Public Administration ETDs
Publication Date
The major purpose of this study was to determine whether differences existed between male and female family planning program administrators’ evaluation of the value and the implementation of specific topics covered in management training, as well as their reasons for implementing or not implementing training.
The management training topics in this study included subjects in training which deal with human and interpersonal relations, technical family planning information, and a broad range of managerial science principles and techniques.
The topics were: Planning, Program Evaluation, Personnel Policies and Procedures, Governmental Policies, Management Techniques, Interpersonal Communication > Policy Boards and Advisory Committees, and Specific Family Planning Concerns.
The study population included administrators of family planning programs federally funded and located in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare’s Region VI which includes the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas.
The data for this study was gathered from a total of 86 questionnaires, which was 59% of the possible study population. There were 26 males and 60 females in this study.
The data was computer programmed using the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences. The Chi Square, the x 2
Test for Two Independent Samples, was used to measure significant differences between the gender's evaluations. The test was applied to four categories to each of the nine topics.
The categories were the value of each topic, the amount implemented, the reason for implementing, and the reason for not implementing.
The study found a significant difference between the male and female administrators' value and implementation of the topic Interpersonal Communication and the reasons for implementing the topic of Planning.
The females rated Interpersonal Communication as more valuable, and the amount rated on implementation was greater than the rating of the male group. The reason for implementing the topic of Planning was efficiency for the male group and improvement of services for the female group.
Overall, this study did not find significant differences between male and female family planning program administrators' evaluation of management training nor a difference in their utilization of the management skills and techniques learned in training.
The topic of Specific Family Concerns was rated as the most valuable topic covered in management training by the total study population. Males rated Governmental Policies as most valuable and females rated Specific Family Planning Concerns.
The majority of family planning program administrators are women, but men tend to be the administrators of the larger programs. The female family planning program administrators have, for the most part a background in nursing and public health, whereas the men come to family planning administration from a variety of fields.
The researcher recommends future research be conducted on the differences and/or the similarities of male and female administrator’s concepts of their role as an administrator. Data on role concepts should be examined for a relationship between role orientation and training needs. With affirmative action programs and more women entering top administrative ranks, the need for appropriate training for both men and women becomes critical to meet the changing organizational environment.
Degree Name
Public Administration
Level of Degree
Department Name
School of Public Administration
First Committee Member (Chair)
Leonard Arnold Stitelman
Second Committee Member
Donald Winston Smithburg
Third Committee Member
Paul C. Feingold
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Cassell, Carol Mendez. "Male And Female Family Planning Program Administrators' Evaluations Of Management Training: A Comparative Study." (1976). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/padm_etds/36