ambiguities Of Sinusoidal Function Transducers., James W. Campbell
Electrons In Random Media, Osorio Chagas Meirelles
El Pastor: The Life and Ministry of José Ynéz Perea, 1837–1910, Benjamin Rankin Davis
El pueblo guaymí y su futuro, Milton R.A. Machuca-Gálvez and Daniel Holness Carrasco Sr.
Emancipatory nursing praxis: Applying the social justice theory to implement harm reduction in prison substance use disorder, Veronica A. Holmes
Embracing the Power of Show-Me ECHO Learning Communities to Transform Clinical Practice in Missouri., Lea Brandt, Melissa Warne-Griggs, Kimberly Hoffman, Lori Popejoy, and E Rachel Mutrux
Emergence in late 2020 of multiple lineages of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein variants affecting amino acid position 677, Emma B. Hodcroft, Daryl B. Domman, Daniel J. Snyder, Kasopefoluwa Y. Oguntuyo, Maarten Van Diest, Kenneth H. Densmore, Kurt C. Schwalm, Jon Femling, Jennifer L. Carroll, Rona S. Scott, Martha M. Whyte, Michael W. Edwards, Noah C. Hull, Christopher G. Kevil, John A. Vanchiere, Benhur Lee, Darrell L. Dinwiddie, Vaughn S. Cooper, and Jeremy P. Kamil
Emissivity Measurements of Painted and Aerosol Deposited Thermographic Phosphors (YAG:Dy and MFG:Mn), Wendy Flores-Brito
Empire And Opposition: Class, Ethnicity And Ideology In The Mine-Mill Union Of Grant County, New Mexico, Jack Cargill
emPowered!® Tool, Andrea Merriam
Empowering General Practitioners to manage children with ADHD using the ECHO® model, Dana Newcomb and Perrin William Moss
Encompassing Access to Improved Liver Care–ILBS ECHO, Revolution in Specialty Care, Sabin Syed, Akanksha Bansal, Dinesh Taneja, Pranav Keshan, Ashish Kumar, and Arpit Kumar
Endo ECHO Improves Primary Care Provider and Community Health Worker Self-efficacy in Complex Diabetes Management in Medically Underserved Communities, Matthew F Bouchonville, Brant W Hager, Jessica B Kirk, Clifford R Qualls, and Sanjeev Arora
Energy Conservation for Food Growers with Chronic Fatigue, Barrett Harding and Mary Thelander-Hill
Energy Management in Migrating Hummingbirds, Shayne Halter
Engagement With Project ECHO to Increase Medication-Assisted Treatment in Rural Primary Care, Julie Salvador, Snehal Bhatt, Rebecca Fowler, Jerrilyn Ritz, Regina James, Vanessa Jacobsohn, Heidi Rishel Brakey, and Andrew L Sussman
Enhanced Primary Care Treatment of Behavioral Disorders With ECHO Case-Based Learning, Miriam Komaromy, Judy Bartlett, Kathryn Manis, and Sanjeev Arora
Enhancing Collaborative Learning for Quality Improvement: Evidence from the Improving Clinical Flow Project, a Breakthrough Series Collaborative with Project ECHO, Sanjeev Arora, Kedar S. Mate, Jessica L. Jones, Cory B. Sevin, Elizabeth Clewett, Gerald Langley, Heidi Rishel Brakey, Kathleen Reims, Judy L. Troyer, Joan M. Grebe, Herbert T. Davis, Venita K. Wolf, Roger Chafournier, and Neil Baker
Enhancing Community Health Outcomes (Project ECHO): Developing a Community of Practice for Paramedics in End of Life Care (EOLC), Laura McTague, Andrew Hodge, Clare Williams, Paul Taylor, and Sam Kyeremateng
Enhancing Validity of Readiness to Change Measures: Experimental Manipulation of Cognitive Effort, Jude G. Chavez, Frank J. Schwebel, and Matthew R. Pearson
Enriqueta Vasquez Digital History Project, Theresa J. Córdova, PhD
Ensemble Classifiers for Acute Leukemia Classification Using Microarray Gene Expression Data under uncertainty, Mona Gamal, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, and Ehab Rushdy
Ensuring equal access to specialty care, Thomas D. Sequist
Ensuring Optimal Community HIV Testing Services in Nigeria Using an Enhanced Community Case-Finding Package (ECCP), October 2019-March 2020: Acceleration to HIV Epidemic Control., Ibrahim Jahun, Emilio Dirlikov, Solomon Odafe, Aminu Yakubu, Andrew T Boyd, Pamela Bachanas, Charles Nzelu, Gambo Aliyu, Tedd Ellerbrock, and Mahesh Swaminathan
Entropy and Correlation Coefficients of Neutrosophic and Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Hypersoft Set with application of Multi-Attributive Problems, Muhammad Naveed Jafar, Muhammad Saeed, and Tahir Ghani
Environmental Implications Of Residential Development In Albuquerque, Joyce Gross Costello
Environmental Perception In Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, Howard Graham Crow II
Environmental Scan Volume 1, Garrett E. Morgan, Caroline M. Snyder, Rebecca F. Noftsinger, and Joshua K. Noda
Environments For Effective Evaluations: A Conceptual Model, Karen Kay Meigs Clark
EOQ model with price, marketing, service and green dependent neutrosophic demand under uncertain resource constraint: A geometric programming approach, Chaitali Kar, Tapan Kumar Roy, and Manoranjan Maiti
Epilepsy Foundation Applauds the American Medical Association’s Decision to Encourage Use of Telemedicine Programs, Jackie Aker
Equipping Community Based Psychologists to Deliver Best Practice ASD Diagnoses Using The ECHO Autism Model, Kerri P. Nowell, Kourtney Christopher, and Kristin Sohl
Ergonomic Assessment of Surgical Residents, Noah Monagle
Erotic Ecology in Ovid's Heroides, Noah Holt
Española Walkability Workshop, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Essays on Cancer Patients, Quality of Life, and Social Support: Evidence from Nepal, Muhammad Adnan Shahid
Essays on Human Capital, Soumyajit Chakraborty
Essentials of nuclear medicine imaging, Fred A. Mettler Jr and Milton J. Guiberteau
Estancia Punkin Chuckin’, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Estimating the Household’s Preference and spatial dependence for a Solid Waste Management System in Nepal; A Choice Experiment Approach, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman and Alok K. Bohara
Estimating the Household’s Preference and spatial dependence for a Solid Waste Management System in Nepal; A Choice Experiment Approach, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman and Alok K. Bohara
Estimating the Household’s Preference for a Solid Waste Management System in Siddharthanagar Municipality, Nepal; A Choice Experiment Approach, Mohammad Mashiur Rahman and Alok K. Bohara
Estimating Time to ESRD in Children With CKD, Susan L. Furth, Chris Pierce, Wun Fung Hui, Colin A. White, Craig S. Wong, Franz Schaefer, Elke Wühl, Alison G. Abraham, Bradley A. Warady, and Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD)
Estimation of Radium-226 Concentrations in Produced Water from Shale Gas, Tight Gas and Conventional Hydrocarbon Wells, Richard Frank Haaker
Etdebali: Un viaje al corazón del pueblo ngóbe, Phil D. Young, Milton R.A. Machuca-Gálvez, and Jorge Sarsaneda
Ethics of International Surrogacy, Himanshi Arora
Ethnicity, socioeconomic status, income inequality, and colorectal cancer outcomes: evidence from the 4C2 collaboration, Cathy J Bradley, Amy Anderson-Mellies, Evelinn A Borrayo, Jennifer Anne Doherty, Omar A Escontrías, David O Garcia, Shiraz I Mishra, Andrew L Sussman, Cynthia A Thomson, David W Wetter, and Linda S Cook
Evaluating a palliative care education programme for domiciliary care workers, Jane Manson, Lynne Ghasemi, Emma Westerdale, Paul Taylor, Sam Kyeremateng, and Laura McTague
Evaluating the Implementation of Evidence-based Kidney Nutrition Practice Guidelines: The AUGmeNt Study Protocol, Gabriela V. Proaño, Constantina Papoutsakis, Erin Lamers-Johnson, Lisa Moloney, Mary M. Bailey, Jenica K. Abram, Kathryn Kelley, Alison Steiber, George P. McCabe, Larissa Myaskovsky, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez
Evaluating the Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Neck Pain in Dental Hygiene Students, Justine E Stambaugh, Christina Calleros, Patricia Siegel, and Christine Nathe
Evaluating the role of key learning theories in ECHO: a telehealth educational program for primary care providers, Carmela Socolovsky, Christopher Masi, Tamara Hamlish, Glen Aduana, Sanjeev Arora, George Bakris, and Daniel Johnson
Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration® (EASI) Vestibular and Proprioceptive Tests: Construct Validity and Internal Reliability, Zoe Mailloux, Patricia Grady-Dominguez, Jennifer Petersen, L Diane Parham, Susanne Smith Roley, Anita Bundy, and Roseann C Schaaf
Evaluation of American Indian Health Service Training in Pain Management and Opioid Substance Use Disorder, Joanna G. Katzman, Chris Fore, Snehal Bhatt, Nina Greenberg, Julie Griffin Salvador, George C. Comerci, Christopher Camarata, Lisa Marr, Rebecca Monette, Sanjeev Arora, Andrea Bradford, Denise Taylor, Jenny Dillow, and Susan Karol
Evaluation of a national telemedicine initiative in the Veterans Health Administration: Factors associated with successful implementation, Lauren Stevenson, Sherry Ball, Leah M Haverhals, David C Aron, and Julie Lowery
Evaluation of an innovative tele-education intervention in chronic pain management for primary care clinicians practicing in underserved areas, Andrea D. Furlan, Jane Zhao, Jennifer Voth, Samah Hassan, Ruth Dubin, Jennifer N. Stinson, Susan Jaglal, Ralph Fabico, Andrew J. Smith, Paul Taenzer, and John F. Flannery
Evaluation of an Intensive Program for Children With Co-occurring Medical and Emotional Disorders, Rebecca G. Girardet, Alison B. Shellman, Ashlie Llorens, Linh Nguyen, Misti Ellsworth, Kimberly Rennie, and Carolyn Ha
Evaluation of a telementoring intervention for pain management in the Veterans Health Administration, Joseph W. Frank, Evan P. Carey, Katherine M. Fagan, David C. Aron, Jeff Todd-Stenberg, Brent A. Moore, Robert D. Kerns, David H. Au, P Michael Ho, and Susan R. Kirsh
Evaluation of Barriers to Telehealth Programs and Dermatological Care for American Indian Individuals in Rural Communities, Anna M Morenz, Siobhan Wescott, Arash Mostaghimi, Thomas D Sequist, and Matthew Tobey
Evaluation of mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Vaccine in Children 6 to 11 Years of Age, C Buddy Creech, Evan Anderson, Vladimir Berthaud, Inci Yildirim, Andrew M. Atz, Ivan Melendez Baez, Daniel Finkelstein, Paul Pickrell, Judith Kirstein, Clifford Yut, Ronald Blair, Robert A. Clifford, Michael Dunn, James D. Campbell, David C. Montefiori, Joanne E. Tomassini, Xiaoping Zhao, Weiping Deng, Honghong Zhou, Daniela Ramirez Schrempp, Kelly Hautzinger, Bethany Girard, Karen Slobod, Roderick McPhee, Rolando Pajon, Rituparna Das, Jacqueline M. Miller, Sabine Schnyder Ghamloush, Walter N. Dehority, and KidCOVE Study Group
Evaluation of Patient Activity Programs in Selected San Antonio, Texas, Nursing Homes, Steven L. Ranck
Evaluation Of Recreational Services And Programs In State Administered Residential Health Care Institutions In New Mexico, Robert Wiliam Michaels
Evaluation of the impact of telementoring using ECHO© technology on healthcare professionals' knowledge and self-efficacy in assessing and managing pain for people with advanced dementia nearing the end of life, Bannin De Witt Jansen, Kevin Brazil, Peter Passmore, Hilary Buchanan, Doreen Maxwell, Sonja J McIlfatrick, Sharon M Morgan, Max Watson, and Carole Parsons
Evaluation of the knowledge enhancement and impact of telementoring on liver care, using ECHO platform on nursing professionals in India, Sabin Syed, Aayushi Rastogi, Pranav Keshan, Vinay Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Arpit Kumar, and Akanksha Bansal
Evaluation of the Project Echo Tele-Mentoring Model for Knowledge Sharing and Technical Assistance in Cancer Control Planning and Implementation, R Brew, K Duncan, M Cira, A Ndumele, A Garg, A Smogur-Saldivar, and B Kostelecky
Evaluation of the Veterans Health Administration's Specialty Care Transformational Initiatives to Promote Patient-Centered Delivery of Specialty Care: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Katherine M Williams, Susan Kirsh, David Aron, David Au, Christian Helfrich, Anne Lambert-Kerzner, Julie Lowery, Catherine Battaglia, Glenn D. Graham, Michael Doukas, Rajiv Jain, and P Michael Ho
Evaporite Deposits Of The Central Namib Desert, Namibiba, Fred R. Cagle Jr.
