Biology ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-15-2021


Schistosomiasis is a widespread neglected parasitic disease, endemic in 54 countries, for which 290 million people needed treatment in 2018. A major Schistosoma species, Schistosoma mansoni, is sustained via a life cycle that includes both human and snail hosts. Mathematical models of S. mansoni transmission are an integral tool for elucidating the complexities of the transmission cycle, interactions between parasite species and for the estimation of the impact of intervention efforts. We designed both deterministic and stochastic mathematical models to understand the impact of heterogeneity in host and parasite composition on projected infection control. These models indicate the impact of interventions are altered by: parasite fitness as it is modified by snail demography, interactions with trematode species within these snail hosts, seasonal fluctuation in snail host population density, the distribution of schistosomes within human hosts and the differential impact of the primary form of chemoprophylaxis on schistosome life stages.


Schistosomiasis, disease ecology, deterministic, stochastic

Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

Helen Wearing

Second Committee Member

Eric Loker

Third Committee Member

Jennifer Rudgers

Fourth Committee Member

Kimberly Page

Included in

Biology Commons
