Political Science ETDs

Publication Date



This paper is concerned with the Lebanese Crisis of 1958 as a case study dealing with the interaction of the United States’ action and the United Nations actions, and with the effect of United Nations membership upon United States foreign policy making. This paper does not pretend to give a detailed descriptive account of the crisis in its entirety. Instead, I have placed emphasis upon those factors in the Middle East that had an effect upon American policy-making, and upon action taken respectively by the United States and the United Nations during the crisis. However, before we become involved in discussing some of the questions raised by the crisis, let us find out what American interests were at stake in the Middle East. The first interests were oil and military bases. Another was the over-riding need to prevent this strategic part of the world from becoming dominated by the Soviet Union. Why? Because the Arab East contains almost indispensable sea, air, and land route for western trade with the word east of Suez. In re-emphasis, Russian control of Arab oil would place in constant jeopardy the West’s supply of Middle East oil, important to the United States and vital to Britain and Western Europe. However, there is one other interest of paramount importance. That interest is the United States’ desire for peace and stability in the Arab world, so that American bases can remain there.

Degree Name

Political Science

Level of Degree


Department Name

Political Science

First Committee Member (Chair)

Edwin Chase Hoyt

Second Committee Member

Charles Burnet Judah

Third Committee Member

Tommie Phillip Wolf

Document Type

