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Food-growers recovering from post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2, including chronic fatigue syndrome or post-exertional malaise, can benefit from occupational therapy’s distinct value that allows farmers to overcome barriers and continue in their esteemed profession. It is the primary concern of the occupational therapy practitioner (OTP) to introduce adaptive equipment, compensatory strategies, and energy conservation techniques that minimize the stress and physical exertion required by each farming activity. Emerging research shows that rest may be the more profitable and practical long-term solution when post-exertional malaise is present, and the OTP’s invaluable role provides benefit through maintaining and restoring farming occupations while promoting slow and steady recovery. Included is a link with high-quality, open source assessments for the OTP; a link to helpful adaptive technology and tools for food growing (non-affiliated); and links to the partners of New Mexico AgrAbility Project.


energy conservation, food growers, chronic fatigue


Disclosures: This project is a collaboration with the University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University, National AgrAbility, New Mexico AgrAbility and Mandy’s Farm. The presenters have no financial interest with any assessment, intervention strategies, or products discussed in this poster.
