Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Winter 12-14-2020
The objectives of this study were to identify the lactate threshold (LT) and the first ventilatory threshold (VT) during resistance exercise in a discontinuous incremental test, determine if both thresholds were observed at the same relative workload, and to analyze the acute cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses during a separate constant load resistance exercise protocol. Twelve healthy, trained women (n = 6) and men (n = 6) performed a maximal running test on a treadmill followed by three protocols using the hexagonal bar deadlift (HBDL) exercise. The treadmill test was performed to determine maximal oxygen consumption, peak heart rate, and lactate maximum. The HBDL protocols performed included a 1RM to determine maximal strength, an incremental test to identify both thresholds, and a constant load session at the LT intensity to determine if selected physiological parameters demonstrated steady-state responses. The relative intensity of the LT and VT was 31.67 ± 6.15% and 29.71 ± 3.49% 1RM respectively (p = .45). During constant load exercise, no significant difference was observed in blood lactate from set 9 (S9) through S15 (end of exercise) (7.44 ± 2.04 and 8.33 ± 2.05 mmol·L-1, respectively, p = .99), in oxygen consumption from S3 through S15 (25.10 ± 1.60 and 27.73 ± 3.68 ml·kg-1·min-1, respectively, p = 1.00) or in heart rate from S9 through S15 (153.25 ± 13.58 and 159.88 ± 12.61 beats·min-1, respectively, p = .19). There were no statistically significant differences in physiological responses during either the incremental or constant load protocols between women and men, with the exception men had a lower HR during CL. This study demonstrated that using the HBDL exercise, both a lactate and ventilatory threshold can be identified at the same relative workload in trained women and men. Additionally, intensity equivalent to the lactate threshold can be maintained in an intermittent constant load exercise session to elicit steady state responses in blood lactate, oxygen consumption, and heart rate. Implications of these results indicate the HBDL exercise performed at the LT intensity may be effective for improving cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness for men and women.
resistance exercise, lactate threshold, hexagonal bar deadlift, heart rate
Document Type
Degree Name
Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
Level of Degree
Department Name
Health, Exercise, and Sports Sciences
First Committee Member (Chair)
Leonard Kravitz
Second Committee Member
Christine Mermier
Third Committee Member
Fabiano Amorim
Fourth Committee Member
Tony Nunez
Recommended Citation
Frankel, Christopher C. Dr.. "Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Responses to Hexagonal Barbell Deadlift Task Performed at an Intensity Corresponding to the Anaerobic Threshold." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/educ_hess_etds/144