Evidence for state, community and systems-level prevention strategies to address the opioid crisis., Tamara M. Haegerich, Christopher M. Jones, Pierre-Olivier Cote, Amber Robinson, and Lindsey Ross
Examination of Ionization in Cesium Diode Pumped Alkali Lasers with an Ion Chamber Diagnostic, Benjamin Oliker
Examining Parental Perceptions and Experiences Regarding Social Skills Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mary Jimerson
Examining Transmission Loss Availability for Basin Aquifer Recharge from Perennial Streams in the Chuska Mountains on the Navajo Nation, Griffin Nuzzo
Excavating Mexican American Voices in California History: The California Testimonials, Michelle E. Morton
Excerpts from the Report for the Van Ameringen Foundation on AIO's Family System Project, LaDonna Harris
Exchange Gas Vibration Isolation for a “Dry” Research Cryostat, S. T. P. Boyd and A. V. Pregenzer-Wenzler
Exercise as a multi-modal disease-modifying medicine in systemic sclerosis: An introduction by The Global Fellowship on Rehabilitation and Exercise in Systemic Sclerosis (G-FoRSS), Henrik Pettersson, Helene Alexanderson, Janet L. Poole, Janos Varga, Malin Regardt, Anne-Marie Russell, Yasser Salam, Kelly Jensen, Jennifer Mansour, Tracy Frech, Carol Feghali-Bostwick, Cecília Varjú, Nancy Baldwin, Matty Heenan, Kim Fligelstone, Monica Holmner, Matthew R. Lammi, Mary Beth Scholand, Lee Shapiro, Elizabeth R. Volkmann, and Lesley Ann Saketkoo
Existing Guidance on Feeding Infants and Children From Birth to 24 Months: Implications and Next Steps for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, and Stephanie A. Atkinson
Expanded-Range Venturi Flow Meter: Development and Testing of a 3D-Printed Flow Meter and Solid-State Valve Concept, Joseph M. Pomo
Expanding access in rheumatology specialty care in New Mexico via an innovative community outreach program, Arthur Bankhurst, Sanjeev Arora, Summers Kalishman, Jeannie F. Boyle, Cynthia Olivas, Rebecca Monette, Dara Som, and Yolanda Hubbard
Expanding access to hepatitis C virus treatment--Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) project: disruptive innovation in specialty care, Sanjeev Arora, Summers Kalishman, Karla Thornton, Denise Dion, Glen Murata, Paulina Deming, Brooke Parish, John Brown, Miriam Komaromy, Kathleen Colleran, Arthur Bankhurst, Joanna Katzman, Michelle Harkins, Luis Curet, Ellen Cosgrove, and Wesley Pak
Expanding access to medications for opioid use disorder in primary care: An examination of common implementation strategies, Lauren Caton, Hanyang Shen, Mehret T. Assefa, Tammy Fisher, and Mark P. McGovern
Expanding best practices for implementing evidence-based cancer control strategies in Africa: The 2019–2020 Africa Cancer Research and Control ECHO Program, Annet Nakaganda, Mishka K. Cira, Kunuz Abdella, Francois Uwinkindi, Christine Mugo-Sitati, and Kalina Duncan
Expanding Capacity to Treat Hepatitis C: Overcoming Barriers and New Innovations, Joseph K. Lim
Expanding Health Care Access Through Education: Dissemination and Implementation of the ECHO Model, Joanna G. Katzman, Kevin Galloway, Cynthia Olivas, Kimberly McCoy-Stafford, Daniel Duhigg, George Comerci, Summers Kalishman, Chester C. Buckenmaier, Laura McGhee, Kristin Joltes, Andrea Bradford, Brian Shelley, Jessica Hernandez, and Sanjeev Arora
Expanding primary care capacity to treat hepatitis C virus infection through an evidence-based care model--Arizona and Utah, 2012-2014, Kiren Mitruka, Karla Thornton, Susanne Cusick, Christina Orme, Ann Moore, Richard A Manch, Terry Box, Christie Carroll, Deborah Holtzman, John W Ward, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Expanding treatment for opioid use disorder in publicly funded primary care clinics: Exploratory evaluation of the NYC health + hospitals buprenorphine ECHO program, Babak Tofighi, Noah Isaacs, Hannah Byrnes-Enoch, Rebecca Lakew, Joshua D Lee, Carolyn Berry, and Daniel Schatz
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of 3D-Printed Viscoelastic Dampers, Mohammed Jaradat
Experimental Investigations on Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Accident-Tolerant-Fuel and Traditional Claddings, Mingfu He Mr.
Exploration of Interventions and Outcomes Used Following Digit Amputation, Max Richardson
Explorations and Developments in Multifunctionality, 3D Printing, and Accelerated Aging for Thermoplastics and Thermosets, Zachary Brounstein
Exploring Differential Effects of Therapeutic Alliance Across Treatment Therapies, Alexandra T. Tonigan
Exploring health professionals’ experiences with a virtual learning and mentoring program (Project ECHO) on pediatric palliative care in South Asia, Megan Doherty, Shokoufeh Modanloo, Emily Evans, Jennifer Rowe, Dennis Newhook, Gayatri Palat, and Douglas Archibald
Exploring Hidden Structure of the Nearby Universe and the Limits and Capabilities of Two Neutral Hydrogen Surveys, Monica Sanchez Barrantes
Exploring Marginality, Isolation, and Perceived Mattering Among Research Administrators, Denis Schulz
Exploring Physical Educators' Efficacy Beliefs, Perceptions of Importance and Openness for Social and Emotional Learning, Caitlin Olive, Karen Lux Gaudreault, Kelly Simonton, Michael Hemphill, and Yu Yu Hsiao
Extended Combined Neonatal Treatment With Erythropoietin Plus Melatonin Prevents Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus of Prematurity in Rats, Shenandoah Robinson, Fatu S Conteh, Akosua Y Oppong, Tracylyn R Yellowhair, Jessie C Newville, Nagat El Demerdash, Christine L Shrock, Jessie R Maxwell, Stephen Jett, Frances J Northington, and Lauren L Jantzie
Extension for community healthcare outcomes-care transitions: Enhancing geriatric care transitions through a multidisciplinary videoconference, Grace Farris, Jonathan Bortinger, Amber Moore, J Elyse Krupp, John Marshall, Alan Abrams, Lewis Lipsitz, and Melissa Mattison
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO): a new model for community health worker training and support, Miriam Komaromy, Venice Ceballos, Andrea Zurawski, Thomas Bodenheimer, David H. Thom, and Sanjeev Arora
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) as a tool for continuing medical education on opioid use disorder and comorbidities, Jon Agley, Zachary W Adams, and Leslie A Hulvershorn
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) telementoring in the military: where we are now, opportunities and challenges, Joanna Katzman, Laura Tomedi, Robin Swift, Eric Castillo, Connie Morrow, Laurie Lutz, Kevin T. Galloway, Kimberly McCoy-Stafford, Zachary Klein, Greg Turner, Derrick J. Beckman, Jennifer Terrell, Shannon Forde, Chamron Martin, and Sharon Morgan
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes-Palliative Care in Africa Program: Improving Access to Quality Palliative Care, Sriram Yennurajalingam, Charles E Amos, John Weru, Edwina Beryl V N D Addo Opare-Lokko, Joseph Anthony Arthur, Kristy Nguyen, Olaitan Soyannwo, Runcie C W Chidebe, Janet L Williams, Zhanni Lu, Ellen Baker, Sanjeev Arora, Eduardo Bruera, and Suresh Reddy
Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes Uruguay: A New Strategy to Promote Best Primary Care Practice for Autism., Gustavo Giachetto, Ana Laura Casuriaga, Anabella Santoro, Virginia Kanopa, Gabriela Garrido, José Fernández, Henry Cohen, and Kristin Sohl
Extension for Community Health Outcomes-hepatitis C: Small steps carve big footprints in the allocation of scarce resources for hepatitis C virus treatment to remote developing areas, Veysel Tahan, Ashraf Almashhrawi, Ali M. Kahveci, Rachel Mutrux, and Jamal A. Ibdah
Extracellular ASC Level as a Potential Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease, Qi "Phoebe" Dong, Shanya Jiang, Kathryn Sanchez, Gary Rosenberg, and Kiran Bhaskar
Ex Vivo Human Chondrocyte Toxicity After Exposure to Tranexamic AcidExposure Acid, Erika Garbrecht, Benjamin Packard, Nafisa Elghazali, and Phuong A.H. Nguyen
Ex Vivo Human Chondrocyte Toxicity After Exposure to Tranexamic AcidExposure Acid, Erika Garbrecht, Benjamin Packard, Nafisa Elghazali, and Phuong A.H. Nguyen
Fabricating silicon nitride microrings for optical frequency comb generation, Gabriel Colacion
Facilitating management of home oxygen in NICU graduates: A Quality Improvement Project, Leah Enright and Dawn Novak
Facilitator Reflections on Shared Expertise and Adaptive Leadership in ECHO Autism: Center Engagement, Alexandra H. Vinson, Dorothea Iannuzzi, Amanda Bennett, Eric M. Buttler, Alicia B. Curran, Amy Hess, Susan L. Hyman, Amy Kelly, Donna S. Murray, Lisa Nowinski, Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, and Kristin Sohl
Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing Community Guide Recommendations to Increasing Physical Activity in Rural Communities, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Facilitators and barriers to pediatric clinical trial recruitment and retention in rural and community settings: A scoping review of the literature, Sara E. Watson, Paul Smith, Jessica Snowden, Vida Vaughn, Lesley Cottrell, Christi A. Madden, Alberta S. Kong, Russell McCulloh, Crystal Stack Lim, Megan Bledsoe, Karen Kowal, Mary McNally, Lisa Knight, Kelly Cowan, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez
Factors Affecting a Riparian Cottonwood Stand Die-off Along the Rio Grande Pueblo of Santa Ana New Mexico, USA, Hannah A. Varani
Factors influencing the retention of participants in online cancer screening training programs in India, Kavitha Dhanasekaran, Roshani Babu, Vipin Kumar, Shalini Singh, and Roopa Hariprasad
Factors Related to Retention and Self-Efficacy of Special Education Teachers Working with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Tabuk-Saudi Arabia: Teachers’ Interviews, Abdullah M. Alatawi
