Theatre & Dance ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-30-2020


In this essay, I will review my playwriting methodology and growth as an artist during my time as a Dramatic Writing Candidate at the University of New Mexico. I will begin by examining my personal narrative and the initial impulse to apply for and accept a position in the Dramatic Writing Program. I will continue by dissecting my own writing methodology and its numerous influences: a sense of place, character, and time. Further, I will give an explanation of and demonstrate my own methods developed during my second year work on “Thelonius | My Brother’s Keeper.” In addition to academic research and response, this paper will include excerpts from my work throughout the program and my thesis play, “summertime | an interlude” in its entirety. Ultimately, through the examination of these works, I will attempt to answer the question that has guided and motivated me through each:

How does one utilize dramatic writing tools to work therapeutically through their own personal narrative?

Degree Name

Dramatic Writing

Level of Degree


Department Name

Theatre & Dance

First Committee Member (Chair)

Donna Jewell

Second Committee Member

Erik Ehn

Third Committee Member

Migdalia Cruz

Fourth Committee Member

Daniel Mueller

Fifth Committee Member

Matthew McDuffie



Document Type

