Can Remittances Finance Clean Energy in Developing Countries? Evidence from a Natural Experiment


Using a natural experiment of a rainfall-driven remittances, we provide experimental measures of how remittances affect rural household’s choice of cylinder gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel over other alternative fuels in southern Bangladesh. We use the instrumental variable probit (IV-Probit) approach considering that household choice of LPG and remittances are jointly related. The treatment of remittances is randomly assigned to households who suffered losses due to a natural shock from the cyclone-Roanu enabling the instrument – exogenous variation in rainfall interacted with cyclone affected migrant household’s distance to the local weather stations – to identify the average treatment effect for the treatment group (cyclone-affected remittances recipient households). We find that an exogenous increase in remittances by 1,000 Taka causes the probability of using LPG to rise by 1%. In terms of percentage change, the implied elasticity shows that a 10% increase in remittances income can raise the probability of using LPG by 2%. We also find the impact of remittances is conditional on household’s health expenditures. Remittances' impact on the households' likelihood of using LPG gets stronger with access to clean water and sanitary toilets. These findings counter some existing case studies and views of many policy makers that economic factors are less significant in promoting cleaner energy for the household. The results of the paper are robust to potential violations of the exclusion restriction, to alternative specifications and instruments, and possible omitted variable bias.

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Dec 4th, 12:00 AM

Can Remittances Finance Clean Energy in Developing Countries? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Using a natural experiment of a rainfall-driven remittances, we provide experimental measures of how remittances affect rural household’s choice of cylinder gas (LPG) as a cooking fuel over other alternative fuels in southern Bangladesh. We use the instrumental variable probit (IV-Probit) approach considering that household choice of LPG and remittances are jointly related. The treatment of remittances is randomly assigned to households who suffered losses due to a natural shock from the cyclone-Roanu enabling the instrument – exogenous variation in rainfall interacted with cyclone affected migrant household’s distance to the local weather stations – to identify the average treatment effect for the treatment group (cyclone-affected remittances recipient households). We find that an exogenous increase in remittances by 1,000 Taka causes the probability of using LPG to rise by 1%. In terms of percentage change, the implied elasticity shows that a 10% increase in remittances income can raise the probability of using LPG by 2%. We also find the impact of remittances is conditional on household’s health expenditures. Remittances' impact on the households' likelihood of using LPG gets stronger with access to clean water and sanitary toilets. These findings counter some existing case studies and views of many policy makers that economic factors are less significant in promoting cleaner energy for the household. The results of the paper are robust to potential violations of the exclusion restriction, to alternative specifications and instruments, and possible omitted variable bias.