Special Education ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-13-2020


The voices of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are underrepresented in research examining their participation in faith communities. This qualitative case study examined the participation of people with IDD in one intentionally inclusive Christian faith community with a primary focus on the perceptions of faith community members with IDD. This community was unique in its theological stance toward inclusion, and in the steps the community had already taken to be inclusive. I conducted two types of interviews (in-depth individual and Photo-Voice) with people with disabilities who were active in the community and their family members to explore their perceptions of participation and belonging in the faith community. I also conducted in-depth interviews with three of the faith community leaders. I supported interview data with field observations and a document review. I prioritized the voices of people with IDD by using in-vivo coding strategies based on their words and used thematic analysis across data sources. Five primary themes emerged from this analysis including: Leadership, relationships, traditions and routines, hospitality and beliefs with the first three themes focusing on the experiences of people with IDD, and the last two on the community. The implications of this study include suggestions to support authentic participation of people with IDD in faith community settings, implications for research with people with IDD in these settings, and the need for systemic changes in faith community structures or policies to support inclusive practice beyond the tenure of one faith community leader.

Keywords: disability, intellectual and developmental disability, faith community, inclusion, participation, descriptive, case study


disability, intellectual and developmental disability, faith community, inclusion, participation, descriptive, case study

Document Type




Degree Name

Special Education

Level of Degree


Department Name

Special Education

First Committee Member (Chair)

Susan R. Copeland

Second Committee Member

Megan Griffith

Third Committee Member

Julia Scherba De Valenzuela

Fourth Committee Member

Magdalena Avila
