Mechanical Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-12-2020
Heterogeneity in materials leads to increased complication of physics, at the level or scale where heterogeneity exists, making analysis and material behavior predictions more difficult. As a result of the intricate descriptions or understanding of the physics required to determine the behavior of a heterogenous material or system, practitioners frequently prefer the use of effective properties or responses. This body of work is dedicated to performing computational analyses on the thermal behavior of heterogeneous materials and evaluating the corresponding analyses using formal verification approaches. Custom finite element method code was used for solving the heat equation in a variety of two-dimensional heterogeneous systems. Formal verification methods—including the method of manufactured solutions and the grid convergence index—were used to assess code performance and solution veracity. Functional correlations were drawn between properties of heterogeneity and effective thermal responses.
effective properties, thermal analysis, porous media, verification & validation
Degree Name
Mechanical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Mechanical Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Nima Fathi
Second Committee Member
Yu-Lin Shen
Third Committee Member
Patrick J. McDaniel
Fourth Committee Member
Jens Lorenz
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Irick, Kevin W.. "Numerical Evaluation of Effective Thermal Response of Heterogeneous Materials." (2020). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/me_etds/203
Included in
Ceramic Materials Commons, Computational Engineering Commons, Heat Transfer, Combustion Commons