Latin American Studies ETDs

Publication Date

Winter 12-19-2019


This dissertation recognizes Human Rights Education (HRE) discourse as a multifaceted and multimodal construction situated socially and historically. Using a Multimodal Critical Discourse Study (MCDS), the research explores the HRE discourse proposed by the Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador (DPE), the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) in charge of designing, approving and implementing contents, methodologies and resources of HRE initiatives nationwide. I focus on the educational, communicational, and ontological discourse of the DPE, materialized in three books published in 2015-2016. The results addressed the stenghts of the communicational and educative content and design of the books, showing the levels of agency and some inconsistencies in the DPE’s decision-making, also drawing attention to the moments when an explicit educational/communicational reflective practice is lacking. This study comprises an interdisciplinary perspective, linking Education and Communication, from a cultural perspective from and towards Latin America, while advancing the debate about HRE discourses in Ecuador.




Human rights -- Study and teaching; Human rights -- Ontology; Human rights education -- Ecuador; Modality (Linguistics); Education -- Research; Communication -- Research

Document Type


Degree Name

Latin American Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Latin American Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

Susana Martínez Guillem

Second Committee Member

Susan Tiano

Third Committee Member

Marco Briziarelli

Fourth Committee Member

Nancy López
