English Language and Literature ETDs


Layeh A. Bock

Publication Date



Four years ago I found myself ready to begin writing poetry. Like Denise Levertov, who once described herself in retrospect as “twenty-four-going-on-sixteen,” I was a late budder, (The few bits of scribbling I have left from earlier years are ample proof that my late start was the best course for me.) Charles Tomlinson was teaching an "advanced creative writing course" in poetry at the University of New Mexico at that time, and I studied with him. The following year, I was able to study under Robert Creeley in a course with the same title and number. I feel very lucky on two points: first, that I had the advantage of working with both of these competent poets; and second, that their tutelage came in that order. The reverse order would have been at the least valueless, and most probably disastrous to me as a poet.

Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name


First Committee Member (Chair)

Franklin Miller Dickey

Second Committee Member

George Warren Arms

Third Committee Member

Paul Benjamin Davis

Document Type