Factors Which Influence the Education of Local Anesthesia in Dental Hygiene, Angela D. Cook and Angela D. Cook
FAME (Fundamentals of addiction medicine teleECHO clinic): Expanding SUD treatment access, Miriam Komaromy, Peter Selby, Alexandra Unger, Arlene Deverman, Marcia Jackson, and Adam Metcalf
Family Listening Program: Implementing evidence-based family prevention program in New Mexican tribal communities, Belkis Jacquez
Family Systems Project for the American Indian Health Service: Phase II, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
Farmland Rents and the Relationship with Confidence in Local Institutions in India: A Ricardian Analysis, Abhradeep Karmakar, Nikhil Ganvir, and Robert P. Berrens
Farmland Rents and the Relationship with Confidence in Local Institutions in India: A Ricardian Analysis, Abhradeep Karmakar, Nikhil Ganvir, and Robert P. Berrens
Fatigue and activity management education for individuals with systemic sclerosis: Adaptation and feasibility study of an intervention for a rare disease, Kristine Carandang, Janet Poole, and Deirdre Connolly
Fatigue and Its Association With Social Participation, Functioning, and Quality of Life in Systemic Sclerosis, Susan L. Murphy, Anna L. Kratz, Daniel Whibley, Janet L. Poole, and Dinesh Khanna
Fatigue Predicts Future Reduced Social Participation, not Reduced Physical Function or Quality of Life in People with Systemic Sclerosis, Susan L. Murphy, Daniel Whibley, Anna L. Kratz, Janet L L. Poole, and Dinesh Khanna
Fear of Failure in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioners, Frederick J. Williams Jr
Feasibility, acceptability, and sustainability of Project ECHO to expand capacity for pediatricians in Vietnam, Le Hong Nhung, Vu Duy Kien, Nguyen Phuong Lan, Pham Viet Coung, Pham Quoc Thanh, and Tra Minh Dien
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Neonatal Project ECHO (NeoECHO) as a Dissemination and Implementation Strategy to Prevent Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Sheila M. Gephart, Katherine Newnam, Alyssa Weiss, Christina Wyles, and Kimberly Shea
Feasibility and acceptability of an online ECHO intervention to expand access to medications for treatment of opioid use disorder, psychosocial treatments and supports, Julie G. Salvador, Snehal R. Bhatt, Vanessa C. Jacobsohn, Larissa A. Maley, Rana S. Alkhafaji, Heidi Rishel Brakey, Orrin B. Myers, and Andrew L. Sussman
Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, Rebecca G. Rogers, Vivian Sung, Cheryl Iglesia, and Ranee Thakar
FIESTA and Shock-Driven Flows, Brian E. Romero
Fifteenth Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference (2020) Full issue, Nepal Study Center
Fight the “Sitting Disease” – Walk with your Community, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Fight the “Sitting Disease” – Walk with your Community, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Final Report, Committee Minutes, and Related Documents, University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center and Janis Teal
Financial Hardship and Health Related Quality of Life Among Older Latinos With Chronic Diseases, Frances R Nedjat-Haiem, Tamara Cadet, Humberto Parada, Tessa Jones, Elvira E Jimenez, Beti Thompson, Kristen J Wells, and Shiraz I Mishra
Financing Project ECHO: Options for state Medicaid programs, Greg Howe, Allison Hamblin, and Lauren Moran
First responder ECHO: developing an innovative telementoring program, Neil Katzman, Jessica Medrano, Robin Swift, and Paige Menking
First Responder Resiliency ECHO: Innovative telementoring during the COVID-19 pandemic, Joanna G. Katzman, Laura E. Tomedi, George Everly, Margaret Greenwood-Ericksen, Elizabeth Romero, Nils Rosenbaum, Jessica Medrano, Paige Menking, Gaelyn RD Archer, Chamron Martin, Karina A. Dow, Shannon McCoy-Hayes, and Jeffrey W. Katzman
Fishing Without a Pole: Experiences and Insights of Adults Working to Prevent Youth Suicide in a Low-Income, High-Rate State, Victoria L. Waugh-Reed
Fitness Equipment Installments in Tularosa, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Fixed Point Theorem of Weak Compatible Maps of Type (y) in Neutrosophic Metric Space, A.N. Mangayarkkarasi, V. Jeyanth, M. Jeyaraman, and V.B. Shakila
Fixed Point Theorem on Neutrosophic Triplet b-Metric Space, Sibel Demiralp
Flaws in My Father | better engaging with trauma, grief, loss, and pain through storytelling., Neil Fontano
Fluctuating age distributions and sex ratio tracking in a protandrous shrimp, Eric L. charnov and scott groth
Food And Feeding Habits Of The Rio Grande Mountain-Sucker, Pantosteus Plebeius (Baird And Girard), James A. White
Food and Nutrition Security in Nepal, Keshav Bhattarai and Mahmoud Yousef
Food Insecurity among Undergraduate Students in the College of Education at the University of New Mexico, Qamar Hadi
"For all you know, I might be a Black Panther": How the News Media Cultivated White Anxiety in the United States and became a Modern Panopticon for Black Power, Caitlin Grace Leishman
Force-On-The-Wall Calculations For One-Dimensional Dense Gases With Intermolecular Potentials., Thomas Daniel Butler
Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions in Latin America, Tobias P. Fischer Dr.
Forest carbon stock assessment in selected red panda habitats in Ilam and Panchthar districts, Nepal, Trilochana Basnet, Niroj Timalsina, Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, Damber Bista, Basant Pant, Bhaskar Singh Karky, and Kai Windhorst
Forming La Opinión in Los Angeles: Ignacio Lozano, Mexicanidad, and Diasporic Nationalism, 1926-1940, Andy Rafael Aguilera
Formula Fortification for the Preterm Infant after Discharge from the NICU, Erin Swieter, Dawn Novak, and Kara McKinney
Foundations of Intramedullary Femoral Shaft Fracture Fixation: Avoidance, Recognition, and Management of Common Pitfalls, Christopher Kurnik, Jory Wasserburger, William Curtis, and Tyler Chavez
Foundations of Intramedullary Femoral ShaftFracture Fixation: Avoidance, Recognition, andManagement of Common Pitfalls, Christopher Kurnik, Jory Wasserburger, William Curtis, and Tyler Chavez
Fourteenth Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference (2019), Nepal Study Center
Frailty status but not age predicts surgical outcomes in spinal tumors: an NSQIP 2015-19 analysis of 4662 patients, Syed Faraz Kazim, Christian A. Bowers, Chad D. Cole, Rohini N. Mckee, and Meic H. Schmidt
From Council Fires to Computers: Computer assisted consensus building within tribes between tribes and between tribal and non-tribal governments, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
From Sacred Songs to Reggaetón: An Unexpected Journey that Encompasses Theatre and Urban Music, Alejandro Tomas Rodriguez
From Stasis to Ecstasy: Tracing Bernard of Clairvaux's "Queer" Influence on French Gothic Art, Jackson O. Larson
From Teacher To Principal: The Rites Of Passage, Jerome J. Miller
From Visigothic To Gothic:A Study Of Styles In The Church Of The Divine Saviour; Vejer De La Frontera (Cadiz), Spain., Dolores Coppel Bogard
From Vision to Reality: Building Community-Based Adaptive Sports and Fitness Facilities Across the United States, Mary Beth Schubauer
From Zero-Sum to Economic Partners: Reframing State Tax Policies in Indian Country in the Post-COVID Economy, Pippa Browde
Front Matter, New Mexico Law Review
Front Matter, Natural Resources Journal
Front Matter, Natural Resources Journal
Front Matter, New Mexico Law Review
Front Matter, Arianna Medina
Front Matter, Arianna Medina
Full agonist opioid prescribing by primary care clinicians after buprenorphine training, Anne Gadomski, James Anderson, Yelim K. Chung, Nicole Krupa, and Paul Jenkins
Full Proceedings, Nepal Study Center
Fundamentals of Neutrosophical Simulation for Generating Random Numbers Associated with Uniform Probability Distribution, Maissam Jdid, Rafif Alhabib, and A. A. Salama
Fundamentals of neutrosophic logic and sets and their role in artificial intelligence (Fundamentos de la lógica y los conjuntos neutrosóficos y su papel en la inteligencia artificial ), Florentin Smarandache and Maykel Leyva-Vazquez
Funding History of Science, Pamela Clapp and Long Term Ecological Research
Further Generalization of n-D Distance and n-D Dependent Function in Extenics, Florentin Smarandache
Fusion of Sources of Evidence with Different Importances and Reliabilities, Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert, and J.M. Tacnet
Galvanomagnetic Effects And Related Phenonmenon In Semiconductors And Dielectrics In A Radiation Environment, LeRoy C. Meyer
Games Based on Simplified Neutrosophic Multiplicative Soft Sets and Their Applications, H¨useyin Kamacı
Gardens in the Sand: New Mexico's Historic Landscapes, Part 2, Baker H. Morrow
Gastrointestinal Bacteria Of A Healthy Sheep, Paul Berger
Gastrostomy Tube Complications and Management, Deborah J. Garcia
Gathering Around a New Fire: The Bemo Family, Interracial Marriage, Race, and Power in the Mvskoke Nation, 1870-1897, Michelle M. Martin
Gender, Inequality and Agency - The women’s narratives on claiming justice, Varsha Gyawali
Generalized closed sets and pre-closed sets via Bipolar single-valued neutrosophic Topological Spaces, Christy V and Mohana K
Generalized Euclid Measures Based on Generalized Set Valued Neutrosophic Quadruple Numbers and Multi Criteria Decision Making Applications, Memet Şahin, Abdullah Kargın, and Merve Sena Uz
Generalized Interval Neutrosophic Soft Set and its Decision Making Problem, Said Broumi
Generalized Neutrosophic Semirings, Muhammad Gulistan, Inayatur Rehman, Muhammad Shahzad, Shah Nawaz, and Salma Khan
Generalized Open Sets in Neutrosophic Soft Bitopological Spaces, Sibel Demiralp and Hasan Dadas
Generalized Pythagorean Neutrosophic Sets In the Study of Group Theory, Somen Debnath
