Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-6-2021


This dissertation presents analysis of experiments and simulations executed to develop the auto-magnetizing liner concept (AutoMag) for use as an alternative premagnetization mechanism for MagLIF. Tests of each stage of AutoMag (magnetization, dielectric breakdown, and implosion) were executed on the Mykonos accelerator and the Z accelerator. Experiments demonstrate strong peak axial magnetic field production (20 – 150 T), dielectric breakdown initiation that depends on global induced electric field across the target, and a level of cylindrical implosion uniformity high enough to be useful for prospective fusion-fuel-filled (auto-magnetized MagLIF) experiments.

This dissertation also presents detailed simulations of the Solid Liner Dynamic Screw Pinch concept formulated to mitigate instability growth in liner implosions on Z. 3D MHD simulations were executed to design a feasible target for Z experiments. Simulations indicate that instability mitigation is proportional to the cumulative dynamic rotation of the magnetic vector field at the liner surface throughout implosion.


fusion; magnetized liner inertial fusion; MagLIF; liner implosions; magnetohydrodynamics; MHD modeling; instabilities;

Document Type




Degree Name

Electrical Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Mark Gilmore

Second Committee Member

Thomas Awe

Third Committee Member

Ryan McBride

Fourth Committee Member

Edl Schamiloglu
