"Community Performing Arts Centres For Small Cities In New Mexico." by Timothy C. Christensen

Architecture and Planning ETDs

Publication Date



Often in the process of developing a performing arts centre, decisions are made that affect the physical form of the facility before an architect has been selected. The reasons for this vary. The client (or clients) may have definite ideas about the facility and feel that he does not need an architect's help in making a program. Sometimes, the client wants a facility just like the facility in a neighboring community and only needs the architect to make a copy. Often, community "experts" such as the high school drama teacher, or the president of the community concert association, are used to help the client make his program. At any rate, the architect is often faced with the problem of having to design a facility that is already half designed in the mind of a client. It can be said that this is a normal procedure in the building business, and therefore is acceptable. But the commonness of the practice does not make up for the fact that the talent and knowledge of the architect are not being used by the client when important decisions are being made that affect the physical design of the performing arts centre. The thesis will provide a process by which the many decisions that have to be made in the planning stages of the development of the facility can be made in a systematic way. It is written for the use of the client and architect, but actually it can be used by anyone interested in any decision making process. The thesis deals with a relatively fresh and unfamiliar building type in New Mexico. The true benefactors are not the architects and clients around the state, but the public that will use the shiny new facilities. The genuine concern is to supply the public with real quality performing arts centres and the benefits derived from such facilities.



Document Type


Degree Name


Second Degree


Level of Degree


Department Name

School of Architecture and Planning

First Committee Member (Chair)

Michel Louis Roger Pillet

Second Committee Member

William Weismantel

Third Committee Member

Richard Francis Tonigan

Included in

Architecture Commons