Genetic associations of hemoglobin in children with chronic kidney disease in the PediGFR Consortium, Meredith A Atkinson, Rui Xiao, Anna Köttgen, Elke Wühl, Craig S Wong, Matthias Wuttke, Aysun K Bayazit, Salim Çalişkan, Bradley A Warady, Franz Schaefer, and Susan L Furth
Genomes for Kids: The Scope of Pathogenic Mutations in Pediatric Cancer Revealed by Comprehensive DNA and RNA Sequencing, Scott Newman, Joy Nakitandwe, Chimene A Kesserwan, Elizabeth M Azzato, David A Wheeler, Michael Rusch, Sheila Shurtleff, Dale J Hedges, Kayla V Hamilton, Scott G Foy, Michael N Edmonson, Andrew Thrasher, Armita Bahrami, Brent A Orr, Jeffery M Klco, Jiali Gu, Lynn W Harrison, Lu Wang, Michael R Clay, Annastasia Ouma, Antonina Silkov, Yanling Liu, Zhaojie Zhang, Yu Liu, Samuel W Brady, Xin Zhou, Ti-Cheng Chang, Manjusha Pande, Eric Davis, Jared Becksfort, Aman Patel, Mark R Wilkinson, Delaram Rahbarinia, Manish Kubal, Jamie L Maciaszek, Victor Pastor, Jay Knight, Alexander M Gout, Jian Wang, Zhaohui Gu, Charles G Mullighan, Rose B McGee, Emily A Quinn, Regina Nuccio, Roya Mostafavi, Elsie L Gerhardt, Leslie M Taylor, Jessica M Valdez, Stacy J Hines-Dowell, Alberto S Pappo, Giles Robinson, Liza-Marie Johnson, Ching-Hon Pui, David W Ellison, James R Downing, Jinghui Zhang, and Kim E Nichols
Geology, Geochemistry And Lava Tubes In Quaternary Basalts, Northeastern Part Of Zuni Lava Field, Valencia County, New Mexico, James Douglas Causey
Geology Of The Eastern Part Of The Regina Quadrangle, Sandoval And Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico, Margaret Anne Merrick
Geometric Programming in Imprecise Domain with Application, Pintu Das
Gestalten, Layeh A. Bock
Getting a Fair Deal in Mining Projects, Stephen Zorn
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Breath: A Call for Economic Justice, Verónica Gonzales-Zamora
Giving Birth To Onions, Stefanie London Feld-Galbraith
Glenn L. Emmons Of Gallup, Debra R. Boender
Global News Toronto interviews Joshua Kastenberg: U.S. Supreme Court blocks Biden vaccine mandate, Joshua Kastenberg and Miranda Anthistle
Global population divergence of a cosmopolian desert plant, Victor Ryan Alfaro
Glomerular Disease in Temporal Association with SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Series of 29 Cases, Tiffany N. Caza, Clarissa A. Cassol, Nidia Messias, Andrew Hannoudi, Randy S. Haun, Patrick D. Walker, Rebecca M. May, Regan M. Seipp, Elizabeth J. Betchick, Hassan Amin, Mandolin S. Ziadie, Michael Haderlie, Joy Eduwu-Okwuwa, Irina Vancea, Melvin Seek, Essam B. Elashi, Ganesh Shenoy, Sayeed Khalillullah, Jesse A. Flaxenburg, John Brandt, Matthew J. Diamond, Adam Frome, Eugene H. Kim, Gregory Schlessinger, Erlandas Ulozas, Janice L. Weatherspoon, Ethan Thomas Hoerschgen, Steven L. Fabian, Sung Yong Bae, Bilal Iqbal, Kanwalijit K. Chouhan, Zeina Karam, James T. Henry, and Christopher P. Larsen
G-Neutrosophic Space, Mumtaz Ali, Florentin Smarandache, Munazza Naz, and Muhammad Shabir
Going Back to Nature for Finding New Antibiotic to Fight Against the Mutated Bacteria (The Superbug), Md Rafiqul Islam Rupam
Grado de dependencia e independencia de los (sub) componentes de Conjuntos Borrosos y Neutrosóficos, Florentin Smarandache
Grand Canyon National Park's Water Corridor: Water Supply, Water Quality, and Recharge Along the Bright Angel Fault, Brionna O'Connor
Grant County Prescription Trails, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Grantmakers in Health, Eileen Salinsky
Grants Kicks Off Relationship with National Park Service, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
GRAPHIC SCOTLAND: VISUALITY AND EMPIRE, 1810 – 1913, Laura Michelle Golobish
Gratitude Walk – Cuba, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Gross, Blackwell & Company Mercantile Capitalists In The Southwest, 1867-1902., Ray L. Carroll
Groundwater Law, The San Luis Valley, and Climate Change, Rachel Grabenstein
Group Psychotherapy Effects on Internal-external Locus of Control, Richard P. Reed
Growth Rates of Infants Randomized to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or Intubation After Extremely Preterm Birth, Ariel A. Salas, Waldemar A. Carlo, Barbara T. Do, Edward F. Bell, Abhik Das, Krisa P. Van Meurs, Brenda B. Poindexter, Seetha Shankaran, Noelle Younge, Kristi L. Watterberg, Rosemary D. Higgins, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Handbook to Federal Responsibility to Indian Communities in Areas of Environmental Protection and Individual Health and Safety, LaDonna Harris and Maggie Gover
Hands-On Training Courses for Cervical Cancer Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Procedures in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, Natacha Phoolcharoen, Melissa Lopez Varon, Ellen Baker, Sonia Parra, Jennifer Carns, Katelin Cherry, Chelsey Smith, Theresa Sonka, Kathleen Doughtie, Cesaltina Lorenzoni, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Kathleen Schmeler, and Mila Pontremoli Salcedo
Hand Therapy Patients' Psychosocial Symptomology and Interests in Mindfulness: A Cross-Sectional Study, Mark E Hardison, Jennifer Unger, and Shawn C Roll
Hard Choices: Development of Non-Energy Non-Replenishable Resources, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
HAVE A GOOD ONE: A Writer’s Search for Place, Rafael Gallegos
HCV management in the incarcerated population: How do we deliver on this important front?, Javier Crespo, Susana Llerena, Carmen Cobo, Joaquin Cabezas, and Antonio Cuadrado
Health and Revolution: Anarchist Biopolitics in the Borderlands, Benjamin H. Abbott
Health care ethics ECHO: Improving ethical response self-efficacy through sense-making, Lea Brandt, Laurel Despins, Bonnie Wakefield, David Fleming, Chelsea Deroche, and Lori Popejoy
Health Care Innovation Award (HCIA) Complex/High-risk patient targeting: Third annual report. NORC at the University of Chicago, Britta Anderson, Emily Armstrong, Wilhelmine Miller, Shriram Parashuram, Sarah Ruiz, Jennifer Satorius, Rachel Friedman Singer, and Lynne Page Snyder
Health Disparities and Literacy for Future Health Care Providers, Kelleen Maluski
Health Literacy and New Mexico's COVID-19 Initiatives, Deborah J. Rhue
Health Literacy Book Club Kits: Bifold Brochures, Allison B. Cruise, Kristin R. Proctor, and Amy E. Weig-Pickering
Health Monitoring Using Deep Learning of Acoustic and Speech Signals, Eric E. Hamke
Health outcomes and mitigation strategies, Rajan Bishwakarma
Health Professions and Academia: How to Begin Your Career, John Paul Sánchez and Nicholas N. Brutus
Health promotion strategies to increase vaccine confidence – findings from listening sessions with Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, and Black/African American populations, Camille R. Velarde and Theresa H. Cruz
Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center Strategic Plan FY22-FY24, Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
Healthy Here Mobile Farmers' Market 2019 Evaluation Report, Theresa H. Cruz, Courtney FitzGerald, Cam Solomon, and Leigh Caswell
Hegemonic Instability? India’s Himalayan Hegemony in Theoretical and Historical Perspective, Philip Hultquist Ph.D. and Prakash Adhikari Ph.D.
Helping Hand for Health Equity in Nabwendo, Uganda, Dana Allsop
Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Cures Adenosine Deaminase 2 Deficiency: Report on 30 Patients, Hasan Hashem, Giorgia Bucciol, Seza Ozen, Sule Unal, Ikbal Ok Bozkaya, Nurten Akarsu, Mervi Taskinen, Minna Koskenvuo, Janna Saarela, Dimana Dimitrova, Dennis D. Hickstein, Amy P. Hsu, Steven M. Holland, Robert Krance, Ghadir Sasa, Ashish R. Kumar, Ingo Müller, Monica Abreu de Sousa, Selket Delafontaine, Leen Moens, Florian Babor, Federica Barzaghi, Maria Pia Cicalese, Robbert Bredius, Joris van Montfrans, Valentina Baretta, Simone Cesaro, Polina Stepensky, Neven Benedicte, Despina Moshous, Guillaume Le Guenno, David Boutboul, Jignesh Dalal, Joel P. Brooks, Elif Dokmeci, Jasmeen Dara, Carrie L. Lucas, Sophie Hambleton, Keith Wilson, Stephen Jolles, Yener Koc, Tayfun Güngör, Caroline Schnider, Fabio Candotti, Sandra Steinmann, Ansgar Schulz, Chip Chambers, Michael Hershfield, Amanda Ombrello, Jennifer A. Kanakry, and Isabelle Meyts
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis as an acute febrile illness in a child with congenital HIV: acase report, Morgan Day, Lorena Galvan, and Christal Chow
Hepatitis C elimination among people incarcerated in prisons: challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework, Matthew J. Akiyama, Nadine Kronfli, Joaquin Cabezas, Yumi Sheehan, Prem H. Thurairajah, Richard Lines, Andrew R. Lloyd, and International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users–Prisons Network
Hepatitis C Screening, Confirmation, and Referral Improvement Project, Maria E. McMahon
Hepatitis C treatment for difficult to access populations: can telementoring (as distinct from telemedicine) help?, Waled Mohsen, Patrick Chan, Michelle Whelan, Ann Glass, Marlize Mouton, Ernest Young, Quyen Tran, Sanjeev Arora, Scott Davison, Tenzin Lama, Cherry Cobrador, and Miriam Levy
Hepatitis C Update and Expanding the Role of Primary Care, Gina M Simoncini and David E Koren
Hepatitis C virus care cascade in persons experiencing homelessness in the United States in the era of direct-acting antiviral agents: A scoping review, Aubrey Del Rosario, Jonathan D. Eldredge, Sara Doorley, Shiraz I. Mishra, Denece Kesler, and Kimberly Page
HERN - Health Experience Research Network, Lisa M. Acuff and Allison B. Cruise
