Biology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 4-13-2022
Through photosynthesis microalgae can convert sunlight, water, and CO2 into chemical energy that can be used to generate carbon neutral biofuels and biomass. With an ever-increasing demand and need for petroleum substitutes it is imperative that we improve the output of industrial-relevant crops such as microalgae. One important way of improving output in algae is by understanding the roles that stress and energy conversion is regulated in these organisms. Photosynthetic organisms fundamentally depend on light- and sugar-driven metabolic and signaling networks, which integrate environmental cues to govern and sustain growth and survival. SnRKs (SNF1-related protein kinases) and the photoreceptor neochrome are regulators of energy and stress metabolism, and coordinate energy balance and nutrient metabolism in plants. This work set to elucidate the role that these two sensors play in generating algal biomass. Further, we identified SnRKs in thirty-four algal species and analyzed their SNRK domain motifs and phylogenetic relationships. To determine the importance of the sensors in algal evolution.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
David Hanson
Second Committee Member
Donald Natvig
Third Committee Member
Sangeeta Negi
Fourth Committee Member
Matthew Posewitz
Recommended Citation
Britton, Taylor L.. "Improving photosynthetic efficiency in microalgae through the genetic engineering of energy sensors and photoreceptors." (2022). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/354
Included in
Biodiversity Commons, Bioinformatics Commons, Biology Commons, Biotechnology Commons, Molecular Biology Commons, Molecular Genetics Commons