Political Science ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 2020


This dissertation examines the mechanisms that set Spanish-language (SL) news media apart from mainstream media, and how they influence political behavior and identity among US Latinos. Specifically, it analyzes (1) the role of content coverage of SL news on issue salience, (2) the use of Spanish as a US minority language in the dissemination of information and its effects on Latino identity, and (3) the presence of Latino reporters and its implications on media trust. By leveraging original data collection, including conceptual content analyses and population-based survey experiments, and by engaging in multiple theories from political science and other fields to analyze the mechanisms that differentiate SL news media from mainstream media, this project highlights the importance of ethnic media in US politics and provides a better understanding on the reasons for which SL news media has significant political implications among Latinos in the United States.

Degree Name

Political Science

Level of Degree


Department Name

Political Science

First Committee Member (Chair)

Gabriel R. Sanchez

Second Committee Member

Jessica T. Feezell

Third Committee Member

Michael R. Rocca

Fourth Committee Member

Matt A. Barreto

Project Sponsors

UNM Center for Social Policy; UNM Center for Regional Studies




Political behavior, Spanish-language news media, Latino politics, Race and ethnicity, Media effects

Document Type