Heterogeneity of Mild to Moderate Persistent Asthma in Children: Confirmation by Latent Class Analysis and Association with 1-Year Outcomes, Anne M. Fitzpatrick, Leonard B. Bacharier, Daniel J. Jackson, Stanley J. Szefler, Avraham Beigelman, Michael Cabana, Ronina Covar, Theresa Guilbert, Fernando Holguin, Robert F. Lemanske, Fernando D. Martinez, Wayne Morgan, Wanda Phipatanakul, Jacqueline A. Pongracic, Hengameh H. Raissy, Robert S. Zeiger, and David T. Mauger
Heterogeneously Integrated Photonic Modulators and High-Volume Manufacturing of Related Technologies, Nicholas Adam Boynton
Hierarchy And Equality In Three Latin American Peasant Communities., Luis Fernando Cruz-Sandoval
Hierarchy disruptors: bringing specialist knowledge from hospital to community care, Lynn Eaton
High Altitude Exposures and Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction, Zachary J. McKenna
Highly Accurate Chip-Based Resequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Samples, Kendall Hoff, Xun Ding, Lucas Carter, John Duque, Ju-Yu Lin, Samantha Dung, Priyanka Singh, Jiayi Sun, Filip Crnogorac, Radha Swaminathan, Emily N. Alden, Xuechen Zhu, Ryota Shimada, Marijan Posavi, Noah Hull, Darrell L. Dinwiddie, Adam M. Halasz, Glenn McGall, Wei Zhou, and Jeremy S. Edwards
High-resolution Fiber Imaging for Pulsed Power Experiments, Karin Wikander Fulford
High School Dropouts And The Theory Of Economic Incentive., Janie M. Burchart
Historia de las Teorías Neutrosóficas y sus Aplicaciones (actualizado), Florentin Smarandache
Historical Aspects Of The Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial Association., Terry Lee Carroll
History of External Fixation, Thomas A. DeCoster
History of External Fixation, Thomas A. DeCoster
Home Page, University of New Mexico - Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center
Hope Springs Eternal: Can Project ECHO Transform Nursing Homes?, Alice Bonner
Horton Complex Stormwater Analysis and Management Plan, Bradley D. Meyer
Hospital Libraries: Past, Present and Future, Deborah J. Rhue
Household Debt and Female Labor-force Participation in India, Abhradeep Karmakar
Housing Program For The City Of Chihuahua, Miguel A. Cheng-Guajardo
How a health center in Puerto Rico met the Zika crisis head-on, Ileana Ponce-Gonzalez
How BoJack Horseman Got Too Real: Audience Engagement and a Critique of Capitalism, Camille Le Pioufle
How Do Dairy Feedlot Size and Land Use Practices Affect Groundwater Quality Over Time? A Preliminary Study in New Mexico, Nancy J. McDuffie
How we can extend the standard deviation notion with neutrosophic interval and quadruple neutrosophic numbers, Victor Christianto, Florentin Smarandache, and Muhammad Aslam
How Would Jesus Watch This? An Investigation into Dance Restrictions in American Protestantism, Rebecca Lynn Huppenthal
HSC Newsroom Archives, University of New Mexico
HSLIC Annual Report FY2021-22, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center
HSLIC Wellness Room, Varina A. Kosovich and Kelleen Maluski
HSSM- MADM Strategy under SVPNS environment, Suman Das, Bimal Shil, and Surapati Pramanik
Humanistic Planning For Pediatric Orthopedic Hospitals, Robert Whitson Biggers
Human Trafficking in Manipur: A Study of Tribal & Nepalese Survivors, Niumai Ajailiu
Hybrid Training: e-learning model in Promotion of Mental Health, M I. Sethi Singh, K S. Meena, Sharmitha Krishnamurthy, Suvarna Agrawal, and Xavier B
Hydrocortisone to Improve Survival without Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, Kristi L. Watterberg, Michele C. Walsh, Lei Li, Sanjay Chawla, Carl T. D'Angio, Ronald N Goldberg, Susan R. Hintz, Matthew M Laughon, Bradley A. Yoder, Kathleen A. Kennedy, Georgia E. McDavid, Conra Backstrom-Lacy, Abhik Das, Margaret M. Crawford, Martin Keszler, Gregory M. Sokol, Brenda B. Poindexter, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Anna Maria Hibbs, William E. Truog, Barbara Schmidt, Myra H. Wyckoff, Amir M. Khan, Meena Garg, Patricia R. Chess, Anne M. Reynolds, Mohannad Moallem, Edward F. Bell, Lauritz R. Meyer, Ravi M. Patel, Krisa P. Van Meurs, C Michael Cotten, Elisabeth C. McGowan, Abbey C. Hines, Stephanie Merhar, Myriam Peralta-Carcelen, Deanne E. Wilson-Costello, Howard W. Kilbride, Sara B. DeMauro, Roy J. Heyne, Ricardo A. Mosquera, Girija Natarajan, Isabell B. Purdy, Jean R. Lowe, Nathalie L. Maitre, Heidi M. Harmon, Laurie A. Hogden, Ira Adams-Chapman, Sarah Winter, William F. Malcolm, Rosemary D. Higgins, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD Neonatal Research Network
Hydrometrocolpos and postaxial polydactyly in a girl newborn: A case report, Morgan L. Day, Crystal C. Avila, and Dawn L. Novak
Hydrometrocolpos and postaxial polydactyly in a girl newborn: A case report, Morgan L. Day, Crystal C. Avila, and Dawn L. Novak
Hyperbolic Cosine Similarity Measure Based MADM-Strategy under the SVNS Environment, Bimal Shil, Rakhal Das, Carlos Granados, Suman Das, and Bipul Das Chowdhury
Hypergamy and Human Capital: An Inquiry into the Indian Marriage and Labor Markets, Soumyajit Chakraborty
Hypersoft Topological Spaces, Sagvan Y. Musa and Baravan A. Asaad
Identification Of Infants At Risk For Potential Developmental Problems Secondary To Stress In Their Mothers., Susanne Bradley Brown
Identification of neuronal injury and survival mRNA pathways after spreading depolarization, Michela Dell'Orco, Lu Li, Jordan Weisend, Nora I. Perrone-Bizzozero, Lee Anna Cunningham, Russel Morton, Andrew P. Carlson, and William Shuttleworth
Identifying Palliative Care Champions to Promote High-Quality Care to Those with Serious Illness, Arif H. Kamal, Brynn Bowman, and Christine S. Ritchie
Identifying subgroups of care providers participating in a telehealth educational intervention: hierarchical cluster analysis of evaluation data, Hesborn Wao, Jason W. Beckstead, Jeffrey Beal, Marilyn Aluoch, Theresa C. Skipper, and Joanne J. Orrick
Identify the Qualifications, Major Duties, Responsibilities and Expected Outcomes for the Chief Experience Officer among Health Care Systems in the United States, Kathleen D. Davis
"I Give You Back": Memory, Language, And Transformation In Joy Harjo'S Poetry, Janice May Gould
Igneous Geology Of The Rio Puerco Necks, Sandoval And Valencia Counties, New Mexico., William Travis Brown Jr.
Immunodeficiency and bone marrow failure with mosaic and germline TLR8 gain of function, Jahnavi Aluri, Alicia Bach, Saara Kaviany, Luana Chiquetto Paracatu, Maleewan Kitcharoensakkul, Magdalena A. Walkiewicz, Christopher D. Putnam, Marwan Shinawi, Nermina Saucier, Elise M. Rizzi, Michael T. Harmon, Molly P. Keppel, Michelle Ritter, Morgan Similuk, Elaine Kulm, Michael Joyce, Adriana A. de Jesus, Raphaela Goldbach-Mansky, Yi-Shan Lee, Marina Cella, Peggy L. Kendall, Mary C. Dinauer, Jeffrey J. Bednarski, Christina Bemrich-Stolz, Scott W. Canna, Shirley M. Abraham, Matthew M. Demczko, Jonathan Powell, Stacie M. Jones, Amy M. Scurlock, Suk See De Ravin, Jack J. Bleesing, James A. Connelly, V Koneti Rao, Laura G. Schuettpelz, and Megan A. Cooper
Impact Evaluation of Technology Driven Mental Health Capacity Building in Bihar, India, Barikar C. Malathesh, Bhavya K. Bairy, Channaveerachari Naveen Kumar, P Lakshmi Nirisha, Gopi V. Gajera, Praveen Pandey, Narayana Manjunatha, Aurobind Ganesh, Kanika Mehrotra, Binukumar Bhaskarapillai, Durai Murukan Gunasekaran, Sanjeev Arora, Narendra Kumar Sinha, and Suresh Bada Math
Impacto Ambiental de Represas; Curso, Unknown
Impact of a primary care provider tele-mentoring and community health worker intervention on utilization in Medicaid patients with diabetes, Saul Blecker, Emil Lemieux, Margaret M. Paul, Carolyn A. Berry, Matthew F. Bouchonville, Sanjeev Arora, and John Billings
Impact of a Telehealth Program That Delivers Remote Consultation and Longitudinal Mentorship to Community HIV Providers, Brian R. Wood, Kenton T. Unruh, Natalia Martinez-Paz, Mary Annese, Christian B. Ramers, Robert D. Harrington, Shireesha Dhanireddy, Lisa Kimmerly, John D. Scott, and David H. Spach
Impact of a Videoconference Educational Intervention on Physical Restraint and Antipsychotic Use in Nursing Homes: Results From the ECHO-AGE Pilot Study, Stephen E. Gordon, Alyssa B. Dufour, Sara M. Monti, Melissa L P Mattison, Angela G. Catic, Cindy P. Thomas, and Lewis A. Lipsitz
Impact of a videoconferencing educational programme for the management of concurrent disorders on nurses' competency development and clinical practice: protocol for a convergent mixed methods study., Gabrielle Chicoine, José Côté, Jacinthe Pepin, Pierre Pluye, Louise Boyer, Guillaume Fontaine, Geneviève Rouleau, Simon Dubreucq, and Didier Jutras-Aswad
Impact of FDI on Domestic Entrepreneurship: A comparison between South Asia and east Asia, Sahan Srestha
Impact of Multiple Sclerosis Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) on Provider Confidence and Clinical Practice, Kevin N Alschuler, Gary A Stobbe, Deborah P Hertz, Kurt L Johnson, Gloria von Geldern, Annette Wundes, Piper Reynolds, Kent Unruh, and John D Scott
Impact of Project ECHO Models of Medical Tele-Education: a Systematic Review, Ryan K. McBain, Jessica L. Sousa, Adam J. Rose, Sangita M. Baxi, Laura J. Faherty, Caroline Taplin, Andre Chappel, and Shira H. Fischer
Impact of training primary care physicians in behavioral counseling to reduce cardiovascular disease risk factors in Ecuador, Manuel E. Baldeón, Marco Fornasini, Nancy Flores, Philip A. Merriam, Milagros Rosal, Juan C. Zevallos, and Ira Ocken
Imperial Myths, Abject Devotion: Mapping Affect in New Mexican Visual Culture and Discourse, N. C. Lira-Pérez
Implementation and evaluation of a Project ECHO telementoring program for the Namibian HIV workforce, Leonard Bikinesi, Gillian O'Bryan, Clay Roscoe, Tadesse Mekonen, Naemi Shoopala, Assegid T. Mengistu, Soulemane Sawadogo, Simon Agolory, Gram Mutandi, Valerie Garises, Rituparna Pati, Laura Tison, Ledor Igboh, Carla Johnson, Evelyn M. Rodriguez, Tedd Ellerbrock, Heather Menzies, Andrew L. Baughman, Laura Brandt, Norbert Forester, John Scott, Brian Wood, Kenton T. Unruh, Sanjeev Arora, Michelle Iandiorio, Summers Kalishman, Sarah Zalud-Cerrato, Jutta Lehmer, Stephen Lee, Mohammed A. Mahdi, Samantha Spedoske, Alexandra Zuber, Brigg Reilley, Christian B. Ramers, Ndapewa Hamunime, Gabrielle O'Malley, and Bruce Struminger
