Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 3-31-1970


A program has been designed to train persons in the unified fields of library science and audiovisual education. Upon completion of the program, _participants will be pre­pared to help teachers integrate the numerous print and non­print media so as to achieve the best teaching-learning results. Media fundamentals, administration, learning proces­ses, research, and curriculum are designated as important areas in the training of media specialists. The major goal of the program was to unify and equalize the print and non­print areas in the training of media specialists, thus enabling them to competently administer a combined program at the local, district, regional, or state levels.

To obtain suggestions for the program, questionnaires were circulated to all state library and audiovisual directors in the United States, all New Mexico librarians and audiovisual coordinators, all University of New Mexico stu­dents enrolled in library science and audiovisual education courses, all New Mexico school principals, a sampling of New Mexico teachers, and major college and university library and audiovisual center directors. The program was based upon questionnaire responses, an analysis of the duties and obligations of media specialists at different levels of administration, a functional rationale for media centers and for media specialists, an administrative rationale, and research on media and the learning processes. The partic­ular needs of New Mexico cultural minorities were given special attention.

Although the degree program was designed primarily for New Mexico media personnel, teachers and school adminis­trators would be encouraged to enroll in the courses.

Two programs have been designed: a Master of Educa­tional Media, end a Specialist of Educational Media. The master's program is for those persons interested in adminis­tering combined services in a single school media center, and the specialist's program is for those persons concerned with media at the district, regional, and state levels.

Document Type


Level of Degree


Department Name

Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy

First Committee Member (Chair)

Leroy Condie

Second Committee Member

James Gordon Cooper

Third Committee Member

Henry Carleton Ellis

Fourth Committee Member

Robert Kline