Implementation of a telementoring model of medical education in psoriasis, Luis D. Mazzuoccolo, Sebastián Marciano, and Cristina M. Echeverria
Implementation of Liver Cancer Education Among Health Care Providers and Community Coalitions in the Cherokee Nation, Behnoosh Momin, Jorge Mera, Whitney Essex, David Gahn, Margie Burkhart, Danielle Nielsen, Jennifer Mezzo, and Alexander J Millman
Implementation of Pharmacy Access to Hormonal Contraception, Lindsay E. Dale
Implementation of telementoring for pain management in Veterans Health Administration: Spatial analysis, Evan P. Carey, Joseph W. Frank, Robert D. Kerns, P Michael Ho, and Susan R. Kirsh
Implementation of the ECHO telementoring model for the treatment of patients with hepatitis C, Sebastián Marciano, Leila Haddad, Fernando Plazzotta, Ezequiel Mauro, Sergio Terraza, Sanjeev Arora, Karla Thornton, Beatriz Ríos, Carlos García Dans, Natalia Ratusnu, Liliana Calanni, José Allevato, María Ester Sirotinsky, Marcos Pedrosa, and Adrián Gadano
Implementation of the first department of Veterans Affairs specialty care access network-extension of community healthcare outcomes (SCAN-ECHO) program for chronic liver disease, Grace L. Su, Heather McCurdy, Andrew W. Tai, Katy R. Nustad, Stephanie E. Moser, Anne E. Sales, and Richard H. Moseley
Implementation of the first Project ECHO Superhub in Australia, Perrin Moss, Phil Nixon, and Dana Newcomb
Implementation of the hub and spoke model for opioid use disorders in California: Rationale, design and anticipated impact., Gloria M. Miele, Lauren Caton, Thomas E. Freese, Mark McGovern, Kendall Darfler, Valerie Pearce Antonini, Marlies Perez, and Richard Rawson
Implementing a quality improvement project to decrease the overuse of high flownasal canula in children with bronchiolitis, Hannah Johnson, Joy-Marie Brusenback, and Christal Chow
Implementing Evidence-Informed Practices to Make Schools Safer and More Supportive of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Daniel Shattuck, Janie L Hall, Elizabeth Dickson, Amy E Green, and Mary M Ramos
Implementing Project ECHO: Complex care management, using technology to support primary care nurses, Mary L. Blankson, Sarahi Y. Almonte, and Katie Ann Lainas
Implementing Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes for Geriatric Mental Healthcare in Long-Term Care Facilities., Michael J. Hasselberg, Elisa Fisher, Yeates Conwell, David Jacobowitz, and José A. Pagán
Implementing TQM :competing in the nineties through total quality management /, Joseph R. Jablonski
Implications of the modifiable areal unit problem for wildfire analyses, Timothy P. Nagle-McNaughton, Xi Gong, and Jose A. Constantine
Importance and difficulty with valued life activities for people with systemic sclerosis, Janet L. Poole, Kristin Forno, Ashley Prokopiak, and Betty Skipper
Importance of Sources using the Repeated Fusion Method and the Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rules #5 and #6, Florentin Smarandache and Jean Dezert
I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service: Under the Surface of Resilience Narratives, Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski, Kelleen Maluski, and Varina A. Kosovich
Improved Definition of NonStandard Neutrosophic Logic and Introduction to Neutrosophic Hyperreals (Fifth version, Florentin Smarandache
Improved glycemic control in veterans with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus using a Specialty Care Access Network-Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model at primary care clinics, Sharon A. Watts, Laura Roush, Mary Julius, and Ajay Sood
Improvement in behavioral health symptoms and functioning among rural patients cared for by primary care teams using the extension for community health care outcomes model, Miriam Komaromy, Erin Fanning Madden, Brant Hager, Fares Qeadan, Venice Ceballos, Dan Duhigg, Tina Carlson, and Sanjeev Arora
Improving Accuracy of Total Hip Arthroplasty Templating Considering Difffferences in Magnifification of Preoperative X-rays, Ryan J. Lubbe, Robert Mercer, Apostolos Dimitroulias, and Benjamin J. Hansen
Improving Accuracy of Total Hip ArthroplastyTemplating Considering Difffferences inMagnifification of Preoperative X-rays, Ryan J. Lubbe, Robert Mercer, Apostolos Dimitroulias, and Benjamin J. Hansen
Improving caregivers experience: enhancing end-of-life care for residents, Christine Boomer and Margaret Ross
Improving Comprehensive Cancer Control State Plans for Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Four Corners Region of the United States, Joseph Rodman, Shiraz I. Mishra, and Prajakta Adsul
Improving Inpatient Care for Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease Using the Project ECHO Model, Rosalyn W. Stewart, Lauren N. Whiteman, John J. Strouse, C Patrick Carroll, and Sophie Lanzkron
Improving Outcomes with Clinical Decision Support, Jerome A. Osheroff, Jonathan M. Teich, Donald Levick, Luis Saldana, Ferdinand T. Velasco, Dean F. Sittig, Kendall M. Rogers, and Robert A. Jenders
Improving Pain Care with Project ECHO in Community Health Centers, Daren Anderson, Ianita Zlateva, Bennet Davis, Lauren Bifulco, Tierney Giannotti, Emil Coman, and Douglas Spegman
Improving Pediatrician’s Behavioral Health Competencies Through the Project ECHO Teleconsultation Model, Cody A. Hostutler, Jahnavi Valleru, Heather M. Maciejewski, and Ujjwal P. Ramtekkar
Improving photosynthetic efficiency in microalgae through the genetic engineering of energy sensors and photoreceptors, Taylor L. Britton
Improving Preventive Care for Children With Sickle Cell Anemia: A Quality Improvement Initiative., Michael D. Cabana, Anne Marsh, Marsha J. Treadwell, Peggy Stemmler, Michael Rowland, M A. Bender, Neha Bhasin, Jong H. Chung, Kathryn Hassell, N F Nik Abdul Rashid, Trisha E. Wong, and Naomi S. Bardach
Improving quality of intrapartum care In Zambia by expanding on Helping Babies Survive (HBS) and Helping Mothers Survive (HMS) training using Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), Sarah N. Ngoma, Casey Lowman, Michael K. Visick, and Shannon Limjuco
Improving Sepsis Outcomes in Hospitalized Children Within a Safety Net Hospital: A Quality Improvement Project, Anna Duran, Anjali Subbaswamy, Rachel Tuuri, Sandra Beauman, and Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez
Improving surgical quality in low-income and middle-income countries: why do some health facilities perform better than others?, Shehnaz Alidina, Pritha Chatterjee, Noor Zanial, Sakshie Sanjay Alreja, Rebecca Balira, David Barash, Edwin Ernest, Geofrey Charles Giiti, Erastus Maina, Adelina Mazhiqi, Rahma Mushi, Cheri Reynolds, Meaghan Sydlowski, Florian Tinuga, Sarah Maongezi, John G. Meara, Ntuli A. Kapologwe, Erin Barringer, Monica Cainer, Isabelle Citron, Amanda DiMeo, Laura Fitzgerald, Hiba Ghandour, Magdalena Gruendl, Augustino Hellar, Desmond T. Jumbam, Adam Katoto, Lauren Kelly, Steve Kisakye, Salome Kuchukhidze, Tenzing N. Lama, Gopal Menon, Stella Mshana, Chase Reynolds, Hannington Segirinya, Dorcas Simba, Victoria Smith, Steven J. Staffa, Christopher Strader, Leopold Tibyehabwa, Alena Troxel, John Varallo, Taylor Wurdeman, and David Zurakowski
Improving the Delivery of Musculoskeletal Education in Primary Care Using the Innovative Echo (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) Technology, Katharine Spalding, Ian Ryans, and Neil Heron
Improving Transitions to Postacute Care for Elderly Patients Using a Novel Video-Conferencing Program: ECHO-Care Transitions, Amber B. Moore, J Elyse Krupp, Alyssa B. Dufour, Mousumi Sircar, Thomas G. Travison, Alan Abrams, Grace Farris, Melissa L P Mattison, and Lewis A. Lipsitz
Incidence rate and time to serious adverse events among rifampicin resistant tuberculosis patients in Georgia treated with new and repurposed anti-tuberculosis drugs, 2016-2018, Marina Buziashvili, Hayk Davtyan, Yuliia Sereda, Olga Denisiuk, Ogtay Gozalov, Nino Lomtadze, and Arax Hovhannesyan
Incorporating In-situ Monitoring to Detect Anomalies in Additively Manufactured Kovar Steel on a Layer-to-Layer Basis, Matthew Aragon
Incorporating of telementoring (Project ECHO) into practice: efficacy of point-of-service testing – breast cancer (ePOST-BC), Lauren Elizabeth Nye, Anne O'Dea, Priyanka Sharma, Eve-Lynn Nelson, Traci McCarty, Karla Van Goethem, Eric Rush, Katie Nelson, Hope Krebill, Leigh Boehmer, Jennifer R. Klemp, and Masonic Cancer Alliance
Increasing community-level social support for physical activity in the rural Southwestern United States, Julia Meredith Hess and Sally M. Davis
Increasing the Number of Underrepresented Minority Behavioral Health Researchers Partnering With Underresourced Communities: Lessons Learned From a Pilot Research Project Program, Theresa H. Cruz, Matthew E. Borrego, and Janet Page-Reeves
In Defense of Native American Studies after a Post-Trump Wake-Up Call, Wendy S. Greyeyes
Indian Claims Caucus, LaDonna Harris
Indians and the Environmental Protection Agency, LaDonna Harris and Maggie Gover
Indians, The Energy Research and Development Administration: A look at common interests and concerns., LaDonna Harris and Maggie Gover
Indian Tribes as Developing Nations, Americans for Indian Opportunity (AIO)
India’s FDI to Nepal: Analysis of Trajectory, Nature, Causes, Outcomes, Dasgupta Nandita
Indigenous Cryptocurrencies and the Future of Tribal Economies, Milton Bluehouse Jr.
Indigenous Data Sovereignty and the Open Access Movement, Stephanie R. Carroll, Debra MacKenzie, Jonathan M. Pringle, and Alexis Ellsworth-Kopkowski
Indigenous Wisdom, Storytelling, and Language Renewal ᎠᏂᏰᎪᎩ, ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ ᎠᎧᏙᎥᎯᏍᏗ ᎤᏂᎭ, ᎠᏤᎯᏐᏗᏱ ᎦᏬᏂᎯᏍᏗ, Arlo Starr
Individual differences in the effects of the ACTION-PAC intervention: an application of personalized medicine in the prevention and treatment of obesity, Alena Kuhlemeier, Thomas Jaki, Elizabeth Yakes Jimenez, Alberta S. Kong, Hope Gill, Chi Chang, Ken Resnicow, Dawn K. Wilson, and M Lee Van Horn
Individually Adapted Program Flyer, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Individually Adapted Program Video, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Pandemics, and Hollywood-Hope and Fear Across a Century of Cinema, Walter N. Dehority
Influence of Methodological Expertise on Assessment of Systematic Review Searches using PRISMA and AMSTAR, Melissa L. Rethlefsen and Shelley de Kock
Influenza Immunization of Adults During Outpatient Pediatric Visits, Aakriti Mishra and Walter N. Dehority
Inhibiting Surface Flashover in Vacuum with High Gradient Insulators, Cameron Harjes
In-Hospital Postoperative Mortality Rates for Selected Procedures in Tanzania's Lake Zone., Taylor Wurdeman, Christopher Strader, Shehnaz Alidina, David Barash, Isabelle Citron, Ntuli Kapologwe, Erastus Maina, Fabian Massaga, Adelina Mazhiqi, John G. Meara, Gopal Menon, Cheri Reynolds, Meaghan Sydlowski, John Varallo, Sarah Maongezi, and Mpoki Ulisubisya
Initial description and evaluation of EDS ECHO: An international effort to improve care for people with the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders, Jane R. Schubart, Rebecca Bascom, Clair A. Francomano, Lara Bloom, and Alan J. Hakim
Initial Laparotomy Versus Peritoneal Drainage in Extremely Low Birthweight Infants With Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis or Isolated Intestinal Perforation: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial, Martin L Blakely, Jon E Tyson, Kevin P Lally, Susan R Hintz, Barry Eggleston, David K Stevenson, Gail E Besner, Abhik Das, Robin K Ohls, William E Truog, Leif D Nelin, Brenda B Poindexter, Claudia Pedroza, Michele C Walsh, Barbara J Stoll, Rachel Geller, Kathleen A Kennedy, Reed A Dimmitt, Waldemar A Carlo, C Michael Cotten, Abbot R Laptook, Krisa P Van Meurs, Kara L Calkins, Gregory M Sokol, Pablo J Sanchez, Myra H Wyckoff, Ravi M Patel, Ivan D Frantz, Seetha Shankaran, Carl T D'Angio, Bradley A Yoder, Edward F Bell, Kristi L Watterberg, Colin A Martin, Carroll M Harmon, Henry Rice, Arlet G Kurkchubasche, Karl Sylvester, James C Y Dunn, Troy A Markel, Diana L Diesen, Amina M Bhatia, Alan Flake, Walter J Chwals, Rebeccah Brown, Kathryn D Bass, Shawn D St Peter, Christina M Shanti, Walter Pegoli, David Skarda, Joel Shilyansky, David G Lemon, Ricardo A Mosquera, Myriam Peralta-Carcelen, Ricki F Goldstein, Betty R Vohr, Isabell B Purdy, Abbey C Hines, Nathalie L Maitre, Roy J Heyne, Sara B DeMauro, Elisabeth C McGowan, Kimberly Yolton, Howard W Kilbride, Girija Natarajan, Kelley Yost, Sarah Winter, Tarah T Colaizy, Matthew M Laughon, Satyanarayana Lakshminrusimha, and Rosemary D Higgins
Injuries in food growers: Are there gender differences?, Patricia Siegel and Marcy Rinaldi
Innovadores Guaymíes: Un estudio de caso de emprendedores en una sociedad de menor complejidad socioeconómica., Milton R.A. Machuca-Gálvez PhD, MLIS and John R. Bort PhD
Innovating Care of Addictions in Low-Resource Settings, Abhijit Nadkarni and Urvita Bhatia
Innovations at the interface of primary and specialty care: University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center initiatives, Shana F. Sandberg, Scott A. Shipman, and Clese E. Erikson
Innovations in Diabetes Care for a Better “New Normal” Beyond COVID-19, Shivani Agarwal, Michelle L. Griffith, Elizabeth J. Murphy, Carol Greenlee, Jeffrey Boord, and Robert A. Gabbay
Innovative COVID-19 Programs to Rapidly Serve New Mexico: Project ECHO, Joanna G. Katzman, Laura E. Tomedi, Karla Thornton, Paige Menking, Michael Stanton, Nestor Sosa, Michelle Harkins, Neil Katzman, Jinyang Liu, Gaelyn RD Archer, and Sanjeev Arora
Innovative participatory bilingual data analysis with Latinx/@ immigrants: Language, power, and transformation, Julia Meredith Hess, Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Alexandra Hernandez-Vallant, Alexis J. Handal, Kimberly Huyser, Margarita Galvis, Dulce Medina, Norma Casas, Mario Javier Chavez, Annette Carreon Fuentes, and Jessica R. Goodkind
Innovative telementoring for addiction management for remote primary care physicians: A feasibility study, Mallikarjun Rao Sagi, G Aurobind, Prabhat Chand, A Ashfak, C Karthick, N Kubenthiran, Pratima Murthy, Miriam Komaromy, and Sanjeev Arora
Innovative telementoring for pain management: project ECHO pain, Joanna G. Katzman, George Comerci Jr., Jeannie F. Boyle, Daniel Duhigg, Brian Shelley, Cynthia Olivas, Benson Daitz, Christie Carroll, Dara Som, Rebecca Monette, Summers Kalishman, and Sanjeev Arora
Innovative Use of mHealth and Clinical Technology for Oncology Clinical Trials in Africa, Miriam Mutebi, Rohini Bhatia, Omolola Salako, Fidel Rubagumya, Surbhi Grover, and Nazik Hammad
Innovative virtual mentoring using the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes model for primary care providers for the management of alcohol use disorders., Jayant Mahadevan, Lekhansh Shukla, Prabhat Kumar Chand, Miriam Komaromy, Pratima Murthy, and Sanjeev Arora
Inoculum potential of Pinus edulis-associated ectomycorrhizal fungi across a forest extirpation chronosequence, Annie M. Montes
Inpatient Care Utilization and Epidemiology of Hirschsprung Disease: Analysis of the National Inpatient Sample, Rajmohan Dharmaraj, Jessica Reno, Jacqueline Fridge, Lena Perger, and Yiliang Zhu
Instameet/Clean Up in Silver City’s Big Ditch Park, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Institutionalizing the Public Policy and Management Education in Nepal with Multiple Strategies: The Vehicle for State and Societal Transformation, Purna B. Nepali
Institutionalizing the Public Policy and Management Education in Nepal with Multiple Strategies: The Vehicle for State and Societal Transformation, Purna B. Nepali
In Sync!® Support Group Leader Program, Andrea Merriam
Integrated Models of Care for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder: How Do We Prevent HIV and HCV?, Katherine M Rich, Joshua Bia, Frederick L Altice, and Judith Feinberg
Integrating quality improvement into the ECHO model to improve care for children and youth with epilepsy, Sucheta Joshi, Kari Gali, Linda Radecki, Amy Shah, Sarah Hueneke, Trisha Calabrese, Alexis Katzenbach, Ramesh Sachdeva, Lawrence Brown, Eve Kimball, Patience White, Peggy McManus, David Wood, Eve-Lynn Nelson, and Pattie Archuleta
Integrating the Lived Experience Conditions and Care in the ECHO Model., Tracy Greever-Rice, Lea Brandt, Melissa Warne-Griggs, and Kimberly Hoffman
Integrating Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions, Amy M Yule and John F Kelly
Integration of Primary Care and Behavioral Health, Sara Haack, Jennifer M. Erickson, and Matthew Iles-Shih
Integration of Scientific Information Management and Environmental Research, Susan G. Stafford, James W. Brunt, and William K. Michener
Intelligent Internet of Things Frameworks for Smart City Safety, Dimitrios Sikeridis
Intelligent Networks for High Performance Computing, William Whitney Schonbein
Interactions Between Autophagy, Herpesvirus and Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease, Amir Nafchi, Mohammad Anani, Tudor Oprea, Ben Readhead, and Elaine Bearer
Interactive Case-based Postgraduate Medical Education with Bone Health TeleECHO, E Michael Lewiecki, Rachelle Rochelle, Matthew F. Bouchonville II, David H. Chafey, Thomas P. Olenginski, and Sanjeev Arora
Interdisciplinary Transgender Veteran Care: Development of a Core Curriculum for VHA Providers, Jillian C. Shipherd, Michael R. Kauth, Anthony F. Firek, Ranya Garcia, Susan Mejia, Sandra Laski, Brent Walden, Sonia Perez-Padilla, Jan A. Lindsay, George Brown, Lisa Roybal, Colton L. Keo-Meier, Herschel Knapp, Laura Johnson, Rebecca L. Reese, and William Byne
Interfacial Interactions of Uranium and HDPE in agricultural soil and their bioacummulation in Mentha arvensis, Casey Miller, Andrew Neidhart, Kendra Hess, Abdul-Mehdi S. Ali, Angelica Benavidez, Michael Spilde, Laura Green, José M. Cerrato, Jorge Gonzalez Estrella, and Eliane El Hayek
International Walk to School in the USA Day, University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center
Interval Neutrosophic Logic, Haibin Wang, Florentin Smarandache, Yan-Qing Zhang, and Rajshekhar Sunderraman
Interval Neutrosophic Rough Set, Said Broumi and Florentin Smarandache
Interval quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Sets, Surapati Pramanik
Interval-Type Fuzzy Linear Fractional Programming Problem in Neutrosophic Environment: A Fuzzy Mathematical Programming Approach, Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa and Pavan Kumar
Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Hypersoft Sets and Their Algorithmic Approach in Multi-criteria Decision Making, Somen Debnath
Interval-valued intuitionistic neutrosophic hypersoft TOPSIS method based on correlation coefficient, A. Bobin and V. Chinnadurai
Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Oversets, Neutrosophic Undersets, and Neutrosophic Offsets, Florentin Smarandache
Interview of Tristian Soiles, Gabriel E. Gonzales
Interview with Daniel Gavin discussing health, fitness, and his routine, Isaac Reichsfeld and Daniel L. Gavin
Interview with Jay Chavez about Jay Chavez, Tamara M. Motley
Interview with Tamara Motley about Tamara Motley, Jay Chavez
Intolerable Histories and Imperfect Narratives: Nationhood, Identity, and the Integrity of Law in Post-Vichy France and Beyond, Kaela S. Holmen
Into the Neotropics: Perspectives on the evolution of Neotropical Myotis, Carlos Alberto Carrion Mr
Intracavity Phase Interferometry Based Fiber Sensors, Luke Jameson Horstman
Intra-hour solar forecasting using cloud dynamics features extracted from ground-based infrared sky images, Guillermo Terrén-Serrano
Intrinsic Curvature For Schemes, Pat Lank
Introducing the Self-Cleaning FiLtrAtion for Water quaLity SenSors (SC-FLAWLeSS) system, Aashish Sanjay Khandelwal
Introduction: The Firewater Myth: North American Indian drinking and alcohol addiction By Joy Leland, LaDonna Harris
Introduction to Nahuatl: The Language of the Aztecs, Abelardo de la Cruz
Introduction to Neutrosophic Restricted SuperHyperGraphs and Neutrosophic Restricted SuperHyperTrees and several of their properties, Masoud Ghods, Zahra Rostami, and Florentin Smarandache
Introduction to SuperHyperAlgebra and Neutrosophic SuperHyperAlgebra, Florentin Smarandache
Introduction to the Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration, Zoe Mailloux, L Diane Parham, Susanne Smith Roley, Laura Ruzzano, and Roseann C Schaaf
Introduction to the IndetermSoft Set and IndetermHyperSoft Set, Florentin Smarandache
Introduction to the n-SuperHyperGraph - the most general form of graph today, Florentin Smarandache
Intro to Evaluating Resources, Kelleen Maluski
Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Set, Said Broumi and Florentin Smarandache
Intuitionistic Neutrosophic Soft Set over Rings, Florentin Smarandache, Said Broumi, and Pabitra Kumar Maji
Intuitionistic Plithogenic graph and it’s-cut for knowledge processing tasks, Prem Kumar Singh
Investigating intestinal permeability and gut microbiota roles in acute coronary syndrome patients, Tarik Alhmoud, Anand Kumar, Chien-Chi Lo, Rana Al-Sadi, Stacey Clegg, Ihab Alomari, Tarek Zmeili, Cheryl Diane Gleasne, Kim Mcmurry, Armand Earl Ko Dichosa, Momchilo Vuyisich, Patrick Sam Guy Chain, Shiraz Mishra, and Thomas Ma
Investigating Poly (1,2-butylene fumarate) Biopolymer for Applications in Bone Tissue Engineering, Jasmine Jackson
Investigating the Impact of Skin to Skin Care on Preterm Infant Heart Rate Variability, Erin Swieter, Julia Stephen, Jessie R. Maxwell, and Kristi Watterberg
Investigation of iron homeostasis in colon tumorigenesis, Hyeoncheol Kim Ph.D.
Investigation Of Propagation Of Light Through Gases And Air Structures Treated As Wave Guides., Richard W. Christiansen
Irresolute and its Contra Functions in Generalized Neutrosophic Topological Spaces, Santhi P, Yuvarani A, and Vijaya S
Irrigation Forbearance in the Middle Rio Grande: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Investments, Trevor Birt
Isopathic Graphs and Airport Graphs, Kim T. Rawlinson
Is response guided therapy dead? Low cure rates in patients with detectable hepatitis C virus at week 4 of treatment, Karla Thornton, Paulina Deming, Richard A Manch, Ann Moore, Anita Kohli, Robert Gish, Norman L. Sussman, Saira Khaderi, John Scott, Jorge Mera, Terry Box, Clifford Qualls, Miranda Sedillo, and Sanjeev Arora
Issue in Equity for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Complex Support Needs: A Comparative Analysis of District-Level Student Data, Rosalia Pacheco
Is the Court of Indian Offenses of Ute Mountain Ute Agency a Federal Agency for Purposes of the Fifth Amendment’s Double Jeopardy Clause?, Barbara L. Creel
It's Natural, We Have No Choice: Practical Steps for Menstrual Equity in the Library, Varina Kosovich and Sally Bowler-Hill
I-Valued Neutrosophic AHP:An Application To Assess Airline Service Quality After Covid-19 Pandemy, Kenan Tas, Aysegul Tas, and Feride Bahar Isin
I Wish You Were Here: An Autoethnographic Study on a Story of Grief and the Role of Psychological Capital, Christina Albright
Jaiden Shaw's Oral History, John FreelyKirk and Jaiden Shaw
James's Pragmatism: The Possibility For Meaning, Virginia Bergin Cravens
Jesus Woodlą́ą́jí Sin: Sounding a Self-Determined Navajo Christian Church, Renata Yazzie
Joan Friedland Oral History Video Interview, Diane Pinkey and Joan Friedland
Joining of Candidate Materials for Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors, Brandon M. Bohanon
Join With Me, Won't You? Civic Engagement, COVID-19, and the Millennial Generation of Law Professors, Joseph A. Schremmer
Journey Down A Road Less Traveled : My Life and Career on Two Continents, Robert (Reg) Strickland
Judicial Philosophy 2022: Ethics & Professionalism in Appellate Decision-Making, Verónica Gonzales-Zamora
Julio Cortazar, Clarice Lispector e a nova narrativa Latino-americana, Teresinha Alves Pereira Martins
Juntas de Saneamiento in the Struggle for Water: The Catholic Church, The Peace Corps, and The World Bank-IDB in Rural Paraguay, Joseph Garcia
Keeping your cool: thermoregulatory performance and plasticity in desert cricetid rodents, Richard W. Ramirez, Eric A. Riddell, Steven R. Beissinger, and Blair W. Wolf
Kelleen Maluski's Community of Online Research Assignments Site, Kelleen Maluski
Key Elements on the Pathway to HCV Elimination: Lessons Learned From the AASLD HCV Special Interest Group 2020, Jordan J. Feld and John W. Ward
Keynote Address Delivered to the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of Native American Studies at the University of New Mexico: A Personal History of Native American Studies, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Key strategies for improving transitions of care collaboration: lessons from the ECHO-care transitions program, Lauren Junge-Maughan, Amber Moore, and Lewis Lipsitz
Knee Mechanics in the Golf Swing and the Potential Risk for Injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Other Structures: A Review, Jessica A. Nelson, Richard M. Wardell, Dustin L. Richter, and Robert C. Schenck
Knee Mechanics in the Golf Swing and the Potential Risk for Injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Other Structures: A Review, Jessica A. Nelson, Richard M. Wardell, Dustin L. Richter, and Robert C. Schenck
Knowledge networks for treating complex diseases in remote, rural, and underserved communities, Anne McKee and Michael Eraut
Knowles' neoplastic hematopathology, Attilio Orazi, Kathryn Foucar, Daniel Knowles, and Lawrence M. Weiss
KOB interviews Joshua Kastenberg: Business leaders react to Supreme Court blocking vaccine mandate, Joshua E. Kastenberg and Chase Golightly
Laboratory Diagnosis Of Genital Infections Associated With Chlamydia Trachomatis: Cell Culture And Serological Methods, Linda L. Cole
Labor Market Implications on the Uptake of the Earned Income Tax Credit in New Mexico post Great Recession: 2008-2015, James Kaminsky
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Acequia Resolanas: Mutuality, Social Praxis and the New Mexico Acequia Movement in the New Millennia, David F. Garcia
La Canoa Legacy Talks - A Lie Halfway Around the World: The Carl Taylor Murder Case, A. Gabriel Meléndez
La Canoa Legacy Talks - At the Intersection of Cultural Heritage and Climate Change: A Call to Action, Theresa Cárdenas
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Environmental Policies, Planning, and Cultural Connections of Nuevo México, Rangel Valerie
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Giving Baque: On Hemispheric Indigeneities and the Southern Border of New Mexico, Gregorio Gonzales
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Los Hermanos Mayo: Photographing Emigration, John Mraz
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Mulattos of Cochiti: Caste in Spanish New Mexico, Rob Martinez
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Nina Otero-Warren: New Mexican 20th Century Mujerota, Anna Nogar
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Past, Present, and Future: Mujeres Valerosas and the Hispanic Women’s Council, Carmen Samora and Vangie Samora
La Canoa Legacy Talks - Patriots from the Barrio, Dave Gutierrez
La Canoa Legacy Talks - The Meaning of Place: Stories of Resilience, Theodore Jojola
La Canoa Legacy Talks - The Nuclear Option: Perpetuating the Myth of New Mexico as Wasteland, Myrriah Gómez
La Canoa Legacy Talks - The Power and Place of the Apachería in Colonial New Mexico, Daniel Webb
La Canoa Legacy Talks - The Women of Local 890 and the Empire Mine Strike, Michelle Hall Kells
La clínica : a doctor's journey across borders, David P. Sklar
La Llorona in Nuevomexicana Poetic Narratives: Reflections on Writing and Memory, Sutherland Jaramillo
Land Rich, Cash Poor: Hispanic Subsistence Agri-Culture on Acequia Farms of Northern New Mexico, 1880-1950s, José A. Rivera Ph.D.
Landslide Associated to Unplanned Road Construction – An Inevitable Problem in Nepal, Bhandari Medani
Latching Permanent Magnet Electro-Mechanical Heat Switch for Cryogenic Applications, Stephen Thomas Boyd, Felix Till Jaeckel, Linh Nhat Le, and Kyle William Martin
Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory: LatCrit Theory, Praxis and Community, Marc-Tizoc Gonzaléz, Sarudzayi Matambanadzo, and Sheila I. Vélez Martínez
Latinx/@ immigrant inclusion trajectories: Individual agency, structural constraints, and the role of community-based organizations in immigrant mobilities., Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Julia Meredith Hess, Norma Casas, Dulce Medina, Margarita Galvis, Diana Anahi Torres, Alexis J. Handal, Annette Carreon-Fuentes, Alexandra Hernandez-Vallant, Mario J. Chavez, Felipe Rodriguez, and Jessica R. Goodkind
Learning How to Care for Grandma and Grandpa, Rachel Hart
Learn Intestinal Failure Tele-ECHO Project: An innovative online telementoring and case-based learning clinic, Marion F. Winkler, Kelly A. Tappenden, Michelle Spangenburg, and Kishore Iyer
Legal Benefits of Homeownership, Nino C. Monea
Legal status and trends in statutory status of public school teachers in the United States, Amy Jeannette Daniel
Le Monde De Madame De Girardin Vu A Travers Les Lettres Parisiennes., Janina M. Cikotas
Lessons learned with Bone Health TeleECHO: making treatment decisions when guidelines conflict, M S Rothman, T P Olenginski, I Stanciu, K Krohn, and E M Lewiecki
Leveraging Behavioral Health Expertise: Practices and Potential of the Project ECHO Approach to Virtually Integrating Care in Underserved Areas, Brant Hager, Michael Hasselberg, Eric Arzubi, Jonathan Betlinski, Mark Duncan, Jennifer Richman, and Lori E Raney
Leveraging Community Health Worker Program to Improve Healthcare Access for Sickle Cell Disease in Georgia, Jeanette H. Nu'Man and Milford W. Greene
Leveraging Local Expertise to Improve Rural Cancer Care Outcomes Using Project ECHO: A Response to Levit et al, Sanjeev Arora and Emily L. Byers
Leveraging Scarce Resources With Bone Health TeleECHO to Improve the Care of Osteoporosis, E Michael Lewiecki, Rachelle Rochelle, Matthew F. Bouchonville, David H. Chafey, Thomas P. Olenginski, and Sanjeev Arora
Leveraging Technology for Nation-Wide Training of Healthcare Professionals in Cancer Screening in India: a Methods Article, Roshani Babu, Kavitha Dhanasekaran, Ravi Mehrotra, and Roopa Hariprasad
Leveraging Telehealth to Improve Health Care Access in Rural America: It Takes More Than Bandwidth, Bruce Baird Struminger and Sanjeev Arora
LGU-Combined-Consciousness State Model, Shazia Rana, Muhammad Saeed, and Florentin Smarandache
Liberal Socialism: Path Forward to Reset the Global Economy after the Covid-19 Pandemic, Man Bahadur Bishwakarma
Liberal Socialism: Path Forward to Reset the Global Economy after the Covid-19 Pandemic, Man Bahadur Bishwakarma
Library/Software/Data Carpentries, Lori Sloane
Lie-Algebra of Single-Valued Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic Set, Suman Das, Rakhal Das, Bimal Shil, and Binod Chandra Tripathy
Life unscripted : using improv principles to get unstuck, boost confidence, and transform your life, Jeff Katzman and Dan O'Connor
Limitations of Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Death or Disability Following Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in the Late Hypothermia Trial, Abbot R. Laptook, Seetha Shankaran, Patrick Barnes, Nancy Rollins, Barbara T. Do, Nehal A. Parikh, Shannon Hamrick, Susan R. Hintz, Jon E. Tyson, Edward F. Bell, Namasivayam Ambalavanan, Ronald N. Goldberg, Athina Pappas, Carolyn Huitema, Claudia Pedroza, Aasma S. Chaudhary, Angelita M. Hensman, Abhik Das, Myra Wyckoff, Amir Khan, Michelle C. Walsh, Kristi L. Watterberg, Roger Faix, William Truog, Ronnie Guillet, Gregory M. Sokol, Brenda B. Poindexter, Rosemary D. Higgins, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network
Limiting Potentially Inappropriate Medications in Long-Term Care, Clare M. Ironside
Little Epics: More Lively and Choleric, Nancy Conrad Martinez
Live imaging of brain network dynamics in an acute threat response by MEMRI: Effects of early life adversity on noradrenergic system anatomy, Taylor W. Uselman, Russell E. Jacobs, and Elaine L. Bearer
Living Between the Lines: How Japanese Crafts Taught Frank Lloyd Wright, Adolf Loos, and Eileen Gray to See Modern Domestic Space, Regina Nabil Emmer
Living Museum Environment: A Program For Architectural Design, Terrance J. Cisco
Living Roots: Indigenous Agave and Mezcal Cultures, Marsella Macias
Living the values -respect, integrity, care and imagination: Investing in co-design to pave the way for consumers to be project partners in paediatric health service innovation, Perrin William Moss and Emma Dunlap
LNO Data Access Cedar Creek Site, Long Term Ecological Research Network
LNO Network Sites Data Training Needs, Long Term Ecological Research Network
Location Selection of Low-carbon Logistics Park Based on the Neutrosophic Numbers Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Xinrui Xu, Dexue Deng, and Cun Wei
Long-Term Tributary Adjustments To Base-Level Lowering, Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, Keith Irvin Kelson
Long-term Video Object Detection and Tracking in Collaborative Learning Environments, Sravani Teeparthi